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August 2 Balance Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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I feel like chrono changes are just shy , go bold anet c'mon ! 😁

For banner it's a good start , but is it gonna be better as the quickness god firebrand ? If you still need to play tactics and discipline to get the 100% uptime on quickness , it's not gonna be worth it.

Hope end august you gonna do the same to other forgotten specs like dragon hunter and the whole ele class.



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I am coping the post i write on the Warrior forum as suggestion on a change in the banner setting.

Thinking about the new changes to banners, i am pointing strongly on the idea someone wrote about change banners skills to AOE casting skills with the centre based around the war (like shout or similar) that give the new "place banner initial effect" and spam the random boons with a pulse kind activation, to end all the problem of the reduces radius (from 600 to 360 without possibility to change the position after you place them), reduces duration of the banner (from 60 secs duration and 60 sec cooldown to 15 secs duration and 30 secs cooldown, Elite banner get a lot worse now cause cooldown stay at 120 secs) and "immovable banner ground position placement" we get again.

I think the idea to simple get a animation/image of a banner on the war head when the skills are active would be good enough to restore the bad status the entire banners concept is today as a mechanics in the game.

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Consider changing the banner names and animations to, "Bannerman."

Activating the skill summons an armored bannerman who follows you around carrying the appropriate banner. Have this just be an animation, not a targetable npc if you like. 

Edited by Ashen.2907
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On 7/28/2022 at 8:41 PM, Lexer.8096 said:

I think the people who are balancing the game don't play the game or dont play all the classes!!!

I like how we all used to say "I think that the people don't play their own game" as more of a meme or just trying to be funny when we experience bad balance patches. 

Till the leak happened and we found out that yes, the balance team does not in fact play the game and only balance based on personal bias or the wiki. 2k hours on axe FB and designed mechanist. But nerfs a Ranger ability due to wiki stats. 
There's a reason Warriors went from a viable pick, to non-viable in all content in one patch. We all told Anet that changing banners to offering boons would be a bad idea, they did it anyway. But also did it in a way that made banners even worse somehow. 


Its honestly amazing just how bad they have made Warrior, and how little these changes do to help. Warrior needs huge buffs to a lot of things, not just banners. And Warrior it not just Bladesworn. 

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@Massimoni.9453 So you say guardian is Bad cause there are things like mechanist? Lul. Yes mechanist is better but they are also clearly hard broken. Even more broken than guardian ever was, so you migth not use this spec to say "but my class is bad". The only reason why mechanist is better than guardian is actually its ranged dps.... litterly nothing more. You can do the mechanics while still been able to deal decent dps. So you just basicly ignore the fact that you get a dps loss when moving around. Back then you get the same with guardian where you also do more dps thx to aegis/stabi let you simply ignore some mechanics so you are able to zerk and get your highest dps done. 


And well those are also the reasons why anet need to do something about aegis/stability and ranged classes. They are too strong in the way they are and need maybe big fixes. (Cause as said they let you playing the game just in a too easy way by simply ignore game mechanics so you could just call it gamebreaking) Something like the more range the less damage and simply remove aegis from game and make stabi shorter duration would help like alot.

And yes this would mean a general guardian nerf! But gues what that is just also simply healthier just let them do aoe heal or something but not spam aegis like something Else..

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11 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

I like how we all used to say "I think that the people don't play their own game" as more of a meme or just trying to be funny when we experience bad balance patches. 

Till the leak happened and we found out that yes, the balance team does not in fact play the game and only balance based on personal bias or the wiki. 2k hours on axe FB and designed mechanist. But nerfs a Ranger ability due to wiki stats. 
There's a reason Warriors went from a viable pick, to non-viable in all content in one patch. We all told Anet that changing banners to offering boons would be a bad idea, they did it anyway. But also did it in a way that made banners even worse somehow. 


Its honestly amazing just how bad they have made Warrior, and how little these changes do to help. Warrior needs huge buffs to a lot of things, not just banners. And Warrior it not just Bladesworn. 

Putting +5% crit. chance into arms traitline : the "so called dev" who did that has never played warrior , or is the kind of people playing full minstrel in wvw , just to annoy everyone. Like the +5% crit chance only into air for ele , "yeah , we ele want only to crit . into air . Fire , earth and water , tsss never heard about that" .

Good thing they have changed all that crap , but the damage is done , we know they are devs in this game who dont know a kitten about it . "I like robots ! lets overpower mecha , cuz i like robots ,..." . Mind of a 5 yo child.

I am concerned about people who will get the game with steam. If one of them play ele or warrior , and hope doing endgame content with it , kitten they gonna struggle.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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On 7/29/2022 at 1:22 PM, Massimoni.9453 said:

anti-guard cesspool called forums.

Oh please. Hot Era Chrono created far more forum whine that Guard ever did and all Mesmer ever had was a raid support build whereas Guard has multiple meta defining builds across all modes. Hell Virtuoso gets more hate on here/reddit then Guard does and all that can do is DPS and it isn't even topping benchmarks anymore.

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6 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

I am concerned about people who will get the game with steam. If one of them play ele or warrior , and hope doing endgame content with it , kitten they gonna struggle.

Mage and Warrior are 2 classes exclusive to GW2, it would be a miracle if more than 0.01% of new players brought in by steam pick those. Oh, wait.

You know, with grouch and solar at the helm, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with warriors being viable only as condi dps with a bow and a torch and Eles only viable as power dps with swords and daggers.

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6 hours ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Massimoni.9453 So you say guardian is Bad cause there are things like mechanist? Lul. Yes mechanist is better but they are also clearly hard broken. Even more broken than guardian ever was, so you migth not use this spec to say "but my class is bad". The only reason why mechanist is better than guardian is actually its ranged dps.... litterly nothing more. You can do the mechanics while still been able to deal decent dps. So you just basicly ignore the fact that you get a dps loss when moving around.

Let's also conveniently forget that core guardian has a 1200 range instant teleport every 40 seconds that is also a stun break which, if movement or mechanics really are a problem, can be slotted instead of signet or mantra.

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On 7/27/2022 at 6:21 PM, Roda.7468 said:

Oh boy more smaller boon ranges 🙃

I didn't want to see my character fighting, or be personally responsible for my positioning anyway



Y'all want the greater population to get into more high end content?  Stop forcing everyone to play melee.  Other successful raiding mmos allow ranged archetypes for a reason. (the reason is they're fun to play), and no giving someone a ranged weapon to fire in melee doesn't count.

quoted for truth… id love to be able to actually do meaningful damage from range in wvw again, rather than just “bigger blob wins”

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On 7/29/2022 at 12:33 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

We mostly agree.  The problem is EoD ranged specs (especially mechanist and virtuoso) are overperforming due to their range and ease-of-play advantage.  This balance team needs to account for these things in their decision-making.  Did I need a KP.me profile to know that?

EOD specs are completely useless in WvW thanks to “physical projectile” hate

in PvE: virtuoso and harbinger have fairly simple rotations, but at least they require a rotation if you want to get near the top of the damage meter…

mechanist on the other hand = start auto attacking with rifle, and thats the majority of your work done.  press F1-f3  and  the 2 key all on cooldown, and thats the full rotation.

Edited by Tammuz.7361
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So glad that Warrior got some banner fixes incoming, too bad it's not going to change the fact that rolling a mechanist is literally easier and better than even bothering to pick Warrior up, or keep it. I have loved getting kicked out of raid groups for being a Warrior. These updates to banners won't fix a thing. Thanks for really screwing a class in the backside for months on end with our long awaited fix from last balance patch being 5% crit, really upping those dps numbers when I have to use infusions or food to not have to spec in assassins gear. 10/10 would quit Warrior again lmfao.

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I'm sure this will get moderated. And I'm sure it's been said at least once in this thread. But, you dumb kittens some how managed to out Ranger the Ranger with the Mechanist. Unkitteningbelievable!!! Just when I think you guys can't out stupid yourselves, you go  and prove me wrong! Can we get a fix? While you're at it, can we get some fixes on the 300s cd traits you Smiter's Boon'ed?

Edited by Khayoss.7621
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On 7/27/2022 at 12:28 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

We badly missed the mark with banner changes in the June update

 You guys have badly missed the mark on WARRIOR changes for years, so don't colour us surprised or sympathetic to your sudden  realization. We'll save that for when you guys actually pull your head from your kitten and give us some decent changes/updates.

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Everyone just change to EoD specs, that's what they want. If it wasn't they would balance EoD specs with Core, HoT, and PoF specs. But they don't. Instead they buff EoD specs and nerf the other specs. If you want to be a warrior, ranger, mesmer, or especially an elementalist that wants to run a core or older expac spec, kitten YOU!, switch to an EoD spec, because we're done with balancing/making viable the rest. "Play how you want" is kitten when it comes to classes. I know this, You know this, and the stupid kittens at anet  know this. Just switch to Mechanist. That's what they like and promote based on the leaked discord chats. Sorry kittens.

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18 hours ago, Karagee.6830 said:

You know, with grouch and solar at the helm, I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with warriors being viable only as condi dps with a bow and a torch and Eles only viable as power dps with swords and daggers.

I think thats already kind of happening right now .

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Chronomancer has been steeply overperforming in a damage role in all content, leading to an environment in which the best way to tackle almost any challenge is to throw more Chronomancers at it.



  • Danger Time: Removed the critical-damage bonus.
  • Chronophantasma: Resummoned phantasm damage is now 75% in PvE only.
  • Seize the Moment: Quickness duration per clone shattered has been reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second in PvE only.


This patch notes from May 11, 2021 and Power Chronos saw the sunshine the last time at that date. I didnt even quote here Time Warp nerf.


I don't understand Power Chrono was viable that time. Anet stepped in Chrono's balance and why they dont roll back these. At least, bringing back Chronophantasma's damage bonus from %75 to %100 will make Power Chrono viable again. 

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16 hours ago, zeyeti.8347 said:

Whats funny about ranger and mecha is that ranger is supposed to be the "pet" class , got completed eclipsed by mech , dont know if it's funny or cringe , ... would go for the cringe i guess  🙃.


Agreed. I wish my ranger pets performed at the level of a mech.

Not the first time for something like this. Ranger launched with access to traps. Dragon Hunter was then released with better trapping options.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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On 7/28/2022 at 4:18 AM, Bookah pls.9352 said:

Do you genuinely believe that power creeping everyone else to the stupid op levels of firebrand and mechanist is healthy for this game?


I certainly don't.

Actually i do, it would make some of the more difficult content more respectable to deal with.

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