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Times you had fun vs. not fun

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Fun: Being able to take on a boss fight when everyone else telling me to give up or even /gg because they wanted to try and power heal or facetank through it instead of doing the mechanics.


Not fun: Cheap attacks of early game GW2 mobs and some that outright ignore specific boons and defenses of players for fake difficulty.

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Fun: Slowly progressing long time goals like achievement progress and seeing account/character progression over the years, experiencing the beautiful universe of GW/GW2 as platform, as part of my life for so many years now.

Not fun: Uncertainty about the future of the game, 2019 around the massive layoffs. The lack of long term perspective at that moment. Content droughts. I'm glad ANet refocused after this terrible period.

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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Unfun: story arcs and writing that are cringeworthy, like most of LWS3 (Balthazar, Livia, Lazarus, the Shining Blade - all lore that was ruined in the blink of an eye) and the embarrassing conclusion to the IBS; being confronted with visual and audio cringe like jade bot skins and minis and some of the mount and other skins.

Fun: Strike Mission CMs, Raids, Fractal CMs, receiving rare drops, doing collections that are scavenger hunts and take you across all of Tyria, legendary collections, well-written story missions, well-designed story battles, exploring maps that are lore-rich and have a great ambience and atmospheric music, side stories, jumping puzzles, mini games.

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Not fun:
* WvW — I'm doing WvW only for Gift of Battle. I don't care about roaming, dueling, or making "my world" win something. I just want to flip the nearest camp and keep my T6 participation. But it doesn't mean I didn't have fun in WvW because firing random aoes at enemy zerg is kinda satysfying.
* PvP — I tried PvP few times and I still don't understand what is the point of PvP. Isn't WvW better?
* Living World Season 2 — I hate reading in games. The fact, that my character can't speak made me think I'm not important in this story... that I'm something worse than random NPC.
* Living World Season 1 — Literally hours of unskippable dialogues and cutscenes.
* Chalice of Tears — You know why.
* Dungeons — I always feel squishy in dungeons; I hate being stunlocked and CC'd 7 times in a row, while my stability doesn't work for no reason.
* Icebrood Saga (from No Quarter to the end) — Because I couldn't kill Bangar and Ryland by myself.

* Meta events — taking a part in huge PvE event is kinda fun. Looting chests under Tarir is also fun. I miss HoT rewards.
* DRMs — I like it because it's soloable so I can do it my way, without dealing with speedrunners.
* HoT, LS3, PoF, LS4, EoD story — Having a speaking character makes this story 500% more dynamic than core/LS1/LS2.
* Icebrood Saga (Broja Marches part) — Climatic.
* Long term goals (legendary crafting) — I'm proud of having 3 lege armors, 6 runes, 5/6 trinkets, 9 weapons, griffon and skyscale. I like long term goal because I have a reason to play this game.

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On 2/4/2023 at 2:21 PM, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Fun: Completing PoF story for the first time.


Not fun: Skyscale grind (particularly traveling to a bajillion different maps to press 'F').

Not Fun: People making multiple threads about a overworked topic because it's their personal pet peeve.

Fun: Using the forum search feature to not make multiple threads. Not that you realy need to do that, since you already know you've beat this topic to death.

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2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Not Fun: People making multiple threads about a overworked topic because it's their personal pet peeve.

Fun: Using the forum search feature to not make multiple threads. Not that you realy need to do that, since you already know you've beat this topic to death.

☝️☝️☝️ Bad bait threads are bad, OP.

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7 minutes ago, lezbefriends.7516 said:

Next time I will only praise the game, so that I don't hurt the carebears.

That's not what it's about at all, it's about you complaining about skyscale in the thread about it and then making another thread to still complain about the same thing under the guise of that not being your focus. One would think post I've quoted made that clear enough.

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Not fun - anything that's mandatory grind for 20 hours to achieve in game modes you don't want/usually play.

So to fully explain that, if you're wvw or pvp - then map completion for legendary crafting. Fine first time, tedious second... but on 4th character it's just annoying enough to not bother. Or all the BS steps for 2nd tier legendary weapons doing pve map based stuff for days on end.

Fun - no longer sure tbh. 

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Fun: just playing the game.

More fun: Great fights in sPvP.  I'm focused and fighting well, and so is my opponent(s).  It's rare, but I love the ebb-and-flow of GW2 combat when it's not a mere spamfest.

Not fun:  Those times where my blindness becomes a true deterrence to playing the game and I'm consistently failing to find a way to adapt to a specific circumstance that seems to be visual-only.

19 hours ago, asket.5674 said:

Fun: sPVP

Unfun: sPVP


Truth in its most refined form.


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