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RNG: Guess I put this in the wrong spot so I will move it here.

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am writing this post to ask you to please do something about the RNG, I just bought 75 keys and opened 75 chests. Out of those 75 chests I got a grand total of 2 rares and only one that I needed for a collection. That is a 2.67% chance that I would get a rare drop and that number goes down as the number of chests gets less. Players are seeking rare skins and items that are locked behind micro purchases but have no way of increasing the odds of getting any rare or super rare item. As an added bonus to opening those chests, I got Dragon Chests 75 of them. Upon opening the chests i got exactly 0 rare drops and I think those are effected by MF which I have the max amount you can get without cheesing it. Please fix the RNG and make it a more player friendly. The house has won long enough it is time for the players to reap a few rewards. As a loyal player since testing in GW1 I do not want to just give up on the game because of something that can be fixed easily by increasing the RNG and or allowing MF to have effects on all containers. However the fact that MF is capped at 300% raw without all the boosters is a bit of a croc.  Increase the MF to 1000% which is the the amount needed rid of basic items like extractors and hair kits. I feel that the 2.67% is lower than it should have been and the whopping 1.33% out of 150 containers was totally out to lunch. I know other players will so than do not buy keys and this and that, but since the Devs took away the old key farms because you were not getting enough purchases and more and more items are being locked behind these purchases and transactions I think it is about time that ANET stop winning this silly little game and increase the MF % and have MF effect every single container. From a basic loot bag, to Black Lion Chests.  I am totally disappointed at the out come of these and over the years I have never ever seen such a horrible out come from my purchases of keys. Please fix the RNG and if you feel that the numbers I have posted are not within the right areas I would be happy to except 50 golden keys. No matter what the response to the RNG and the request golden keys for being hosed by the system, until there is something official I most likely will not be purchasing keys until something has been fixed with the RNG.  Thank you for taking the time to read over my post and I hope to hear from you about the RNG.

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I think there's a perfectly legitimate discussion to be had about RNG on pretty much everything except black lion chests.

They are clearly telegraphed as good ol' loot boxes. Their interface even looks like a slot machine when you use a key.

I think they're terrible things and would classify them as predatory, but I'd never go into a casino and tell them they need to adjust their payout percentage on their slots. It's a buyer beware kind of thing, and people should avoid them. You can't tweak a bad practice to make it anything but a slightly nicer bad practice.

Instead of asking for MF to be applied to BL Chests or that MF cap should be raised, we should be asking that things just be offered for what they'll sell for, rather than locked behind gambling.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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Maybe the box should just list the odds so you can be made more aware.

Also should be age gated. It's gambling, it shouldn't be accessible by children.

But most think everyone needs to look out for themselves and believe corporations are not responsible for protecting their victims err customers from their own predatory practices.

Edited by SinisterSlay.6973
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Imagine feeling the need to defend gambling mechanics in video games. Just sell the stuff in the loot boxes directly in the shop.

There is no need for magic find to effect loot boxes. Just remove the boxes, the random dye pack (exclusive dyes lul) and mount skin loot boxes.

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1 hour ago, Natedog.7549 said:

Imagine feeling the need to defend gambling mechanics in video games. Just sell the stuff in the loot boxes directly in the shop.

There is no need for magic find to effect loot boxes. Just remove the boxes, the random dye pack (exclusive dyes lul) and mount skin loot boxes.

Exactly yes, if this stuff was available and a reasonable price, I would buy them. But anet almost never sees money from me because I refuse to gamble.

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3 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

It's gambling, it shouldn't be accessible by children.

My kids got an early lesson in lootboxes through the lego characters sold in sealed packs. We talked them through the risks before they bought them, and after only buying a few they agreed that buying something for the chance of getting what you want is a terrible deal for the customer.

The lesson seems to have stuck by their reaction to other things like this.

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11 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

My kids got an early lesson in lootboxes through the lego characters sold in sealed packs. We talked them through the risks before they bought them, and after only buying a few they agreed that buying something for the chance of getting what you want is a terrible deal for the customer.

The lesson seems to have stuck by their reaction to other things like this.

Nicely handled.

I got the same lesson from baseball cards....the gum was a pretty lousy consolation prize but at least we could trade cards we didnt want.

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I understand the frustration with RNG lootboxes. However. If you want the weapon skins it’s better to buy them from tp. If you want the exclusive skin, you can buy them with the statuettes you got from the 75 chests when they are available there. It doesn’t fix the RNG, but it is a way to get the item if you find it worth waiting for. Black lion chests won’t go away any time soon 

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7 minutes ago, Jokkerzzz.5471 said:

friendly reminder, Magic find doesn't affect anything at all, only killed mobs or chest if it literally says "affected by magic find" e.g. lunar new year lootboxes

There are a few things affected by MF. All loots from mobs killed are affected by MF. Aside from the chests that you mentioned, reward track lootboxes are also affected by it. Those not affected are meta chests, boss chests, etc.

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4 hours ago, Stajan.4581 said:

Out of those 75 chests I got a grand total of 2 rares and only one that I needed for a collection.

Are you aware that the weapon skins which drop from black lion chests are tradable? If you're hoping to get specific skins you'd be far, far better off converting gold into gems and buying them from the Trading Post than hoping to get them by chance.

The only reason to buy keys is if you enjoy the novelty of opening chests enough to pay for it, or if you want one of the 2-3 account bound drops (in the current chest that's the Jade Tech Chair and the Mystical Dragon Horns Helm), because they're the only items you can't get another way. Even then you shouldn't use more than 60 keys trying for a specific drop because that will give you enough Black Lion Statuettes to buy it when it's available that way, a few weeks or months after it was in the chests.

(Also they haven't completly removed key farming, just restricted it. You can still get 1 key per week from the level 10 storyline, and an unlimited number from the level 40 and 60 storylines. There's also a random chance at getting them from map completion - outside of cities and Southsun Cove.)

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57 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

I understand the frustration with RNG lootboxes. However. If you want the weapon skins it’s better to buy them from tp. If you want the exclusive skin, you can buy them with the statuettes you got from the 75 chests when they are available there. It doesn’t fix the RNG, but it is a way to get the item if you find it worth waiting for. Black lion chests won’t go away any time soon 

Buying them from the tp only works if someone gambles for them in the first place. Any skin in the loot box could just as easily be sold a set gem (money) cost. 

Statuettes are sorry excuse of a pity system to make the gambling seem not that bad. Why eventually sell something for pity tokens only obtained through loot boxes, when it could be sold directly for gems from the get go? I know why they make more money on average. 

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10 minutes ago, Natedog.7549 said:

Buying them from the tp only works if someone gambles for them in the first place. Any skin in the loot box could just as easily be sold a set gem (money) cost. 

Statuettes are sorry excuse of a pity system to make the gambling seem not that bad. Why eventually sell something for pity tokens only obtained through loot boxes, when it could be sold directly for gems from the get go? I know why they make more money on average. 

Just to make it clear. I do not support loot boxes. So no need telling me how bad they are.  But black lion chests are here to stay it’s pretty clear by now. My suggestions is a workaround. not a solution as I said. I’m not making excuses for them

Edited by Freya.9075
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Vote with your wallet, don't buy keys.  Steady drops in key sales will indicate to the business side of ArenaNet that keys aren't a good revenue source.


As for the rare drops.  The amount of gems required to buy the keys could have easily been converted to gold and buy exactly what you need off the TP.  Definitely do that next time.


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26 minutes ago, Natedog.7549 said:

Buying them from the tp only works if someone gambles for them in the first place. Any skin in the loot box could just as easily be sold a set gem (money) cost. 

Statuettes are sorry excuse of a pity system to make the gambling seem not that bad. Why eventually sell something for pity tokens only obtained through loot boxes, when it could be sold directly for gems from the get go? I know why they make more money on average. 

The one problem I have with the "just sell it directly" argument is that I farm most of my keys, so being able to occasionally get a nice item "free" is great. That said I do think there should absolutely be the option to do it both ways, like when they add the 1600/2000gem mounts to the BL chest. 

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5 minutes ago, Freya.9075 said:

Just to make it clear. I do not support loot boxes. So no need telling me how bad they are.  But black lion chests are here to stay it’s pretty clear by now. My suggestions is a workaround. not a solution as I said. I’m not making excuses for them

I didn't mean you personally were making excuses for them. But the pity system itself is an excuse to justify the loot boxes. Yes Anet most likely won't remove them. 

Another example is hiding prices behind the conversion from money to gems. Which the excuse to defend it is that you can convert gold to gems. But someone has to buy those gems in the first place. 

Btw I'm not targeting you in particular. I'm speaking in general.

2 minutes ago, Emberfoot.6847 said:

The one problem I have with the "just sell it directly" argument is that I farm most of my keys, so being able to occasionally get a nice item "free" is great. That said I do think there should absolutely be the option to do it both ways, like when they add the 1600/2000gem mounts to the BL chest. 

Honestly the "free" key from leveling is bait for newer players to get them interested in the loot boxes. Yeah we can farm them but to get a reasonable amount most will just buy them. 

Maybe if whatever is in the lootbox had a direct purchase option available (not months later for lootbox tokens) for gems it would be fine....maybe.

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3 minutes ago, Natedog.7549 said:

I didn't mean you personally were making excuses for them. But the pity system itself is an excuse to justify the loot boxes. Yes Anet most likely won't remove them. 

Another example is hiding prices behind the conversion from money to gems. Which the excuse to defend it is that you can convert gold to gems. But someone has to buy those gems in the first place. 

Btw I'm not targeting you in particular. I'm speaking in general.

Honestly the "free" key from leveling is bait for newer players to get them interested in the loot boxes. Yeah we can farm them but to get a reasonable amount most will just buy them. 

Maybe if whatever is in the lootbox had a direct purchase option available (not months later for lootbox tokens) for gems it would be fine....maybe.

Sure, but I am talking about farming them from mapping and later missions, I don't actually have a keyrun slot.

Edit, just to add, I think we mostly agree tbh, I would also prefer that there were no "exclusives" that you had to save statuettes for in the hope that they DO add them later. The only defensible part is that when they put mount skins in (for example when they added the hummingbird skimmer) you could buy it direct OR gamble.

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7 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Luck.  Sometimes it favors you...sometimes it does not.  🤷‍♂️

Players who always assumed that this got to do with nothing but pure luck probably never played with BLC keys before.

I can understand you TC. I used to buy 20-30 keys monthly to get stuff I wanted from the the Lion Chest, and this is the reason why I totally stopped buying keys for years. ANet got greedy. The RNG has been adjusted to near impossible level that it is not worth for anything in the BLC. Paying 50 to 100 keys for a supposedly uncommon item? No thanks.

Unlike RL gambling which depends on pure luck, Random Number Generator CAN be adjusted to give you a much lower chance ( or vice versa) of  getting what you want so that you will have to buy more keys and gamble away.

Remember the chak egg sac drop rate? That was increased before but only temporary. I guess it is still better to let the price stays at 10k gold. Many Whales must have bought Gems to buy them  *shrug*

Edited by Mil.3562
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