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Already seeing reapers/firebrands/renegades/Pof specs and nothing else OW


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3 hours ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

For the entire game not to be a joke due to overpowered PoF specs.

See, that's not honest here because PoF specs are not ALL THE SUDDEN being OP'ed ... it's been like this for a LONG time. 

Yet only now you make a post complaining about it, even after seeing some PoF sustain traits gutted on EoD release day? Coincidence? No, not likey, based on the OTHER thread you made for nerf calls as well. I don't believe you. The calls for nerfing PoF specs are about something else you aren't telling us ... or you are just a few steps behind what is already happened. Either way. You aren't even correct in your observations about what people are playing. The truth is that you don't know what people are playing, so it's a poor reason to cry for a nerf on those things. 


Edited by Obtena.7952
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So new specs are not played because old are OP?

Very narrow, and fully incorrect asumption. 

Plus, SPECIALLY in PvE... who are YOU to tell ME which spec I should play?

I main Necro... Scourge... you know the one that is, together with (bleh) harbinger STRONGER than your proposed OP Reaper?


I do not enjoy Harbinger

Therefor I will not play Harbinger!

You want to nerve reaper (amongst others) so people like me start playing Harbinger.

I am very sorry to inform you, but you have absolutely zero control, and zero right to tell me what class and Elite I should play in whatever game mode. I know, I know, very dissapointing... 

Scourge for life!

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I'm one of those players who keeps ending up on empty EoD maps, so I have no idea what classes people are taking through the new content. As for me, I've been alternating between a mechanist and vindicator; I've found both to work just fine in EoD. But again, that's solo due to the whole empty map situation.


Typically I hang out in HoT maps, and oddly enough I'm seeing a lot of players on those maps; in addition, it seems like a majority of those players are running the new specs.

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2 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:

I see reapers, virtuosos and nothing in between.

Virtuoso is probably undertuned (all glass, not an appropriate amount of cannon really) and for most content still the best for open world stuff when it comes to Mesmer, simply because the Blade system is a lot less clunky there than the Clones. Outside the Dragons End meta I played my Mesmer as Virtuoso exclusively since EoD launched.



This whole discussion is terribly self centered anyway. Especially in the open world (because of the boon system sometimes to the detriment of everyone) people will and should play how they want, even if it's kitten like Bunker Engineer with flamethrower only like certain prominent players. The 5 man boon change made this a lot worse and large group content in general harder but that's not much of an issue, the one event that's a problem right now would probably be a problem with old 10 man boons as well and a tactic with personal WP there just got nerfed.

The short of it, if someone doesn't like the PoF specs they simply shouldn't play it. They're opinion on my open world gameplay (which has no meta) is meaningless. When we're discussing Raids and Fractals things might be different though and the two community villains did got significant nerfs with Aegis and Epidemic getting murdered.

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42 minutes ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

That's the point. It's been 3+ years. We also have active development on the game(finally) so it's time to bring up concerns.

We have always had active development on the game so another case of creative imagination here. It's just not honest to invent facts about what people play, just to justify nerfs to specific classes. The fact is that people ARE playing more than just the three classes you are talking about ... so that can't be a reason to nerf them. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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3 minutes ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:

I guess OP is playing a different game than me. I have seen a lot of player playing the new spec. 

Yes, he's playing the "I'm going to invent reasons to ask for nerfs" game ... except Anet is already a step ahead of him. In fact, if he was paying attention, Anet told us they were making changes to these three classes he claims he's only seeing people play months ago.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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1 hour ago, Desh.7028 said:

Virtuoso is probably undertuned (all glass, not an appropriate amount of cannon really) and for most content still the best for open world stuff when it comes to Mesmer, simply because the Blade system is a lot less clunky there than the Clones. Outside the Dragons End meta I played my Mesmer as Virtuoso exclusively since EoD launched.


I dunno, I think people generally play virtuoso because of the aesthetics. Functionality is secondary. xD

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2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Yes, he's playing the "I'm going to invent reasons to ask for nerfs" game ... except Anet is already a step ahead of him. In fact, if he was paying attention, Anet told us they were making changes to these three classes he claims he's only seeing people play months ago.

How is someone as condescending as you not banned? You've been doing this for ten THOUSAND posts.

Edited by Shiyo.3578
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1 hour ago, Shiyo.3578 said:

How is someone as condescending as you not banned? 

It doesn't make sense to claim that only 3 classes are being played. I can guarantee to you new specs ARE being played, even if old ones are OP ... just like non--OP specs were being played BEFORE EoD was released as well. 

Asking for nerfs on classes is a big deal. Your 'reason' doesn't seem to indicate you appreciate how big a deal that is.  It's actually pretty offensive to desire to ruin people's gameplay because of some vendetta you have against playstyles you don't agree with. Anet needs to nerf OP'ed specs because you think other specs need to be played more? It's not really any of your concern what people want to play or why they play it actually. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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22 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

tested it,

seems fine replace core burn guard(dire/rabid traits) with will bender.. i dropped zeal, then im using radiance, virtues, willbender.


Hmm, will try it again. It just didn't click for me.

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i am running the vindicator spec on a new char (grind your way to 80 than enter HOT thew the guild hall to get your hero points) so starting with personal story to learn it and i find it fun (feel like i am using boss skills)  sadly greatsword has some hitbox issues but it still is a blast with Sword/sword

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On 3/3/2022 at 9:20 AM, Killer.4360 said:

Or just BUFF eod specs instead of nerfing older ones!

I think that's a argument for both sides some see. Set on everything being EoD level. 

The correct place is likely somewhere between what PoF speccs were and where EoD are now. 

Although I'm going to say if the OP is seriously trying to say everyone's sticking with PoF speccs it's disengious 110%. I see far more EoD speccs used then PoFs realistically. 

Outside of the meta where alot of groups are building actual comps where Ur playing to win more then just for fun. 

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It's the first week. Some of the new specs might turn out to be the most broken things ever once people have figured out the optimal build, gear, and playstyle, but people haven't had the chance to do so yet. As a result, people are going to fall back on whatever their old reliable is any time they don't feel they can afford to be playing at a handicap.

I've been playing the new elites through most of it in order to try them out, but if the Echovald or Dragon's End metas come up, or I get the feeling that I'm going somewhere that is more hostile than normal, I'm going to switch to something which I know works and which I know how to play. Especially for the metas, since on the principle of "do what you'd want the people around you to do", I don't want to contribute to a fail because I was running an experimental build (and right now, all EoD elite spec builds are experimental) that didn't pay off.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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I see a couple of  EoD specs being played; usually the Mechanist, a few untamed, and then everything else I just see one or two of, running around, but yeah it just feels like the other specs are far superior then these “unfinished” ones. So I think when Anet listens to some of the post release feedback then they’ll probably make some changes hopefully come summer time. I personally don’t find Virtuoso useful to me and have been using Mirage for the entire EoD expansion and have been enjoying it, so 🙂

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On 3/2/2022 at 5:23 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

Nerf these overpowered specs properly if you want EoD specs to be played.

Ummm NO. It's not like Anet makes any money by people playing the new specs, if people bought the xpac, then they have their money.  Who are you to tell people they have to play a new spec and why should you care what specs people are using anyways as long as whatever people are using gets the job done.


I played through the story on my Soulbeast because it's comfortable and know how to play it, and I'm still using it. I have no interest in playing the Untamed spec right now, tried it in the betas and didn't like it. Plus I was doing the story, not hunting hero points.


I don't know what you are seeing, I see people using the new specs. When I was doing the Dragons End meta, seemed most people were using the new ones.

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