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We need Well / AOE hate.


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A long long time ago we managed to get ANET to completely remove projectiles from large scale wvw and gvg fights.


Its about time we did the same to traps/wells/aoe etc!


We need player centric vacuum cleaner toolkits that just hoover up wells and aoe fields,  making them completely harmless.


Then fight outcome can be decided by a new boon count mechanic. The blob with the most boons in a specific time frame wins control of that area.



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At this point they might as well just take out all player damage and add a pet to every class to duke it out on our behalf.


7 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Just throw a warrior at them. If he lives you win. If he dies you get a good laugh.

Asurans are breathing a sigh of relief that they're no longer on the list of things to throw.

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8 hours ago, Sandzibar.5134 said:

A long long time ago we managed to get ANET to completely remove projectiles from large scale wvw and gvg fights.


Its about time we did the same to traps/wells/aoe etc!


We need player centric vacuum cleaner toolkits that just hoover up wells and aoe fields,  making them completely harmless.


Then fight outcome can be decided by a new boon count mechanic. The blob with the most boons in a specific time frame wins control of that area.



I suggest that the herald of this new golden age be the vanilla Thief!

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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

At this point they might as well just take out all player damage and add a pet to every class to duke it out on our behalf.


Asurans are breathing a sigh of relief that they're no longer on the list of things to throw.

Don't worry they will just be re-purposed as it feels like some of these changes are trying to do.

New WvW Siege: ClownCar Launcher. ClownCar Launcher requires the scribing ability to create each ClownCar that can be fired from the Launcher once deployed. Each shot of the ClownCar launcher consumes one unit of the ClownCar ammo. For each Asuran loaded into the ClownCar the shots damage is increased by 10%. A bonus 25% can be added to the damage when a Charr is launched on top of the ClownCar while standing on the hood laughing at all the Asurans packed into the ClownCar. Siege option is now available on the GemStore for 2000 Gems per Launcher.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
double spacing and spell
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ahah i just proposed a similar idea for the spellbraker (and maybe other classes) to have an utility skill to cast a denial of AoEs. 

let's say warrior uses Break Enchantment and all the existing/pulsing  AoEs in a 360 radius of the warrior are cancelled. This is good to disrupt AoE bombs from zergs as well as to disrupt bubble walls. Just stamp a good CD on it so it can not be abused and we are good. 

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35 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

ahah i just proposed a similar idea for the spellbraker (and maybe other classes) to have an utility skill to cast a denial of AoEs. 

let's say warrior uses Break Enchantment and all the existing/pulsing  AoEs in a 360 radius of the warrior are cancelled. This is good to disrupt AoE bombs from zergs as well as to disrupt bubble walls. Just stamp a good CD on it so it can not be abused and we are good. 

And everything becomes one push melee farm, just the way the fight guilds want it. And cooldowns don't actually do much when you could just bring another person to cast it.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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4 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

And everything becomes one push melee farm, just the way the fight guilds want it. And cooldowns don't actually do much when you could just bring another person to cast it.

True, but if the radius is small enough and the CD high enough  it won't matter how many spellbreakers you can bring as you have plenty of space to set your AoEs.
Anet can also limit how many AoEs are nullified at a time  if that gives you peace of mind so one warrior can not make a full zerg useless.  

Edited by anduriell.6280
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14 hours ago, Sandzibar.5134 said:

A long long time ago we managed to get ANET to completely remove projectiles from large scale wvw and gvg fights.


Its about time we did the same to traps/wells/aoe etc!


We need player centric vacuum cleaner toolkits that just hoover up wells and aoe fields,  making them completely harmless.


Then fight outcome can be decided by a new boon count mechanic. The blob with the most boons in a specific time frame wins control of that area.



oh yes so we can finally get rid of this "about face"-kiting, "dodging" and "movement"

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2 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Well if we start taking away ground target aoes, I think it'll be time for necros get a new trait, which makes their aoes attach to a player instead so they get turned into mobile aoes, a reverse gyro. 🤭 😈


I am a bit surprised we don't already have that. Considering they could take inspiration from fractals and such.

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What it comes down to ppl want skill that track players or move so fast that tracking is not an issues IN a near action combat game. The player base wants 1 button 1 hit with no room for missing and any thing that counter that effect they kind of freek out. If your skill is so fast or is always able to hit its target then it SHOULD be easy to counter.

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