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What would be the next mount?

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8 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Maybe a new combat-themed mount like the siege turtle, but with different abilities, maybe a melee range one-player mount with faster but weaker attacks?

Combat-themed single-person mount. Something that does not need you to carry a passenger in order to utilize it fully, but also something that does not dismount you on combat. And i even see more than one possible role here: not just dps, but also support-themed combat mounts.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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28 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Combat-themed single-person mount. Something that does not need you to carry a passenger in order to utilize it fully, but also something that does not dismount you on combat. And i even see more than one possible role here: not just dps, but also support-themed combat mounts.

You really think Anet is capable of balancing that? 😄

Either it's great DPS and everyone fights on mounts, or it's trash DPS and not worth it because they don't want to devalue your class skills. Same with support. It'll always have to be somewhere in the "not worth it" range cause they don't want a mount to be meta, and if it isn't meta, then it's not worth using on most content...


And yeah, i get that you could clear trash with it and whatnot, but again, that would be too good maybe, especially if you don't get dismounted or CC'd while on it. I mean, Turtle is a combat mount technically and it doesn't work at all. It would have probably worked in some fashion in WvW as a siege device though... You know, take one turtle and 3 catas instead of 4 catas? 😜


Maybe next mount could have an actual use in WvW? 😄

Not that Warclaw is bad but, it's the only mount that actually got nerfed lol.

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Yeah, not a lot of niches left that feel like they would have a substantial reason for being. The idea of something like a burrowing mount in a hypothetical Depths of Tyria expansion has legs, I think, but everything else just feels like it would just be a subtle variation on something we already have.

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Well, I myself would love a 2-player mount for WvW. Could even be the Siege Turtle we already have 🙂 

But thinking of a new mount, I wouldn't mind something like this:

Ability: Climbing ("just keep climbing, climbing, climbing" 😄)

Animal: Arachnid, like OP suggested, could work. I would personally prefer a scorpion to a spider, just because I think it's less obvious and therefore more interesting.

Edited by TheLadyOfTheRings.9148
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This would prob be ambitious to code in a 3d environment, but... a salamander that goes in and out of stealth based on lighting conditions. So how I imagine it is like there are types of terrain like land and water, you add another parameter to that for lighting. So if you are in a dark cavern/cave, mount goes into stealth. If you are out in the bright sunlight, mount comes out of stealth. Then for a specialized map it most fits, you make a map designed around having a lot of caverns/tunnels, or something like a rainforest with lots of darkened areas covered over by heavy forestation/jungle intermixed with areas where heavy sunlight is peaking through. To add strategy to it, maybe you have patrols of mobs that pass through some of these areas, so you have a reason to time your movements going in and out of light if you don't want to have to fight them.

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12 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

You really think Anet is capable of balancing that?

They actually already succeeded in doing so, both the Exalted Enchanted Armor and the Asuran Power Suit from the Dragon Response Missions deal around 12k DPS which is enough to be an upgrade for most players but still low enough to be a downgrade for players that know what they are doing.

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Maybe underwater mount (skimmer with that mastery was good try but would like to see something even better), underwater combat mount or land combat mount with only one user needed. These are my ideas if any mounts are needed. Already existing ones are more than fine. 

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14 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Combat-themed single-person mount. Something that does not need you to carry a passenger in order to utilize it fully, but also something that does not dismount you on combat. And i even see more than one possible role here: not just dps, but also support-themed combat mounts.


I thought that the turtle mount could probably use some augments or customisation to fill this sort of role.

  • Give the "driver" a weapon of some kind, maybe a small jade blaster that they can use so they're not just stomping.
  • Allow the owner to specify a "role" for the turtle. Make it a Jade Bot enhancement or something.
    • Healer - deploy regenerative fields and a burst aoe heal, maybe an Aegis skill?
    • Offensive Support - Basically the Jade Tech Offensive buffs
    • Defensive Support - Basically the Jade Tech Defensive buffs
    • Debuffer - maybe a cannon mode that provides different debuffs like weakness and slow to enemies?
    • Cannons/DPS - as it is now, possibly a few tweaks.



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1 hour ago, Tails.9372 said:

They actually already succeeded in doing so, both the Exalted Enchanted Armor and the Asuran Power Suit from the Dragon Response Missions deal around 12k DPS which is enough to be an upgrade for most players but still low enough to be a downgrade for players that know what they are doing.

Yeah but that's a closed system. And a very tiny one, only needed to balance in a few maps.

But who knows, maybe they would be able to do that.

They certainly seem to have gotten better at understanding why everyone is angry at the balance team.

Like, you can't nerf something because 1% of people managed to do it on a golem.

That's nice. 🙂


So i'm not saying it would be impossible, but i'm still questioning if that would really be necesary.

Cause then, with every change, the mounts would need to be balanced as well...

Kind of weird lol.

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The next mount would almost indoubtedly be a very slow, two-player infinite flight mount. First because its the next step for all new mounts to be multiplayer, second because infinite flight has been the most requested mount feature since Path of Fire, and third because making it slow would be the only way to balance not having to land, which would also differentiate it from the Griffon and Skyscale.


We won't see a spider mount, it was abandoned due to arachnophobia. Some players can't even play the game without avoiding spider-laden areas, and in many other games its not uncommon to have an option to turn spiders into generic enemies (yes, its that bad for some people).

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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A single player airship with personal waypoint that you can park anywhere that will circle a small area. Similar to the circling waypoint during the DE meta. For use especially during events/metas where there are no convenient waypoints close by.

EDIT: OK. Bad suggestion. No one can see you showing off your new skins. 😁

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On 8/30/2022 at 9:21 AM, kharmin.7683 said:

What would a new mount add that isn't already covered by the existing ones?

well that same question was asked before EoD and the thought of the turtle. So the answer is , it can add anything they want it to. I mean the very people saying this now said the same back before the turtle, that any new mount would not be added because there is no use for it. but here we are.

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17 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

We have a mount that is great at traveling in the air and one that is great on the ground but none for on or under water.

Skimmer is the water mount, and it can swim underwater after you do the quest for it and stuff

Edited by Zuldari.3940
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