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November 29 Balance Update Preview

Double Tap.3940

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I am happy about rising tide but what about Thief and its twin fangs and keen observer since thief is far more squishy and has lower hp? Anet please that needs to 75% or less and not Rising tide on rev. It feels so bad to have this on thief in PvE, please reduce the damned HP treshold to 75% or 60% or 50% on thief on those two, thanks... (I am rev main btw). And specter is kinda sad too.

Edited by Lyn.7902
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2 hours ago, Double Tap said:

Water Trident: This skill is no longer ground targeted, and instead it fires projectiles at the target and up to 2 nearby enemies. This skill no longer heals allies, and instead it heals the caster when striking an enemy.

Dont delete Support weapons. Its good with heal on allies and Regeneration (e.g. heal-tempest, heal-catalyst).

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Mechanical Genius: Combat attribute bonuses to the mech are now reduced by 50% if the engineer is more than a range of 360 away from the mech for a certain amount of time.


I understand what do you want with this change, but I really don't think is good, because the mech IQ is really low, a lot of the time his movements is so random and annoying, this change would be nice if you could control the movement of mech correctly or at least making him follow you correctly.

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2 hours ago, Double Tap said:

Water Trident: This skill is no longer ground targeted, and instead it fires projectiles at the target and up to 2 nearby enemies. This skill no longer heals allies, and instead it heals the caster when striking an enemy. This skill now deals increased damage to chilled enemies. Increased ammunition from 1 to 2. Increased power coefficient from 0.5 to 1.6 in PvE and from 0.5 to 1.25 in PvP and WvW.

1. [PvE] Water Trident is a good skill on healer, I liked it better on current version that healed allies. Well I guess we are back to dagger on healer.

2. Still no changes to Elemental Empowerment so it refresh after applying new aura.

3. No changes to Conjure Weapons, kit treatment when?

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As far as the changes to elementalist go I was pretty sad.


no changes to tempest alac application leaving it entirely dependent on finishing overloads and the only boon build that has delayed boon application when it comes to alac, plus immensely punishing if you get interrupted or need to cancel.


Weaving water trident in between overloads in different elements was one of the best ways to upkeep some group healing but now that’s also gone leaving scepter heal alac with even less ability to heal with no changes to compensate. Feels bad. 

Overall just disappointed that more wasn’t done to tune up tempest or many of the core ele utilities.

Edited by Silimaur.1984
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11 minutes ago, Mike.7983 said:

Chaos Vortex: Clones using this skill will now grant the same boons in an area of effect around the mesmer instead of around the clones themselves. Reduced alacrity duration from 2.5 seconds to 1 second. Reduced might stacks from 8 to 2.

i believe that is a so so change, i suppose  that each clone will give you 1 sec alac and 2 stack might. That makes it a bit weird that you should focus having 3 clones at all times. The biggest issue is that in raids clones die like nothing. so keeping them on and deal mechanics while the clones DO NOT MOVE. will be clunky and hard to pull off.

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RIP my Deadeye. 

The range reduction was totally unnecessary. 

It's a sniper rifle!

And now I'm out ranged by a longbow. 

Edit: You want to encourage extra Deadeye players? Increase the range of kneeling rifle skills to 1800 & give it pierce. No other changes needed. 


Edited by VaegaVic.6394
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13 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

Could you please explain this:

  • Enchantment Collapse: Increased internal cooldown from 0.99 to 1.04 in WvW only.

Still poring over it but I noticed this in the stream too.

(reserved post)

It is explained. Its specifically to make it trigger less with Winds of Disenchantment while leaving it mostly intact for other boon removal options. 

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  • Lethal Tempo: Increased bonus damage per stack from 1% to 2% in PvE only.

This feels like a nothing change due to how Tyrant's Momentum works. This only benefits builds that take Phoenix Protocol or Deathless Courage, which currently don't really exist. (unless I am misreading this and it will also means Tyrant's is now also improved)

Also whirling light still is shocking low damage. I was expecting it to be buffed a little as it seems to be designed to be a powerful dps skill for willbenders. 

Edited by Falconwing.8105
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the scourge nerfs are superbad and uncessary

idk yet what that FB changes are. depends how it finally looks but has potential to be superbad. i mean worstcase we'll have to run 2 FBs per party now but it's not phrased clear enough, sounds not good tho.

these changes can heavily dmg Wvw, once again

and who cares about pvE idk. some dps more or less on a pvE mob, 5 seconds more or less spamming till it dies, uwu


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2 hours ago, Double Tap said:

Cal "cmc" Cohen

So are Chrono Alac and Quick builds working as intended?  Are these builds meant to be not viable in any game mode?  With exception to WvW where we only need 1 or 2 per zerg......

I'm pretty disappointed that these builds appear to be forgotten after you pulled all the utility out of them and gave it to other professions who are now the defacto boon providers. 


Is it true you hate Mesmers?  Asking for a friend......

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5 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

This still doesn't make sense. Enchantment Collapse is non-damaging and the post is saying cooldown not coefficient.
Enchantment Collapse - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

Is what you're implying the post was supposed to read "Winds of Disenchantment" and damage coefficient?

Maybe I'm tired but I don't understand what you don't understand

With WoD + Enchantment Collapse both effects triggered every sec, now it will be one WoD + EC tick, then one WoD tick, then again WoD + EC and so on, basically EC won't activate on every 2nd WoD tick

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2 hours ago, Double Tap said:

Chaos Vortex: Clones using this skill will now grant the same boons in an area of effect around the mesmer instead of around the clones themselves. Reduced alacrity duration from 2.5 seconds to 1 second. Reduced might stacks from 8 to 2.

We had this discussion already. Leave it as it is. Its a niche alac spec which is good on bosses like cairn, twin largos, etc...

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I do not get it. Why is the range of Deadeye nerver across all modes?

Last time you talked about the uniqueness of each elite spec. And now... you take away the last unique fact about the deadeye.

A 1200 range deadeye is, specially for solo play, now going to be replaced for me for the Mechanist which has same range and more damage. 

I simply do not get it. Can you please explain what the Deadeye, descriped as a Sniper... what makes it a sniper if so many other classes with same range do BETTER? 

If this will be implemented, you might as well remove the Deadeye name and call it "average gunner" The ONLY place where this might be a good change is instanced content. But to be honest... I do not see it.

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I'm really disappointed that following the Power Budget / Holes in Roles talk during the Balance Philosophy stream, there is only one change in the entire patch notes that significant shakes up the affected elite spec (Firebrand) to align with the philosophy. The rest of the patch changes feel like the standard fare of "we changed how this works because we felt like it" we've come to expect over the last 10 years.  

That stream sure talked a big game for our quarterly(?) balance patch to be 90% coeff changes. 

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8 minutes ago, Whiskers.7346 said:

On Deadeye, the changes are baffling to say the least.

I'm not exactly certain how I'm supposed to get enough Malice to actually use Death's Judgement if the other rifle skills aren't piercing too. All of rifle needs to pierce for the class to work, not just Death's Judgement.

Easily the worst spec in the game and will remain so. Kinda hard to kill something that's already dead and never seen though so life will go on as if nothing's different.

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So, now after seeing the changes, these are the changes that'd still be pretty logical from Kitty's PVE viewpoint.

But first, an important thing to mention: when you're allowing Deadeye to move with -75% movement speed when kneeling, hopefully you tested that it doesn't move faster with Swiftness and Superspeed. If not, there's a good chance that we might have a squad of 4 deadeyes and a heal scrapper in both subs.

-Life Siphon (Dagger 2): Increase base damage from 990 to 1100 and damage coefficient from 2.7 to 4.0. (Currently worse than auto-attack.)
-Enfeebling Blood: Increase base damage from 550 to 770 and damage coefficient from 1.5 to 2.5. (Balanced by nerfing Harbinger's pistol to retain its damage as it is now and currently Harbinger's pistol is quite purely a condi weapon. This change actually makes off-hand skill worth using on power DPS.)
-Soul Grasp: This. Back. To. Normal. Now. Also Increase base damage from 248 to 392 and damage coefficient from 0.75 to 1.4.
-Unholy Feast and Unholy Burst: Increase base damage from 323 to 432 and damage coefficient from 1.75 to 2.4. Unholy burst now triggers when target's health is below 50%. (this would bring axe's overall damage to situationally to same region as staff's equivalent skills.)
-Life Blast: Increase base damage from 372 to 439 and damage coefficient from 1.8 to 2.2. (Currently using shroud is a DPS loss for core necro.)
-Life Transfer: Increase base damage from 1017 to 2034 and damage coefficient from 3.825 to 8.0. (Currently does less damage than auto-attack and after these necro shroud buffs it'd be about 10% more damage than auto-attack.)
-Tainted Shackles: Increase base damage from 332 to 564 and damage coefficient from 1.25 to 2.0. (The end hit would be about same as Dark Pact's, taking shroud buffs into account, and you need to be near the foe for 4 seconds for the skill to hit as power damage portion hits at the end of shackle's effect).

-Vicious Shot: Decrease damage coefficient from 0.65 to 0.6.
-Weeping Shots: Decrease damage coefficient from 2.4 to 2.0.

It does have healing capability but weaker than other classes (about 2.4k HPS atm, average across other classes is about 3.5-4k atm). These would help fix it.
-Restorative Illusions: Now heals 5 allies in 240 radius.
-Healing Prism: Now gives +10% outgoing healing. No longer gives Healing Power based on a percentage of Power. (Considering that good portion of healing stat sets, for ex. Magi's, Minstrel's, Giver's etc., don't have Power, this change would take some healing power away from Harrier's but increase healing for many other stats.)
-Illusionary Inspiration: Increase the base healing from 212 to 289 and healing modifier from 0.3 to 0.5.
-Bountiful Disillusionment: Now grants the additional boons to 5 allies in 240 radius. Might and Vigor duration is increased to 12s, Fury duration to 16s and regen duration to 20s. (Reverses the nerf which was justified with old SoI and when chrono was able to give both alac and quickness but now seriously hinders mesmer's boon ability compared to every other healer. Worded as "Additional boons" like in trait description as stability won't be included in shared boons for the sake of balance.
Since Inspiration doesn't provide boons and chrono doesn't have proper access to sharing these boons, this trait with 100% BD and Improved Alacrity-trait would be just enough to give 100% uptime on aforementioned boons if shatters are used off-CD. Though might output would still be max. 15 stacks from this trait and Tides of Time on shield gives the remaining 10 stacks for full might uptime. This trait would also force a choice between more heals from using Illusions traitline for faster clone generation for Illusionary Inspiration and Chaos for these boons. And though it'd be possible to use Inspiration traitline with Blurred Inscriptions for extending these boons to avoid modifying this trait, it's not really a viable thing to use that trait in conjunction with this trait on heal or DPS build as BI is mutually exclusive with II for healer and taking Inspiration at all is a HUGE DPS loss for boon DPS. Condi boon chrono could take this trait as well to give auxiliary boons but as of now, condi chrono is weak enough DPS-wise and giving full boons on it would require so much BD that DPS loss would be quite big that this wouldn't be overpowering even in that case.)

Also, Staff's Winds of Chaos is capable of bouncing back to primary target for 2nd hit to apply both Torment on first hit and Confusion on 2nd hit. Thus Scepter's auto-attack needs some buffs to bring it to same level (while staff also gives boons and scepter is a DPS weapon). These changes also don't overshadow axe due to all the torment it generates when Mirrored Axes-trait is slotted and axe also cleaves while scepter doesn't.
-Ether Bolt: Increase Torment duration from 2s to 3s.
-Ether Blast: Increase Torment duration from 3s to 4s.
-Ether Clone: If you don't have maximum number of illusions, additionally inflicts 5s of Torment. (In other words, 5s of Torment while summoning a clone.)
-Ether Bolt (Clone): Increase Torment duration from 2s to 3s. (Clone's Winds of Chaos has potential to bounce back to enemy for 2nd hit which'd cause 2s of Confusion or bounce to ally to give boons and 3s of Torment on Scepter's Ether Bolt would be good midway between single and double hit on staff's Winds of Chaos).

Though Mirage was created as a condi spec, there are power DPS possibilities if the numbers are brought to where they should be.
-Mirage Thrust: Increase base damage from 367 to 532 and damage coefficient from 1.0 to 3.0. (It's slow and melee and currently does 40% of auto-attack chain's DPS. Even GS ambush does 50% more and that one is weak as well. Even axe ambush does twice as much power damage as sword ambush. Thus 3.0 is the very bare minimum to make sword ambush worth using. The daze it has is essentially an interrupt so it doesn't really excuse low damage.)
-Split Surge: Increase damage coefficient from 1.35 to 2.4. (10% less damage than sword ambush as ranged punishment)
-Ether Barrage: Increase confusion and Torment duration from 4s to 6s. (With 3 clones, that'd equal to total of 30s+3x15s=75s of mix of Torment and Confusion as each hit does either Torment or Confusion. Meanwhile each staff's Chaos Vortex does 4x8s=32s of both Torment and Bleeding and 8s+3*3s=17s of Confusion so 81s of conditions total and big boons on top of that. Staff would still have advantage due to boons but if we get the scepter buffs mentioned in Mesmer-section, that'd balance it out.)

Thief is currently in pretty good place when it comes to condi builds. However, some thief's power builds are still quite underpowered, staff, pistols and sword in particular. (Rifle/Dagger+Dagger Deadeye doesn't count as counter-argument, they got even boosted further now.) And to be clear, yes, Infiltrator's Strike on sword did get a buff earlier but...Infiltrator's Return takes so long that ultimately using it for damage is a massive damage loss. Currently it's mainly good for catching up to opponent and for healing on Specter. But since sword's auto-attack chain already does big damage, the buffing needs to be done through Stealth Attack and Dual Wield skills. And to compensate for lack of cleave, requiring HP above 90% for vital boosts and reliance on flanking as well as making skills actually worth using on sword to encourage active gameplay (auto-attacking is currently best damage), Kitty has following suggestions:
-Deadly Aim: Remove the damage reduction. (It competes with Practised Tolerance which is already about 10% damage boost on power builds. This trait is useful to begin with only if there's multiple enemies and you can position yourself well to hit them all and you likely won't be able to flank them all to begin with. If you can use this trait effectively, which are few bosses where Virtuoso and Rifle Mechanist also excel at without similar conditions for damage, you're kinda qualified for the slight damage boost from piercing.)
-Tactical Strike and Malicious Tactical Strike: Increase damage coefficient from 1 to 2. (Tactical Strike was already a damage loss and now that B)
-Pistol Whip: Increase damage coefficient of initial hit from 0.37 to 0.6 and 2nd part from 3.16 to 4.0. (Due to super-long cast, it currently does less damage than auto-attacking while also rooting in place and this change would make it do 16% more DPS than auto-attacks.)
-Flanking Strike: Increase damage coefficient from 0.8 to 1.0.
-Larcenous Strike: Increase damage coefficient from 1.6 to 2.2. (This chain would thus do 16% more damage to enemies without boons and 2.5% more damage to enemies with boons, comparing to auto-attack. Currently these attacks are a big damage loss.)
-Vital Shot: Increase damage coefficient from 0.575 to 0.6. Increase Bleed duration from 4s to 6s.
-Unload: Increase damage coefficient per hit from 0.4 to 0.46.
-Repeater (Both versions): Increase damage coefficient from 1.5 to 1.8. (Would allow kinda hybrid bleed/power build)

Dancing Dagger is also seeing pretty much 0 use and its torment is kinda outlier compared to rest of condi thief's kit so Kitty would replace it with bleed. (Torment is only a thing for Skale Venom, Condi Deadeye and Specter and they all already have stronger ranged torment skills.) It's really weak atm so Kitty would boost it a bunch. Not as strong as Death Blossom which would be its main companion skill, though, but as complimentary skill if you need to go to range for a few seconds. Also would kinda allow a shady knifethrower build on Daredevil(though Virtuoso does it shinier).
-Dancing Dagger: No longer inflicts Torment but inflicts 3 stacks of Bleed for 8 seconds instead.

Power Daredevil's got some boost in previous balance patches but it's still a behind where it should be and is falling even deeper with DE buffs incoming. In Kitty's personal testing, it's currently behind metabuilds by about 10% while also having the disadvantage of having to spam evades while staying behind the enemy in melee range (Not an easy thing to do). But buff to one trait should be enough to get it to where it should be. With dagger auto-attack nerf from earlier, it also won't buff Condi Daredevil further. Also, to further compliment the knifethrower RP build...
-Weakening Strikes: Increase damage increase from 10% to 15%.
-Impairing Daggers: Increase the Poison duration from 10s to 12s.

Now that warrior got quickness, the coveted Heal Warrior would actually become a viable build in PVE IF Vigorous Shouts wasn't in same column as Martial Cadence. So, here's how to make the dreams come true.
-Vigorous Shouts: Swaps places with Shrug It Off! and no longer gives Healing Power based on Power. Increase the healing modifier from 1.2 to 1.5.
-Empowered: Additionally gain Healing Power based on 13% of your Power. (Taken from Vigorous Shouts)
(These 2 changes alone would increase the potential maximum healin output to about 2.8k per ally per second.)
-Soldier's Comfort: Increase the healing modifier from 0.8 to 1.4. (This on top of previous changes would bring it to about 3.0k which would be similar to GotL druid.)
-Shrug It Off: Swaps places with Vigorous Shouts and now removes 3 conditions when its "Shake It Off!" triggers. Increase the healing modifier from 0.2 to 0.4.
Shrug It Off would compete with Martial Cadence as grandmaster trait and thus it'd be a choice between about 3.5k maximum healing potential+big cleanses and full Quickness output on heal build. Taking Shrug It Off wouldn't be super-OP even at condition-heavy bosses since keeping up full Quickness with Shrug It Off and 1 banner would require increasing Boon Duration to close to 100% and taking Banner of Tactics instead.
-Warrior's Cunning: Lower the Health Threshold from 80% to 50%. (Overall damage bonus goes from 5% to 12.5%.)

Currently Body Blow is slightly in weird position as it's main use is inflicting Bleeding which is one of the main themes in Arms. Meanwhile Signet Mastery focuses on improving damage which is exactly what Strength is about. Doing this swap would allow creating cohesive condi builds that utilize CCs, great for esp. main-hand mace which already does condis on Berserker's Primal Burst "Skull Cracker".
-Body Blow: Move to Arms as Major Adept trait, replacing Signet Mastery. Reduce the Bleeding Duration from 12s to 8s and increase the Bleeding stacks from 1 to 2.
-Signet Mastery: Move to Strength as Major Master trait, replacing Body Blow.
Currently hammer is still behind meta weapons but these should get it to right spot slightly below GS as GS has good mobility while hammer has CC.
-Earthshaker: Increase damage coefficient from 2.0 to 2.5.
-Fierce Shock: Increase damage coefficient from 1.8 to 2.2.
Sword is currently in pretty good spot and its power damage got boosted nicely. However, this has led to one skill becoming worthless to use for anything except movement.
-Savage Leap: Increase damage coefficient from 2 to 2.75. (It's a slow skill without a condi component and this change would make it about 15% stronger than simply auto-attacking.)
Also, rifle is still weak.
-Kill Shot: Increase damage coefficient from 2.25/2.75/3.25 to 2.5/3.25/4.
-Volley: Increase damage coefficient from 3.75 to 4.5. (It's slooow so the seemingly big damage modifier is actually pretty smål DPS.)
-Explosive Shot: Increase base damage from 527 to 642 and damage coefficient from 1.5 to 2.5.

Currently Spellbreaker uses dagger as main-hand and Bladesworn doesn't have normal bursts which means that main-hand can be boosted for core Warrior and Berserker without boosting the stronger alternatives by boosting the axe bursts.
-Eviscerate: Increase damage coefficient from 2.0/2.5/3.0 to 2.25/3.0/3.75.

Also, maces have been totally ignored for a good while (even in now!) and they're doing very low damage (in 21k region in Kitty's hands, benchers would prolly do 23-24k). While mace is a CC-weapon on warrior, it is often characterized as CC/condi weapon on other classes (and support weapon on Guardian). It also already does condis on Berserker and Warrior also has trait "Body Blow" which utilizes CCs to inflict Bleeding. Good synergy for maces.
-Mace Smash: Inflict 1 stack of Bleeding for 4 seconds.
-Mace Bash: Inflict 2 stack of Bleeding for 4 seconds.
-Pulverize: On top of previous effects, also inflict 2 stacks of Bleeding for 8 seconds.
-Counterblow: On top of previous effects, also inflict  2 stacks of Confusion for 5 seconds. (Rewards for skilled play)
-Pommel Bash: On top of previous effects, also inflict 3 stacks of Confusion for 5 seconds.
-Crushing Blow: Also inflict 3 stacks of Bleeding for 4 seconds.
-Tremor: On top of previous effects, also inflict 3 stacks of Confusion for 4 seconds in melee range. (Since it has both melee and ranged component.)

Though power warr got buffs earlier, something was totally forgotten: Berserker bursts. That pretty much led to Power Berserker being weaker than core warrior with most weapons, esp. greatsword and hammer. However, since axes and greatsword are otherwise strong on Spellbreaker and Bladesworn, their normal weapon skills can't get big buffs and thus Berserker's buffing needs to be done through traits and bursts. Since Condi Berserker is also strong, the focus needs to be on stuffs specifically Power Berserker uses.
-Arc Divider: Increase base damage from 564 to 1098 and damage coefficient from 1.4 to 4.8. (Arc Divider takes about 2.75x as long to cast as Arcing Slice and even after this boost it'd be 20% weaker in comparison.)
-Rupturing Smash: Increase damage coefficient from 1.5 to 2.25.
-Gun Flame: Increase damage coefficient from 2.2 to 2.6.

Currently off-hand dagger is noticeably weaker than off-hand axe while they're direct competitors. While dagger does have damage bonus on Wastrel's Ruin, that can't be utilized very easily due to "enemy inactive"-requirement which would either require reading NPC enemy's movements (esp. any elite or higher since you can't normally CC them to stop their attacks) or setting Wastrel's Ruin by using CC before it (pretty much requires mace as main-hand or low latency with dagger) on CC-able targets (veteran or normal mobs or players, though this is PVE perspective and regarding Wastrel's Ruin, it'd be better to have separate balances.) Due to this conditional unreliability, Kitty would personally increase it's damage slightly higher than Dual Strike when 25% of attacks hit inactive foe, esp. considering that Dual Strike gives some quickness as well.
Meanwhile Bladestorm's attack speed and relatively low damage coefficient causes it to do less damage than auto-attacking while it is 5th weapon skill which is usually supposed to be big damage/effect skill. It does have frontal damage reflect as utility but it's very rare niche cases it can be used effectively on. Swiftness also doesn't cover for it since you can get it from other sources usually and its competitor Whirling Axe has built-in +50% movement speed which makes it move faster than Bladestorm. Whirling Axe also has finisher for more damage while Bladestorm doesn't have such. Though it is true that Bladestorm has some range which allows tiny bit more DPS uptime and as such, being about 10% lower than Whirling Axe would be good spot for this particular skill, in Kitty's opinion.
-Wastrel's Ruin: Increase damage coefficient from 1.5 to 1.65.
-Bladestorm: Increase base damage from 896 to 1240 and damage coefficient from 3.5 to 5.0.

Edited by LadyKitty.6120
Added mention about potential deadeye issue
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18 minutes ago, Zsoak.5409 said:

Maybe I'm tired but I don't understand what you don't understand

With WoD + Enchantment Collapse both effects triggered every sec, now it will be one WoD + EC tick, then one WoD tick, then again WoD + EC and so on, basically EC won't activate on every 2nd WoD tick

Ah okay so perhaps it is 0.99 instead of 1s ICD for the trait and they cannot put decimals ingame so instead of 1.25s it is 1.04s on the backend

Edited by Infusion.7149
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