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The " Pointed Ears " package is a horror show.

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Wanders into a new region to find it peopled with pointy eared natives who practice archery from horseback.  The elves see us coming from across the broad flat plain and gtfo.  "They have giant flying turtles with cannons attached! Run! just run! "
The entire expansion is us trying to make contact as the elves flee in terror peppering us with flint tipped arrows that harmlessly bounce off of our ascended armor.

Edited by Zebulous.2934
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1 hour ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

Wanders into a new region to find it peopled with pointy eared natives who practice archery from horseback.  The elves see us coming from across the broad flat plain and gtfo.  "They have giant flying turtles with cannons attached! Run! just run! "
The entire expansion is us trying to make contact as the elves flee in terror peppering us with flint tipped arrows that harmlessly bounce off of our ascended armor.

I'd play it.

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On 9/20/2022 at 11:27 AM, Witch of Steam.5138 said:

I mean if anyone wanted proof positive that Anet Ignores every non-human race constantly, this is it. 

It looks plastic and horrible on any race aside from human. 

It completely ignores asura, charr, and Sylvari Anatomy /Entirely/. 

Definitely feels like another in a long line of hard confirmations From Anet 

That , " No, we don't care about the other races. Everything we do is for humans

Sylvari already have elf-like ears , The New elf ears just look like plastic Glued to the side of their head. 

Asura ears have Musculature and move to emote, The new elf ears ignore that and invoke the uncanny imagery of someone who's had so much plastic surgery they can't bend their facial muscles anymore. 

Don't even get me started on how it Force-locks Charr into what is by far the Ugliest looking horn design i've ever had the misfortune of having shoved into my ocular nerves. 

Can we please get some Future cosmetics that , Oh I dunno, Actually Work with Non-humans in a non-clunky way ? 

The jade prosthetic was Decent ( even if they forgot that they know how to make single-arm prosthetics for both arms and not just one ) 

It could work with other races. 

It looked Alright on other Races 

Why did we take 1 step forward and 58 Steps back. 

Even the norn have.. similar issues 

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13 hours ago, Shrike Arghast.3856 said:

If the other races weren't so horribly unappealing, maybe more people would play them, and Anet would cater to them more significantly. Humans are literally the only genuinely attractive race. And, sorry, but the vast majority of people WILL choose a pretty paper doll over a 'unique' one.

"horribly unappealing" - now really... you only like humans and thats fine, play only humas then...

I for example think humas are a bit boring...

My main is sylvari but i do have all races, at least 2 of each. The races in GW2 are so unique, love them all for what they are:

Humans. .. well... humans

Asura - cute (or scary - depends on how you "design" them) scientists and nerds

Norn - tough giants from the north

Charr - fierce beasty warriors (no, they are no cats...!!! they are much more than that )

and last but not least ...

Sylvari - curious and interesting plant beeings.


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33 minutes ago, Harak.8397 said:

On that subject: I seem to see a lot more Charr running around since the Steam Launch. Makes me wonder if the humans have been so popular since 2012 mostly because GW1 players were moving to GW2.

I think that's the case in pretty much every MMO in the West. I think Asian MMOs are different in that, but there are still many humanoid races everywhere. The explanation is simple: we tend to like to play what's close to ourselves.

I can imagine that that's slowly changing though. And I think Charr are something that some people might enjoy. It's the only "beast race" and those are not as common. So that might be an appeal for those players who didn't get to play something like that in other MMOs.

But that's just me speculating.

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3 hours ago, Harak.8397 said:

On that subject: I seem to see a lot more Charr running around since the Steam Launch. Makes me wonder if the humans have been so popular since 2012 mostly because GW1 players were moving to GW2.

Charr male has been meta for as long as Human female, they're polar opposites to each other. For some reason players who prefer male characters overwhelmingly chose Charr and players who prefer female characters overwhelmingly chose Human, probably because of the aesthetics of both.

Yes, they're one of the least played races, but statistics get really wonky. Like how Elementalist is one of the least played classes but the most common Human female is Elementalist.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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1 hour ago, Chay.7852 said:

Charr are very well done imo - a beast race which also looks beasty... Usually beast races in other games are humans with [insert-beast] heads. i somehow can't take those really serious.

Games with true furry races are extremely rare because they take alot more dev resources to make. To this day ArenaNet stills seems to  regret adding Charr to the game because of this, even though its one of the things that sets Guild Wars apart and makes it a cornerstone of MMOs even after a decade.


That said, players with female Charr (including me) tend to dress them up as pretty princesses which isn't consistent with the lore. and its given female Charr quite the reputation in general in the player base (there was even a fashion show recently), and no other race really has this problem. Crecia was the first Charr NPC we have who looks anything like player-controlled Charr, unless you count Rox's huge anime-esque eyes.


You could probably blame it on recent influence from other cultures in canon though.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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On 9/24/2022 at 8:20 AM, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Games with true furry races are extremely rare because they take alot more dev resources to make. To this day ArenaNet stills seems to  regret adding Charr to the game because of this, even though its one of the things that sets Guild Wars apart and makes it a cornerstone of MMOs even after a decade.

Oh I agree totally they made one of the best beast races ever, not just humans with ears and tails tacked on, but an actual beast. When people go oh FF has races you can play that are animal types, I just lol. I wish we had a reptilian race also I would love some lizard looks. Anyway I bought the ears and I love them!! My asura looks cute in them, on charr its a bit dif since they have more ears it looks like a decoration if you use the tipped one. But they do make the charr ears cute too bigger and more stand out but it dont look bad at all.

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On 9/23/2022 at 3:59 PM, Shrike Arghast.3856 said:

If the other races weren't so horribly unappealing, maybe more people would play them, and Anet would cater to them more significantly. Humans are literally the only genuinely attractive race. And, sorry, but the vast majority of people WILL choose a pretty paper doll over a 'unique' one.

I’ve found the humans unappealing since launch. They have an uncanny valley Barbie/Ken doll like quality.

Sylvari look more structurally human than the human models in this game. The non human races look like they had significantly more attention put into their creation.

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On 9/24/2022 at 4:54 AM, Chay.7852 said:

"horribly unappealing" - now really... you only like humans and thats fine, play only humas then...

I for example think humas are a bit boring...

My main is sylvari but i do have all races, at least 2 of each. The races in GW2 are so unique, love them all for what they are:

Humans. .. well... humans

Asura - cute (or scary - depends on how you "design" them) scientists and nerds

Norn - tough giants from the north

Charr - fierce beasty warriors (no, they are no cats...!!! they are much more than that )

and last but not least ...

Sylvari - curious and interesting plant beeings.


Keep in mind humans in this universe Were dumped into Tyria by Random Mist Aliens 

Immediately carved out a Place in the world by committing mass genocide against the populations that were in this world to start with.

Then Nuked themselves when they Lost Ground to reclaimation efforts.. Twice. ( Orr, Ascalon ) 

So humans in this game are very interesting 

... in that they're the absolute worst 

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On 9/20/2022 at 6:27 PM, Witch of Steam.5138 said:

I mean if anyone wanted proof positive that Anet Ignores every non-human race constantly, this is it. 

It looks plastic and horrible on any race aside from human. 

It completely ignores asura, charr, and Sylvari Anatomy /Entirely/. 

Definitely feels like another in a long line of hard confirmations From Anet 

That , " No, we don't care about the other races. Everything we do is for humans

Sylvari already have elf-like ears , The New elf ears just look like plastic Glued to the side of their head. 

Asura ears have Musculature and move to emote, The new elf ears ignore that and invoke the uncanny imagery of someone who's had so much plastic surgery they can't bend their facial muscles anymore. 

Don't even get me started on how it Force-locks Charr into what is by far the Ugliest looking horn design i've ever had the misfortune of having shoved into my ocular nerves. 

Can we please get some Future cosmetics that , Oh I dunno, Actually Work with Non-humans in a non-clunky way ? 

The jade prosthetic was Decent ( even if they forgot that they know how to make single-arm prosthetics for both arms and not just one ) 

It could work with other races. 

It looked Alright on other Races 

Why did we take 1 step forward and 58 Steps back. 

this item (elven ears) is something I really wanted for a long time. And finally we got it in store. There are always whine ppl that say, but its not in lore. * lore!! I asked for elven ears a month ago. A unicorn horn is also not lore. Then Someone on Reddit posted a Legolas with normal human ears. And it got over 320 upvotes. Only missing part was the right (and left) ear(s) So then anet realised there are many ppl who wanted to look like an elf. 
the best chance to look like an elf is using a human or a norn race. And not beasts like charr or rats. Or a plant sylvarie. And because it’s a gemstore item they didn’t want to exclude some races so it’s available for every race. To not make ppl mad. Ppl have to decide for themself if it would look good or bad on some races. I mean you knew how this would look nice or not on some…

you know there is also cultural armor. But they can’t make a gemstore item for 2 races only. 

elven ears are not meant for other races then norn or human. you can imagine that before that it doesn’t work because they have elephant ears. If sylvarie had better haircuts with real hair,  then ppl would not ask for elven ears. 

but I am happy with the item 😃

Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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8 hours ago, Witch of Steam.5138 said:

Keep in mind humans in this universe Were dumped into Tyria by Random Mist Aliens 

Immediately carved out a Place in the world by committing mass genocide against the populations that were in this world to start with.

Then Nuked themselves when they Lost Ground to reclaimation efforts.. Twice. ( Orr, Ascalon ) 

So humans in this game are very interesting 

... in that they're the absolute worst 

lol i have never taken it that way... but yeah... from this perspective you are right

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I don't like the elf ear skin, so I did not buy them. 

Sometimes with gemstore items it is that simple. Unless you wanted elf ears for Asura, yeah then I can imagine your dissapointment...

But then again, Which Asura in their right mind would replace their catear hoodie for elf ears? <--- joke obviosuly (just in case) but what it comes down to: they do not fit your taste. So ignore them and wait/look for something you like better.

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