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Has EoD replaced a main or entered your rotation ?

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For open world: my main ranger still sticking with the double shortbow condi soulbeast since I love that build. Played necro quite a lot recently but still running GS reaper with and without minions.
I did make power mechanist build since it was easy to use mostly same gear from hammer scapper. Does great damage and love the mech, only wish I could dye the green.
Planning of making condi (burn!) willbender, condi virtuoso and condi specter but since I'm a lazy scrub I'm taking my sweet time with it.

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EoD made me dust off my thief mule character and have fun with the spectre specialization, and then it made me make a thief and level it from scratch on my NA alt account and now I'm having fun learning daredevil and will soon try deadeye too.

So yeah, I've "unlocked" a new profession that didn't click with me before.

/mesmer and guardian main

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i was maining a roleplay 'Golemancer' spec using Rune of Golemancer, golem in a box, asuran elite golem etc, i was doing it as an engineer (because i figure ofcourse a golemancer is an engineer! despite some confusing examples like Zojja being an ele!)

so i'm overjoyed to replace my old HGH flamethrower build with mechanist!

one more golem for my collection!

the Mark 1 Golem is a wonderful tank, he draws aggro great and has a ton of health (60/70k if i remember right?)

so me and the jade mech can stand back and pew pew, it feels great being a golemancer now! 😄

(only downside is the EoD patch broke my golem's skills, they just AA now.)

Edited by Liewec.2896
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EoD has I guess entered my "rotation" - I've been using Mechanist sometimes for alacrity in strikes, though I still don't feel comfortable with it. I'm hoping to get more practice with Willbender and Virtuoso soon since they seem fun.

My main is a ranger, though, and I've ignored Untamed; its DPS is too low to be worth learning it. Sticking with Soulbeast for now, switching to Druid when people don't care that it doesn't do alac/quick.

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EoD's elites have been, and currently still are, a very mixed bag for me. My time with them has been a rollercoaster of sorts.


After the betas, the only 2 I liked and planned on making at launch were Vindicator and Mechanist. Did that, and after a week or so realized I disliked the things that make a Vindicator, a Vindicator. One down. I still have my Mechanist, but don't play him a whole lot. Not that he can't be a lot of fun, but in OW PvE there isn't much challenge playing one unless you're soloing group content. Still, with a recent and rather severe physical limitation, that ease can be just the thing during times when my issue makes it too difficult to play anything else. Mostly I play him in a supportive role along with my wife's kamikaze-style Harbinger.


As the last couple of months have passed along, I've given every new elite besides Specter (not a mage class that interests me) another shot. And have found 2 that I'm now regularly playing: Willbender and Untamed. Both are surprises for me as I didn't enjoy either during the betas at all, and in addition have never been able to get into any Guardian spec. Willbender changed that, and I have both power and condi setups; I find power a bit more more fun, but condi substantially more effective. Of all the classes I play or have played, Willbender feels the most like it's comprised of various elements from other classes.


Untamed was a bigger surprise as there was pretty much nothing I liked in beta. I'm still very happy with my Soulbeast and Druid builds, but buildcrafting is one of my favorite things to do and I needed a challenge there. Finally came up with a power Untamed build that outside of end game PvE, I've found effecive and fun everywhere else. Well, not really in WvW at all, but I have had some fun with certain skill combinations when I get lucky enough to pull them off. Regardless, I really enjoy the spec now; which makes Ranger the only class I have all 3 elites among my active rotation.


But in 2 more months (particularly after the big June patch)? Might be settled; might still be riding that rollercoaster.

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6 hours ago, Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497 said:

Still a thief. Just don't use specter. Still feels awful to play for me.

I hate it in SPvP but it's quite elegant in PvE, imo — priority-based rotation, plays great with venom share, pure medium-ranged condi DPS without the painful in-and-out of P/D Deadeye. The Alac version is also quite mobile for split phases and stuff. And I can totally save people with Consume Shadows.

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It feels good to finally have an aggressive Guardian (Dragonhunter never did it for me). Engineer gets major play every expansion and I like swapping between Mechanist and Scrapper regularly now.


The heal nerf to the spec on Spellbreaker and Thief makes me play the former less and abandon Daredevil entirely. Specter is fun, but only in specific situations.


Virtuoso and Harbinger is real fun thematically, but got boring fast. Virtuoso still needs some buffs.

Vindicator steals the show for me. Especially with how silly Sigil of Stamina lets you spam dodge attacks.

Ele's new spec is just bad. Untamed is so forgettable I forgot Ranger was even a class.

Edited by Eloc Freidon.5692
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All right, Kids. Sit down because your dad needs to tell you the story about How I Met... I mean... Choose My Main in GW2.


You see it was the Spring of 2011 and Arenanet had just started rolling out their profession preview trailers in an upcoming MMO called GW2. This MMO was going to be revolutionary (and to some degree it was, but we will get to that later). As each video released over the course of several months, it became quite clear... the decision to pick a main was going to be kitten hard in this new game. You see, your dad, at this point in my life had already had experience with several MMOs... Runescape, Everquest, World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online, Rift... you get the point. Well actually the point is, I already knew what type of classes I liked to play in an MMO. In Everquest I played a Druid, in World of Warcraft I played a Druid and Shaman, in Rift I played Shaman/Druid/Warden... and now Rift was hella fun... yes we said "hella" back then... or at least I did). But anyways, I think you can see the pattern. However! In Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning I didn't play some nature wizard, or a shape-shifting bozo, or elemental daffodil.... I was drawn to the Dwarf Engineer! This was the first MMO that I played where you could place turrets, shoot guns, and throw bombs. I thought I was in love! But just like every other MMO that was created at the time, it was supposed to be the legendary WoW killer.... but just like every so called "WoW Killer"... a couple months later the game would flop and just like everyone else I returned back to World of Warcraft. But this game...this class... it left an impression and to this day holds a special place in my heart.


But where was I? Oh right, Guild Wars 2, had just started releasing video's showing off their professions and all of them looked so cool with a all their dynamic skills and combos. But after a year of deliberation (because the game took so kitten long to launch) I narrowed my choice down to three professions: the Elementalist, the Engineer, and the Ranger. The each had their own appeal of mechanics, flavor, and lore that seemed so intriguing.


And then it happened. Launch day finally arrived, and because your dad was so rich then, he made sure to use your grandparents money to pre-order the game so that he could play the game before everyone else... or rather at the same time as everyone else. The first hour or so of the game I spent in the character creation. I created my three Asura characters: Blip the Elementalist. Bork the Engineer, and Bark the Ranger. And then for the next 2 weeks I split my time between each of these professions. They were all so different... wonderful in their own right... Blip with his two daggers ripping enemies apart with the fury of the elements... Bork with his turrets and rifle holding his ground against the Inquest... and Bark with his wonderful kitty pet fighting side by side. To this day, I cannot remember why I settled on Ranger... I think it has something to do with your uncle Trae.... yea that's right... it's his fault. But that's another story to itself.


Anyways, I mained Ranger until EoD. The main story was fantastic. Then WvW held me over until Heart of Thorns. And thats when it happen. Thats when I knew I made the right choice so many years ago. The Elite Specialization for the Ranger was the Druid. My go to class. My comfort. My home. My main. Druid  captivated and sustained my interest in the class for many years to come. And then Path of Fire added the Soulbeast and it was just the cherry on top. Though I wished for shapeshifting, the idea of merging with my pet gave me a new found fervor for my Ranger that even pulled me through the darkest times that would follow... the content drought of 2019-2021... also known as the Icebrood Saga. But then all was bright again... Arenanet made the announcement. The next expansion was in development: End of Dragons. And with the announcement came months of speculation regarding the next wave of Elite Specializations.


With each elite specialization announced I was just dying to know what was on the horizon for my beloved main. For my Ranger who had been with me since the beginning. And then... they announced Untamed, I was really hoping for a pet focused class and at first it seemed that Arenanet had truly delivered! But then the Beta's came and went... and well... I was disappointed in the Untamed and I felt like all the wind had been ripped out of my sails for the first time in a long time. And so after a few months of contemplating, I did the unthinkable. When EoD launched I decided to main my Elementalist.


You see kids, the elite specialization the elementalist received was called the Catalyst and reminded me a lot of my days playing Enhancement Shaman in WoW and my hella fun days playing Rift (see told you there was a point to this story). This hammer wielding, element controlling elite specialization was the dream fantasy. I was so excited to get my hands on it. I played my Catalyst through the EoD story, I maxed out his bag slots, I crafted a full set of ascended and was having the absolute time of my life... sure thats also when I developed carpel tunnel in my left wrist because the specialization was harder to master than the piano.... but kitten it kids it was worth it! But then it happened. The absolutely unimaginable occured. Well it really wasn't that far fetched because Arenanet hates Elementalist, but the specialization got nerfed into the ground. And it was bad. Reddit blew up. The forums blew up. Content creators berated Arenanet in there youtube videos and Twitch streams. Sure a few weeks later the balance patch came that ultimately fixed Catalyst in a weird but effecient way, but I was crushed. My heart of fire that burned for Guild Wars 2 for so long seemed to just be a pile of hot ash. But looking back now, I thank the universe for Arenanets hatred for elementalist. And for their blunder of and elite specialization that was the Untamed. Because if it wasn't for those mistakes... and yes they truly were mistakes... and still are to this day... but if it wasn't for those mistakes.... I would not be where I am at today. For my heart and keyboard found a new beloved. The old flame and intrigue of the Engineer all the way back from Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning came pouring forth and out of the smouldering ashes rebirthed a new found desire to keep playing Guild Wars 2. 


For over the last year suddenly one of the most versatile professions in the entire game was budding right under my nose, and I was to distracted to see it happen. Prior to EoD, I already dabbled with other profession just to fill out any role in Strikes when my IBS Fast 5 Groups needed some boon support. And during that time I could never stomach playing a Guardian... so in order to provide Quickness I decided to play a Scrapper. The Scrapper was not necessarily most efficient with its boon support, but for Strikes it got the job done. I also played Alcrigade and Heal Scourge, and Banner Warrior... But thats not the point. The point is I had an epiphany. One that was already known to so many but for whatever reason had avoided me for what seemed like an eternity. This epiphany made me realize the lowly Engineer who couldn't seem to find a niche for so long, was now one of the most versatile professions in the game. With the addition of the Mechanist, I could now fill almost any role in 10 man content, WvW, or sPvP. There were so many viable builds and roles to be filled by one single profession. It was on this day, as the blue light from my 4k monitor refracted through the tears of joy that I realized I was truly home. That I found my true love. That I found the main that was meant just for me.


And kids, that is the story about how I chose Engineer and all its wonderful specializations to be my main in Guild Wars 2.

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I only really play 3 of the EoD specs so far, and on two of them I didn't like the specs enough to fully replace my existing characters' specs.

I've only switched spec for my warrior to Bladesworn, mostly because I like the idea of it, but it's clearly not as efficient as Berserker when it comes to raw damage, I hope they review their copy for it.

I like the style of Harbinger, but cant see it replace my reaper, and the same happened for my Mechanist not being able to replace my holosmith.

Completely unattracted to Virtuoso (Dont see the point) Willbender (Janky), Catalyst (Mechanically impossible for someone like me), Untamed (Dont see the point) , Vindicator (Dont see the point)

Still on the fence for Specter. I think it has potential, but I'm probably not good enough at it to warrant replacing my Deadeye

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Vindicator just isn't fun, nor particularly exciting, so I'm still playing Herald/Renegade as my main.  Kind of a shame because I really like the lore side of the espec and want to play something new, but it's just not good enough to justify playing over Ren/Herald in almost every scenario, nor is it enjoyable enough to be worth playing even when it's on par.

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Seeing the cringe ensued after playing Bladesworn, where the focus is becoming an anime character whose purpose is to build up to this one slash while sitting there asking to be knocked down and laughed at by Nelson from the Simpsons;  I had no issues switching to a warrior assassin fire magic teleporting Willbender as my main.


Granted I have 4k+ hours on guardian, but still, I had no issues saying warrior is dead to me. War still does big damage, but really it's just a cringe spec and I don't care.

Edited by Aridon.8362
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I've since tried Harbringer and its really fun as well. Its really brought me back to classes i'd given up on like Thieves and Necros and my Beloved Ranger.

For all the bad EoD has done to GW2 the classes were the shining light in the mess imo. The class designers should get a raise imo..

Except Bladesworn and Vindicator both of those need to go back to the drawing board sadly.

I haven't tried Ele, and i probably wont as its way too much busy work for my gumby hands to compete with.

Edited by Dante.1508
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Specter and Virtuoso are the first specs for thief and mesmer I've actually enjoyed. I will, if given the opportunity, switch out my Firebrand for Virtuoso because I enjoy the rotation a lot more (and haven't been doing it for years upon years upon years...)

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I can list my current loadout and the reasons behind them.  However, it should be noted that with my full legendary armor/trinket setup I can basically run any build I want at any time.

  • Elementalist: This one is a bit complicated.  In PVE I'm sticking with Catalyst.  It is pretty strong once it gets going, and the buffs it doles out are a great help.  It has good cleave, too.  My only complaint with PVE Catalystis that the start of the damage rotation is hard to pull off, but otherwise it is a strong spec.  In WvW, however, I still run Weaver.  The dual skills, barrier, and flexibility in the traits make it the superior option for my roaming tendencies.
  • Necromancer: I'm sitting on condi Harbaebae with this one.  My necro is mostly shelved and played rarely.  Because of this, my spec choice is based largely on what is more convenient.  While both Reaper and Harbinger murder everything while in shroud, Harbinger does it at range, which makes it far more flexible.  If I do go out for harder content, I tend to stick with reaper due to its superior bulk.
  • Mesmer: I've gone back to Chronomancer with this one.  Virtuoso was fun to play around with for awhile, but I still have my muscle memory tied to chronomancer rotations.  I pick chrono mostly for the innate speed boost, and also the ability to kill simple enemies with one or two phantasms.  My condi setup is currently sitting on mirage, too, because I've found it to be an overall more well-rounded fighter than condi virt.
  • Engineer: I've gone back to scrapper.  This isn't a knock against mechanist, since it is theoretically the strongest low-impact spec in the game.  However, the scrapper has more versatility in it's set, particularly the stealth and superspeed.  I play mostly solo now, so the quickness and the wells do more for me than any alacrity would.  Also I'm... tired of looking at and having to manage the mech.
  • Thief: I'm still on deadeye.  Paradoxically it is one of my favorite e-specs, in spite of it's inferior PVE performance.  The key here is ease of use:  I can stealth easily, kill things at a safe range, basically play the game one-handed while on the deadeye.  The Specter is... less convenient and more complicated to use.  I don't like the ally dependency, the slow rate it builds up shadow force, the delay in using spike trap, the complicated rotation, and the general ramp-up from condi builds.
  • Guardian: I'm now a fan of Willbender.  That's the one with the most improved performance over time.  The mobility and damage is solid, as are it's invulnerability buttons.  When it comes to overworld wandering, Firebrand takes too long and feels weird thanks to the trait changes.  Dragon Hunter is alright, and it is still capable of murdering things quickly in large groups.  However, Willbender also murders things quickly in large groups, while also being much more mobile.
  • Revenant: I'm running Renegade.  Vindicator was fun for awhile, but the clunkyness really starts to show once you've played it enough.  The strict melee limitation, the legend which mostly just spams damage, the awkward dodge mechanic, and the overall lack of a good toolbox makes it a mediocre spec.  Renegade has the ranged option, as well as better CC and group buffs, so in a very general sense it is the better spec.
  • Warrior: I'm on Bladesworn, mostly because it is cool.  I don't like warrior that much, and spinning with axes is enough to serve most of my purposes.  I didn't have a particular attachment to either Berserker or Spellbreaker, so I'm just sticking on the newer, stronger spec.  Those big numbers are sweet to look at, and dare I say fun when you pull them off right.  

So to summarize: Bladesworn, Willbender, Harbinger, and Catalyst are now part of my resting setups.  If needed or if I get bored I'll alt to the other specs.  

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