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Don't you get bored with WvW?


Is WvW boring?  

114 members have voted

  1. 1. Is WvW boring?

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  • Poll closed on 05/01/2023 at 12:00 AM

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Hello everyone.

This is probably discussed before but once more I'd like to know your opinion about it:


Don't you get bored with WvW?

Is doing the same things over and over again fun?

Doesn't WvW mode need something new to prevent things getting repetitive?

In my opinion there must be some major changes/add-ons related to core mechanics of the mode to make things enjoyable.

What I mean is beyond alliances, mounts, gliding etc.


Before suggesting something I'd like to stop and hear from you about your thoughts regarding current state of the mode.

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The more sandbox the mode remains and is, the higher a chance to keep it interesting for long periods of time. That's the benefit of sandbox games. They provide an outline but the players fill that outline with activity which can result in very different results over and over.


The more streamlined and roller-coaster the mode becomes, the less longevity will it retain. It's that simple.


We've seen some streamlining in regards to balance, which while beneficial to balance has resulted in less sandbox elements. We've seen some streamlining of rewards, which in turn had similar effects.

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That's a broad stroke.

Do I get bored of wvw in general? no, been playing it for 10 years. There's people that play other games for years, like fortnite csgo cod etc.

Do I get bored of specific aspects of it? yes. Mainly combat and encounters can get boring because that is 90% of the game mode, whether you're attacking or defending or ppting, everything revolves around combat. That ties back to the classes and specs and metas and group comps, which can sometimes be unfun and thus boring to fight, won't go more into that.

Some people are bored of maps.

Some people get bored of ppting.

Some people get bored of lack of rewards.

Some people get bored of rewards taking too long.

Some people get bored of fighting outnumbered all the time.

Some people get bored of fighting nothing but gates.

Some people get bored of fighting unbeatable groups.

Some people get bored being in unbeatable groups.

Some people get bored of facing certain servers.

Some people get bored playing on certain servers.


It would be nice to get new stuff in the game mode every once in a while, we just got reward upgrades. It might seem repetitive, but combat is repetitive and yet one of the best parts of gw2. You can change things in there, but combat is still the glue, as long as that remains fun people will continue to play.

P.S I mention this aspect because all my friends who have quit is because of class changes, or boon ball meta.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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I've done wvw myself for 10 years as well doing the same circles in consistent rotation forever spinning, camps to towers to keeps to camps. Have I gotten dizzy at times? Nah. A bit nauseous from time to time sure,.overall though it is the only game mode I have felt that I have gotten to interact more with my guild members  and to feel accomplished fighting against foes with minds of their own. Rather then having a static mechanic that has a one way direction to it.

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I've played this gamemode almost exclusively for the past 10-11 years.

Sometimes the meta and balance changes, matchups or server linkings have been 'boring' or otherwise gotten stale, but it's a unique game mode in an MMO, that hasn't been matched by any other over the past decade. 

In my opinion at least, this game mode makes this MMO stand out, rather than the PVE content, even the 'replayable' content like Raids, living world or even dungeons, compared to other MMOs. There's not an comparable endgame like wvw, it's better than the state of pvp, due to it's unique and flexible pvp, despite the issues with profession balancing .

Also, open field fights in WvW,  can be far far more interesting than GvGs, we still see a decade later. They have turned more casual these days, compared to what it has evolved into these days, especially thanks to all the balance changes and elite specs.

You can understand why people wouldn't play this mmo for months, nevermind days atm, if it's for the pve alone, even a year after EoD.


Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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Do we need changes, yes. Has lack of changes probably driven people away as one of the reasons they switched games, yes. Being a sandbox where content is driven by player actions and reactions it keeps it fresh. Its not the moto of this game but it fits, War, War never changes...Warhammer Online was like it as well which is why we had people still playing it until the last seconds of the last hour on the last night when they were pulling the plug. They announced in advance that the game was shutting down but people were still out fighting and capping till the last seconds. People fight weekly not that it makes a difference and there is no reason to win, but the sandbox environment draws some of us in and keeps us. 

That's why when we get things like lack of development it can be rough because when you look at how many people we had/have with so little changes and likewise see population pops when changes are released you see the potential for player counts on top of us mental peeps that are fighting on anyway. 

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3 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

P.S I mention this aspect because all my friends who have quit is because of class changes

This ^^^ is important and have seen a lot of people leave when they have a build that they took a while to set get nuked from above which is why I am always worried when they make mass changes and just nuke a build from existence. I have enough alts that I just shelf toons till later but that's not normal for most people so I get their point on saying, well its time for a change. Balance is needed but doesn't mean it makes a player feel good about when the hammer approach is used.

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I can see how it could if you only play prime time for the fights.  Theres only so many other groups you can fight and they're often bigger or too small.  Outside of that context, its actually a very versatile game mode.  Its possible to enjoy the rewards, the 30,000 feet level map tactics, roaming and just straight up large scale fights.


I suppose the logic works for roaming, too. If all you ever do is strictly roam looking for 1v1 or whatever, its gonna get boring really fast.

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4 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

That's a broad stroke.

Do I get bored of wvw in general? no, been playing it for 10 years. There's people that play other games for years, like fortnite csgo cod etc.

Do I get bored of specific aspects of it? yes. Mainly combat and encounters can get boring because that is 90% of the game mode, whether you're attacking or defending or ppting, everything revolves around combat. That ties back to the classes and specs and metas and group comps, which can sometimes be unfun and thus boring to fight, won't go more into that.

Some people are bored of maps.

Some people get bored of ppting.

Some people get bored of lack of rewards.

Some people get bored of rewards taking too long.

Some people get bored of fighting outnumbered all the time.

Some people get bored of fighting nothing but gates.

Some people get bored of fighting unbeatable groups.

Some people get bored being in unbeatable groups.

Some people get bored of facing certain servers.

Some people get bored playing on certain servers.


It would be nice to get new stuff in the game mode every once in a while, we just got reward upgrades. It might seem repetitive, but combat is repetitive and yet one of the best parts of gw2. You can change things in there, but combat is still the glue, as long as that remains fun people will continue to play.

P.S I mention this aspect because all my friends who have quit is because of class changes, or boon ball meta.

Agree on GW2 combat. I have to think Anet knows how much the combat has carried this game over a decade, most notably how well much of the combat and skills navigate a space and terrain. Even if people don't notice that kind of tactile and fluid game play, their muscle memory tunes into it and it's addictive along with the social aspect, but there's not much else that has that same pull for people. 

So, on your other point, I have to hope Anet knows how much of that is lost once one or both blobs become sustained balls of light. My Specter has a loose sequence of about ten or so steps to boost allies or troubleshoot problems, but that simmers down to doing about two thing when everyone gets into a blob panic trying to keep eachother up. 

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The choices are pretty broad.  My personal take:

- If I'm just roaming by myself, capping an occasional camp, sentry, or killing a veteran, I get bored pretty quickly.

- If there is a squad available, that can keep my interest for maybe 1-2 hours before I'm bored, as being with a squad opens up more things one can do.  But even after that 1-2 hours, I'm like "didn't we just capture this 30 minutes ago", and so I feel even that gets repetitive.  And that time can be shorter if the squad is doing 'less interesting' things, like just running around the home BL recapping or defending things.

However, I'm not quite sure what would make it more interesting.  In PvE, I move through different things - doing RIBA gets boring to me pretty quickly also, or if I just cycled through world bosses/metas.  I think the difference is that PvE has so many bosses/metas/other content that it is more likely I can find something there that is new/I haven't done in quite a while.


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12 hours ago, ozgu.6524 said:

Hello everyone.

This is probably discussed before but once more I'd like to know your opinion about it:


Don't you get bored with WvW?

Is doing the same things over and over again fun?

Doesn't WvW mode need something new to prevent things getting repetitive?

In my opinion there must be some major changes/add-ons related to core mechanics of the mode to make things enjoyable.

What I mean is beyond alliances, mounts, gliding etc.


Before suggesting something I'd like to stop and hear from you about your thoughts regarding current state of the mode.

I am extremely bored with WvW.

Doing the same thing over and over with dealing with Toxic again is never fun.

WvW need to be redesigned from the ground up with having a healthy competitive vision in mind. 

As long Toxicy is not dealt with at it core root, enjoyment will continue to be an illusion including beyond  alliancee, mounts, gliding etc...


Current state of WvW:  WvW is a Toxic wasteland for Toxic Profession including Toxic skills/mechanics to test their Toxicity.


(whenever there is a "balance" for the game, look for these words (PvP Only)


that is all...

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13 hours ago, Vulkan.1375 said:

i'm bored my server is dead = Gandara.

Within this answer there is a half-truth. The point is not that your server is dead. The point is that your server is always the same. And I say this as a passionate gamer who finds his motivation exclusively in the concept of servers.

What makes this game mode always different and always interesting. Two things for me. the players on your team and their content and the players on opposing teams and their content. The interaction of these two things, the clash and the meeting that are never taken for granted and never knowing what the action is and the consequent reaction, makes them always different and therefore interesting. Keeping the exact same servers for 10 years so it doesn't help. in fact I have repeatedly proposed to make wvw seasonal. 12 months and reformulate all the teams. New interactions, new combinations, still competing with each other. This would help a lot to keep things as new at all times. 

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I just want new maps that rotates with desert bl (or remove it completely). The new maps should have some new innovative features, like maybe skiff warfare (bit like sea of thieves), balanced underwater skills, maybe turtle mount in wvw (revamped for wvw), etc. I bet people can come up with more ideas that a new wvw map could have. Pity it will never happen I guess 😕

Yes, I agree with the sandbox thing, its fun to do your own thing or follow a zerg 🙂 make your own adventure.

Edited by asterix.9614
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