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Do you regret pre-ordering SoTO?

Do you regret pre-ordering SotO?  

295 members have voted

  1. 1. If you pre-ordered SotO, have any of the recent feature reveals made you regret your purchase?

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. What feature makes you regret your pre-order? (tick as many as apply)

    • PvE Legendary armour
    • Relics
    • New Skyscale acquisition method
    • Nothing, I'm happy!
    • Other (please specify with a post)

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Well, as an owner of full legendary gear, I am not happy about the fact that I will either have to wait up to six months before I can craft a Legendary Relic or will have to waste resources on aquiring tons of exotic ones. Not happy. I stll hope that ANet will postpone the Relic system until the legendary version becomes available.

Other than that, I have nothing to complain about and do not regret pre-ordering, but am indeed very much looking forward to the expansion.

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7 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

I'm not sure I even want to login until then.

I feel that.

I look at GW2 in my list of games, and while I love the combat, I feel that at the moment, there are other things I can play which will respect my time more and which offer a more worthwhile experience.

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3 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

With recent feature revelations, there has been a lot of kick-back from the community. Are you among the disaffected?

I'm curios - what "recent feature revelations" do you mean? The relic stuff was pretty much obvious the day they announced the expansion. And other than that, AFAIK nothing new was revealed!?

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The way they are restructuring the combat system gives me a massive headache. With every further patch, they simplify our complex system more and more. The relics introduction and rune rework go into the same direction. They promise they will add plenty of options, but I fear that some of the interesting combinations will vanish. We have a couple of stat-combos which are quite handy when you try to min-max your stats, which you cannot run with full sets. They may be removed in favor of the meta.

I know some people hate our stat-system a lot and wish it was as simple as in a certain other MMORPG, where there is exactly one stat-combo per class - one that works. But GW2 is played for its great combat-system and its huge variety of different play-styles. ANet wants to reduce the work-load of the balance-team. But how far do they intend to go here?

Another example: Relics. We have a couple of runes which do not work like Scholar's. They have special abilities split. Some in 4 and 6, others in 2, 4 and 6. I fear those will vanish as well in favor of some overpowered bs that can be balanced easier. Not to forget the gimmick runes that were always a pain to balance for ANet. For example Sanctuary, which caused them a few extra problems with the EoD. 

The third problem is the cooldown rework they are doing right now. We do no longer have to select cd reduction traits. Great! right? You have probably noticed that they have started a massive balancing approach by adjusting cooldowns. Now they can do it freely. Looks not too bad right now. They have just started. 

The more I learn about their plans, the more I question my decision. There is a very high risk that we are going to lose much of our build-diversity in favor of simplification. The changes look like they do not want to continue with the current resource-management. Probably re-distribute some from the balancing to other fields.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
thanks :)
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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

because a tiny minority is crying

It doesn't matter how few we are, Anet is a business and the important thing from that perspective is how much money legendary crafters spend compared to the rest of the playerbase.

Only Anet knows ofc but if it was an irrelevant amount, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't bother trying to find a compromise with us.

That being said, they shouldn't postpone relics, they should work better instead as in not making us wait a year for a leggy relic, and clear out ASAP what "significant progress" means.

For OP, I don't regret it since I haven't preorder yet, I'm waiting for more info before I decide.


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I haven't pre-ordered, for the first time in this games 10 year history. From, Champions to EoD to Gyala, every piece of content produced has been a massive let down to me. They've all felt rushed and incomplete. Don't even get me started on EoD elite specs.

Added to that, they're making some incredibly questionable choices for the game even now. They're already terrible at balancing the game and now they want to complicate things more by addding in weapon options and relics at the same time? Honestly, I don't think they can hack it. Everything about SOTO says that it is just as rushed and ill-conceived as all of the other content we've seen since and including Champions 2 1/2 years ago.

Anet have lost all my good will and they haven't done anything to earn it back. I simply don't trust them anymore.

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Well, I don't regret pre-ordering. I'm just very disapointed in the whole Legendary Runes/Relics thing. I'm still looking forward to the new story, the new masteries and the new weapons although I miss getting new elite specs. I'm even looking forward to Relics as a system.

All in all I just wished I could be more hyped about the new expansion, but how the Relic system will be implemented, the communication around it, that it devalues legendary runes I've crafted and that it sets a depressing precedent for devalueing gear leaves me, again, more disapointed than angry. Trust in ANet has been lost once again and if things like this keep happening, I will no longer be able to justify spending money on the company/the game.

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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

For the question if they should postpone it or not of course it does. 

Asking to pospone content is never reasonable in my opinion (as I said, they shouldn't), my post still stand for all those thinking any kind of request coming from leggy crafters shouldn't be listened to just because we are a minority.

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6 minutes ago, Geralt.7519 said:

Asking to pospone content is never reasonable in my opinion (as I said, they shouldn't), my post still stand for all those thinking any kind of request coming from leggy crafters shouldn't be listened to just because we are a minority.

Where did I write that any kind of request shouldn’t be listened to? Please show me.
The request to postpone would affect every player that’s why I don’t think it’s reasonable and just shows a level of selfishness and entitlement by some. 

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15 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Well, as an owner of full legendary gear, I am not happy about the fact that I will either have to wait up to six months before I can craft a Legendary Relic or will have to waste resources on aquiring tons of exotic ones. Not happy. I stll hope that ANet will postpone the Relic system until the legendary version becomes available.

Other than that, I have nothing to complain about and do not regret pre-ordering, but am indeed very much looking forward to the expansion.

Wait, just because you want to get legendary relics on launch and refused to get any lesser version, the rest of us can't have any too and have to wait for you?

Do you consider full legendary gears owners superior in game and deserve special entitlements?

Edited by Min Min.9368
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1 hour ago, Min Min.9368 said:

Wait, just because you want to get legendary relics on launch and refused to get any lesser version, the rest of us can't have any too and have to wait for you?

Do you consider full legendary gears owners superior in game and deserve special entitlements?

Wait, just because you want something faster, anet is supposed to start delivering half-baked expansion features because if players want a finished product, it's their elitism or sth?


As for the topic, I didn't prepurchase.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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I prepurchased the basic edition. I don't regret it, because I know I'll be continuing to play regardless of disappointing developments like the implementation of relics.

But I'm glad I didn't buy the more expensive versions of SOTO, and I am not going to be buying gems with anything other than gold for quite a while.

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I regret buying it more because most of the features will come in other patches.. which doesn't really seem anything different than a Living Season.. It angers me a bit that they advertised it as an expansion, when it isn't. If it was a real expansion, all the features would come at launch.. like any other game does with their expansions. I've never seen a game that has an expansion that is like a promise of content for the future AFTER it's release.

Open world legendary armor, legendary relics, even MAPS!! Two maps will not be ready at the release... WTF? It's literally what living seasons were.. just that now they are taking more money than the full content is actually worth.. 

  • Living Season 2 full pack - 1280 gems, a little bit more than 12 US dollars
  • Living Season 3 full pack - 960 gems, a bit more than 10 US dollars
  • Living Season 4 full pack - 960 gems, a bit more than 10 US dollars
  • Living Season 5 aka "Ice Brood Saga" - 960 gems, a bit more than 10 US dollars

They already fooled us with back then saying that IBS would have an "expansion amount of content" .. and what we got was.. well the same as any other season just with a lesser quality story and rushed AF. 

Now what rises my concern is that a lot of what they said is in the SoTO expansion isn't ready yet but they want to take our money ahead.. it will be released at bits but almost at the price of a full expansion!!! When in reality, since all the content will be delivered like a Living Season, it should cost 960 gems just like the other seasons. Anet is being shady by calling it expansion while it will be released like a LS. Why couldn't they just be like, "hey, free LS for everyone is a bad business model and it took us 10 years to realize that, so now we will have to charge for that". Cool, no problem, as long as the price would have been fair to what will be delivered and at the frequency it would happen?

If its going to be released at bits, just like a LS episodes, we should be able to buy it in bits.. as the episodes come out, so we can actually think if its worth or not buying the rest of this clown fiesta..  At the current price that the """expansion""" is being sold, it should be content worth of 2 living seasons.

Edited by leila.7962
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I pre purchased Ultimate because gems are super expensive here in Australia due to conversion rates with USD so no not really, new content is better than no content.. Relics will be annoying but i'll deal.

My main worry is how useless loot will be yet again in open world.. To be honest a exotic, rare weapon or gear no longer gives me that oh i got some loot drops anymore..

Entitled or just tired i'm not sure, but if the odd ascended dropped as a reward i'd be super happy.. In my opinion at this point at least 85% of players outside of newbies have at least some or a lot of ascended by now, i feel the odd ascended loots would be a welcome change..  I just lose interest when 99% of my loot from open world is trash to sell for 9 copper or deconstruct..

Nothing worth going "Wow thats nice" over these days, i miss the old days of Tyria when an exotic drop meant a profit on the AH or a cool new item..

Edited by Dante.1508
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