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Game Update Notes Preview: Profession Skills

Rubi Bayer.8493

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4 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

300 sec traits still present = lazy redundant update. Those should have been top priority for reworks, 5 min cd on any skill is ridiculous. Pls rework or replace those skills, I can't believe these devs are having such a hard time figuring this out.

As expected...saw it coming a mile away. Acro traitline is still dead and would need a pentagram of necros to revive it now. Not even Dhuum is laughing abymore

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Mantra of Solace: This skill now grants aegis instead of protection and resolution in PvP and WvW.

While I'm glad aegis will be back on this skill for PvP and WvW (it was useless in those modes after the last change to it), not putting it back on the skill in PvE makes absolutely no sense to me. So many endgame encounters revolve around throwing as much stuff at players as possible. One extra source of aegis at extreme short range would hardly make things unbalanced. Having it in 2 out of 3 game modes is inconsistent.

As far as the guardian signet changes go, meh. I don't really see what any of those changes will ultimately accomplish. Signet of Courage might be a nice thing to include in some situations if you're playing a healbrand build. Signet of Resolve might be good in PvP and WvW with all of the condi spam. But in raids, strikes, and fractals "Feel My Wrath!" is still likely going to be the elite skill of choice simply for the quickness and fury application unless you have another decent source of both of those things.

Edited by Zedd.8239
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still no love for heal scourge. If you don't give it a boon, no one will want it in end game content.


Please give it alac or quickness.


Harb is a better condi damage than scourge, has a boon support and even has a gimicky heal build. Why does scourge even exist now? Please make scourge necros heal class and give it a boon so its actually wanted. 

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  • Zephyr's Speed: Now additionally increases critical strike chance by 5% while attuned to air.

ok this change makes no sense ... having a crit chance mod only apply while in air means you will just ignore this change in pve entirely as you want 100% crit all the time

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On 6/23/2022 at 11:19 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Spectacular Sphere: This trait now also increases the radius of Deploy Jade Sphere from 240 to 360 in all game modes. In PvE only, it causes Deploy Jade Sphere in air attunement to additionally provide quickness and reduces all outgoing damage dealt by 10%.


Show your work, Anet. Why do you think the 10% damage nerf is necessary? This is ludicrous.

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Oh no. You rly do the 5% precision Bonus traitline for warrior in arms? In fcking ARMS? It is a condition traitline!!!!! You said "ezy to get this Bonus so it good" and take the whole buff in a traitline that you actually only use for condition builds? Wtf is anet smoking? Cause bre it must be something too good. Cause well this sentence im comb with this Patch is stupid af. And well gg now you killed the whole class im pve thx for this one anet

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3 minutes ago, Zedd.8239 said:

While I'm glad aegis will be back on this skill for PvP and WvW (it was useless in those modes after the last change to it), not putting it back on the skill in PvE makes absolutely no sense to me. So many endgame encounters revolve around throwing as much stuff at players as possible. One extra source of aegis at extreme short range would hardly make things unbalanced.

As far as the guardian signet changes go, meh. I don't really see what any of those changes will ultimately accomplish. Signet of Courage might be a nice thing to include in some situations if you're playing a healbrand build. Signet of Resolve might be good in PvP and WvW with all of the condi spam. But in raids, strikes, and fractals "Feel My Wrath!" is still likely going to be the elite skill of choice simply for the quickness and fury application unless you have another decent source of both of those things.

Returning aegis and leaving the mantra not able to heal is dumb as kitten. It was already established that a healing skill that does not heal DOESNOT WORK. Why the kitten do we have to go through is again? This is stupid. 

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55 minutes ago, EternumBlade.9053 said:

What was the point in reverting the banners to how they used to be? If a mechanic happens, how will I grab two banners? Am I going to have to pick it up, bring it to the other edge of the arena and HOPE a team mate picks up my other one too?



I'm guessing you will drop ONE banner at a time. So, one will be off cooldown, and one you'll pick up. I imagine teammates won't be able to pick up banners.

Otherwise, I feel that a bannerslave is no longer required in raids/strikes. Many other classes can offer quickness and boons a lot better and a lot more reliably. Time to pick another main. Again. 

Edited by wondermuffin.9680
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51 minutes ago, Zraurum.8493 said:



  • Master Fencer: Now may activate on any critical hit, granting 4 seconds of fury on up to 5 allies in a circle with a range of 360. Internal cooldown is 8 seconds.

    And it's all ? is this some kind of joke?

I mean.... my Zerg Virtuoso in WvW now pulses Fury.... its a buff i guess....

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When can we play MECHANIST underwater? The best most fun build for the class is condi, the ONLY weapon option we have is the speargun, the most aweful weapon in the entire game, long cooldowns and super slow autos even with quickness, its dogshit, it's also mostly power so going condi with it just makes u wanna PROJECTILE FINISH in a DISGUSTING FIELD, if you catch my meaning....

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18 minutes ago, Daddy.8125 said:

top 0.01% Player meta Involves Stacking Catatylsts.

Why they didnt deal with the fact 70% of the playerbase cant get remotely near the skill floor of catalyst is a Actual mystery however.... u'd think with how often they're screeching the word "Accessibility". Dealing with the Roadblocks of plays getting into the proffession would be a Priority.

That didnt even matter, they got 1 world record with that stacking. That is pretty garbage. Ever since EOD came out, almost all records have been completely cemented.

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