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Compiled list of all the bugs that currently affect PvP and WvW Gameplay


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@Rubi Bayer.8493  

Hey! This is a list of bugs currently affecting PvP and WvW gameplay. Some are not that bad like the Signet of resto-bug, and some are literally gamebreaking for example the Gates in WvW and some are simply messing with the balancing for example the Sigil of misery bug.

i have reported all of those bugs and even started threads in the bugs section. They dont get any attention there and those bugs persist for a long time already. So i thought id share them here to make em more public. Maybe they get fixed this way, if more and more people report those. Would be nice if some of you could also make supporttickets, as some of those bugs are literally gamebreaking.

The current version of the game is VERRY buggy... Feel free to add other bugs that you know off.



  • Specter/Thief:
  1. -The Shroud visual is bugged. Since a few days, an enemy will always see the shroud hp at 100% even tho it isnt. aka. currently you can NOT tell how much shroud a specter has, you can only see that he is in shroud.
  2.  -The animation and Aoe-circle of the skill "mindshock" is completly missing since a few patches. The animation of you casting it still exists, but after the cast a circle around you gets larger and  larger and then explodes. The animation fo the circle and the coresponding Aoe indicator is completly missing. A enemy can NOT tell when the stun will happen.
  3. - Preparationskills activating themselves when leaving shroud. For some reason from time to time your preparationskill will trigger when you leave shroud. (not sure how to reproduce this, but it happens... ALOT)
  4. Sword 2 revivebug. There is a bug that lets you be invincible. It has something to do with sword 2. i will not tell people how this works, as you can literally stay invulnerable for aslong as you want. When people hit you, they literally get the "invulnerable" message. <------ This is the root of alot of "hacker-claims" that are appearing lately!!
  • Harbinger/necro:
  1. Harbingershroud. You can NOT see if a Harbinger is in shroud or not. There is literally no tell at all. They removed the shroudbar being infront of the hp bar, because people were unable to tell how much hp the harbinger has. But now... you dont see a shroudbar AT ALL.
  2. Weakening Shroud trait: The "apply weakness on critical hits" part of this trait is not working. It is just straight up not working since over a month.
  3. Alot of Harbinger projectiles behave very weird. Depending on the skill that should reflect them, they dont get reflected. a few reflecteffects, like Magaura for example, dont reflect the projectile, they just destroy it.
  • Elementalist:
  1. Signet of restoration. The signet for some reason heals more hp when you are in air attunement. E.g. with sage amulet it heals 205 on every cast, but it heals 257 when casting something in air.
  2. Earthshield. Enemys in the FFA arena can pick up your Earrthshield since a few patches. They can not pick it up if you cast it from outside of the arena. But when a ele uses it in the FFA, everyone can pick it up.
  • Revenant:
  1. The Vindi-Dodgeanimation. This thing is just one major bug.  The first 1/3 of the Dodge... simply doesnt have a animation. SERIOUSLY! look at it. The Vindicator will just slowly start to float, but only after like half a second he will begin the jump. But the first part is also a evadeframe. It is literally a evadeframe without a animation... POOOOR DESIGN! This leads to alot of people wasting skills into them, cuz they havent identified this little "lifting" as the dodgeanimation.
  2. The Vindi-Dodgeanimation again. When you kill a Vindicator that is dodging currently, with Conditions for example. He will be bugged till he relogs or till the observer relogs. He will float a few feet over the ground. This makes landing smaller aoe skill on him very inconsistent, as you can barely tell where he is standing exactly. Skills like Flamewall from Ele are a nightmare to aim at a Vindi that is bugged.
  3. Salvation + Ventari. Salvation has a trait called "blinding truths".When moving the tablet, tt blinds any enemy around you with a ICD of 3 seconds. HOWEVER the cd triggers even when you dont blind a enemy. You can never tell if the blind is ready or not, unless you didnt move your tablet for atleast 3 seconds. Its hella inconsistent and not worth taking atm. If anything it should always blind and have a ICD for individual enemys. aka you can not blind the same enemy again in a certain time interval. Otherwise this trait is useless, because you will kind of always blind the air and not have it ready for a enemy.
  • Soulbeast:
  1. Forced merges / unmerges. This ones kinda old, but still in the game since Soulbeast released. When entering or leaving water, or during certain animations in pve you will unmerge or merge with your pet sometimes. This sometimes results in your pet completly disappearing.


  1. Fullcounterbug. Somtimes the animation of fullcounter simply persists even after the spell ended. It looks like he has permanen Fullcounter. Its only fixable thru a relog or map change.


Gear / Consumables:

  1. Sigil of misery: This sigil is just straight up not working. This bug is know since YEARS! literaly YEARS! how is this not fixed!? Even on the gw2 wiki it says that this sigil is not working... EXCUSE ME!? This bug is so wellknown that its even noted with a big red !  in the wiki.. yet anet doesnt fix it!? There is still metabuilds that tell you to take it, altho it is bugged for years....  reported it numerous times. Redditposts... twitter.... forumposts...  no response whatsoever. The +tormentduration sigils do not work in ALL GAMEMODES.
  2. Nourishments/Enhancements in PvP. Nourishments and Enhancements improve your stats inside of the FFA arena, altho you should technically use the balanced PvP gear, you will still profit from the buffs. Thanks to this, some degenerate builds like "boundingdodger p/p thief are possible inside FFA, altho they would not work in a realgame. When entering a Game, you will loose these buffs. This is kind of frusttrating when we keep in mind that some people use primers to get 12hour effects for certain Nourishments.Once those people used a primer they can NOT play pvp with their charackter, or they will waste the Primer.


Groupsystem and FFA:

  1. Since a few months, when you are in the same group you can see your partymembers in stealth even when inside the FFA arena, Armistice Bastion duells or EotM mistarena. When you then leave your group in combat. Your Aoe-Groundtargetting breaks. Your skills will always try to snap to the target that you had during the second that you left the group. You can no longer aim skills like blink/shadowstep/yada yada. They will always try to jump on the target that you had when you left the group. Its easily fixeable thru a relog, but annoying nevertheless.
  2. Revivebug. Since a few weeks, you will sometimes revive right in place. Someonekill you and you will suddenly stand right back up. Happens alot in FFA arena, but also happened to me in WvW. This happens mainly when plying a thief that has a sword it happend like 4 times on thief, but it also happened to me once when i was on my ranger and once on my elementalist.



  1. You can jump over EVERY gate. A Engineer can jump over EVERY gate of EVERY objective in WvW. There is literally no reason to play right now, when you have squads of 10+ Engies that simply jump over your gates and sneak Stonemist right under your nose. This kind of works with Daredevilstaff aswell, but not on every objective and not as consistent. Once you got the hang of it, you can do it first try on every gate.
  2. Alpine Garrisons. You can jump into the Alpine Garrisons. All you need is a warclaw and like 2 minutes of time.
  3. The Cornerstone of DBL. On DeserGarrison there is literally a BIG PIECE OF THE WALL MISSING.   EXCUSE ME!? People report it for years... but its still missing. The literal wall of the Garrison is missing yet they dont fix it....
  4. Projectile obstruction. In almost every camp, but most notably in the Southeastern camp on the Borderlands, the little square where the Dollyaks spawn, will block projectiles. It acts like there is a tiny wall where the dollys are spawning.
  5. Sometimes the minimap is just completly off. For example It will show that the camp is occupied by red, altho green holds it. (this one is kinda rare, but it happens)
  6. Dolyak Desync. . The hitbox will not match the dolyak model. When you try and hit the dollyak you will simply miss it. The hitbox of the dolyak will be a like 1000 Units infront of the dolyakmodel. If you manage to hit the actual Hitbox, the Dolyak will suddenly teleport to its correct location.
Edited by Sahne.6950
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  • Sahne.6950 changed the title to Compiled list of all the bugs that currently affect PvP and WvW Gameplay

I like the polite "since a few patches". As far as I know, all of the bugs listed here are in since the content they are part of got added. And some are so major(gamebreaking even), that A-net has absolutely no excuse not fixing them over the past few months.
I can understand why I can still do fun jumping puzzles in walls and complete all paths at once in dungeons with some totally intended mechanics - after all dungeons are nieche abandoned content - but seriously, what do you think will happen when new players log in and the first thing they see is a vindicator dodge animation?

I know this comment will accomplish nothing, but it's not like the devs are reading this anyway so I'm just venting at this point... this list is sad. It's accurate, and mostly exhaustive, but it just shouldn't exist.

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12 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

The Cornerstone of DBL. On DeserGarrison there is literally a BIG PIECE OF THE WALL MISSING.   EXCUSE ME!? People report it for years... but its still missing. The literal wall of the Garrison is missing yet they dont fix it.....

Also going into the gaps in the outer corners de-renders the map and block projectiles.

Can't also forget about the random obstructions in the Alpine/EBG camps.

Edited by cyberzombie.7348
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I still see the Full Counter bug to this day of the graphic not leaving. 

Kind of difficult to know determine counterplay on an ability that dazes, tethers, and negates damage when it looks like it's ALWAYS up. 

Didn't realize some of these other shroud effects did the same. 


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17 hours ago, Guirssane.7082 said:

Send it to arenanet mate


15 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Homeboi really writing his own in-forum ticketing system as if devs haven't been already ignoring issues on Jira since forever.

I am really hoping that atleast 2 or 3 individuals here take their time and write support tickets for those bugs aswell.

i literally reported every sinle one of these bugs with videos.... most of them over 3 years ago.... not a single one has been fixed.....

BUT MAN!!! AM I GLAD that they fix the important things atleast...

this is from the latest patchnotes btw.....


World Polish


  • Updated iconic characters in some Living World Season 1 story missions to become temporarily stunned rather than needing revival if they are defeated.(how dare pve scrubs have to hold F for a few seconds!  !!!!HIGH PRIORITY!!!


  • Fixed a bug that caused a cat model to overlap with a skritt model in the human home instance. 


for real....... CATS OVERLAPPING WITH SKRITTS!!?!?!?   like..... what!?   

its okey, tho... people dont even notice that sigil of misery is not working! otherwise all those condi builds would have 40k+ dps.....

sometimes i believe that those are not bugs, rather stealth nerfs.... Weakeningshroud bug is a big nerf to aristocracy Celestial harbinger(prior it was the strongest roamingbuild for wvw)

sigil of misery bug, keeps the dps numbers of tormentbuilds in check..... you name it.... 

but that is just me inhaling the COPIUM i guess...


Edited by Sahne.6950
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15 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

I still see the Full Counter bug to this day of the graphic not leaving. 

Kind of difficult to know determine counterplay on an ability that dazes, tethers, and negates damage when it looks like it's ALWAYS up. 

Didn't realize some of these other shroud effects did the same. 


When I see that someone mentions the Full Counter bug , I like to add that the bug is actually way way older, since Full Counter is just repainted Protector's Strike and the bug has been present in the game maybe from 2012.

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If you are in downstate in ow when you enter a match you will still be in downstate when you load in. 

If thief is downed while stealthed from shadows refuge they are stealth in downstate. (This I think is a cool feature but could be considered a bug)

Edited by Infinity.2876
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On 8/1/2022 at 4:54 AM, Sahne.6950 said:


  1. Earthshield. Enemys in the FFA arena can pick up your Earrthshield since a few patches. They can not pick it up if you cast it from outside of the arena. But when a ele uses it in the FFA, everyone can pick it up.

This should be its actual gameplay design. Make these utilities stronger (more useful), and add counter play where the enemy can pick it up…

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7 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

This should be its actual gameplay design. Make these utilities stronger (more useful), and add counter play where the enemy can pick it up…

The thing gets out of hand when the enemy receives a fire aura thanks to conjurer, thus is healed for almost 1k, gains protection and cleanses conditions from himself xD

I AM NOT A AURASHARE! stop profiting from my auras! 😂

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1 hour ago, Damocles.4908 said:

You didn't add that tainted bolts aren't reflectable like every other bolt attack and doesn't trigger riposte on the warrior's block

i did!

Alot of Harbinger projectiles behave very weird. Depending on the skill that should reflect them, they dont get reflected. a few reflecteffects, like Magaura for example, dont reflect the projectile, they just destroy it.

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  • 5 months later...

i can answer how and why you dont see harb shroud, harb shroud is gained by entering shroud (15%, not if they have sr then its 16.5%), and you also have other life force generating utilities and traits etc, so its safe to assume at all times harb has at least half life force, also at the start of the match if the harb was using shroud off cd the total ammount of life force at midfight would be 30 - 40% depending on whether or not they decide to enter shroud and exit shroud at the start of the fight. another key indicator is the blight mechanic, you get a blight stack per second in harb shroud not including them using elixers so paying attention to how long they have that going for you can get a rough estimate on how much time they spend in shroud depending on the circumstances.


NOW the projectiles, they DO behave weird they detonate at the end of their range, so even if you have mag aura and the harb can guestimate what the range is he can hit the person while mag aura is up, its extremely hard to do, it only works with shroud autos and pistol 3, you can kitten yourself if you use shroud 2 because these projectiles do not detonate they permeate in the air for a bit and disappear for like fractions of a second, people can walk into them and still get hit, they are probably coded weird or the person who made these projectiles wanted them to have special properties, i wouldnt be surprised if they have the same properties as focus 4 for necro because they do something similar, i cant say for certain bc i would have to look at it directly but thats my best guess.


i dunno man you gotta take it for what it is, the vast majority of players will never reach this far out into mechanics and worry about this stuff, as long as they get to log in and get their dailies and they keep adding new shiny things and hecking story content, they dont care, they will never care, anet knows this and its more cost effective to just keep us frantically pacing back and forth murmuring to ourselves about the discrepancies of how animations are broken or how certain things do absolutely nothing and well from their perspective there is absolutely no reason to fix it, bro sigil of misery is what it is, the manifestation of kitten being in the game and fundamentally not functioning as intended and ignored, the wiki states the thing doesnt work im pretty sure the only thing they care about is dau's not neurodiverdgent men who frantically write lengthy posts about the intricacies of how harbingers projectiles behave in a certain way.

now excuse me i need to get back to farming my pips for the legendary XD

Edited by Nihil.9817
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Hammer Rev Coalescence of Ruin hitbox is dislocated forward (Sound is now fixed though), Forced Engagement very narrow LoS causes to auto CD, Inspired Reinforcement can miss jumping/leaping targets and Initial Stability (PvP Only) is too short before AoE application takes effect, Ventari Tablet cannot be used mid air and disappears if the elite skill is used while jumping,

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