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Tempest should never be meta in it's current design


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kitten. Visual diarrhea that can't be ignored because auras are so strong.

How to fix: Rework Powerful Aura so that is does something like: Heal allies within X radius when you grant yourself an aura. Elemental Bastion and other tempest utilites now grant auras only to the caster. Feel the Burn: Now deals more damage and burning to compensate. Aftershock is already strong enough. Flash-Freeze now heals a good bit. This will have a positive knock-on effect for all ele specs, especially Catalyst. This is one of the many necessary changes if there is ever an attempt at preventing sPvP from dying completely.

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12 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Youve had 8 years to complain. Why now?

He got hit by an ele that knew his buttons after years of not getting hit by an ele that knew his buttons


Ele visuals too muddy

I don't agree. The only auras you need to look out for are shocking, magnetic and frost, which have specific activation conditions on tempest. the only thing I think isn't readable on ele is gale on non charr opponents, personally, and the fields for tempest are pretty understandable once you know what they are/know what fields you can expect based on the ele's attunement. Same for Catalyst.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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Tempest overall is low effort e-spec though, I'd rather have it fully reworked into actual support since that spec doesn't really know what it wants to be. In one way it does AoE stuff with it's overload skills, in other way it spams Auras, it's simply undecided what it truly wants. It still doesn't make sense that "Tempest" that should be based mostly on some sort of storms, winds or tornados but it is some pepe level of bad weather at most that is somehow tied to Auras, where's logic here?
I don't really think that Tempest in it's current form is anything beside barely usable though, Auras are very weak in long run, sure they can reflect projectiles, sure they can stun you in melee, sure they can whatever, but how do they truly impact gameplay? 

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Shocking, magnetic, and frost aura are bad enough on a single target, with aura share its kitten. Aura sharing and overloads are just low effort spam.

39 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Tempest in it's current form is anything beside barely usable though, Auras are very weak in long run, sure they can reflect projectiles, sure they can stun you in melee, sure they can whatever, but how do they truly impact gameplay? 

I wouldnt be surprised if tempest overtakes core guard in this new meta. Auras have a huge impact on the game. Sharing magnetic and shocking aura immediately counter a bunch of builds so that they arent viable anymore. Any projectile build loses a ton of value in teamfights, and melee builds need to have good stab uptime and have to be far more mobile or the tempest can just kite forever. And if the tempest runs stone heart then every single power build has like 50% of their stats become meaningless. Support tempest is just bad design that promotes un-interactive gameplay.

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1 hour ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Shocking, magnetic, and frost aura are bad enough on a single target, with aura share its kitten. Aura sharing and overloads are just low effort spam.

I wouldnt be surprised if tempest overtakes core guard in this new meta. Auras have a huge impact on the game. Sharing magnetic and shocking aura immediately counter a bunch of builds so that they arent viable anymore. Any projectile build loses a ton of value in teamfights, and melee builds need to have good stab uptime and have to be far more mobile or the tempest can just kite forever. And if the tempest runs stone heart then every single power build has like 50% of their stats become meaningless. Support tempest is just bad design that promotes un-interactive gameplay.

I don't think that tempest will overtake core guardian though, unless A-net somehow will remove stab and aegis from Guardians and we both it won't happen.
Auras require you to hit them to actually benefit so I don't think they're that strong, I'd fix some bugs on them and make them work properly since I'm a bit tired to get burn/chilled from 1200 range away from what I hit for free.
Beside that I do think they're far too lazily designed overall, like the whole Tempest, but here we are...

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6 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

I don't think that tempest will overtake core guardian though, unless A-net somehow will remove stab and aegis from Guardians and we both it won't happen.
Auras require you to hit them to actually benefit so I don't think they're that strong, I'd fix some bugs on them and make them work properly since I'm a bit tired to get burn/chilled from 1200 range away from what I hit for free.
Beside that I do think they're far too lazily designed overall, like the whole Tempest, but here we are...

Tempest is better in this meta. It denies a lot more damage and offers more cc options. Support guard gets kind of farmed vs high burst comps. Not to.mention ive had matches where I use a res glyph and then my ally dies again in 3 seconds. Stab ressing could still have value, but its feeling more and more like a wasted slot.

Also tempests that arent running my build are simply running an inferior version

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Tempest isn't inherently an issue in this meta right now.


Core Guardian is overshadowed by Tempest in certain comps due to all the Magnetic Aura from "Aftershock!" and Magnetic Shield...


Not even joking- it can counter Harbinger entirely, handle the raw damage Willbender dishes out, and still decently handle condis due to the low CD of cleanse on Willbender. But that requires synergy/team work. Probably better in mATs/ATs but Core Guardian is kinda out of place in the current meta. It's still good though.




You can swap between Dolyak/Speed, change Rock Solid  to Earthen Blessing depending on the comp, etc.


You can also swap out "Aftershock!" if you need Lightning Flash. Low CD on Magnetic Shield 3 is what is kinda the main culprit of countering right now. (Plus Swirling Winds.)

Edited by Vinny.7260
Oopsie typo.
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8 hours ago, Vinny.7260 said:

Tempest isn't inherently an issue in this meta right now.


Core Guardian is overshadowed by Tempest in certain comps due to all the Magnetic Aura from "Aftershock!" and Magnetic Shield...


Not even joking- it can counter Harbinger entirely, handle the raw damage Willbender dishes out, and still decently handle condis due to the low CD of cleanse on Willbender. But that requires synergy/team work. Probably better in mATs/ATs but Core Guardian is kinda out of place in the current meta. It's still good though.




You can swap between Dolyak/Speed, change Rock Solid  to Earthen Blessing depending on the comp, etc.


You can also swap out "Aftershock!" if you need Lightning Flash. Low CD on Magnetic Shield 3 is what is kinda the main culprit of countering right now. (Plus Swirling Winds.)


Unless they recently fixed the bug, magnetic aura doesn't block/reflect harbinger attacks.

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Tempest has always countered full range specs, ever since it was created. Asking for that to be nerfed is asking for the specialization to loose its purpose


At that point... Why should daredevil have three dodges, or remove pets from the ranger class. What about a guardian class without virtues? Lol. 


It just doesn't make any sense nerfing auras from Ele

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4 minutes ago, Stallic.2397 said:

Tempest has always countered full range specs, ever since it was created. Asking for that to be nerfed is asking for the specialization to loose its purpose


At that point... Why should daredevil have three dodges, or remove pets from the ranger class. What about a guardian class without virtues? Lol. 


It just doesn't make any sense nerfing auras from Ele


This entire thread makes very little sense.  Tempest isn't meta for starters. 

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48 minutes ago, thepolishman.2348 said:


This entire thread makes very little sense.  Tempest isn't meta for starters. 

Tempest is a better pick into a harb and will duo. Its also a better pick vs untamed. Support guard may be better overall, but it get farmed pretty hard with the burst damage. I have run staff support very successfully last season

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On 5/2/2022 at 6:17 PM, Vinny.7260 said:

Tempest isn't inherently an issue in this meta right now.


Core Guardian is overshadowed by Tempest in certain comps due to all the Magnetic Aura from "Aftershock!" and Magnetic Shield...


Not even joking- it can counter Harbinger entirely, handle the raw damage Willbender dishes out, and still decently handle condis due to the low CD of cleanse on Willbender. But that requires synergy/team work. Probably better in mATs/ATs but Core Guardian is kinda out of place in the current meta. It's still good though.




You can swap between Dolyak/Speed, change Rock Solid  to Earthen Blessing depending on the comp, etc.


You can also swap out "Aftershock!" if you need Lightning Flash. Low CD on Magnetic Shield 3 is what is kinda the main culprit of countering right now. (Plus Swirling Winds.)

Just wondering.....what kind of harbs simply pewpew into your magnetic aura without switching to staff with unblockable marks...

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7 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Tempest is a better pick into a harb and will duo. Its also a better pick vs untamed. Support guard may be better overall, but it get farmed pretty hard with the burst damage. I have run staff support very successfully last season


I also run staff tempest at plat rank level.  Doesn't make it meta.  I've seen warriors(non-BS)/mesmers/other non-meta builds in plat ranks.  Doesn't make them meta either.


If a support guard is getting farmed, its cause they are a bad support guard.

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11 minutes ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Tempest is a better pick into a harb and will duo. Its also a better pick vs untamed. Support guard may be better overall, but it get farmed pretty hard with the burst damage. I have run staff support very successfully last season

Lol...take away conjure earth shield and you get farmed harder than any core guardian. Unfortunately the whole class is held together by couple of skills like obsidian flesh and chaining together long CD utilities...hoping the enemy team worst than yours...But really the whole class remains pure trash compared to guardian....and that's why guardian is meta everywhere...while tempest is only spoken about in "yolo vs bots at 3am" league 

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20 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Lol...take away conjure earth shield and you get farmed harder than any core guardian. Unfortunately the whole class is held together by couple of skills like obsidian flesh and chaining together long CD utilities...hoping the enemy team worst than yours...But really the whole class remains pure trash compared to guardian....and that's why guardian is meta everywhere...while tempest is only spoken about in "yolo vs bots at 3am" league 

To each their own I guess.

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