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Remove the fishing mini game

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13 hours ago, Shaaba.5672 said:

I feel that perhaps some middle ground can be found. Right now fishing is not really enjoyable - but not horrible for me.

The keyword is it's not enjoyable to -you-. Plenty of people enjoy fishing. And I'm enjoying raking in the money from the people too lazy to fish.

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7 minutes ago, Okhu.7948 said:

The keyword is it's not enjoyable to -you-. Plenty of people enjoy fishing. And I'm enjoying raking in the money from the people too lazy to fish.

Is there actually money in it? It doesn't seem extremely profitable to me, but then again, I'm not selling what I gather.

And I know people like different things - there are a lot of people saying they don't like it as well as people speaking up for it. This game has a wider variety of players than a lot of other games - it's casual and relaxing if you want it to be, challenging and active if you want it to be. And I realize that when I get full masteries and get better bait/lures it will be different too, but my reflexes aren't what they used to be and I don't want the fishing to be so twitchy. That's me and I'm giving my feedback.

Also, I don't know if you intended to come off as really snarky in that post, but it did. Get off my lawn, kid.

Edited by Shaaba.5672
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I like it, don't remove, not sure why people were expecting to just press F or something and get fish all day.  That would be a nightmare recipe for bots and afkers. 

Its engaging, and can be a little tricky but so far managed to keep getting fish.

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1 minute ago, John.8507 said:

I like it, don't remove, not sure why people were expecting to just press F or something and get fish all day.  That would be a nightmare recipe for bots and afkers. 

Its engaging, and can be a little tricky but so far managed to keep getting fish.


Because that is exactly what people were expecting. They wanted it the least interesting way. I am glad Anet did it this way as well.

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On 2/28/2022 at 8:15 PM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

The only reason people like fishing (both in games and irl) is because you barely have to pay attention to what you are doing. The mini game is the exact opposite of that and makes the whole game mechanic really annoying.

Totally with you on this, about 5 min of it and I was DONE. I understand they want to address botting, but seriously I'd rather it be more like Minecraft's fishing -- simpler, but fun and relaxing. I will only fish in GW2 when absolutely necessary for whatever goal/reward etc I want to reach, other than that I will leave the fish alone.

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If you dont want to play then dont play.


The minigame isnt hard at all and compared to doing raid,strike mission or fractal, this is much more relaxing. Using the skiff and casually roam around to fish is nice. What you are asking at this point is press F to fish and fish start appearing in your bag.

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  • 2 months later...

For the first week, i loved the fishing as it was implemented because itrs different from what im used to.. I still like it, but dont love it AS LONG as i stay fishing at Cantha and use level 80 character who gas good geart and put the work of getting food and all that plus the masteries help a lot too...


But when i play new character with less level, normal gear and dont want to cook or go to TP to buy food plus i just use some basic tackle wsince i want to keep playing the character where he/she is and have fishing ONLY as a relaxing side hobby out of constant combat, the fishing started to annoy me, then frustrate me and now its just something i try once in a while but watching that fluctuatring bar is just not fun and relaxing. It is tedious and feels like still being in com,bat since you cant relax. YTou need to watch the bar anbd keepo pushjing buttons like you do in combat.


I for one would not want to fishing to be bar watching. Id like it to be like something you did in EvE while mining with friends. A activity where you have to do very litle micro managing and can keep chatting with your friends and enjoy the scenery.


The constant kitten Krait or some other thing trying to eat your boat is irritatoing too and that couldd be handled with depth charges, but they hit like a noodlöe boiling water when it got cold and was slowly poured out of tyhe kettle. But still its not a big problem sin-ce one can usually jump out of boat and just persduade the enemy to  stop fighting...


What the bar does, is that it negates the mening of 5 people fishing on the same boat or more boats with more people fishing as a group. It basically is like fishing with NPC characters since nobody has time to type in chat since everybody is watching that kitten bar fluctuating and jumpin to kill some krait and losing stacks of fishing buff.



Remove the bar, and make the fish battle more relaxing and reqalistic as well, byu making it to be about watching yuour bobvber and making that go right or left and you needing to press the opposite direction. Also make it very easy so its mlow workload. Make it about relaxatrion, not about performing.


Or since that makes problems when more fishers are on the same spot, keep the bar, but make it much slower so its basically just a bot prevention methind, not a methiod to perform.

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21 minutes ago, Klowdy.3126 said:

What exactly do you want fishing to be like, OP? Not sure if you've ever watched deep sea fishing, or seen anyone catch a tuna, but it's not just casting and reeling. Fishing is fine.

I have watched it and also read about such activities and is is work that very small amount of people in the whole world can do. Most påeople when fishing is casting and reeling and when you get a fish, you need to use reelbrfake and move the rod in  order to tire the fish if its a very bigh fish. Most of fishes catrched by this method however, are just reel in and try for more. Even more basic fishing which is the most relaxing hobby in the world is fishing where you just have a basic rod with line attached to it. No reeling or anything. Just put a worm on the hook and throw it in and wait, then get it up. If the fish took a good bite you just get the fish, otherwise it gets away. This is about watching tythe bobber to know when fish is eating. There is no fighting involved. Some bigger fish you get this way are just heavy to lift and may get away, but if you proceed to "tire" the fish by fluctuating the rod, the fish will surely get away most of the time.. 


This last fishing style is what most represents the way most MMO's and also GW2 has. You have a rod, bobber and the lure on the hook.


None of the fishing methods however, involve watching a fluctiationg bar. Its what TV gamnes were on the beginning weith games like ping ponmg.

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On 3/2/2022 at 10:14 AM, Linken.6345 said:

Good news go try fish in core tyria starter maps mate.

Fishing holes need 400 power and you will be nerfed down to like under tripple digit power.

So you level your fishing, you take food, you get your boat buff and you fish.  I fish in core tyria starter maps.  I do just fine.

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On 2/28/2022 at 11:15 PM, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

The only reason people like fishing (both in games and irl) is because you barely have to pay attention to what you are doing. The mini game is the exact opposite of that and makes the whole game mechanic really annoying.

i agree i don't like fishing in this game because of this which is sad as i was a vocal supporter of fishing before it became a thing. BUT anet went in the direction of making it more interesting. It ruined my hopes of getting loot while watching movies in another window. but now i just don't fish or play this game that much so i guess it didn't really work to keep my attention anyways.

but i also think fishing needs to be more then some long grindy achievement. it should eb tied in to other professions. special loot that drops from it like decorations, or some kind of token system like dungeon tokens but fish enough and you can buy other things with your fishing tokens.

because what is the point after you get your cod title? is there more cheevos that unlock? there should be a whole nother / more tiers after that.


Edited by Kelly.7019
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7 hours ago, Radagast.9403 said:

I have watched it and also read about such activities and is is work that very small amount of people in the whole world can do. Most påeople when fishing is casting and reeling and when you get a fish, you need to use reelbrfake and move the rod in  order to tire the fish if its a very bigh fish. Most of fishes catrched by this method however, are just reel in and try for more. Even more basic fishing which is the most relaxing hobby in the world is fishing where you just have a basic rod with line attached to it. No reeling or anything. Just put a worm on the hook and throw it in and wait, then get it up. If the fish took a good bite you just get the fish, otherwise it gets away. This is about watching tythe bobber to know when fish is eating. There is no fighting involved. Some bigger fish you get this way are just heavy to lift and may get away, but if you proceed to "tire" the fish by fluctuating the rod, the fish will surely get away most of the time.. 


This last fishing style is what most represents the way most MMO's and also GW2 has. You have a rod, bobber and the lure on the hook.


None of the fishing methods however, involve watching a fluctiationg bar. Its what TV gamnes were on the beginning weith games like ping ponmg.

I would even think the rarity of your pole would help you get harder to catch fish. you get a better pole the longer you fish. but instead they went with fishing power which is a little wonky and your difficulty at snagging a fish doesn't equal a hard to catch fish it might be green or purple doesn't matter, it's just for that moment.

Not to mention the minigame ui has it's own problems with coding and being tied to the cv buttons and keybinding issues. fishing/skiffs are broken still 3 months later.

I mean if fish rarity was tied to how quickly that bar moves back and forth that would have made more sense. but luckily it's not! otherwise i would never be able to catch a purple fish with how badly the ui buttons are broken. It's a complete mind shift when you have to put into muscle memory that the right button means left and the left button mean right. if you tap the wrong one your are going to fail at catching the super fast moving pong dash. it would be a simple fix if there were fishing /skiff keybinds but there arent any. you just arent allowed to use certain things but it doesn't tell you what those are. I think its the spaghetti coding problems, but i haven't ever heard anything back on this.

The problem i have with keybinding in this game is that why are you allowed to keybind if some of your old keybinds won't work with new features they add? Why don't the new features override your old binds? Or if it is a "mini game" why doesn't the mini game while you are using it over ride your old key binds until you are done using it?

Edited by Kelly.7019
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