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World vs. World: January 31 Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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Pretty much since the very beginning of this game, there has been a whole group of WvW players that have begged for defending objectives to be more rewarding, and instead (after 10 years) Anet has decided that reducing available supplies in a keep and making it harder to defend while disproportionately rewarding K-training/zerging a map even more was the better option.   Good job on making it pointless to build/mount a single defense of an objective.  

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On 1/27/2023 at 3:25 PM, Beorne.9248 said:

...Ok so now we are losing gold per week. Allow me to explain. Under the current system we complete 3 daily wvw objectives and earn 2 gold/day.  2 gold/day x  7 days=14 gold. Under the new system we will earn 8 gold for completing 6 of 7 weekly objectives? That is a loss of 6 gold/week. If anything the weekly amount needs to be increased(especially since you can earn more in the other 2 game modes) rather than decreased

I imagine that we will get the weekly achievements in addition to (instead of replacing) the dailies. Sort of like the festivals now have dailies and weeklies. Also more than likely the weeklies will be the same achievements with higher limits over the  longer time so doing the dailies will also assist the weeklies.

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 Completing these achievements each week will reward players with 8 gold and up to 35 additional WvW Skirmish Claim Tickets

8 Gold per week is WAY too low to make it an attractive reward. 6 achievements out of a list of activities can be expected to take at least 15 minutes. That is 2 gold per hour, with a weekly limit. Comparing to PvE, this is less of a reward than ANY activity in PvE. 
The tickets are nice for new players, but useless for the core of the community. Especially once you got legendary armor and trinkets, there´s nothing useful you can buy with them once you are equipped. A lot of people sitting at ten thousands of tickets, without being able to use them for anything. With this change, you should have at least added something meaningful to buy with them; something that is worth gold and can be sold; something that is useful for the player; something the players can work towards with the tickets (*cough* we still don´t have legendary weapons, amulets and accessories obtainable from WvW *cough*).

Side-Note: Emblems of the Avenger STILL don´t have any recipe they´re used in since the introduction of the legendary armory, and both Emblems STILL dont have any value after acquiring the corresponding items AND STILL cannot even be sold to a vendor/player as they hold no gold value...



On the siege side of things, we’re making flame rams and ballistae more durable.

So you are saying, that PPT will be even more encouraged than actually fighting? Instead of having a balancec between both... fights are exciting. thrilling. why do you discourage that?



We’re fixing a long-standing issue that caused players to be kicked off siege weapons when hit by certain crowd-control abilities, even when under the effects of stability. This bug has become a key part of the WvW meta, resulting in defense strategies like double-stacking catapults behind gates to chain crowd control on flame ram users. 

Why do you change that? You even acknowledge yourself that it has been a key-strategy in defense. 



The base maximum supply limit for keeps and Stonemist Castle, as well as the supply limit increases granted from the T1/T3 upgrades, are being reduced

So you are stacking yet another nerf to defense on top of the other two? Don´t you think that you´re overshooting the target here? While i like the idea that you need to cut the supply-refill in order to make a siege more effective, these are too many changes nerfing defense stacking on top of each other at once. You really should reconsider not making all the changes at once, and only go for one at a time and see how this affects the gameplay. 


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I just find the Warclaw change to be completely nonsensical and it seems it was done purely for the sake of having done something. 


If you're besieging something, you can bet your kitten you will be dismounted by all the damage that will be flying around, and then what? Go out of combat to remount? You don't always have that option, and even if you do, you'll get dismounted again, rinse and repeat. It's stupid design and the ability should just be deleted.


No thought was put into this whatsoever.

Edited by Eudaimonia.8695
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Anet seems to be planning on turning World versus World into drizzlewood with less effort and pay 🤣🤣🤣 whatever anet has been on as of late, or recurring( since it is a constant theme at times) ( cornerstone Game mode indeed🙄), they should share it with us so we can get them some self help as world versus world players 🧐.

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26 minutes ago, fatihso.7258 said:

In today's gw2, 8 gold weekly reward is just meh. Make it something like 50g  and watch how WvW enters radars of many players.


The only way that gets on the radar of PvE players is if you can do the weeklys in an hour or so. Then 50g becomes at least tempting. If it takes them 2 hours, they probably wouldn't bother.


In which case WvW would get swamped with PvE players immediately after reset for a few hours, then they'd never been seen again until the next week.  That doesn't fix anything, and in fact just creates queues getting in the way of genuine WvW players for a while. And almost certainly damages the gameplay while they are all there looking to get their weeklys done as quickly as possible.


If you want to fix WvW properly, you need to improve the rewards for playing regularly and normally. There are ways to do that, but buffing the weekly reward isn't one of them.

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On 1/27/2023 at 8:09 PM, vectorfox.6894 said:

The issue with weeklies is that once someone does them why would they continue killing yaks or going out of there way to take a keep if lets say they are a roamer.

The weeklies are a bonus. You just go back to doing exactly what you're doing right now without weeklies present. If you don't continue killing yaks or capping keeps, that's your choice, but these events don't just exist for you to make gold, you get participation and wxp for them to continue progressing your other rewards and rank. Objectives are there to promote conflict, not be a repeatable pve gold spewing meta event.

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victory without risk brings triumph without glory.

I will no repeat many posts I already made, most on FR forum, but as long as structure's investment mean nothing in terms of strategy, WvW will not regain it's past glory.


And I'm sad because it was my favorite game mode from 2013 to 2015...

Edited by viquing.8254
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On 1/27/2023 at 3:25 PM, Beorne.9248 said:

New Weekly Achievements

Ok so now we are losing gold per week. Allow me to explain. Under the current system we complete 3 daily wvw objectives and earn 2 gold/day.  2 gold/day x  7 days=14 gold. Under the new system we will earn 8 gold for completing 6 of 7 weekly objectives? That is a loss of 6 gold/week. If anything the weekly amount needs to be increased(especially since you can earn more in the other 2 game modes) rather than decreased

They don't mention removing dailies.... and I'm sure most of the weeklies will just be dailies x count, and be able to get credit for both at the same time, so how exactly are you losing gold?


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On 1/27/2023 at 7:00 PM, Trigarta.3841 said:

Why is the reset for the weekly achievement on Monday and not on Friday, with the general WvW reset?

Because... reasons. 😆

On 1/27/2023 at 6:42 PM, Onoxsys.7615 said:

8g a week is still less than pve or pvp makes in an hour.

My thought exactly. I make 20g in less than an hour doing T4 Fractals + Recs.

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With the updates to WvW is the issue of spawn camping going to be addressed? My answer so far is no. Even with rebalancing, siege changes and the other changes proposed here, I see nothing addressing the issue of when one side dominates another to the point that they actively have people camping out at the towers and keeps to call the 50 man zerg to wipe the floor with anyone game enough to try and take their stuff back. Oh, you just got that tower or are trying to get your keep back, well here have a 50 man group to bag farm you till you give up because they outnumber you 10 to 1.


I suggest the Way Points from keeps and SMC be removed. This could make emergency way points more actively used but at least you don't have the same person you just killed popping back in seconds later.


I would also like rewards changed so that loot is linked to either the supply you're carrying or better yet the number of things your side owns. If the side you are attacking owns next to nothing then you get next to nothing in rewards for picking on them and killing a side that owns the whole map gives epic amounts of loot rewards. I know this might remove some motivation to take more than half a map but go the underdogs and taking camps, towers and keeps could still give rewards just the player kill rewards change depending on who owns what!


With siege changes I wouldn't mind some fixes to the damage of Arrow Carts. Condi from arrow carts is to easily removed and maybe should be made into a non-removeable stackable conditions and all damage increased by at least double. A 5th skill for arrow carts could be a heal blocking skill that stops all heals and heals allies.


I have other suggestions for WvW but for starters I'd like to see an end to spawn camping of mega servers trying to knock another world down a tier or worse, bag farm the spawn.

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Dear Ruby,

I am happy to see your work in this way that leads to so many new things. We will make life a little more difficult to defend, and I should be in trouble for this, but I accept it serenely because if it is more difficult to defend for my server it will be the same for everyone else.

I'm happy to know that in the next 4 months you plan to be able to give some information about the next betas of alliances.

When that time comes, I ask you, if we can also have some information of where you want to take our WWW with this big change? This could give us the time and the way to deal in a polite and transparent way (player and developer) with the idea of making this mode more and more fun and engaging for all your users. always if you deem it appropriate.

Thank you and good work.

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8g nice thing 🙂 is it too less? hmm i think its ok. Remembering paying for repairs... 


Reset on monday i think that is good to spread out population over the week a bit more. Else you only have content on weekend... 


rest i need to test. 

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On 1/27/2023 at 12:08 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Learn about the latest in WvW development from the Guild Wars 2 team!

These achievements will reset every Sunday at 11:30 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-8).



Sunday?  Shouldn't the weekly achievements reset with the weekly WvW reset?  That would better align the achievements with the rest of the WvW schedule including skirmish track reset.

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I guess this is more to the Mods, sorry I know we are not suppose to address questions to you, but if we started some WvW QoL threads, any odds they won't be mixed into the general QoL thread? There is value and not value in merging threads. But when doing so they quite often lose focus as the conversation gets muddy keeping them apart in a bigger mass. An old request was a  level below WvW for suggestions that never came to be and a lot of ideas got put on hold while WR was first announced before being put on hold.  Considering a lot of forum people have no idea where buffing Warclaw chain pull was asked to buffed it seems we are back in the time frame for requests and to share QoL ideas. So thoughts? 

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