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Literally the only reason I play GW2 is that there is no battlepass...looks like those days are over

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Yeah, I'm not a fan of Season/Battle Passes~ even the free ones become such a chore, and extra tedius when you want to enjoy more than one game. It's like every video game wants to dictate how you play it and tell you what to do with your time. I been happy about being AP capped and not needing to do dailies for the most part nowadays. Hopefully this one isn't annoying and has a lot of options. Seems like they aren't going to abuse FOMO at least or make you swim through tons of junk items for 1 decent one like most do.

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6 minutes ago, PzTnT.7198 said:

My main worry about this is that it will be designed so that doing pvp dailies/weeklies will be required to get more than 33% out of this system. Other than that its probably fine.

It will not you can chose if you want pve, wvw, spvp only or a mix of 2-3 so it will not be required to do any spvp if you dont want to do it.



7 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I want to jump in briefly and emphasize this. Here's a little peek (peak? 😉  iykyk)  at what that looks like in game. The system is pretty flexible so you can focus on content that you like to do!



Edited by Linken.6345
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1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

It will not you can chose if you want pve, wvw, spvp only or a mix of 2-3 so it will not be required to do any spvp if you dont want to do it.

Indeed, but will there still be limits on dailies for the special currency? If that's gone so you can do all of them then you're gonna want to do everything every day to get all the currency out of it. Since im one that despises pvp in general id rather not end up completely shafted by such a change.

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6 minutes ago, PzTnT.7198 said:

Indeed, but will there still be limits on dailies for the special currency? If that's gone so you can do all of them then you're gonna want to do everything every day to get all the currency out of it. Since im one that despises pvp in general id rather not end up completely shafted by such a change.

Well if you dont tick in spvp you wont get any spvp dalies.

For all we know you have a  choice of 9 dailies.

If you tick all 3 boxes you get 3 pve, 3spvp, 3 wvw.

If you tick two a split bettwen 4 an 5 on the two different modes.

If you tick only one you should get 9 pve for example.

If it dont work like that then it would not be a choice but a restriction.


So in conclusion what you fear should never happen since it would be a pretty dumb idea to code it like that.

Edited by Linken.6345
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3 hours ago, PzTnT.7198 said:

Indeed, but will there still be limits on dailies for the special currency? If that's gone so you can do all of them then you're gonna want to do everything every day to get all the currency out of it. Since im one that despises pvp in general id rather not end up completely shafted by such a change.

u get downvoted for asking a question...

this forum geez.

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9 hours ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Are you joking seriously? let me spell it out for you, you get free gold everyday for looking through a vista, you get materials and items in chests for hitting a node a few times, you get mystic coins and clovers, you get laurels, you get shards and convenience items all for free for logging in. All for Free! but  now you can pay for your gold and everything else lol. 

I think you're focusing too much on the fact that there's a new currency involved. It's earned from doing the same type of things we do now for dailies, so the overall process is the same but with 1 additional step where you choose your reward instead of having it pre-determined.

Would it be acceptable to you if they changed the daily rewards to a choice chest, so you can choose to take 2g or something else, like extra laurels or XP scrolls? So people who want the 2g can keep selecting that and people who want more spirit shards or laurels or whatever can pick something else. Would it still be free in that case?

This is the same, but with the added option to combine several choice chests to get a bigger reward.

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On 8/15/2023 at 9:48 PM, Gravitron.7982 said:

Yeah I get what you mean, but I guess I can't say I'm surprised by this. With the recent quarterly update, it appears that they need to find new ways of monetization in order to deal with the loss of revenue over the years. It doesn't surprise me if they decide to just follow the herd.

Making money is from making ‘good’ content that there are ppl willing to pay for. GREED doesnt belong in that sentence. I havent bought the new expansion while before i bought it right after announcement. I dont like online gaming much anymore. This game is just a huge grind simulator. The store get overflown with awesome skins. But an mmo is also about loot drops. But these events are just endless chest grind with junk loot. And the only reward is super rare drop.  I feel like i am forced to spend money on the gemstore because from normal metas you wont get rewarded. Inidentified bags are no rewards. Also EoD made me start hating on everything. 

if they put also nice skins in meta chests then its actually worth doing a meta. I think many ppl just do it for AP only. 

Edited by Holmindeboks.3490
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43 minutes ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Making money is from making ‘good’ content that there are ppl willing to pay for. GREED doesnt belong in that sentence. I havent bought the new expansion while before i bought it right after announcement. I dont like online gaming much anymore. This game is just a huge grind simulator. The store get overflown with awesome skins. But an mmo is also about loot drops. But these events are just endless chest grind with junk loot. And the only reward is super rare drop.  I feel like i am forced to spend money on the gemstore because from normal metas you wont get rewarded. Inidentified bags are no rewards. Also EoD made me start hating on everything. 

if they put also nice skins in meta chests then its actually worth doing a meta. I think many ppl just do it for AP only. 

If it drops to much it will turn into junk loot as you say so yea that wont help.

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1 hour ago, Linken.6345 said:

If it drops to much it will turn into junk loot as you say so yea that wont help.

Yeah, the rewards from the new WvW boxes are often worth less than the silver cost of the keys...it's just another resource sink for those willing to gamble for bling.  I'm wondering if this new system will make it seem like you're getting more of what you want since you have a choice, but when you tally the total value against what we currently have that it will actually end up being less, draining player resources further and resulting in more gems bought with real money to replace them.  Seems many are happy there is no premium pass option being offered, but a quiet drain of resources still nets a profit, it's just not as obvious.

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3 hours ago, Holmindeboks.3490 said:

Making money is from making ‘good’ content that there are ppl willing to pay for. GREED doesnt belong in that sentence. I havent bought the new expansion while before i bought it right after announcement. I dont like online gaming much anymore. This game is just a huge grind simulator. The store get overflown with awesome skins. But an mmo is also about loot drops. But these events are just endless chest grind with junk loot. And the only reward is super rare drop.  I feel like i am forced to spend money on the gemstore because from normal metas you wont get rewarded. Inidentified bags are no rewards. Also EoD made me start hating on everything. 

if they put also nice skins in meta chests then its actually worth doing a meta. I think many ppl just do it for AP only. 

Now that's something I can agree with!

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20 minutes ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

Yeah, the rewards from the new WvW boxes are often worth less than the silver cost of the keys...it's just another resource sink for those willing to gamble for bling.  I'm wondering if this new system will make it seem like you're getting more of what you want since you have a choice, but when you tally the total value against what we currently have that it will actually end up being less, draining player resources further and resulting in more gems bought with real money to replace them.  Seems many are happy there is no premium pass option being offered, but a quiet drain of resources still nets a profit, it's just not as obvious.

I think you're correct here, and that's exactly what will end up happening. 

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55 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:


Edited this comment, since I reread the OP and noticed he mentioned Season 1. I was mislead by the misuse of the word never. 

That said, there's plenty of Fomo in this game, including black lion chest items that disappear and don't come back. It's better now than it has been, but let's n ot pretend there's no fomo in this game.

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On 8/15/2023 at 10:44 PM, Einsof.1457 said:

This is arenanet DESPARATELY bribing people to "play" aka DO WHAT THIS MENU SCREEN TELLS YOU TO DO, rather than building out new good content that people want to do because it is FUN.

When it follows the current daily system, then it tries to lure players to content that may otherwise be a little dead. Like the event daily.

I'm lazy, I don't do those, I do the easiest like harvest/mining and the wvw stuff that, apart from veteran and badge of honor trading, is just playing the wvw as usual and not doing something different.

I guess the new system will be similar with the picks of choices what you cba to do.

The screenshot at least shows no difference.

Everything else is in your head.
If you make a game, thats more about style and skins, a chore for more style and skins, then it is your choice.

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I was an overemotional kitten (Rough day) and am leaving this up to accept my shame at my ignorance.

But - absolutely and certainly if a paid battle pass a la phone games shows up, I will feel so violently betrayed, BECAUSE Anet have historically been so good.

ANET - I have spent a decent amount of money on mine, my wifes, and my nephews account on your games over the years.

I will not give you money anymore if you implement a battle pass. I recognize you have made the business judgement that you will lose less money than you will gain. But this is not in line with why I have historically stood up for Anet.

I'm disappointed with whatever BDR ghoul came up with this.

Edited by Archenblade.3405
I was an kitten and didn't fully understand the situation, I stand by the feels if that ever becomes the situation. And am sorry.
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2 minutes ago, Archenblade.3405 said:

ANET - I have spent a decent amount of money on mine, my wifes, and my nephews account on your games over the years.

I will not give you money anymore if you implement a battle pass. I recognize you have made the business judgement that you will lose less money than you will gain. But this is not in line with why I have historically stood up for Anet.

I'm disappointed with whatever BDR ghoul came up with this.

We gotta vote with our wallets, it's the only way these companies will learn.

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31 minutes ago, Archenblade.3405 said:

ANET - I have spent a decent amount of money on mine, my wifes, and my nephews account on your games over the years.

I will not give you money anymore if you implement a battle pass. I recognize you have made the business judgement that you will lose less money than you will gain. But this is not in line with why I have historically stood up for Anet.

I'm disappointed with whatever BDR ghoul came up with this.

Did you read the news article?

It's not actually a battle pass, it's basically a system to let you choose a reward for doing dailies instead of getting pre-determined ones.

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I dont think many realize how many people have criticized dailys in nearly every mmo and still do, I personally cannot stand them much either, there is real psychological reasons behind such a decision you know, most people do not want to feel forced to login for rewards, also its a mobile gaming concept in the first place.

Edited by Ryou.2398
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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Did you read the news article?

It's not actually a battle pass, it's basically a system to let you choose a reward for doing dailies instead of getting pre-determined ones.

Why read when I can be angry? It's very surprising how many take there are out there where people haven't read, or have but haven't understood,the information and have already made up their minds to be upset and outraged. 

Edited by Sigmoid.7082
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1 hour ago, Ryou.2398 said:

I dont think many realize how many people have criticiized dailys in nearly every mmo and still do, I personally cannot stand them much either, there is real psychological reasons behind such a decision you know, most people do not want to feel forced to login for rewards, also its a mobile gaming concept in the first place.

There are already dailies in the game. 

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