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PSA: The Hat Returns!

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Extra Life 2022 just went live today, and while this is great for the simple fact that Extra Life is a good program, it's also great because it looks like the celebration hat is finally coming back to the game after a decade.

Open your achievements:
> Bonus Events > Extra Life Donation Drive > (Annual) Extra Life Donor Goal

If I'm remembering correctly, all you'll have to do to qualify for this is contribute to Extra Life - cheapest way is probably to convert gold or cash to gems and pick up an Extra Life Karma Booster (75 gems) from the shop and then wait for the community goal to be reached (you'll want to visit Lion's Arch for this part). Of course, you can also buy one of the more expensive options, but the booster is a good way for people to contribute who may not have very much to spend.

I like this. This pleases me. Viva la baseball cap. 🥳

EDIT: Per the news article, these items will be available for purchase in the shop until November 8th. All proceeds are donated to Extra Life.

Edited by AgentMoore.9453
Additional deets, for deetlovers.
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TBH Im disappointed kinda. Just because the hat has always been something very special that when u saw it on a player u pretty much knew they had played during release.(like myself) That will be gone now. That said, Its a nice skin and I understand wanting it and no ill to anyone who gets one.

Just saying, I would have preferred maybe a logo change on the hat for Second Life. That would have given people like myself a way to preserve that value of the original hat and actually further motivate us to donate for a new hat also. I cannot imagine a logo change would be complicated on the hat. That said, I am not the coder so what do I know.

Edited to clarify in case anyone is actually confused... >

Again, Ideally I would love to see the 2nd life hat be given a new logo, like maybe the one on the cape?? That way people that played 10 years ago still get a reward for the annual (we dont at present) while still giving everyone a cool cap skin. Additionally, we all get more variety! 😃

Note: For what its worth I think its a great cause and want to encourage people to donate. I like the effort to motivate people w a cool special reward. I just wish it wasn't the EXACT SAME reward I got for playing 10 years ago upon release.

< end edit

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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That's cool, I know a lot of people have been wanting it for years and it's nice they have an option to get it again. (Incidentally if it's like last year's reward you can also get it if someone else gifts you an Extra Life item, which can be the 75 gem karma booster.)

Edit: Confirmed. My primary account gifted 1 Extra Life karma booster to my secondary account and the secondary (but not the primary) got the donor achievement. So it's recieving an item which triggers it, whether you buy it yourself or someone buys it for you.

For some reason I'm tempted to get it on my 2nd account even though I've had it on my main account for years and never used it. (I actually have 2, because it was free and I was excited.)

Edited by Danikat.8537
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1 hour ago, SpyderArachnid.5619 said:

It was a nice exclusive for those of us who have been a part of this game since the beginning. It was a nice nod to us veterans to always have that one thing that made us feel unique for supporting Anet from the beginning of the game.

Now that exclusivity is being taken away and given to anyone now. Shame.

Not all some of us lost it before the wardrobe got implemented.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Not all some of us lost it before the wardrobe got implemented.

This is quite true. I left for a bit and when I came back the only things in my wardrobe were what happened to be in my inventory. I had to go back and buy all the low level equipment types to add them to my wardrobe, even though I had worn them on my way up to level 80.

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It wouldn't surprise me if there are a lot of people who played that first weekend and don't have the hat for one reason or another. For one thing it wasn't automatic, you had to claim it from the gem store and a lot of people weren't looking at the cash shop when they'd only just bought the game. Then as mentioned it could have been lost before the wardrobe was introduced (or after if you didn't convert it to a wardrobe skin).

More importantly though in 10 years I've never had anyone ask if I've got it, or ask for any proof or show any scepticism when I say I got the game at release and played the headstart weekend and on the rare occasions I've used that hat no one has commented on it. So I don't think it really means anything to other players.

3 hours ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

This is quite true. I left for a bit and when I came back the only things in my wardrobe were what happened to be in my inventory. I had to go back and buy all the low level equipment types to add them to my wardrobe, even though I had worn them on my way up to level 80.

Yeah the wardrobe wasn't retroactive, it could only unlock skins you had when it was added to the game or got after that, not ones you'd had before and lost. I spent the first evening it was released making new characters to add all the exclusive starter items (like the engineers backpack and the mesmer masks) to the wardrobe and a long time after that re-crafting or buying a bunch of stuff to get all the crafted skins.

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12 minutes ago, Nightcore.5621 said:

And this is one of the reasons why i stop bother or care about getting skins or anything this game nothing will ever feel speciel or uniq sadly

For what it's worth I'm one of the people who does pay attention to how other people dress their characters, I'll even take screenshots of ones I really like (is that creepy?) and for me the overall look is always more important than individual skins.

The only reason I look at specific skins (or infusions, or whatever) is because it's something I'm considering getting or I've heard is popular but don't like and I want to see how it looks in the game in case that changes my mind.

The vast majority of the time what draws my attention is the combination of skins and dyes, especially if there's a theme to them, and for that it really does not matter how rare they are, it's the care and attention the player put into combining them that makes them interesting. I'll be far more interested in the one where I can tell at a glance their charr is an Iron Legion miner than one with a new legendary or some random gem store skin or whatever.

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3 hours ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

I lost mine before the wardrobe was released and opened a support ticket about it. They restored it for me years ago 🤷‍♂️

I see no reason why new players shouldn't have access to this skin or any skin for that matter. I see no use for exclusive items in a game. Just divides people in the end.

That's a really nice view point!  I could see it being kind of a bragging right for older players, like some of the birthday exclusives.  Most things are available to all players, and I'm ok with not having everything a ten year vet has.  I'd still like it to relate more to Extra Life.   Also, there really are no exclusive, unique skins..someone else always has them, so it shouldn't be a big fuss.  

I hope the community simply contributes, has fun, and not worry about a hat that has returned.  

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As someone who has this from game launch, I really dont care too much that its brought back.   I can count on one hand how many times I've actually used this one in the last 10 years and still have fingers left over.    Glad the dressup folks can finally have access to a rather bland hat lol 

Edited by neighto.7386
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I previewed the hat on all my characters and found two who can pull off the look this hat gives them.  My male norn looks really good in it, and my male asura looks like a goofball, but in a good way.  I got quite a few laughs seeing it on my others, especially my female charr.

I missed it the first time around and I'm happy to have it. I would not be opposed to a different logo on it to preserve the special-ness of the original.

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I was here at launch, and don't have it. Probably lost it pre-wardrobe like others. Then again, I'd probably never use it, either. I tend to avoid contemporary clothing. I used the t-shirt and shorts outfit for while on my weekly keyrunner, but I've since got a better outfit that fits the game world and use that.

I'll never understand the pleasure people get out of having something because other people don't.

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On 10/25/2022 at 7:53 PM, Linken.6345 said:

Not all some of us lost it before the wardrobe got implemented.

I had lost the skin from lacking transmutes+storage back before skins got "unlocked"(wardrobe update). At the time I was thinking I could somehow get it back from the purchase history on the TP at the time(game was new) and had to delete the item that I had the skin on(hard to get transmutes then). However, I petitioned and was able to get the skin back by explaining what happened and that it was before the wardrobe system was updated.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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On 10/26/2022 at 3:21 AM, SpyderArachnid.5619 said:

It was a nice exclusive for those of us who have been a part of this game since the beginning. It was a nice nod to us veterans to always have that one thing that made us feel unique for supporting Anet from the beginning of the game.

Now that exclusivity is being taken away and given to anyone now. Shame.

One of the great things seperating GW2 is that the game is not littered with unobtainable fomo stuff. Such a massive turn off in games when things are unobtainable.

When you realize this is a quality, you may have an easier time letting go of ego.

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4 hours ago, Crackmonster.2790 said:

One of the great things seperating GW2 is that the game is not littered with unobtainable fomo stuff. Such a massive turn off in games when things are unobtainable.

When you realize this is a quality, you may have an easier time letting go of ego.

Its a nice point of view, but I mean the item has been an exclusive from the release/launch period for 10 years now. They could easily just, for example, change the color of the "2" on the cap from Red (release) to Blue (EoD). It would let everyone have a cap, without short changing Veteran players.


Also before you reduce it to FOMO remember that for players, like myself, who actually have the cap now we get NOTHING for that same achievement. Furthermore, I have played so much I am at the point in the game I dont get interesting AP rewards very often, let alone very easy ones with COOL rewards. This year the older players honestly get screwed.


Again That said people should donate because its a good cause no for the reward, but still it leaves a bad taste.


It easily could be/could have been avoided by just changing the color from red to blue or some other little alteration to the same skin/model. I still think they should. I already donated on my main and a few of my alt accounts (mostly got capes cause I have the mini). Its a worthy cause.


I would be happier tho if I got a reward for the annual achievement, like the newer players will get for the same donations. (and myself on my alt accounts LOL). Again, people who got the cap at gw2 launch will get no reward for the same achievement.

Is that Fair?


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9 hours ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

Also before you reduce it to FOMO remember that for players, like myself, who actually have the cap now we get NOTHING for that same achievement. Furthermore, I have played so much I am at the point in the game I dont get interesting AP rewards very often, let alone very easy ones with COOL rewards. This year the older players honestly get screwed.

We got to play the game for longer. That's far more valuable and interesting to me than a hat.

You've been able to play it for long enough that you've come as close to finishing the game as you can get in an MMO. That's pretty cool and something no new player can hope to achieve without also spending 10 years playing (or more, I'm nowhere near that point myself even though we started at the same time). Someone else also having a hat can never take away those experiences, or all the stuff you've actually achieved in that time.

I don't really remember getting the celebration hat. When I think about playing at launch what I mainly remember is the chaos of running around with no one really knowing how anything worked, the Trading Post being offline more than it was working so people were trading stuff in chat, being surprised and kind of scared when I saw the Shadow Behemoth over the trees and (later, when I was a high enough level to go into the swamp) joining in a fight which was a genuine struggle to win because no one knew the routine and no one was level 80. Then things like the first Halloween and the Lost Shores Event, which was a mess I'm glad hasn't been repeated, but was at least memorable. The community working together to figure out legendary weapon recipes.

Things like that are what makes playing this game from day 1 special to me and having or not having a hat, or someone else having a hat, isn't going to change that.

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4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

We got to play the game for longer. That's far more valuable and interesting to me than a hat.

You've been able to play it for long enough that you've come as close to finishing the game as you can get in an MMO. That's pretty cool and something no new player can hope to achieve without also spending 10 years playing (or more, I'm nowhere near that point myself even though we started at the same time). Someone else also having a hat can never take away those experiences, or all the stuff you've actually achieved in that time.

I don't really remember getting the celebration hat. When I think about playing at launch what I mainly remember is the chaos of running around with no one really knowing how anything worked, the Trading Post being offline more than it was working so people were trading stuff in chat, being surprised and kind of scared when I saw the Shadow Behemoth over the trees and (later, when I was a high enough level to go into the swamp) joining in a fight which was a genuine struggle to win because no one knew the routine and no one was level 80. Then things like the first Halloween and the Lost Shores Event, which was a mess I'm glad hasn't been repeated, but was at least memorable. The community working together to figure out legendary weapon recipes.

Things like that are what makes playing this game from day 1 special to me and having or not having a hat, or someone else having a hat, isn't going to change that.

I hear ya and agree, but at the same time. I loved the cap when we got it, thought I could get it back. Lost it from the old wardrobe. Wanted it so badly that I petitioned Anet. Anet was nice enough to restore it which I am greatful for. I have enjoyed the hat. I use the skin on 3-4 of my toons. I have shaped looks around it. Its fine tho. Its just a hat.

Still it would be nice to have been considered as a 10 year veteran player when they created the annual Half-Life reward. Call me spoiled if you like for mentioning that in a game the reward system balances a 10 year player with nothing and gives a new player one of my favorite things I have gotten in 10 years while giving me nothing for the same reward.


Again, its just a cap, while at the same time I shows a troubling trend by Anet to just recycle old exclusive rewards like the recent Aurene cape too. It just looks very lazy and thoughtless. Thats the only part that really buggs me is that they cant just do a decent job of curating/using items. ToTs are another recent example of just things that could have been done much better to avoid such foolish actions on Anets part. I hesitated to even mention it because I know on the forums I will get allot of strong defense of Anet even when they make a glaring error.


How hard do you think it would be to change the 2 logo on the cap from white/red to while/blue with a color swap and no other model changes? Then everyone would gain an EoD theme hat. Everyone woulda gotten a reward even Veteran players like us. No one would have lost anything in the deal either. Just saying...


Also the hat was a fun kind of KP (friendly) that I have experienced in game many, maybe 100s, of times. That is, If I am wearing that cap and others ping the skin and make a comment about launch Period of the game and we get to have this cool, fun moment in which we both feel a sense of a shared experience cause we both know we experienced the launch of the game. This will take that away. I will no longer be able to have that connection... I can see that you dont value that, but can you understand why I do?

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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I was disappointed to see that the original Celebration Hat is being given away for Extra Life. It was a symbol of those gamers who were here in GW2 at the start.
If they could even just change the base colour of the hat to white or blue or something, then it was really encourage people to donate for a new hat skin.
Please, Anet, it's not too late to change the skin on the hat before it is released!
EDIT: I'm dumb. The hat can be dyed. >.<

Edited by Spiral.3724
imma noob
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Well there goes that. Went in game took hat off charr and asura. At least I still have my wings of the sunless. The 10 yr title makes losing the hat less painful to be sure.  And btw if anyone had lost the hat because of wardrobe change they needed only submit a ticket and it was replaced.  Why not just rename the hat, that way all players might be satisfied. I mean you just had to be there.....

Edited by Tasida.4085
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