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Acquiring Gift of Battle Is Hell

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1 minute ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

If PvE players want another way to get a GoB, then GoE also have to recieve the same treatment.

Can we please just stop with that bs whataboutism? 

This isn't some petty "we want our way but if you suffer that'd be neat!"

Literally no one who argues for alternative GoB methods has a problem with an alternative to GoE.

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1 minute ago, Erise.5614 said:

Can we please just stop with that bs whataboutism? 

That is not a whataboutism, it’s literally relevant to the topic.


1 minute ago, Erise.5614 said:

This isn't some petty "we want our way but if you suffer that'd be neat!"

Literally no one who argues for alternative GoB methods has a problem with an alternative to GoE.

Then people should advocate for both, and not just 1 side of the coin, simple as that, honestly.

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1 minute ago, GoldenPants.1870 said:

Then people should advocate for both, and not just 1 side of the coin, simple as that, honestly.

People will advocate for what they are interested in. Demanding of them to always in every comment to advocate for everything remotely similar that's not ideal right now is absurd and would make the discussion less readable. Though it does happen, even in this thread!

The only reason we have more threads about GoB is because the part of the community who enjoys WvW is small and the fraction who doesn't like PvE content is tiny. I'm happy ANet wants to address that by improving WvW and hopefully also shifting this dynamic. But if you want more visibility explicitly to GoE you are more than welcome to create that! 

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3 minutes ago, Erise.5614 said:

But if you want more visibility explicitly to GoE you are more than welcome to create that! 

Personally I don’t even care either way, I do both GoB and GoE without much problem, okay, well, one problem, the stupid ash stealth heart in Blazeridge, I think it is.. I hate that heart, and it should be reworked.



But yeah I have like 20 GoB that I have absolutley no use for, so trading them in for like, GoEs would be pretty kitten nice.

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Legendary accomplishments aside, why don't we just say what needs to be said?  WvW is a trash game mode and is objectively why people fight against having to do it for things like this.  A pipe dream that has aged/evolved poorly and exists only on the fumes of people sporting rose-tinted glasses.  Doesn't matter what you need to do for GoB.  The writing on the wall suggests a lot of people really do not like WvW. 

Just shove WvW into a corner of the game and let the masochists do their flagellation in isolation.  Get it away from me.

Edited by Borked.6824
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Always the same, OP as many others seem to do first anything else for their legendary and then spend an hour in WvW, notivce that they are still far away from their gift of battle and start complaining how horrible this is.

Yes, the way you do it, it is horrible 😉

But you completely forgot in your complains how long is took to do all the other stuff, like e.g. map Completion and mats/gold farming, an legendary consist of, simply because you did them before you decided to do your legendary.

And that should be the way to get the Gift of Battle as well.

If you do dailies, just replace 1-2 of them by WvW dailies.

The simple WVW dailies (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Daily_(achievements)) like:

Even saves you time, they are done faster than the 3rd and 4th (from day to day, even the 2nd) PvE Daily.

And if you just do them (with the right reward track selected), you have your Gift of Battle way before anything else you need for your legendary and you even saved time finishing your daily.

And if you do it outside prime-time (19:00-0:00) you may not even see a single enemy doing so 🙂



Edited by Dayra.7405
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21 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I like that idea. You could also do it this way.

1 GoE for 1 GoB (gen1)

1 Gift of Maguuma or Gift or Desert for 1 GoB (gen2)

1 Gift of whatever there is in EoD for 1 GoB (gen3)

To unlock this purchases you need to get GoB at least once through WvW.


The same you could exchange GoB for exploration gifts if you do the corresponding exploration at least once. Allthough I think 2 GoB for 1 GoE is a steal. Maybe just my perception because I have a ton of them.

Remember you get 2 GoE for a single map exploration for Core Tyria so 1 GoE is not that much.

Also note that not all PvErs love map completion either so it gives an indirect incentive to do wvw.


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The OP is completely correct and I love WvW, it is my absolute favorite game mode in GW2.  I'm glad I got my Warbringer. 

But I know I do not speak for everyone else and everyone has different things they enjoy.  ANet has had the brains to provide alternative methods to get numerous other elements in the game (for example, getting HPs through either PvE Hero points or WvW).  This is a brilliant concept is should be applied to as much of the game as possible.   

It doesn't matter how long it takes to get the Gift of Battle.  If you're doing something you hate, then spending a single minute on it is too long when you're playing a game that you paid to enjoy yourself.

Everyone has different ideas over what they find entertaining, and there should be options to allow players to do what they enjoy.  That broadens the appeal of the game, increases the number of players and benefits the entire community. 

Edited by DoctorOverlord.8620
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1 hour ago, DoctorOverlord.8620 said:

The OP is completely correct and I love WvW, it is my absolute favorite game mode in GW2.  I'm glad I got my Warbringer. 

But I know I do not speak for everyone else and everyone has different things they enjoy.  ANet has had the brains to provide alternative methods to get numerous other elements in the game (for example, getting HPs through either PvE Hero points or WvW).  This is a brilliant concept is should be applied to as much of the game as possible.   

It doesn't matter how long it takes to get the Gift of Battle.  If you're doing something you hate, then spending a single minute on it is too long when you're playing a game that you paid to enjoy yourself.

Everyone has different ideas over what they find entertaining, and there should be options to allow players to do what they enjoy.  That broadens the appeal of the game, increases the number of players and benefits the entire community. 

Yea, but we are talking about legendaries here, and especially since you can bypass a gen 1 completely by buying it off the TP, I don't think that holds water especially since with the Legendary Armory, Gen 2 and beyond are purely a vanity item on top of a vanity item. Nobody is compelled to get a legendary.

And it's also clear that it's intended that WvW is part of the endgame, and that much can't be denied as their behavior has been consistent over the years. In fact, it used to cost badges meaning you didn't need to do WvW, but they changed it. You've never had to do PvP, so intentions are very clear

"I don't like it" is just not good enough.

What does need to look at is the time spent on getting a Gift of Battle. It takes 8 hours, and I think that is pretty bad. Reward tracks in WvW are extremely low quality and outdated, and the fact people bring up boosters and other buffs is just driving home that the fact base rate sucks. Birthday boosters and celebration boosters only give 10%, and that is curiously bad. It's fine if you want to make players work for it, but it's not fine to not respect someone's time.

Now I don't really see why improving reward track times would be a bad thing. If we applied it to reward tracks, then WvW players would benefit as a whole, and that is far more beneficial than people who are only here for a short time. The only arguments I would think of are:

1. Gatekeepers that don't want pvers farming reward tracks. But this is stupid, because if you don't want pvers, then you would not want this Gift of Battle requirement. If they got out faster, wouldn't that help the problem? Plus why would anyone "farm" WvW when you can step into Drizzlewood or Silverwastes? This is pretty much only said by people who don't know anything about pve rewards.

2. "WvW players don't care about rewards!" Cool, then you won't care about them being buffed.

3. "People will just karma train/farm, instead of playing the game mode". Uhuh, this happens already.

4. People who want easy kills because they are bad.  Fair, but that's not really something to be actively supported.

5. Some variant of "I got mine, so screw you!"

6. "You just don't want to do it" I can get 6 GoBs just from potions from my bank, so don't even start.

Also please note that WvW was once a gold sink, but that has changed.


So I think it's much more reasonable to get reward tracks shortened, which benefits people. It does nothing to benefit people who absolutely refuse to play 5 minutes, but you have to make concessions somewhere (both sides)


Or as I argued before, that people should do the Gift of Battle 1-3 times and never have to do it again, because at the very least they've shown that they can, and that should be good enough. Same with map compleition; I mean soulbound stuff is kinda dumb anyways and the game as a whole is moving towards "one and done" (see legendary armory.


Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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I play WvW only casually and while I have some understanding for your (op) concerns, you can get the Gift of Battle by purely do PvE events like capturing camps, killing veteran frost wurms, wargs and harpies and killing / befriending mercenaries. You only run the real risk to get killed by PvP players while you do this. And I'm fully aware that this is disappointing and that fighting back is no viable option for some. If so, come back outside of the peak hours and/or try a different map. There are 4 WvW maps for a reason and on my server there are always things to go for a solo PvE player.


I remember being forced into WvW for world completion (Which requires mapping all WvW points of interest in the past, including those in enemy structures)

While this was super annoying and I'm glad they changed it, this was the reason I tried WvW and I kinda ended up liking it. So, not all is bad about nudging players a bit into areas they never tried.

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On 3/26/2022 at 2:14 AM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

While this was super annoying and I'm glad they changed it, this was the reason I tried WvW and I kinda ended up liking it. So, not all is bad about nudging players a bit into areas they never tried.

True but I'm pretty sure players have figured out whether they like WvW after 8 hours of grinding their first GoB. 

On 3/26/2022 at 1:37 AM, azorean.1850 said:

I have 7 gob in my bank just by doing dailies. After 10 years of playing gw2 im still at the bronze lvl in wvw. Its not hell, its not hard. Ppl need to stop kittenin complaining about everything that they cant get with one click of a button. 

Not a great example. Leveling has nothing to do with GoB acquisition. I'm not even halfway to bronze on the way to my 4th GoB. It's just that I dislike zergs or pvp in general and the only remaining option is excessively boring. It's not hard and you can make consistent progress. So it is several steps above DE in terms of design.

But I'd still like the option to do something else that's twice or three times longer doing something I at least kinda enjoy. At least after I've already proven that I played and understand WvW.

Edit: Like, it's fine as tool to get people to try out WvW. But it's less fine to have people go back doing something they dislike over and over. 

Edited by Erise.5614
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10 hours ago, Erise.5614 said:

True but I'm pretty sure players have figured out whether they like WvW after 8 hours of grinding their first GoB. 

Not a great example. Leveling has nothing to do with GoB acquisition. I'm not even halfway to bronze on the way to my 4th GoB. It's just that I dislike zergs or pvp in general and the only remaining option is excessively boring. It's not hard and you can make consistent progress. So it is several steps above DE in terms of design.

But I'd still like the option to do something else that's twice or three times longer doing something I at least kinda enjoy. At least after I've already proven that I played and understand WvW.

Edit: Like, it's fine as tool to get people to try out WvW. But it's less fine to have people go back doing something they dislike over and over. 

Yea you feel that now its ok to do something 2-3x longer but give it afew motnhs and wy do they get it so easy make my path easy too.

It is a slippery slope my friend.

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On 3/23/2022 at 11:17 PM, yann.1946 said:

Will i dont think a non wvw option should be available without having gotten the GoB through WvW a few times

Sorry, but you can get the GoB already without doing WvW. Just needs a minute work for around 2 months. Of course this 1 hour work is too much for so many people. They need the legendary item RIGHT NOW! Legendary items shouldn't be that hard to get.

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11 hours ago, BadHealer.3608 said:

Sorry, but you can get the GoB already without doing WvW. Just needs a minute work for around 2 months. Of course this 1 hour work is too much for so many people. They need the legendary item RIGHT NOW! Legendary items shouldn't be that hard to get.

Do you mean the ley-line converter?

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12 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yea you feel that now its ok to do something 2-3x longer but give it afew motnhs and wy do they get it so easy make my path easy too.

It is a slippery slope my friend.

It's a slippery slope only if ANet acts impulsively and rash.

Not all options need to have the same value. It's fine for them to attempt to steer you towards certain content. Just having options is pretty much always good.

Like being able to gain LWS map currencies in WvW. It's not as efficient but it's certainly an option!

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1 hour ago, yann.1946 said:

Do you mean the ley-line converter?

Yes, that and WvW Big Spender, should be enough to get the GoB in 2 months, without ever stepping in WvW. Ending in 1 hour total playtime. Of course this is absolute hell for some player here. Spending 1 hours on a legendary item, while they need to spend months on other things.


I personal prefer the faster route and would get it within 1 month with the maximum of 2 hours work if I dislike WvW, but that is just me taking the easier route. (Big Spender + Veteran Slayer).

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13 hours ago, BadHealer.3608 said:

Yes, that and WvW Big Spender, should be enough to get the GoB in 2 months, without ever stepping in WvW. Ending in 1 hour total playtime. Of course this is absolute hell for some player here. Spending 1 hours on a legendary item, while they need to spend months on other things.


I personal prefer the faster route and would get it within 1 month with the maximum of 2 hours work if I dislike WvW, but that is just me taking the easier route. (Big Spender + Veteran Slayer).

While that is true, i think it is somewhat unintuitive.

I also dont think dalies of that sort should be encouraged (I think the ley-line converter and the provisionor tokens are problematic for example.)

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On 3/24/2022 at 12:28 AM, Erise.5614 said:

It's several hours of endlessly boring afk gameplay .... why I spend my time like this.

Why ARE you spending your time like that?  Dailies can take anywhere from 5m to 30m depending upon if you want to just do the really easy and fast ones or the longer ones.  Save up the potions for GoB reward track.  It's just hyperbole to say it takes several hours of boring gameplay.  I wish players would stop characterizing obtaining GoB like this.  You do not have to do it all at once!  The pain is self-inflicted.


Easiest and fastest IMHO:
Daily WvW Big Spender
Daily WvW Caravan Disruptor
Daily WvW Land Claimer
Daily WvW Master of Monuments
Daily Mists Guard Killer
Daily WvW Veteran Creature Slayer
Daily WvW Objective Defender
Daily WvW Camp Capturer

You can skip World Ranker and Keep Capture!

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On 3/27/2022 at 1:32 AM, Erise.5614 said:

True but I'm pretty sure players have figured out whether they like WvW after 8 hours of grinding their first GoB.

Doing dailies to get 80 potions for an entire reward track (which won't be fully needed since the reward track also progresses while doing the dailies) reduces this time roughly by half.

Let's assume 20m per day spent doing the easiest dailies (because the vet creature spawns roughly every 15m and you might be waiting for it).  Assume 6 potions per day (although it will probably be 4-5 from skipping the harder/longer dailies and we're also assuming some reward track progression to obtain the potions) That's about 13 days which ends up being 4 hours.  Even if it takes another day or two because my math is an extremely rough estimate filled with lots of assumptions just for illustration purposes, it's still significantly less time than grinding through an entire reward track without potions and boosters (the wiki lists a comparable minimal reward track grind with all potions and boosters).

"The minimum time for completing a reward track (without boosters) is 8h 35m (103 ticks), where 195 points are earned per tick. The overall minimal time to complete a reward track is 3h 50m (46 ticks), where all available boosters increases the points per tick from 195 to 438. "


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There are many parts of the legendary crafting process I do not like yet do because I understand the value they bring to the game. The gift of battle is no different. It brings value to the game by pushing people toward the content types it provides.

I want the legendary, so I do the content. Simple as that.

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