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Please remove damaging conditions

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5 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

So which condi weaver skill do I dodge as spb, so I can go back to tickling the ele? Right, I kite the whole fire and earth attunements doing mostly no dmg and possibly leaving the contest circle. The "big hit" I do dodge is the 4 sec knockdown from air (which I know is coming from the air swap but I barely see the animation of)...

OK, OK, bad example I guess, condi weaver stacks burns from multiple sources. What about condi mirage? The autos of which of the 3 clones do I dodge? Wait maybe core necro. What do even dodge? Condi ranger, I guess the trap I didn't see get placed... if I'm lucky. Thief? Well obviously the burst from stealth, that is just thief 1:1.

But I can make a list like that for power specs too so not a big deal.

You dodge their CC and condi cleanse the condis. Condi builds are just staring at a debuff bar gameplay.

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The problem with condi has always been the same and it's the lack of clarity. You can have a burn that ticks you for 100 damage and you can have a burning that ticks you for thousands. One demands you to cleanse, the other not so much but even if you look at your debuff bar like some "experts" suggest ... It's not immediately clear what's doing what. Power builds have great clarity and obvious powerful attacks that can be dodged or blocked. Condis pierce through that kitten. Condis are a lazy gimmick in this game. Always have been even after countless reworks. Instant reapplication is another issue. Fat stacks shouldn't be able to be reapplied. Maybe cleanses should give some sort of ... Maybe not invulnerability but rather .. resistance? I swear Gw2 is the only MMO with elemental damage and no gear resistances. All the tools you have are just "be better at dodging CC" , or cleanse "the right kitten at the right time" or its GG s. Also while dodging completely stops power builds from damaging you, dodging with condis doesn't seem to stop the ticking either. So they go around even core mechanics. Which fancy way of saying that it's bad design

Edited by Ravenmoon.5318
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Can't we just get rid of stack damage? Then it just becomes what conditions can be applied against me and how can I counter those, instead of what conditions can be applied against me and in what quantity.  

Would have to rework a lot of the spam mechanics though.  For instance, like ranger shortbow (as example as I'm most familiar with ranger) would have to be redone not to apply bleed on each hit but maybe only on crippling shot or something. 

Essentially skills and such would still grant conditions if they hit, but dodging them also means dodging the condition as well so they equal out to what you expect when fighting power.  

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16 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

They arent fun, no one like fighting them, they are lazy builds to play. Lets make pvp great again and just delete them all.

I like fighting condi a lot more than high burst power builds.

In fact, I do not enjoy it at all when fights play out like an iaido duel between samurai.

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A brave proposition, but just not brave enough. Power damage is even worse, it's toxic, and on top of being super problematic, it absolutely kills people. We need to stop this.

I call on all of you, it's time for action. REMOVE POWER DAMAGE FROM THE GAME! Innocent player characters die in every PvP match for our entertainment, it's time to prove we are better than this!

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1 hour ago, Grimjack.8130 said:

oh no i ate an eviscerate and took 5k damage

oh no i ate a rev mace 3 and am taking 5k damage overtime which means i can actually not take all that 5k damage even though ate 1 skill just like i did before in the prior example oh no conditions take no skill and have less counterplay than power damage even though thats completely false oh noooooooooooooo its in the name "damage over time" oh nooo im gonna continue posting on the reddit and forums spreading blatant misinformation oh nooooo

* This but also taking half damage from holding [W] *

Mallyx needs some immob thrown in there.

There used to be some obnoxious condi builds, but for the most part now you can react to the burst associated with the condi loading, assuming you don't dodge it outright. I don't think there's any example egregious enough now to want to shelve -all- condi, especially when some of them like Virtuoso's confusion burst and Mallyx's torment setups take just as much skill managing as some of the power variants.

At worst condis should be looked at spec by spec atm. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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4 hours ago, Ravenmoon.5318 said:

All the tools you have are just "be better at dodging CC" , or cleanse "the right kitten at the right time" or its GG s. Also while dodging completely stops power builds from damaging you, dodging with condis doesn't seem to stop the ticking either. So they go around even core mechanics. Which fancy way of saying that it's bad design

i have a sneaking suspicion that,


In a world where dodging condi ticks were a thing, you would still come to forums complaining about not being able to dodge condis at 1 tick per second.

"1 tick per second is unrealistic to dodge, please increase ICD - page 1 of 15" yikes

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10 hours ago, Ravenmoon.5318 said:

The problem with condi has always been the same and it's the lack of clarity. You can have a burn that ticks you for 100 damage and you can have a burning that ticks you for thousands. One demands you to cleanse, the other not so much but even if you look at your debuff bar like some "experts" suggest ... It's not immediately clear what's doing what. Power builds have great clarity and obvious powerful attacks that can be dodged or blocked. Condis pierce through that kitten. Condis are a lazy gimmick in this game. Always have been even after countless reworks. Instant reapplication is another issue. Fat stacks shouldn't be able to be reapplied. Maybe cleanses should give some sort of ... Maybe not invulnerability but rather .. resistance? I swear Gw2 is the only MMO with elemental damage and no gear resistances. All the tools you have are just "be better at dodging CC" , or cleanse "the right kitten at the right time" or its GG s. Also while dodging completely stops power builds from damaging you, dodging with condis doesn't seem to stop the ticking either. So they go around even core mechanics. Which fancy way of saying that it's bad design

FINALLY!!!! i have not seen a post like this in almost 2 weeks:D

The classic "You can dodge Powerbuilds but you cant dodge a Conditick" Comment. XDDD   

Are you aware that you indeed can dodge the condiskills? You are right with one thing, you cant dodge the conditicks of the skills that you already got hit by. But you cant do that with powerhits eiter. Just imagine you get hit by a Powerskill. Then you dodge 1 second after it and you get your hp back that you just lost by the hit. If that would be the case... THEN you would have a valid argument.

But what you are saying is just straight up dumb and shows how much understanding of this game you have. What you demand is that every dodgeroll is a complete cleanse or that condis dont tick while you are dodging... both is complete nonsense.

Condis avoid core mechanics of the game.  HAHA:D ohhh boyyy!

Edited by Sahne.6950
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9 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

A brave proposition, but just not brave enough.

Power damage is even worse, it's toxic, and on top of being super problematic, it absolutely kills people. We need to stop this.

I call on all of you, it's time for action. REMOVE POWER DAMAGE FROM THE GAME! Innocent player characters die in every PvP match for our entertainment, it's time to prove we are better than this!

A power thief regardless of him using SA or not....surely takes more risk than a condi specter, or double pistol core and that's the crux of the whole debate.

Condition damage after the 2015 patch has been steadily removing any sort of diversity in team/small scale gameplay, literally these days everything saves ofc ele and war are some sort of pewpew condi, insta animation with no much tell, auto-attacks stacking 5-6 condis on the target.

The dev Jon Peters before leaving did acknowledge the problem with condition damage after the rework, sadly nothing has been done....imagine if we had power spec dealing burst with the autoattack and then tell people to dodge...having specs stacking 20+ torment with the auto-attack...then people tell you to dodge...or cleanse..

I can dodge a shatter...a backstab from stealth...rapid fire....trueshot...power herald...most times multiple opponents at time....people call it hard..

Then you face ranged specs stacking torment with the autoattack and people tell you to dodge...or don't move....or cleanse..like...jesus

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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7 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

A power thief regardless of him using SA or not....surely takes more risk than a condi specter, or double pistol core and that's the crux of the whole debate.

Condition damage after the 2015 patch has been steadily removing any sort of diversity in team/small scale gameplay, literally these days everything saves ofc ele and war are some sort of pewpew condi, insta animation with no much tell, auto-attacks stacking 5-6 condis on the target.

The dev Jon Peters before leaving did acknowledge the problem with condition damage after the rework, sadly nothing has been done....imagine if we had power spec dealing burst with the autoattack and then tell people to dodge...having specs stacking 20+ torment with the auto-attack...then people tell you to dodge...or cleanse..

I can dodge a shatter...a backstab from stealth...rapid fire....trueshot...power herald...most times multiple opponents at time....people call it hard..

Then you face ranged specs stacking torment with the autoattack and people tell you to dodge...or don't move....or cleanse..like...jesus

You are like: I can dodge this , i can dodge that, and this, and 5 people all at once.... But you die to someone that is just normalhitting and applying ONE single lousy condi to you?

Biased AF.  


Edited by Sahne.6950
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Condi cleanse in builds is hard to come by the two main ones being support scrapper(haven't seen many) and support elementalist(don't last long enough)

Condi burst is the magic way to kill thieves you take away that and heaven help us all

Edited by Infinity.2876
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Condi damage is healthy for the game. Cleansing is a key support ability along with boons. Problem is that power has to both cleanse to stay alive AND cleanse to deal damage. My warrior friends know what I'm talking about. You don't get the choice of damage race vs. cleanse - you have to run cleanse on everything but maybe herald.


For some bizarre reason anet thought they were solving this by adding resistance and sprinkling it around, when they could have just adjusted those nondamaging conditions themselves.

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