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Naru's ranked tier list


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I healed 2 teammates on a node from the brink of death up to full health, instantly as a healer druid.

It left an impression on them. But they had no idea it was me 🙂

Quite often I rez up to 3 downed teammates all at once. Flipping the tide of the fight in our favor.

It's fun seeing Druid in zitch tier on your list. I can understand why, though - most Druid players aren't playing "Druid" proper. It's some hybrid thing that spams traps and invisibility. But you must realize; this is not a Druid.

I don't think you've witnessed a real Druid at play, supporting their team. And dedicating themselves to that task throughout a match.

I beat out support guardians all the time when it comes to healing, I average 350k healing per game. Occasionally getting 500-600k in a game.

Sometimes it's not up to what tool you're using, but how you use it.

I'm not saying it should be S tier, A tier, or B tier even. But I think Zitch is pretty low. I prove myself to be as effective (or moreso) than most core Guardians on my team yet you have that class in S tier. Unless you are rating classes based on popular opinion? 🙂



Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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18 minutes ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

I healed 2 teammates on a node from the brink of death up to full health, instantly as a healer druid.

They had no idea it was me 🙂

It's fun seeing Druid is zitch tier.



All druid has going for it is massive heals. It has no real boon support or defensives and will almost certainly die once the enemy team realizes it. You can prob succeed in gold since enemies largely leave supports unchecked. I heard somewhere anet plans ti make druid another single target support so i hope june does something cool with it.

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9 hours ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

so what do you think of bladesworns ridiculous sustain? on one hand i'm glad wars got something good to play but its pretty dumbo.

it's dumbo and it's bad when against enemy team full of thief/rev/willbender..basically high damage with high mobility..that gang you..you have nothing..you can't out run them and you can't outheal them ganging you..and they will just pick you..which is basically a lot of team right now full of these classes in plat+..

but it's good against like a more normal comp with slower, more sustain builds..i feel like bladesworn bust more bunkers then spellbreaker can ever dream of...or just team with like no coordination..so not enough damage to kill you..i feel like bladesworn is easily deleted by ganging it in a coordinated team fight..

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After a small forced break (because of my pc) I started eod pvp yesterday. I feel like there a mixt of people being like me in unranked. They are trying to figure everything out, experimenting on their own while fighting people with a month of experience and some the new builds legitimately packing a punch. There are a few weird things that seem to lack animations or effects.

Are they that good in PvP? More specifically, is untamed that good to the point of surpassing soulbeast for solo play? I feel like sicem or condi slb are safer.

Edited by aymnad.9023
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3 hours ago, aymnad.9023 said:

After a small forced break (because of my pc) I started eod pvp yesterday. I feel like there a mixt of people being like me in unranked. They are trying to figure everything out, experimenting on their own while fighting people with a month of experience and some the new builds legitimately packing a punch. There are a few weird things that seem to lack animations or effects.

Are they that good in PvP? More specifically, is untamed that good to the point of surpassing soulbeast for solo play? I feel like sicem or condi slb are safer.

I want to like Untamed but the teleport Cantrip only works about 50% of the time, and quite easily ruins a well set up ambush. Also the #5 skill on the hammer behaves strangely. It completely misses a target even though it should have connected, usually because the target was slowly walking in the opposite direction.

If the stars align though and everything works, it packs a punch. I just find it unreliable and so Soulbeast is probably the safer choice.

Edited by Buzzbugs.1236
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12 hours ago, aymnad.9023 said:

After a small forced break (because of my pc) I started eod pvp yesterday. I feel like there a mixt of people being like me in unranked. They are trying to figure everything out, experimenting on their own while fighting people with a month of experience and some the new builds legitimately packing a punch. There are a few weird things that seem to lack animations or effects.

Are they that good in PvP? More specifically, is untamed that good to the point of surpassing soulbeast for solo play? I feel like sicem or condi slb are safer.

Depends on your skill and the skill of the people you're playing against. Soulbeast is the better choice for solo play until you and your enemies become competent.

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On 4/16/2022 at 8:36 PM, Buran.3796 said:

   I think He's trolling. Half of his "S+" tier choices are yolo builds that can't even engage in teamfights without dying in seconds.



This tier list was probably made with DuoQ in mind too.

If one plays the yolo classes solo then their experience will probably vary wildly without some DuoQ support dedicated solely to keeping them alive at all times.

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3 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:



This tier list was probably made with DuoQ in mind too.

If one plays the yolo classes solo then their experience will probably vary wildly without some DuoQ support dedicated solely to keeping them alive at all times.

I did reach almost plat2 playing only harbi in eu and only soloQ, I know ranking now doesn't matter, but it was so tough and every day happens I have super terrible losing streaks.

I don't know others who did it without soloQ. There are few god necro players in the top 10, but as far as I know they perma duoQ or play in not random hours where the matchmaking is awful.

Not saying I'm a god player because I did it soloQ xD just saying some specs in the list like harbi, prolly untamed and specter and virtuoso were made with duoQ in mind.

Good luck playing  harbi with 4 sidenoders pugs who don't wanna reroll xD.

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uhm... i sincerely have some questions here...

Dragonhunter is S tier? okey okey if that is S tier? Why is the CorevalkyrieRanger and Fireweaver in C tier? Sorry there is no way on earth that Weaver is this low. In my books Fireweaver is ATLEAST A or S tier. I rarely loose any fights on the sidenode. And lets be real... Corevalkyrie absolutely slaps:D no way on earth that is C tier.

For What elo is that? Silver?

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4 hours ago, myun.6395 said:

I did reach almost plat2 playing only harbi in eu and only soloQ, I know ranking now doesn't matter, but it was so tough and every day happens I have super terrible losing streaks.

Not saying I'm a god player because I did it soloQ xD just saying some specs in the list like harbi, prolly untamed and specter and virtuoso were made with duoQ in mind.

Honestly after 18 ranked seasons played i'm convinced that plat2 is the peak SoloQ rating; sometimes, albeit rarely dipping into plat3.

If you don't DuoQ, you don't move beyond that point. 


You're probably more of a god player than you realize, and probably even better than the player who made this tier list.

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