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That one NPC that we love too much.

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I should have mentioned Canach, but I was focusing on the "one npc" part of the question 😄

I fear that Canach isn't as good as he used to be.  I am a Critter, I love Matt Mercer's work, but Canach has gone from snarky to smarmy.  Even so, he's one of the best written characters and has some of the most depth of story and best character growth actually presented in game in a show-don't-tell way.

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37 minutes ago, Donari.5237 said:

I should have mentioned Canach, but I was focusing on the "one npc" part of the question 😄

I fear that Canach isn't as good as he used to be.  I am a Critter, I love Matt Mercer's work, but Canach has gone from snarky to smarmy.  Even so, he's one of the best written characters and has some of the most depth of story and best character growth actually presented in game in a show-don't-tell way.

It's a shame we still won't be able to see his beginnings with the re-release of "Season 1". I missed Season 1, so I've only seen his growth from Season 2 (is he in Season 2?) on. 

And Matt Mercer is his new VA? That's...wow...that's...surprising. I do like his work, but I don't like the change in Canach. John DiMaggio was just perfect with him. 

I'm also not sure I love where his character has gone in EoD. Not really loving the swanky leisure suit and 70's porno music. 

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On 4/27/2022 at 5:13 PM, Caitmonster.9036 said:

I like to think Caithe's penance for being dragged into Faolain's centaur massacre in the Silverwastes was the anguish of ultimately having to slay her sister and shoulder her (rather heavy) burden for many years. The Pale Tree knew what she did, and if I recall there was a lot of disappointment from her for a time. But imagine internalizing all that mess about Sylvari's true origins for that long? I'd call that a punishment. Wynne's death was the catalyst that finally broke her and Faolain apart, but she did eventually leave.

Keep in mind back then Sylvari were younger and newer to the world and a lot more gullible. I think past tense Caithe was very easily swayed by what passed for 'love' and it lead her to doing some pretty awful things for the sake of her romantic interest, until it just became too much. That has to count for something, no?

For me, and I completely understand that others might feel differently, being in love doesnt justify committing genocide. Loving the person who is asking you to commit atrocities is not justification for those atrocities. There are real world examples of individuals who engaged in this sort of behavior who could have argued that they loved the monster who asked it of them....and they still hung. a

I also do not believe that, "I had a bad childhood," or, "I was unhappy," or anything of the sort excuses mass murder. Feeling bad about it, or saying that you do, is also not punishment. If it was every serial killer, child kitten, or whatever who says he is sorry should be allowed to go free.

Ultimately, us knowing why someone decided to engage in genocide does not mena that they should not face the consequences for their actions, nor should we be expected to help them.

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On 4/28/2022 at 2:02 PM, DragonMoon.6098 said:

That one always gets me because there are only three in the bath! 😄

You're probably meant to be the 4th Norn since the area is often started by norns, but the writers didn't consider a tiny asura showing up to the party.

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Trahearne, Gorrik and Yao. i have a soft spot for dumpster fire nerds 😔 (and no, not gonna pick only one, i am physically incapable to do that, need that diverse serving of different kinds of dumpster fire nerds)

Edited by Mutisija.5017
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I really like Taimi and Scruffy.. Zojja was my top pick until Taimi appeared Gorrik has grown on me in EoD.

Magister Sieran she was always a fav

Others i like are

Agent Batanga from our early days

Agent Zrii from the early days and HoT.

Blish from Living Story.


Some what on topic is it bad that i prefer the new Canach, not a fave though.



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It's Geileis in wayfarer foothills around dolyak pass.

She is sylvari and takes a special place in my gamer heart. Her name in German translate to something like horny ice and when I meet her wandering around I always smile over this. 

My boyfriend and I often think about strange things our characters like and when he asks me about what ice flavor my character likes the most, it's Geileis.


After they killed off Trahearne my next favorite story npc may be Laranthir and Rama. Both are pretty cool.

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My first char back then ... joined the Order of Whispers. So Tybalt.

Then Taimi - I like her a lot from the newer chars. Anise worked well together with Canach (nice dialogues).

Phlunt was great with Taimi - some funny stuff.

Also I liked the leaders of the Priory and Order of Whispers more than Almorra. Doern - one of the preceptors - also is interesting. (The dialogue where your character questions him about the background  where he is from - and he evades.)

And of course those quaggans (the one at the outpost in Verdand Brink). And of course the one that always said "May your steps be relentless." 😉

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Oh there are a lot of characters i really feel connected to.

Rama, Canach, Gorrik, Crecia and Scout Acan - The Itzel who is playing his lute so passionately and the best location for a little relaxing afk-ing.


I love these guys and am always happy when our ways cross. 😄

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The one NPC I love too much?




I never felt such a strong attachment towards a fictional character in my life. I thought at 40+ years you're too old for something like that. Guess I was wrong.

Edited by aikatara.3462
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Can't say I am truly attached to any of the game's NPCs. There are characters I like better than others, some I despise, but it's mostly moments in the story that have touched me deeply rather than specific characters. The writing has been too inconsistent to feel truly attached to any of the story NPCs (or they didn't live long enough to give me a chance to become attached to them 😄).

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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2 hours ago, Kichwas.7152 said:

anyone who's completed Path of Fire knows why I fell legit listing him here also, even if they're not fans of him themselves.

To be honest, I don't really get why finishing PoF would make someone understand your reasons when Koss wasn't introduced in GW2 until after PoF (namely in Season 4).

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