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What are your overall positive + negative thoughts regarding EOD?

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The further I get into the story the more negative my thoughts are becoming. The tipping point for me was Act III, 'Empty'. That was when I uttered my first 'colorful metaphor' in regard to EOD. Act IV so far has been, sigh, I knew what you were going to do from the very beginning and I was so hoping you wouldn't, but of course you did. Bah.

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On 3/3/2022 at 9:20 AM, Asum.4960 said:

Starting out with Combo Field, Dodge and, most importantly, Breakbar tutorials set the tone in a big way - it's fundamental game understanding a staggering amount of players are struggling with. 

I really thought the way they did this was brilliant, and I really appreciate that they made you use what you learned in just about every single mission and story step... and refrained from adding other quirky mechanics that you use exactly three times in a chapter and then never use anywhere else in the game again, as in the living worlds.  The closest they got was forcing you to use the jade bot, and as a mastery, that's fine.  (And I'm grateful I only had to do it twice; just enough to learn how to use it.)  There's a really good argument to be made that new players who used a boost should start with this expansion and play straight through it; it's unfortunate that the story would then be out of order.

Edited by Lyssia.4637
accidentally deleted a word
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Good things about Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons:

  1. Art - Sensational artwork, the maps are all gorgeous, loading screens. There isn't one I dislike or think needs work, they are beautifully designed and keep true to Guild wars 1 Factions. 
  2. The story -  I wont say much to keep it spoiler free, but I enjoyed it thoroughly.
  3. Attention to detail - Theres small lore hints, and references of characters from GW1 era, an example Nika being seen in New Kaeing. 
  4. Fishing - I find it probably the most relaxing thing to do at the moment, I enjoy it. I'd love to find more skins etc.
  5. Skiffs - Amazing feature, so much fun but I'd like to see again more skins. 
  6. Jade Bot Mastery - Where has this been all my life!
  7.  Loving the elite specilisations! 

Bad things about Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons:

  1. The Masteries, whilst some are good, I think feel lack luster. I feel thats because of how much Masteries made significant impact during Path of Fire. I'd like to see more come out of it, dont be afraid to dabble! 
  2. Dragons End Meta - I love the difficulty, I do not think shutting the turtle behind this meta is a good idea. I've done this 14 times and still failed. Some people who have the turtle are actually trolling. I've also wasted over to 28 hours to this and I've taken time off work to enjoy the expansion. It's not forced on me I know.. but I'm a completionist, and I like to finish my masteries.



Skins - Maybe added and unlocked by completing acheivements, hard ones as long as there is an option to unlock without needing to swipe. Even if its 1 or 2, just like working for those kind of things!

Story - I have feedback and suggestions for next living world season but I dont wish to post in case it spoils for others so I will hold off for now!

Dragon's End meta - Needs some tweaking. Or even removing the Turtle mount which is locked behind it. Impossible with some people. 

Overall, you guys have knocked it out of the park with the expansion. Apart from the meta theres no real dissapointments for me. I was worried, Cantha was a huge part of my life as a teen, and now being 32 I can come back to a place with close friends and enjoy the area again. The story was fantastic, and I cant wait to see whats in store for us next! Thank you for a fantastic expansion. 

Edited by Zeike.7469
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To me, this expansion is just like the Void.

Everything was thrown into it, but ultimately felt like nothingness.

Other than a colored children's book with flashy drawings and happy endings all around due to half kittened plot twists (not unexpected since Aurene's revival), on mostly overly ginormous maps looking like glued together, copy pasted mirrored places of each other.

On another note, I don't have issues with what some people tend to call "woke" (what a silly word to begin with), quite the opposite. But if you smear it that obviously into the player's face, even I can only laugh about it.

Good ideas. Loads of work. Just not fun to play. Sorry! Returning to my cave again.

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As I hate to rush through things, I haven't done much yet with the story .  But I really enjoy the little I've seen so far (and fishing is quite fun lol).

But I really, really like the new strikes, especially the last one Harvest Temple!  Totally blows away the IBS ones in terms of difficulty.  And the music at the end - epic!  Kudos Anet!!

Edited by Day Trooper.3605
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To put it simply: It's low effort.


The expansion was delayed, and all they got to show for it, is a rushed CLIMATIC ENDING TO A TRIOLOGY. This isn't just "an ending", it's an Ending to a trilogy, and all we get is approximately 2 - 3 days worth of story game time(depending on how fast you complete the story)? Like the story was very basic, and lacked any great structure. Sure I got to be super powerful and beat the crap out of stuff, but the story itself didn't even feel somewhat thought provoking, both MECHANIC-wise, AND Storytelling wise. 


Additionally, they decided they wanted to shove their politics down my throat with "subtle" stuff, and not let me enjoy the story because they're opinions JUST had to be out there. Don't even get me started on the super unprofessional employees that presented the Beta Spec Events. 


If it weren't for the fact I only paid 30$ I'd actually be really mad. Back in the day if you paid 30$ during the 90s or hell even early 2000s, you got a fully fleshed out game, with MINOR bugs, these days you don't get that. And okay so I only paid 30$, but like there was a delay. I thought the point of the delay was because they needed more time to flesh it out, and this whole time I'm thinking "wow this is gonna be a big one."


No. No it wasn't. It was 16 Chapters long, but super fast and quick to whip through. The story was mostly "look its kas and jory!...Oh and Taimi is here too." For an ending of a trilogy we should've gotten too see more, it should've been a lot longer, and not necessarily challenging but again more thought-provoking. For the kind of story we got, I was hoping to do some kind of recon/incognito stuff, instead I got the lazy way out of everything, including the option at several boss fights to empower myself with Aurene.


This is just the story I could go on, but probably more than 75% only read the first sentence I read. So let's move on to the Elite Specs.


Elite Specs...Well...Honestly my expectations were higher, and they shouldn't have been after PoF. It's not that PoF was terrible, it's that it decided to follow the worst trend for PvP EVER, ZERG VERSUS ZERG. And I hated that, although I do find Necromancer addicting because of how overpowered it is. 


The main problem with Elite Specs is that they're supposed to be Subclasses, Devoter to a specific Art, rather than that, we got what the Core Class can do but in an espec. They're power-ups instead of a massive radical change. Take Catalyst for example, Catalyst does everything a Core Ele can do, but only slightly differently. Why would I pick that, when I can just do the other Especs or Core Ele?


I don't understand the thought process in Catalyst. If you look at it, they're trying to fit as many roles as they can, and make it as diverse as possible. The problem with that is, this isn't some casting call for a tv show, this is a Class, and according to the rules of class fantasy, that either is too strong or too weak. Jack of All Trades DOES NOT work in RPGs. Ever.


Elite Specs should be one or few roles, not all roles the core class could play. Specter is the example of an Elite Spec done right, Thieves couldn't be a support role before at all, not the same way Elementalist or Guardian could. 


You got roamers, support, dps, tanks, etc. All kinds of types of Roles, whether its Power-Condi DPS, Condi DPS, or Power DPS. Willbender is the prime example of why I don't care for Especs anymore, it's traits are borderline basic, and don't do anything that changes the behavior of the class or does something unique.


Overall I'm dissatisfied but I like Turtles and Battle mounts so...


TLDR: Gl with that I don't like shortening my thoughts, if anyone wants to do it for me, feel free to do so.

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- Art Design: I think that one is  a no brainer. Holy heck is this beautiful, all the maps are widely different and engaging in their own way.

- Soundtrack: No surprise here. The last strike and last meta music are my favorite highlights

- Story: Surprisingly engaging, although I'm not done it, i haven't felt bored yet

- Strikes: Finally some strikes that approach raid quality, while still remaining doable for most people. The last one specifically is -great-

- Cantha: I mean it's Cantha ❤️


- I haven't been super motivated to test the new elites. I still feel that trying to keep the same 9 classes as base was an odd choice as it forces you to add too many new "sub classes" at once and they end up a bit rushed. The primary/secondary class from GW1 made more sense to me.

- The "killer features" that are fishing and skriff are... alright I guess? But doesn't bring as much hype as PoF mounts and I don't feel incentive to work on their mastery tracks. "Housing" would have made more sense to me.

- With so much work put on Tengu, not having playable Tengu is a missed opportunity imho.

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I've made it to Echovald so far, and I'm growing progressively more disappointed.

Maps are beautiful from visual standpoint, but there's pretty much nothing to do on them. I distinctly remember devs promising maps being more "like HoT", but the event structure so far was more akin to that of PoF. Except PoF at least had decentralized semi-big events happening in different corners of the map, and here - I don't see even that yet. The supposedly "big" Echovald meta that I cought was just killing of a big boss golem.

Story never gets above the "mediocre" bar, and often dips into "kittening horrible" territory. One moment you are examining a bunch of people who died an actually terryfying death, and the next second NPC is cracking a joke. So far the best I can say about the one sequence I liked the most is "this feels like it's ripped off from Subnautica".

Extra mention goes to a revenant character they reintroduce, who is carrying an echo of Scarlet Briar. This. Was. kittening. Amazing. I never got to play S1, and getting to see Scarlet in action (for an extremely brief amount of time) was so cool. The line of "I don't know how to operate reactor, but she does" was kittening awesome. Obviously, said character gets killed after barely 10 minutes of total screentime, somewhere in the middle of the story, leaving us with regular cardboard cutouts instead. Can we kill, like, literally everybody else we meet in Cantha, and keep the cool stuff rolling instead? Nope.

New masteries are worthless. Even jade bot. There's really not much more to say.

Can't say much about classes, as balanced isn't settled yet. But harbinger is still a confused mess of a spec, that barely has any merit when contrasted with gravely nerfed other necro specs.

Haven't tried new strikes yet. Have hopes for them.

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On 3/3/2022 at 11:46 AM, Danikat.8537 said:

My favourite thing so far is finding these little hidden puzzles that award a chest with some random items. No event, no marker to say 'there's a thing hidden here' just something that looks slightly out of place and if you poke around a bit you can find and solve a puzzle. It reminds me of the koroks in Breath of the Wild which I also really enjoy.

Oh I forgot about that, you right they are very cool little quest. Their is one in Echovald where I didn't find the solution (you can pick up a chest and the little wind his near a poster).

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34 minutes ago, Aznarb.6347 said:

Oh I forgot about that, you right they are very cool little quest. Their is one in Echovald where I didn't find the solution (you can pick up a chest and the little wind his near a poster).

I love exploring and have found a few of those. They are great fun to stumble onto. 😎

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12 hours ago, Ray Koopa.2354 said:

On another note, I don't have issues with what some people tend to call "woke" (what a silly word to begin with), quite the opposite. But if you smear it that obviously into the player's face, even I can only laugh about it.

Good ideas. Loads of work. Just not fun to play. Sorry! Returning to my cave again.


I agree, i had the same feeling. I honestly felt that the ending "weeks later" felt a bit forced.. i mean im happy for the characters.. but like.. it felt less of a cool story there at the end of a couple coming together and more of a out of character moment of devs pushing ones beliefs. It was certainly a head scratcher. 


Back on topic for me: the game seemed pretty nice. Good music, excellent visuals.. i liked mechanist and harbinger... i did feel however the story felt a bit short for all the pomp and circumstance it had. Overall felt pretty standard faare for their level of expansions. I DID like the nicely done cinematics.. that was nice.

Edited by MechanicalMind.9126
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Positive: I enjoyed the story for the most part. Rama was a great addition, hope he sticks around for living world. The maps look nice. I really liked that the dialogue acknowledged that I'm an Asura. The news holograms are a fun addition.


Negative: It seems to me that the main people behind EoD either did not play or did not like Guild Wars Factions. As a long time fan whose been waiting for a Canthan revisit since launch, this is pretty disappointing. It hasn't killed my interest in Guild Wars, but this is the least invested in the franchise I've been since I discovered the game in 2006. 

Edited by Laughing Bat.1570
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The music is great. The maps are mostly gorgeous but even more of a labyrinth than Tangled Depht.

Catalyst still sucks and enemies in a lot of map events seem to be not really balanced.

Story is fine so far. But feels sometimes convuluted and illogical in places. 

The 'everything is glowing green' is kind of off putting. Humans have there peak in the green range so all that glowy stuff really burns itself in ones retina.

So far I havent played more than an hour in one piece - which is kind of sad? HoT and PoF kept me on the screen for AGES. 


So all in all could have been a lot better. Could have been worse. 

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Story-predictable but OK

Map- Pretty but not as good as HoT

Fishing - Interactive but can be annoying

Skiff - Good but need more mini-games about it

Elite spec - good and bad, harbringer damage can deal 10k+ dmg when enter their shroud while bladesworn only deal 6-7k dmg after charging for like 5s. Willbender got kitten tons of mobility but near non-existent survivability. Whoever design the elite spec, need to see it as part of the existing elite spec, not just dumping some newer prettier effect but overlapping with other elite spec in term of utility.


DragonEnd Meta

Answer me honestly ArenaNet, do you hate your game that much ? locking a feature (turtle mount) behind raid-level difficulty meta is either you want to boot most of your player base or you simply not understand your own player. this will also address my next points.



Most elitist, ppl-with-less-challenge-in-their-life-so-they-look-for-it-in-game simply said get good. This level of toxicity is a neon-sign of get out from here for some ppl who simply want to play the game for fun, chilln, playing with friends. Make the dragon end meta a raid dungeon so those tryhards can jerk their e-kitten off as hard as they want and let us average player enjoy full of eod features as far as those who will ruin our in game experience.

Edited by VerserK.6481
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Love love love this expansion! The story made me laugh, cry and everything in between. The maps are simply beautiful, I love the modern touch of Kaineng, the beautiful nature in Seitung Province. Fishing is also a great way to spend your time and make new friends, and I just managed to do all of the new strikes with a random group. So nice that they don't have a timer to be focused on and instead you can just pay attention to the fight itself. Also great that they reward LI. Overall, I am so happy with this expansion!

I am also glad the last meta got adjusted a bit, although I think it's still really difficult. Aside from that, I am going to spend a lot of time in Cantha!

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I'd rate it as POF level without the benefit of amazing masteries. Beautiful, but feels destined to be abandoned. The masteries are meh. Story is good, I quite liked the dialog and new characters. I do appreciate the new approach to legendaries.

I'm looking forward to the living story already, as that is where the x-pacs seem to be make or break in the long run.

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I love this expansion. I felt neutral about fishing, but I’ve had so much fun driving my skiff around exploring places and fish and chill. I also like the story a lot. A bit buggy here and there but that’s to be expected. 

echowald forest will probably be the zone I just go to when I have to. Nothing wrong with it really but it’s a bit too dark and confusing to me. Tangled depths 2.0 xD it might however get better when I know the map better. Time will tell.

the dragon end meta is interesting and seems like an amazing meta event. But it does feels a bit too difficult to fully enjoy right now. I still managed to finish it after many tries for the turtle egg but I can see the frustration in the map. It should be balanced better. 

Rest of the expansion I really enjoy so far. 

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22 hours ago, Ray Koopa.2354 said:

To me, this expansion is just like the Void.

Everything was thrown into it, but ultimately felt like nothingness.

Other than a colored children's book with flashy drawings and happy endings all around due to half kittened plot twists (not unexpected since Aurene's revival), on mostly overly ginormous maps looking like glued together, copy pasted mirrored places of each other.

On another note, I don't have issues with what some people tend to call "woke" (what a silly word to begin with), quite the opposite. But if you smear it that obviously into the player's face, even I can only laugh about it.

Good ideas. Loads of work. Just not fun to play. Sorry! Returning to my cave again.

Mate, legend. 100% agree, esp the woke comment. I don't who sleeps with who but i dont need it in my face allt he time. NO ONE CARES!

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