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Stoic Rampart exploit


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Bro there is an uw warrior commander who is actively advertising thief's ports in bay . Like every time you are in alpine , team chat be like " hey all we got port in enemy bay come fast we cap it " or " after hills we go bay , my teef and mes have portal ready"

Edited by Demonas.1083
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23 hours ago, Demonas.1083 said:

Bro there is an uw warrior commander who is actively advertising thief's ports in bay . Like every time you are in alpine , team chat be like " hey all we got port in enemy bay come fast we cap it " or " after hills we go bay , my teef and mes have portal ready"

I am linked with UW and never seen this happen ever. 

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Stealth Mechanic and Rogue Profession existed long before Guild Wars. Anet refused to incorporate them in  Beloved and Legendary: Guild Wars. Why so? 


Blizzard Entertainment implication of Stealth was troublesome in the mmo industry. Square Enix did it right with their Thief Profession (Job) by making the use of  stealth mechanic having risks and counters including Thief Profession (Job)


Anet in Guild Wars did not have the time of day to allow Stealth mechanic to jeopardize Guild Wars in any way. Anet already had the right vision to make Assassin Profession to be challenging and competitive. 


So Guild Wars was release with having a Great Success to the gaming industry..


Giving a clear statement that they will never invest or give any time in day to allow a Toxic design mechanic in their game.


Than comes Guild Wars 2 Rogue Profession - Thief Profession incorporating a Guild Wars forbidden mechanic - Toxic Stealth Mechanic.


Than all hell broke lose with the release of Toxic Stealth Mechanic, resulting in endless self-destructive abuse exploits, with enduring destruction..


Destroying any chance of challenge, risks, fun and life for Guild Wars 2. The only thing that is keeping the game in survival mode is the Gem Store.


Money to success is an illusion, is a temporary relief story. In the end, there it is, "And You Will Know The Truth And The Truth Will Set You Free"


side note-

Yesterday, after the squad took control of a keep, I and few other players stayed to have a chat about the state of the game. While we were chatting; we noticed an enemy Thief Profession using Stealth Mechanic with a skill, teleporting through the gate and attempted to kill us. 


I was with a Warrior Profession and a Thief Profession who +1 shot her.

As I already mentioned: Stealth Mechanic was Forbidden in Guild Wars

Guild Wars 2 Is Paying The Price...Heavily... Consistently

Exploits and Abuse will continue as long Stealth continues to exist in the game.

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 4/22/2023 at 11:58 AM, Palikka.8249 said:

So i know many of you know that thief can somehow bug himself to lord at Stoic Rampart and i guess other keeps too. Currently Underworld EU thief abuse this like crazy. What is the point of this if even keeps can be taken without siege?

The best way is to stand as near as you can to the exploit area and put in an IN GAME ticket. I did that a rifle jump exploit that was being used at one time last year and it was fixed. Describe the exploit and how it is done in your submission. The submission from that spot is marked by you submitting it from that point.

Edited by Heibi.4251
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1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Or at least just disable them when they are in enemy territory.  Most cost effective solution.


Apparently Thief Profession were known to do this with abusing their Teleport with their other skill....


Apparently, Guardian Profession can also teleport; which is Absurd and with having an Elite Speacializations that plays 2 Profession roles (Thief Profession+Warrior Profession);; which is beyond the most bad design which I've seen in an Mmo.


Anyhowjust about now, two of us were chasing a Guardian Profession: Willbender. who was constantly teleporting while riding his mount. Every time that we would close gap with him...he teleports with his warclaw.


-Thief Profession Manages To Teach Other Profession Some Tricks In Its 11 Years Continual Dominance and Toxicity to the game, To Be Like It-


"The more you ignore problems, The more its spreads"


"Well Done!!"

((I Have No More Disappointments Left For The Game))

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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On 4/30/2023 at 6:24 PM, aspirine.6852 said:

Anet wont do anyting about it. Besides banning the people mentioning that the blub guild on piken does this on RBL all the time.

I know some of the blub's and I highly doubt they would ever exploit. They do like to play RBL a lot. Are you sure they are not just hiding a thief or mesmer in there?

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50 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I know some of the blub's and I highly doubt they would ever exploit. They do like to play RBL a lot. Are you sure they are not just hiding a thief or mesmer in there?

NA so don't know the guild, but as someone that likes RBL, agree here. Alot of people still don't check the areas that are within the the keeps borders but outside of the radar range that is covered. Examples, the ledge above the north air shrine that still has access to inner air, the beatle fence line on south air, the glide down cave on south fire, let alone all the nooks within radar.

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On 5/5/2023 at 6:21 PM, Cuks.8241 said:

I know some of the blub's and I highly doubt they would ever exploit. They do like to play RBL a lot. Are you sure they are not just hiding a thief or mesmer in there?

You dont know them well enough it seems. They do it all the time, also hills exploit. Always the same guy doing it.

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On 5/5/2023 at 1:17 PM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

NA so don't know the guild, but as someone that likes RBL, agree here. Alot of people still don't check the areas that are within the the keeps borders but outside of the radar range that is covered. Examples, the ledge above the north air shrine that still has access to inner air, the beatle fence line on south air, the glide down cave on south fire, let alone all the nooks within radar.

Shhhhh giving away my secret hiding spots xD

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As a member of blub i can confirm that we do not use or endorse hacking of any description and anyone found doing so will be expelled from the guild.

I can also say that we do have thiefs and mesmers in the guild who are really good at hiding in a keep before it is taken or going in after a wall or gate breach and hiding for extended periods while the rest of the guild go elsewhere until the activity in the keep/tower dies down a bit then porting people in.

Don't blame laziness, bad searching and people using game mechanics legally as hacking.


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Sounds about right for the profession. "Thieves are masters of shadows and assassination. Their profession mechanics are Steal and initiative. With Steal, thieves teleport to their target and create a makeshift weapon inspired by that enemy to gain the upper hand." Thieves also have great lockpicking skills as shown in Raid Wing 4 where they are often used to bypass the gate mechanic. Why ram in a gate when you can just rake it? 😄

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