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Streamlined Skyscale? Not cool.

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2 minutes ago, andre.6702 said:

it took me 28 days....28 days to get this thing and now, you want to give them out? what the hell? if this is the case why don't you lower the standard for legendary items too? 

You'll get a bonus for having unlocked it in advance of the next expansion. That, and years of using the Skyscale is the bonus for having done so before.

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1 minute ago, Chichimec.9364 said:


This kind of thinking baffles me. Do people really imagine all the other players going Oooh and Aaah when someone flies overhead on a skyscale? The only time I notice someone on their skyscale is when they are hovering low enough over my head that their flapping wings are taking up a good portion of my screen. At those moments I am not the least impressed by their badge of honor or their status symbol.


Lol two things:

1) Skyscales are least thing to be concerned about when it comes to player-induced garishness.

2) Yes, as a matter of status, Skyscales are in a comparatively small category of things, alongside legendary armor/weapons, that players have to actually work for and can't just buy with gems.

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Just now, Jianyu.7065 said:

Ooooooh boy! That medium armor skin is tough 👀

I knowww and its the one set I have no legendary pieces for! I was dreading having to do raids for it. Now I will happily wait for these new sets ❤️ 

I hope the collections for it are enjoyable and price comparable to the others. Though even if they are a bit more costly I won't mind much.

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Just now, Aelin.9317 said:

I knowww and its the one set I have no legendary pieces for! I was dreading having to do raids for it. Now I will happily wait for these new sets ❤️ 

I hope the collections for it are enjoyable and price comparable to the others. Though even if they are a bit more costly I won't mind much.

I dont have any legendary armor sets. After playing for so long I just started putting together a path to get it done. I have a bunch of ascended so now I'm just going to wait and see how this new legendary grind pans out.

We just bought my wife the complete collection last week. I hate (love) this game. Not sure how I will convince her to spend another 50 for us both to get this expack.

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10 minutes ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

I dont have any legendary armor sets. After playing for so long I just started putting together a path to get it done. I have a bunch of ascended so now I'm just going to wait and see how this new legendary grind pans out.

We just bought my wife the complete collection last week. I hate (love) this game. Not sure how I will convince her to spend another 50 for us both to get this expack.

Well you have quite some time to hook her more into the game and buy the expac after it comes out!

Nothing to say you need to buy it right away 🙂

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1 minute ago, Aelin.9317 said:

Well you have quite some time to hook her more into the game and buy the expac after it comes out!

Nothing to say you need to buy it right away 🙂

Indeed... there's a TON of content in the base game and first three expansions (what we have right now).  Nobody has to grab a new expansion on the day it comes out.

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1 minute ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

I think they should mail everyone that did things the old way some extra reward or make it so that if they did the new collection they get something in addition to the Skyscale in order to not make the old collection irrelevant.

You get 3 bonuses from completing the new skyscale masteries. Bond of Vigor every time you use Air rescue. Faster/higher wall boost and using ley lines.

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4 minutes ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

I think they should mail everyone that did things the old way some extra reward or make it so that if they did the new collection they get something in addition to the Skyscale in order to not make the old collection irrelevant.

Might want to read the blog notes. 

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I got the Skyscale at release.

It has become easier since then.

First the reset timer was reduced to a 2 hour timer, the feeding increased per day
Then we got Bjora with Currency exchange to make getting the mats for saddle easier.
Then we got Return To achievements making getting those materials even more easy.

I could've said "hey that is not fair" but I did not.
Not gonna say it now either. Things change, and I think it is a possitive change.

As long as it is the way it is now, with the skyscale being a very handy but hopelessly outclassed by the mighty Griffon, I am fine.

😁Yeah I have favorites and the Skyscale ain't it.

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I'm still new to PoF's endgame, but I got my griffon almost two months ago. I'm not far enough into LWS4 yet to unlock the skyscale grind (currently at the start of ep 2, but I think it's supposed to be part of ep 6).

I suppose if I want to attempt to draw parallels to the griffon; I'd gladly say that I wouldn't feel any more special for having obtained my griffon if the special vendor items cost a total of 50 gold instead of 250 gold.

I currently don't see my other fellow griffon owners or skyscale owners who are farther into the game than I as special for simply owning those mounts.

I would say I'd now just wait for the new expansion to start the unlock, but going of the description on the site suggests to me that the new easier unlock is tied behind the progressing the new expansion's campaign.

I'm playing the story for the first time in order; so if that's the case I'll just try to unlock the skyscale current way once I reach LWS4 ep 6.

Perhaps anyone here can also enlighten me since I genuinely don't know in relating to the news of this easier skyscale unlock. What's the general population like of players in IBS or EoD who haven't unlocked a skyscale? I'd imagine it to be a low amount, so the possibility of the easier skyscale unlock tied to the new campaign story seems less appealing to me because it wouldn't be relevant to me because of how I'm choosing to progress the game for the first time. I'll admit I'm naive on this matter, though so if its tied to the new campaign and would actually help a lot of players I'd be curious to know.

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2 hours ago, Blackari.2051 said:

I can only laugh at these posts of  "I worked hard for my skyscale, it was hard to get it" .. no it wasnt ... i was "technically" done with it in one afternoon session after coming back to the game after a bit of brake..... 

"I brake for Skyscales!" - Tyria's new ad campaign against drinking while flying.

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Skyscale isn't a badge of honor, maybe it was the first week, but since it has become so common that I do not think anyone look at someone with it and think "they accomplished something impressive/hard/challenging" unless they are new,  they will normally just go "okay, they got the skyscale"

I don't mind that they are adding a new way to get it, especially since ANET seem to have plans to use it for something in the expansion, so they make a new way to get which might be easier. I am saying might, because as far as I know there isn't a list of what that entails yet, so for all we know could include a early Dragon's End like meta, and a strike like with the turtle.

"Many of us nearly quit the game trying to get one". So you thought it was terrible to get, and you want other to suffer like you have? Shouldn't you be glad that other people might not have to go through the same pain? And it's not like you didn't get anything from finishing it before this expansion come out. You got to use it before the expansion. Personally I like the skyscale so I don't regret getting it on any account, even if this new collection turns out to be better, the time I got with it before was worth it.

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2 hours ago, Cameryn.5310 said:

Indeed... there's a TON of content in the base game and first three expansions (what we have right now).  Nobody has to grab a new expansion on the day it comes out.

There are a reason and that is to get that one extra Shared Inventory unlocked if you already have all 28 SI that you can get (or less if you bough expansion which only gave one more SI; every expansion bought one by one add one SI slot).

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