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Gen3 variants are way too expensive


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53 minutes ago, Andifulated.3482 said:

For the cost of a variant and a Gen3, currently, (Evven if we take historically, they only cost  ~1800 gold together) You get  two gen1 legendary weapons with all the bells and whistles of a legendary item for the cost of  one legendary and a skin with Gen 3 legendary weapons.

If you want 2 cheapest leggies, get 2x gen1. If you want 2 cheapest leggies with different skin, get gen 1 +whichever of the other gens. If you want more different legendary skins for the same weapon (while still unlocking 2 legendaries for use), get gen1+gen3+variants. If one leggy of a type is enough, but you want more skins, it's gen 3 +variants anyways.

You have options and you're free to make your choice according to your needs.

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2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

You are telling me that:

a 1 year old legendary item WITH an additional skin at a MOMENT where prices are spiked costing more than nearly 11 year old items is an issue?

Dunno, seems fine to me.


Yeah, because I believe that all legendary weapons should be similar in craft cost and price.  There shouldn't be this disparity between them as they all serve the same base QOL functions.  The choice a player should make to go after a legendary should be for the skin, not because one is super cheap vs the other options and the QOL that comes from having a legendary should just be a side benefit.

2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Also let me correct your calculation a bit:

- current gen3 cost 1,291g (let's round it to 1,300)

- a variant costs 390g (let's round to 400)

so even at current prices being spiked, we are at 100 gold BELOW what you calculated. That's 1 day after the initial spike (which doesn't mean prices won't spike again towards the weekend).

I'm sorry, but players who can't look past 1 hour of TP fluctuations should really not be making statements about what is and should be.

I'm sorry, my calculations were pretty spot on as of the date of the post.  The lowest disparity between Gen 2 and Gen 3 was 32 gold.  The average difference was about 100g.  Gen 1 aren't even in the same ballpark outside of Eternity.  Crafting a Gen 2 was ~1450 gold average.  Crafting a Gen 3 was ~1350 gold average.  Crafting a Gen 1 was a ~900 gold average.


Edited by Andifulated.3482
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42 minutes ago, Andifulated.3482 said:

Yeah, because I believe that all legendary weapons should be similar in craft cost and price.  There shouldn't be this disparity between them as they all serve the same base QOL functions.  The choice a player should make to go after a legendary should be for the skin, not because one is super cheap vs the other options and the QOL that comes from having a legendary should just be a side benefit.

Sure, I can live with that. So, do we go back to having legendaries cost 2.2k gold a piece for gen2? Is that the baseline? Or 1.5k for gen1, which was consistent for years? Or do you want them to cost 800 gold, as gen1 cost now?

Just as a reminder: we are in the LOWEST legendary crafting cost situation in the history of the game inflation adjusted (and almost non inflation adjusted, if one looks past the first few months), yet players are complaining just as much as they did at any point in time. It has never been this easy to craft or accumulate wealth in game to acquire a legendary.

42 minutes ago, Andifulated.3482 said:

I'm sorry, my calculations were pretty spot on as of the date of the post.  The lowest disparity between Gen 2 and Gen 3 was 32 gold.  The average difference was about 100g.  Gen 1 aren't even in the same ballpark outside of Eternity.  Crafting a Gen 2 was ~1450 gold average.  Crafting a Gen 3 was ~1350 gold average.  Crafting a Gen 1 was a ~900 gold average.


Yes, for that moment in time your calculations was spot on, and not even 24 hours later it was out of date.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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5 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Sure, I can live with that. So, do we go back to having legendaries cost 2.2k gold a piece for gen2? Is that the baseline? Or 1.5k for gen1, which was consistent for years? Or do you want them to cost 800 gold, as gen1 cost now?

Just as a reminder: we are in the LOWEST legendary crafting cost situation in the history of the game inflation adjusted (and almost non inflation adjusted, if one looks past the first few months), yet players are complaining just as much as they did at any point in time. It has never been this easy to craft or accumulate wealth in game to acquire a legendary.

Yes, for that moment in time your calculations was spot on, and not even 24 hours later it was out of date.

The whole point of my post was to show t hat the costs between Gen 2 and 3 legendaries are close enough to not be "basically nothing"

23 hours ago, crazycookie.3247 said:

what do you mean they are expensive? IMO they basically cost nothing compared to gen2 and are very easy and fast to build. The only thing which i deeply hate about gen3 are the research notes.

Even if we discount them by 200 gold, they're still a very similar price to Gen 2 and it'd still be more cost effective to get 2x Gen 1 for the  functionality.  Also,now that a lot of farming methods for the unique materials have been removed or nerfed, the price to craft Gen 3  legendary weapons aren't going to deflate as fast.


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53 minutes ago, Andifulated.3482 said:

The whole point of my post was to show t hat the costs between Gen 2 and 3 legendaries are close enough to not be "basically nothing"

Even if we discount them by 200 gold, they're still a very similar price to Gen 2 and it'd still be more cost effective to get 2x Gen 1 for the  functionality.  Also,now that a lot of farming methods for the unique materials have been removed or nerfed, the price to craft Gen 3  legendary weapons aren't going to deflate as fast.


Yes and you still dont need to pay 1200 per variant now do you?

And that is what the promised

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3 hours ago, Andifulated.3482 said:

Yeah, because I believe that all legendary weapons should be similar in craft cost and price.  There shouldn't be this disparity between them as they all serve the same base QOL functions.  The choice a player should make to go after a legendary should be for the skin, not because one is super cheap vs the other options and the QOL that comes from having a legendary should just be a side benefit.

That's all well and probably also the goal. But you would have to remove player driven economy for that. 

It's fair to say 11 year old items are not as desirable as brand new and thus the price is lower. Over time the same will happen with gen3. Probably even more so because a very larger chunk of the price is tied to unique materials. If they don't introduce more sinks for these materials, the price of gen3s and their variants might even plummet too much overtime.

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19 hours ago, Andifulated.3482 said:

if you're just after legendaries for the stat swap and free transmutation, Generation 1 legendaries are the cheapest to craft and you can craft about two per the cost of one gen 3 legendary and a variant. skin.


I care about the skins more than anything else but I appreciate the advice :)

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Jade Runestones are basically Mystic Coins now @ similar price. Is this intentional? I don't feel like it's even safe to buy them at the moment till Anet says this is the price they are comfortable with.

Also they could at least let us deposit them now in material storage.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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17 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Yes, if you compare the price of gen3 legendaries right after the materials spiked due to a patch, they will be far more expensive....

If you can't wait and need to get everything NOW, then pay the premium. Otherwise wait and let prices settle once again.

Before the prices skyrocket , we could use the "Amalgamated Gemstone" HoT's treatment and offer PoF events some love

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I think they could fix it using the new meta.... What about it gives jade runestones? This would cause the spike of jade runestones to become a little lower, and stabilize the price, perhaps.

All other EOD metas give you an unique chest after killing last boss. On that meta event we dont even have it.


Edited by Nakasz.5471
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10 minutes ago, Nakasz.5471 said:

I think they could fix it using the new meta.... What about it gives jade runestones? This would cause the spike of jade runestones to become a little lower, and stabilize the price, perhaps.

All other EOD metas give you an unique chest after killing last boss. On that meta event we dont even have it.

That one JP chest wasn't the only way of getting runestones. Why are people panicking so hard over a change that got made 2 days ago and didn't have a chance to stabilize yet in the first place?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Looking at the price history of Jade Runestone and variant releases, the fastest it took for prices to stabilize afterward was 3(the rest took around 5 and 10) days. We are barely at 3 days and it has only be 2 resets.

15 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

Jade Runestones are basically Mystic Coins now @ similar price. Is this intentional? I don't feel like it's even safe to buy them at the moment till Anet says this is the price they are comfortable with.

Also they could at least let us deposit them now in material storage.

The first part looks like you are complaining about their price but then suggest adding them to material storage. I would also like to see them added to material storage but that will probably make their price go up.  Complaining about price then making a suggestion that could increase the price further is just not a very sensible thing to do.

Buying the runestones right after the release of a new variant is always a bad choice anyway if you care about efficient use of gold. What is the point you are trying to make besides showing that you failed to learn that lesson from the previous variants' release?

50 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That one JP chest wasn't the only way of getting runestones. Why are people panicking so hard over a change that got made 2 days ago and didn't have a chance to stabilize yet in the first place?

because the sky is always falling!

It is also easier to panic than actually analyzing the situation.

Assuming the JP is actually the only source, up to 20,000 are bought and sold daily when rounded up. This is an undercount of the actual supply due to the delay from the API but it should be in the right ballpark. It is also not counting people who are getting them for personal use but I am only mentioning them for the sake of completion, their supply doesn't matter because they don't interact with the market.

Now we can ask how many people are affected by the change? Less than 20,000 because at 20,000 that means everyone is only opening the chest once a day which would mean no change. We can refine that a bit further. Looking at https://gw2efficiency.com/account/statistics/statistics.characterCount the mean number of characters is 8 and the median is 7. Taking the lower value to maximize the number of affected people and assuming people keep 1 character for actual play leaving 6 parked at the JP which means 20000/6=334 are directly affected by the change. If we take a further crazy leap and assume the Steam player count(3,363) represents all the players then that means it is affecting around 10% of accounts.

However we should also check with reality a bit, for the accounts on GW2E 365,047 have EoD. We should hope the game's retention is a bit better than 1%. There are also multiple additional sources for the jade runestones.

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That one JP chest wasn't the only way of getting runestones. Why are people panicking so hard over a change that got made 2 days ago and didn't have a chance to stabilize yet in the first place?

This is true, we need to wait how it will be, but, im "new" on this game - started playing the game in 2020 - and i've never seen or i dont remember a HUGE spike like that one (remember you need a LOT of this item).

And i'm scared cuz i want to do all soo won weapons XD

Edited by Nakasz.5471
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1 hour ago, Nakasz.5471 said:

This is true, we need to wait how it will be, but, im "new" on this game - started playing the game in 2020 - and i've never seen or i dont remember a HUGE spike like that one (remember you need a LOT of this item).

And i'm scared cuz i want to do all soo won weapons XD

Jade Runestone price Feb 27, 2023 - 32silvers

Jade Runestone price Mar 2 2023 - 80silvers

Difference +48 silvers / +250%


Jade Runestone May 23, 2022 - 18 silvers

Jade Runestone May 25, 2022 - 58 silvers

Difference +40 silvers / +320%


Jade Runestone June 27, 2022 - 27 silvers

Jade Runestone July 7, 2022 - 71 silvers

Difference +44 silvers / +262%


The exact same item has had big shifts before.

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4 hours ago, Nakasz.5471 said:

I think they could fix it using the new meta.... What about it gives jade runestones? This would cause the spike of jade runestones to become a little lower, and stabilize the price, perhaps.

All other EOD metas give you an unique chest after killing last boss. On that meta event we dont even have it.


The Fort Aspenwood meta doesn't. For some reason, Anet doesn't like to ensure all EoD metas are equally rewarding.

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On 2/28/2023 at 4:13 PM, Redsnabba.9172 said:

They are overpriced and that's a fact.

No, thats an opinion. If people are willing to pay a given price, and they are doing so for these variants, then they are not, by definition of the term, overpriced. 

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12 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Jade Runestone price Feb 27, 2023 - 32silvers

Jade Runestone price Mar 2 2023 - 80silvers

Difference +48 silvers / +250%


Jade Runestone May 23, 2022 - 18 silvers

Jade Runestone May 25, 2022 - 58 silvers

Difference +40 silvers / +320%


Jade Runestone June 27, 2022 - 27 silvers

Jade Runestone July 7, 2022 - 71 silvers

Difference +44 silvers / +262%


The exact same item has had big shifts before.

The price is already dropping, its business as usual. 

Also let me quote myself from a few months a go:

On 8/23/2022 at 1:16 PM, Cuks.8241 said:

New expansion are great oppportunity for making gold due to scarcity of new mats and general shake up of prices. While its already a bit late, its still not settled.

Hint there are some updates in pipeline that will surely be great opportunity. 


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17 hours ago, Nakasz.5471 said:

I think they could fix it using the new meta.... What about it gives jade runestones? This would cause the spike of jade runestones to become a little lower, and stabilize the price, perhaps.

All other EOD metas give you an unique chest after killing last boss. On that meta event we dont even have it.



The Kaineng and Echovald metas already give a daily chest that includes a Jade Runestone as one of the options. (The daily chest from Seitung offers Ancient Ambergris and the Dragon's End one offers Antique Summoning Stones).

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I still have no idea whatsoever as to why they made the skins you can unlock for the legend you around have unlocked so expensive to do. It really makes no sense besides it just being a time and money sink. 


Better to unlock all the weapons for your account then to go for a single variant. 

Its almost icing on the cake that they have now made them more expensive with a ninja update change making Jade Runestones rarer. 

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16 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

The Fort Aspenwood meta doesn't. For some reason, Anet doesn't like to ensure all EoD metas are equally rewarding.

Yeah true, and it makes lamps hard to do sometimes.

At certain times, you need to tag up, because it's hard to find people doing the event or commanders running it.

Also ppl do this event only for achievement or lamps, no more reason to do it.

Edited by Nakasz.5471
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