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Upcoming Changes to "The Battle For The Jade Sea"

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Because EoD is not "entry level content", core is. Even if there's explanation/reminder of the needed mechanics in the initial expansion zone, it still doesn't make it entry level.


Which doesn't make much sense, treat people as if they are new at the start of EoD then end with a meta that requires them to have put all their Hero Points into the right meta specs and also to play the game a lot better then most people can and also be fully in full Asc gear and use food and utilities? 

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People are being overly dramatic about the turtle. Just be patient. Days to a few weeks from now people will get kills on the regular and you'll be able to get yours. There are plenty of other things to do in the game and to be honest, the turtle has limited uses outside WvW and Dragon's End. It's not all that fun to drive and not all that fun to shoot in other PvE content.

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9 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:


Which doesn't make much sense, treat people as if they are new at the start of EoD then end with a meta that requires them to have put all their Hero Points into the right meta specs and also to play the game a lot better then most people can and also be fully in full Asc gear and use food and utilities? 

Core is easier than the expansion content, it was being discussed in the past threads about HoT and PoF, where the main problems mentioned in those threads pointed at people failing at utilizing positioning/dodges/cc. Reminding people mechanics they'll find useful after coming from easier content where they didn't exactly need them isn't somehow "treating them like new players". Better to have a mechanic refresher and not need it than the other way around, I don't see how that's an issue in any way.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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7 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:


Which doesn't make much sense, treat people as if they are new at the start of EoD then end with a meta that requires them to have put all their Hero Points into the right meta specs and also to play the game a lot better then most people can and also be fully in full Asc gear and use food and utilities? 

There are people who have been playing this game for a long time and have been too lazy to learn game mechanics. For example, combo fields became irrelevant since the power creep of HoT making it pointless to blast fire fields for might and whatnot which means that a lot of people will never have used them. Anet has sent these people back to school so they became less of a liability in group content.

Edited by Kasima.8143
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On 3/4/2022 at 8:12 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:


We're monitoring completion rates very closely and are currently happy to see that successful clears are becoming more common as strategies evolve and players learn and master the encounter.


You'll certainly see more comletions as the small minority of players geared and capable of doing this will get this on farm .. the REAL METRIC youi should watch carefull yis the PERCENTAGE of players who mange to complete it.  That will be a far better measurement of howm many players your machoi game-design has locked out of this 'ultimate finale'.


Stuff like this belong in RAIDS, that's what that content type is for,  not content which you rightly say is the climax to the 10-year story of this game which you've designed to be out of reach to what wil be the majortiy of players for a very long time. 😞

Edited by Kerin.9125
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11 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Only if it gets nerfed. If not, weeks from now noone will even try to do it anymore.



I got 2 kills out of maybe 10 attempts in squads that I found in LFG. There are groups that know what they're doing and groups that don't. As time passes there will be more and more groups that know what they're doing. Be patient, help teach people, but also don't waste your time in squads with commanders who clearly don't know what they're doing. If you join a squad that isn't organized in comped subgroups, just bail.

Anet : Don't nerf it. The fight is fine. People just gotta learn.

Everyone who thinks this should be nerfed : Chak and Mordremoth had the same growing pains. They ended up being faster to get consistent kills only because back then groups such as TTS ran them with mandatory voice comms. JUST BE PATIENT.

Edited by Kasima.8143
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So you got lucky with rng with those groups if you had bad ones and had 0 passes pretty sure you would been here also saying about the same stuff. Wisp par 2min to get too , 30s to kill side bosses,boss spaming cc bars when it is tail mechanic, moving 1mil times. Def mechanic not rng. I guess even fools can get lucky twice with that amount of tries 😂

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Honestly i dont mind the difficulty or even failing. But i definitely dont want to spend an hour and a half prepping an event only to fail at the end.


I can definitely see people not bothering with this meta once they've finally cleared it once.

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13 minutes ago, Kasima.8143 said:

I got 2 kills out of maybe 10 attempts in squads that I found in LFG. There are groups that know what they're doing and groups that don't.

No there are groups that were lucky with the attack pattern of Soo-Woon and others that weren't.

Can't do much to win if she only gives 1 CC in the entire fight and chain tail-tail-tail.


Yes, skills and experience are needed, but it's not the breaking point of the fight.

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18 minutes ago, Kasima.8143 said:

Everyone who thinks this should be nerfed : Chak and Mordremoth had the same growing pains. They ended up being faster to get consistent kills only because back then groups such as TTS ran them with mandatory voice comms. JUST BE PATIENT.

They ended up being faster to get consistent kills because they were nerfed after launch.  Chak was nerfed twice.

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On 3/4/2022 at 12:12 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

The Jade Sea meta was designed to be the ultimate open world finale, an epic conclusion to the 10-year Elder Dragon story arc. To accomplish this, we challenged our own conventions for creating open world content to provide an encounter unlike anything ever seen before in Guild Wars 2. As such, the encounter was designed from the start to be challenging, but progressively more doable as players learn mechanics and how to handle phase transitions.

We're monitoring completion rates very closely and are currently happy to see that successful clears are becoming more common as strategies evolve and players learn and master the encounter. Right now, we are not making any adjustments to the overall health of the boss. Instead, we are looking at ways to incentivize players to engage with and complete the encounters’ core mechanics. Here are a few examples of changes you can expect to see with the next game update:

  • Fixed an issue wherein the “green circle” phase could be completed under incorrect circumstances. After the update, players must coordinate to ensure all green circles are taken, and each player makes it back to the platform. Once every player has returned, the phase will complete.
  • To accompany this change, the time to complete this phase has been reduced from 120 seconds to 75 seconds. This buys players 90 more seconds to fight the boss in a worst-case scenario where all the intended amount of “green circle” players do not make it back to the top of the boss arena.
  • The duration of the outgoing damage buff provided to “green circle” players who successfully make it back to the top of the boss arena has been increased. This should allow it to remain active against the final boss even when players reach the top of the platform very quickly.
  • The duration of the "Exposed" debuff from break bars in this encounter has been increased from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. This further incentivizes engaging with the break bar and should increase group damage output when completing the mechanic correctly. This change applies to both the Final Boss and all mini-bosses in the final encounter.
  • The final boss should now more responsively transition from "stunned" or "vulnerable" states when pushed to any health threshold, greatly reducing the amount of time players spend waiting for a phase transition to begin.

We recognize that your feedback touches on both the difficulty of the encounter itself and acquisition of the Siege Turtle collection. For now, we’re targeting changes to improve successful completion rates of the encounter. If these changes don’t have the effect we’re looking for, we'll look at further changes to the encounter or potentially offer alternative acquisition paths for the Siege Turtle collection. We’ll be monitoring the impact of these changes over the weekend.

this is absurd, the Turtle egg / mount should not be dependent on 49 other players that you don't know who may or may not have your best interests in mind. The solution is very simple, unlock the mount at completion of the Story line. That's all, it should not be any more complicated than that. If players continue to not do the Meta event at Dragons End, that should be a separate issue.

Edited by Tungsten Monarch.6058
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Played the updated version 5 times, resulting in 5 fails.

I will see your further changes after the weekend, if there are no changes... keep your Turtle, keep your Achievements... I will start requesting money back. 

ArenaNet folks, please go on a Non Anet marked account and monitor the maps... It is BY FAR the most toxic map ingame. It exceeds all other maps together... people are getting frustrated, people are dissapointed, people are becoming increasingly more toxic... starting to look for skapegoats... often randomly... that person did not dodge? AFKer!! 

It litterly is getting out of hands.

I am not joking, if you fail to see and correct this, I want my money back. I did not pay to get hate mail, hate in map chat and hate in whispers... but I am getting it on a daily base in this map. Often due to unfounded accusations... I been accused of purposely faulting the meta, I have been accused for afking, I am guilty of neither. 


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The map system of guild wars 2 is antithesis to organizing, and this meta event requires organizing. If my guild could organize 30 people for this, we would put this on a farm. But it's impossible to get 30 of us in one map, ever. So you are stuck with randoms. Let's see how raiders feel when they can no longer ask for LI and are forced to raid with randoms.

Edited by Nezekan.2671
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1 hour ago, Kasima.8143 said:

Everyone who thinks this should be nerfed : Chak and Mordremoth had the same growing pains. They ended up being faster to get consistent kills only because back then groups such as TTS ran them with mandatory voice comms. JUST BE PATIENT.

No... no they didn't... 

Chak and Dragon Stand were genuinely difficult if people didn't know what the mechanics or prompts are to properly advance it. Like you REALLY had to learn those metas. Even Auric Basin was hard first time it came out when people didn't know that you had to kill all the Octovines at the same time. NONE of the HoTs metas were difficult because of a stupid RNG on the AI, they were genuinely difficult because people were learning and getting punished for not doing things right, not because the AI decides to go ballistic and just waste people's time with the stupid amount of target switching and moving around. 

You could literally control the meta in Dragon Stand and Chak Gerrent, you can't control the AI on this meta because it's a stupid RNG based attack pattern. You can have an entire run with Soo-Won covered with Hardened Shell. Literally Aurene hasn't even finished her sentence and she will instantly tell you to suddenly target her tail, and then she swaps positions 5 times to make it even worse. 

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Tried again, fantastic group plenty of cc bar opportunities, still failed at 20%.  There are SO MANY phases and crap to track like theres the water circle with the spears, the crystals/green circles, there are TWO instances of going off to fight champions, and you are CONSTANTLY, I MEAN CONSTANTLY having to leave to kill her tail which does ZERO damage to her overall health bar despite that fact that it's her own body so... it should count as killing her.  Even 1% damage off the full health bar for every tail kill would make a massive difference.  On top of all this, she's way too random.  Several times we broke the defiance bar but immediately after she transitioned into some other random attack where you can't target or damage her at all while she's sliding across the platform or whatever, which in turn completely wasted our efforts on the breakbar as we got no benefit from it.  There's just so, so much to keep track of and do in just 20 minutes...  either make it 25, have the tail count for total damage, make her attacks more reliable, ANYTHING! ANY of those could be the tiny little jump we need to make this event actually fricking doable

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I get wanting to have an epic conclusion to a decade-long story, but for me, that was the final story mission! All the dragons, all their musical themes, most of our NPC allies, really BEING the champion of Aurene. It was epic and beautifully done. I cried like a baby and it was 10/10 would weep again.

This event just aint it. It's got potential, but after like 8 failures, I'm annoyed and developing a serious neck cramp. A 2 hour time investment just to fail because the tail spawns too much or she moves immediately after you break her CC bar....BLAH. 

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37 minutes ago, Ken Yuudachi.9807 said:


The funny point is some of the randoms don't even want to play hardcore contents. They only want the turtles. The result is

" Raiders are forced to raid with forced randoms."


The world everyone gets hurt is created. Epic! Praise ArenaNet! Who the hell came out with the perfect idea.


This is a good point.

I am not a raider, It's not really my idea of fun, even some high level fractals I do not bother doing due to the fact most groups want certain builds, I play the build I find the most fun, its no meta build. I know many friends who also do the same and even use healing / toughness gear just to get them through the game. Raiders do not want to play with casuals and most casuals do not want to raid.

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It's the first time I'm enjoying the prep before the boss more than the boss itself... I guess it's not about the destination, but about the journey and the friends we made along the way?


Ohh, who am I kidding, to kitten with this Buddhist thing! ANet, for the love of all that is saint, can you reduce the RNG on this one (to 0 if possible) or should i go souless?

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19 hours ago, Adah.8371 said:

And the worst of it is that we don't even receive any reward when we fail, compared to Maguma's meta events for example.


You spend 30 minutes waiting and negotiating, trying to prove to Commanders that you know the strats and they shouldn't kick you out ; then you fail on the boss at 10%, and nothing... 😅

Of course we mostly do that for the turtle but it's even more annoying to spend so much time for absolutely no reward. 🥹

It's a psychological experiment. How shiny can they make the carrot while making it impossible to reach for 99% of people without killing their game.

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On 3/4/2022 at 10:03 PM, Ken Yuudachi.9807 said:

The meta is a joke. I always have dps over 25k in any meta fights, but what I get? Most of people do dps less than 10k. I can't have my turtle unlock because of those random players!


People now need to find a squad 2 hours earlier before the meta to make sure having enough "serious" players know their rotations in the raids. And once you unfortunately fail, you will get nothing but wasting 1.5 hours.


The real problem is not how much players know the mechanic. It's the most of people don't even want to practice their rotations. There will always be leisure players around and once if you are unlucky and have too many leisure players in the map, you are going to fail.


As I have seen so far, the deathes has decreased a lot, but it doesn't help the thing. People know the mechanic and where to go. Just not enough dps, totally not enough. It's not about experience, but if you're lucky enough to play with top players.


The changes may fix the problem, but I don't like how you treat us with pointless reasons. So far we have seen more and more teams start to crowd out passersby. This is why some people success. Please give us promise, not just looking at the numbers. 


Again, it's a joke to bind a significant reward with random people instead of players themselves. Please don't let it happen again. This is what we are asking for, not only nerf the meta.


Just wait. There’s also a strike required to get the turtle. Not just the meta. 🙂

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10 hours ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

This isn't just your game, this is a game for all players of different commitment and skill level. Maybe learn to understand that before you cry "toxic casuals" 

The game im playing is not equal to my game. Nice way of twisting words and trying to use against me.

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2 hours ago, Kasima.8143 said:

I got 2 kills out of maybe 10 attempts in squads that I found in LFG. There are groups that know what they're doing and groups that don't. As time passes there will be more and more groups that know what they're doing. Be patient, help teach people, but also don't waste your time in squads with commanders who clearly don't know what they're doing. If you join a squad that isn't organized in comped subgroups, just bail.

Anet : Don't nerf it. The fight is fine. People just gotta learn.

Everyone who thinks this should be nerfed : Chak and Mordremoth had the same growing pains. They ended up being faster to get consistent kills only because back then groups such as TTS ran them with mandatory voice comms. JUST BE PATIENT.

Chak got NERFed incredibly quickly........ Pretty sure Mordy did as well..... Ok thanks

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