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Skirmish Tickets


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46 minutes ago, Zikory.6871 said:

Not to be argumentative but is spending money on legendary armor components really "P2W"? I agree with you its a bad idea but wouldn't it be more of a jump start since stats are normalized at the top? 

Just a question. I'm in the leg gear should be a long term goal camp.

In Leggo gear as well, but I don't think putting them in the Black Lion chests for non WvWers is a good answer. Would be better to give them vendor exchanges that they could get while playing whatever game mode they play instead. That way its an even playing field for those that would or would not spend cash to buy gems. And yes I am skipping the point about you could convert gold to gems and viewing this from play the game to get the gear side of the conversation. So in that aspect, give the non-WvWers additional options to acquire if need be but just as we had to do, its needs to balance time/organization to acquire.

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1 hour ago, Hemi.5267 said:

Hm... how about a skirmish ticket reward for a kill or assist? Like 1 or even half a ticket? (just brainstorming here lol)


A lot of players will be able to get hundreds of tickets per day that way. In the context of putting a weekly limit on tickets, an idea like this wouldn't work.

Besides, I can already see zergs wintrading by letting each other be wiped out over and over again.

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1 hour ago, Hemi.5267 said:

Hm... how about a skirmish ticket reward for a kill or assist? Like 1 or even half a ticket? (just brainstorming here lol)


With or without a weekly cap? lol if you think without a cap, cause there's players that get thousands of kills per week. Not like zergs need even more favoritism on loot.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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Thankfully as more resources are pured into the WvW , most likely the cost will be reduced over time

(common PvE people hate 1v1..give them , some flaming bycicles or they  dont ever need to leave their Warclaw (Knights)  that are best atdestroying walls+escape easily but has low 1v1/turn slowly/very telegraphed attacks...let them be anoying the Road Runners (beep beep)..

Edit:  And inside+around Objectives (like Marked) are "chained"(limiting mobility) by an T1 upgrade) , or if you have the +30stat buff from capturing all the 3 middle nodes you can get a "hook+fishing mechanic"(Rev-Sword-Relenteless attack animation) and latch on and stab him to malfuction its wheels/armor  , while he turns he tilt the bar horizontal/sideways  to comfuse you+ get -20% rewards/cannot eject  .

Edit2:Try to imagine a Talent tree , that has Age of Empires classes to choose from as far as open-roaming WvW goes  , but the commander(+party of 9 people ) in any Side can "purifie ("Face me Cowards"-shout and purge the space around him"(6.000 yards-no cd) , diactivating the tree , so he can have a fair Zerg Fight/Castle Siege .

Edit3: No auto out of combat regeneration , get HP from damaging walls/killing Scouts , dying 90% from the Camps Npcs if you pull them  all

Edit4: Change on Hit ...in everything ...to get some Skimish tickets (active gameplay)

9 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

The main issue here is:

WvW should NOT be the go-to place for players to get their legendary armor who are not interested in the mode. The fact that some players decide to "afk" their way to the WvW rewards is already an issue at hand. WvW is NOT the PvE players go-to handy down game mode for easy "gimme legy armor".

Rewards for WvW should be designed for players who actually engage with the mode. As Infusion.7149 said: we need more ways to reward players who enjoy interacting with WvW, not pity rewards for PvE players who are unable to raid (for what ever reason).


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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If there was a reward track that reward wvw skirmish tickets, would that break anything?  While you would get that for being idle, being active and getting the potions speeds the process up.

I know this is often why people say the gift of battle is not a big deal (and something I agree with) - hop in WvW, do a few dailies each day, get the potions, and you can get the GoB without a huge amount of actual WvW play (or more precisely, you can get it without having to fight other players, but instead by killing vets, capturing camps, monuments, and guard points).

Or maybe a reward track that just gives WvW pips as you complete parts of that - that would not increase the max tickets/week, but would let players speed up those rewards, but at the cost of progressing on some other reward track.


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1 hour ago, Solvar.7953 said:

If there was a reward track that reward wvw skirmish tickets, would that break anything?  While you would get that for being idle, being active and getting the potions speeds the process up.

I know this is often why people say the gift of battle is not a big deal (and something I agree with) - hop in WvW, do a few dailies each day, get the potions, and you can get the GoB without a huge amount of actual WvW play (or more precisely, you can get it without having to fight other players, but instead by killing vets, capturing camps, monuments, and guard points).

Or maybe a reward track that just gives WvW pips as you complete parts of that - that would not increase the max tickets/week, but would let players speed up those rewards, but at the cost of progressing on some other reward track.


Reward tracks aren't timegated due to WvW potions.
What you are looking for is something people can't abuse easily. The existing weekly achievement is a good start but doesn't cover defending very well. It could have been skirmish track progress instead of additional skirmish tickets. Of course that would need omission of capping 5 ruins and 15 yaks probably. I would say 15 camps, 10 towers, 5 keeps, 1 SMC, and 50 kills are all worthwhile enough for the weekly although depending on matchup I would say the stonemist castle capture is iffy.

With that in mind I would think something along the lines of reusing the existing weekly:

  • 5 ruins = 10 pips which is less than one tier in wood skirmish chest , valuation ~ 3 minutes
  • 15 yaks = 30 pips , below 2 pips per yak , valuation ~10 minutes based off of no travel time
  • 50 kills = 100 pips , 2 pip per player noting due to player skill variance it is nearly impossible to balance this
  • 15 camps = 135 pips, <10 pips per camp , valuation ~ 38 minutes based off of average RI and no travel time  <--- enough for Wood/Bronze and equal to capping 3 camps per weekday
  • 10 towers = 150 pips , <15 pips per tower <--- this is equal to capping two towers per weekday
  • 5 keeps = 200 pips, <50 pips per keep <--- this is equal to capping a keep per weekday
  • 1 SMC = 50 pips <---- because it is only one cap this can't reward that many pips and functionally in most scenarios it has fewer walls than keeps

Total pips = 675 which is around half of the 1450 required for diamond
Repeating the weekly achievement no longer rewards pips and only rewards memories of battle for caps/kills.

The aim should be roughly 600 pips since that is Gold chest.

Memories of battle distribution for repeat of weekly:

  • Ruins = you get resonating slivers (lol) and badges of honor
  • Yaks = you get resonating slivers (lol) , badges of honor , potion of WvW
  • Camps = 100 testimonies of heroics, 5 memories of battle for 15 camps
  • Kills = you get 50 memories of battle for the 50 kill repeat achievement ; there is a new weekly vendor to trade in emblems to get more
  • Towers = you get 10 memories of battle for 10 towers
  • Keeps = you get 20 memories of battle for 5 keeps , T3 keeps reward extra 1 memory of battle from the cap
  • SMC = you get 1 memory of battle and badge of tribute <--- unless it is undefended then you will be getting kills

Of course there could be new weekly defend achievements to make it less one-dimensional:

  • Using defensive siege (cannon/mortar/oil) on enemy siege (golem/ram) within a keep your team owns
  • Killing enemies in a keep your team owns (as opposed to repairing)
  • Killing enemies inside a team owned camp while the supervisor is down and ring is up
  • Killing enemies inside owned tower lord room
  • Killing enemies inside owned SMC lord room
  • Defending a yak against enemies traveling to an untiered keep/tower your team owns


Edited by Infusion.7149
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Ok Ok... Different approach to the AFK players. Remove the badges of honor from the Skirmisch chest, since AFK'ing isn't very honorable and you would only get them by actually doing something.

Increase the Certificate of Honor form 500 to say between 900 - 1200? You would actually NEED to do something now if you wish to go for leggy armour, and the folk who are already active will have no problem getting that amount.

Edited by Hemi.5267
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4 hours ago, Hemi.5267 said:

Ok Ok... Different approach to the AFK players. Remove the badges of honor from the Skirmisch chest, since AFK'ing isn't very honorable and you would only get them by actually doing something.

Increase the Certificate of Honor form 500 to say between 900 - 1200? You would actually NEED to do something now if you wish to go for leggy armour, and the folk who are already active will have no problem getting that amount.

If only WvW was the only source for Badges of Honor:


Alas, it is not.

Also same problem as with rewarding skirmish tickets on kills: some players would simply organize killing each other taking turns even IF this was not the case.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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1 hour ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I looked at that wiki page, but I don't see what you're referring to. All of the sources seem to stem from WvW. Could you perhaps indicate what you're referring to?

Well, that's because you need to read what's on the linked page, in this case it's probably about "contained in" part.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 1/30/2023 at 9:02 PM, Goglak.2591 said:

how come the PvE armor takes 5 weeks of max tickets to get enough to craft legendary PvE armor ticket to craft, but it takes 22 weeks to get the WvW max tickets to craft the WvW armor?

this needs to be fixed.

The armour was originally gated at level 1500 and items stepped up to 2000. By that time you would have a large chunk of the skirmish tickets if you were planning ahead, or the gating gave time to acquire most of the tickets while levelling up.

See https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistforged_Triumphant_Hero's_armor for more info.

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On 2/6/2023 at 12:15 PM, Gehenna.3625 said:

I looked at that wiki page, but I don't see what you're referring to. All of the sources seem to stem from WvW. Could you perhaps indicate what you're referring to?

Probably the Achievement chests when you reach total APs of a multiplier of 500 / 1000 / 5000 points.
But how long will those Badges (only) be of use when you buy your regular Big Spender, buy discount cultural armour in WvW or try to make a profit out of the Badges with the conversion to Badges of Tribute... IDK

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On 2/2/2023 at 4:48 PM, Infusion.7149 said:

This is one of the worst ways to spend skirmish tickets probably. Ascended salvage tools drop easily in fractals and if not you can buy them for 1g plus two fractal relics which aren't timegated (as opposed to pristine fractal relics which are).



No it isn't the worst thing to spend them on. It is the only thing for me to spend them on. When I say I have nothing else to spend them on I am not lying so don't accuse me of such by saying that that I am wrong and there are other things I could spend them on. I even have every infusion slot filled with WvW infusions on every one of my 17 characters (except one who has agony infusions instead). I have all 3 weights of WvW of leggy armour, my back piece is WvW leggy, all of my jewellery slots are leggy (including two conflux) and every weapon is either leggy or ascended.

I have tickets to spare, what I don't have is fractal relics to spare as I am saving them for the Mist Attunements and I only really do the dailies and t3/t4 weeklies. As such I don't currently have fractal relics I can spare to spend on ascended salvage kits, hence why I buy them with skirmish tickets of which I literally have thousands spare.

When I say that I have loads of skirmish tickets and nothing much to spend them on it is not hyperbole.

I am a PvX player but WvW is by far my preferred game mode.

But more importantly - Emblems need a use! One even had it's sole purpose removed with the retirement of slumbering conflux.

Edited by Nidome.1365
correcting typo
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On 2/7/2023 at 10:33 AM, Nidome.1365 said:


No it isn't the worst thing to spend them on. It is the only thing for me to spend them on. When I say I have nothing else to spend them on I am not lying so don't accuse me of such by saying that that I am wrong and there are other things I could spend them on. I even have every infusion slot filled with WvW infusions on every one of my 17 characters (except one who has agony infusions instead). I have all 3 weights of WvW of leggy armour, my back piece is WvW leggy, all of my jewellery slots are leggy (including two conflux) and every weapon is either leggy or ascended.

I have tickets to spare, what I don't have is fractal relics to spare as I am saving them for the Mist Attunements and I only really do the dailies and t3/t4 weeklies. As such I don't currently have fractal relics I can spare to spend on ascended salvage kits, hence why I buy them with skirmish tickets of which I literally have thousands spare.

When I say that I have loads of skirmish tickets and nothing much to spend them on it is not hyperbole.

I am a PvX player but WvW is by far my preferred game mode.

But more importantly - Emblems need a use! One even had it's sole purpose removed with the retirement of slumbering conflux.

If you are full legendary and don't need WVW infusions I am unsure why you would salvage things with an ascended salvage kit. You would make more stabilizing matrices from buying them after selling memories of battle with how much the ascended salvage kit costs right now in WvW than to salvage rings that barely drop in WvW. Nothing that you want is not equivalent to "nothing to buy".

250 memories of battle is ~45g as of today but when you originally posted it was closer to 50g. Are you implying on average you will obtain ~2.25 gold per salvage to break even? That is above 7 (seven) stabilizing matrices per salvage at ~31 silvers each. Statistically speaking the average drop is 6.88 stabilizing matrices for an infused ring and 8.2 for attuned+infused. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ball_of_Dark_Energy/Salvage_Rate

Attuning a ring costs 24 silvers just for agonized essence and I do not recall seeing any ring drop as attuned.

That is what I mean by worst way to use them. It is similar to if they put in a new vendor that needed 5g and you have a high chance of rolling 1g and average chance of rolling 2g. I never accused you of anything.

edit: Likewise if Arenanet wants to rebalance the Mist Lord , Mistforged Obsidian, and Mistforged weaponsets they really need to greatly increase the Grandmaster mark shard acquisition rate. The cost of the weapons is nearly double that of just crafting a normal ascended which means that there either needs to be a collection linked to them or the memories of battle cost should not be there on top of skirmish tickets.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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I don't understand this PvE vs WvW argument for legendary armour. If you just want legendary armour it's far less investment to get into raids via a "low intensity" dps build with all the power creep over the years and you only need to do wings 1-4 or something, it's been years for me.

You also get a ton of gold and other stuff from raids which dwarfs WvW rewards, unless they changed the liquid gold given.

As for Skirmish Tickets, the whole discussion is kinda moot as you never earn enough memories of battle to buy what you want with the tickets at the same rate you earn them, no matter your earning speed for tickets. So you have to buy memories which costs a fair chunk of gold wiping out what you get from the weekly chest.
This forces you to sell everything you get from WvW if you purely WvW, you should want some more memories in the weekly chest, as in the one that grants 8g. If you play other game modes, they're more rewarding, get into raids/strikes and get your gold from there to sustain WvW. Not too much has changed there.
The only people this is really an issue for is completionists who want WvW legendary armour for the skin but I really don't think it's worth it except if you want tenticles.

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My only problem with skirmish tickets is feeling like I have to commit as much time as I possibly can to WvW within one week to get them, then burning myself out.

I'm 'only' rank 400 and something and not the commander so I usually only get 6-8 pips per tick and completing all the skirmish tracks takes me a long time, and I don't have a lot of time to play games. I've never had enough time to complete the skirmish tracks, but because the tickets are so weighted towards the later chests (48% come from the last 2 tiers) I feel like I need to put in as much time as I can, otherwise I'm wasting the time I've already spent. If I start on a Friday and it's a quiet weekend so I manage to get into silver I then feel pressured to commit all my free time on week nights (or until my RSI starts playing up) to playing WvW to make the most of it. Then by the time Friday rolls around again I haven't actually completed it, which is disappointing and I'd rather do anything else than repeat the whole process all over again so I end up skipping a week or two (or more) until I think I can face doing it again.

I don't care how much time it takes in total, I just want to be able to do it on my own schedule without feeling like I'm being penalised if I can't cram it into a single week.

If there was less of a difference between how many tickets come from the earlier chests and the later ones without changing the total available per week it would make it a much nicer experience for me. Or if the chests don't reset if you haven't finished them, so you can keep working through them until you've got them all, then you're capped until they reset at the end of that week.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

My only problem with skirmish tickets is feeling like I have to commit as much time as I possibly can to WvW within one week to get them, then burning myself out.

I'm 'only' rank 400 and something and not the commander so I usually only get 6-8 pips per tick and completing all the skirmish tracks takes me a long time, and I don't have a lot of time to play games. I've never had enough time to complete the skirmish tracks, but because the tickets are so weighted towards the later chests (48% come from the last 2 tiers) I feel like I need to put in as much time as I can, otherwise I'm wasting the time I've already spent. If I start on a Friday and it's a quiet weekend so I manage to get into silver I then feel pressured to commit all my free time on week nights (or until my RSI starts playing up) to playing WvW to make the most of it. Then by the time Friday rolls around again I haven't actually completed it, which is disappointing and I'd rather do anything else than repeat the whole process all over again so I end up skipping a week or two (or more) until I think I can face doing it again.

I don't care how much time it takes in total, I just want to be able to do it on my own schedule without feeling like I'm being penalised if I can't cram it into a single week.

If there was less of a difference between how many tickets come from the earlier chests and the later ones without changing the total available per week it would make it a much nicer experience for me. Or if the chests don't reset if you haven't finished them, so you can keep working through them until you've got them all, then you're capped until they reset at the end of that week.

Fortunately I have played enough PvE and WvW (8 or 9 years) to say that outside of the skins, which aren't that great either, there's nothing WvW has to buy that you can't get for less effort, on your own time, in PvE.

I know it's not going to be much comfort but do PvE for stuff, WvW for fun and don't think about the WvW currencies, I know I stopped paying attention to anything that isn't MoB a looong time ago.

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59 minutes ago, apharma.3741 said:

Fortunately I have played enough PvE and WvW (8 or 9 years) to say that outside of the skins, which aren't that great either, there's nothing WvW has to buy that you can't get for less effort, on your own time, in PvE.

I know it's not going to be much comfort but do PvE for stuff, WvW for fun and don't think about the WvW currencies, I know I stopped paying attention to anything that isn't MoB a looong time ago.

I should probably have mentioned I specifically want the WvW legendary armour (and the expensive version, at least for the chest piece). Partially because the only thing I find it harder to make time for than WvW is raiding, but mostly because I prefer how the medium set looks. That's why I care about getting skirmish tickets.

There a lot of other stuff I'd like to get, but those cost far less tickets so it's not so daunting to slowly chip away at it.

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4 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

As for Skirmish Tickets, the whole discussion is kinda moot as you never earn enough memories of battle to buy what you want with the tickets at the same rate you earn them, no matter your earning speed for tickets. So you have to buy memories which costs a fair chunk of gold wiping out what you get from the weekly chest.
This forces you to sell everything you get from WvW if you purely WvW, you should want some more memories in the weekly chest, as in the one that grants 8g. If you play other game modes, they're more rewarding, get into raids/strikes and get your gold from there to sustain WvW. Not too much has changed there.

I'm guessing this is a much higher rank problem? I haven't yet found that I had extra tickets with a deficit of memories of battle.

4 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

My only problem with skirmish tickets is feeling like I have to commit as much time as I possibly can to WvW within one week to get them, then burning myself out.

I'm 'only' rank 400 and something and not the commander so I usually only get 6-8 pips per tick and completing all the skirmish tracks takes me a long time, and I don't have a lot of time to play games. I've never had enough time to complete the skirmish tracks, but because the tickets are so weighted towards the later chests (48% come from the last 2 tiers) I feel like I need to put in as much time as I can, otherwise I'm wasting the time I've already spent. If I start on a Friday and it's a quiet weekend so I manage to get into silver I then feel pressured to commit all my free time on week nights (or until my RSI starts playing up) to playing WvW to make the most of it. Then by the time Friday rolls around again I haven't actually completed it, which is disappointing and I'd rather do anything else than repeat the whole process all over again so I end up skipping a week or two (or more) until I think I can face doing it again.

I don't care how much time it takes in total, I just want to be able to do it on my own schedule without feeling like I'm being penalised if I can't cram it into a single week.

If there was less of a difference between how many tickets come from the earlier chests and the later ones without changing the total available per week it would make it a much nicer experience for me. Or if the chests don't reset if you haven't finished them, so you can keep working through them until you've got them all, then you're capped until they reset at the end of that week.

I can see/understand just about every point made above. It would be nice to have the Skirmish track carry over if you haven't completed it by the end of the week. That way players who can't devote 15-20 hours to WvW in a week would still eventually get to clear Diamond.
It's early and I'm having trouble picturing what additional complications would arise from that change, but it would be nice to see. Personally, when I do get burned out on WvW I still try and get in enough time to clear Wood chests just for the additional pip the next week. But the game kind of forces you to make that choice. It's a built in incentive to at least play a little each week. Unfortunately the rewards are so back loaded that you don't get much overall from just clearing Wood on its own.

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