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Updraft and Leyline break Griffon Flight [Merged]

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Simply put, Ley Lines and Updrafts are just ROAD BLOCKS.

Here, from a Wing Member... try this now with the mastery... 

Also look at the skill. Does Griffon need ley lines and updrafts? 

I picked this video since this is a map that has a lot of updrafts and ley lines.


Why ArenaNet, Why??

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I haven’t unlocked key line yet, but I don’t understand why some are including updraft. I griffoned around Verdant Brink and loved getting height back with the updrafts. You sale right through them with a small boost in height and refresh of your endurance.

It was awesome having infinite flight on griffon.

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The easy solution here would be to have a skill added to the bar of griffon/skyscale that toggles ley line activation. So if its active then you get grabbed by the ley lines as now but if you turn it off then you can simply fly on through unrestricted. 

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On 8/30/2023 at 11:00 PM, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

Seriously, this is a massive mistake. If you would introduce a checkmark tomorrow to disable ley line for griffons, I would check it INSTANLY and NEVER touch the darn thing ever again.

The leyline just should not trigger if you're flying at too big of an angle to it. If you want to get caught you could always just change direction to match the leyline, but it should never yank you backward or 90 degrees to the side of the direction of your flight. Which currently happens way too often.

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I would like to add two cents, than when I tried to get up after swooping with a griffon, and the climb took me through the updraft, I was unable to regain all the height I would normally do - it stopped after I reached end of an updraft. Griffon interaction with those features definitely needs more work.

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It almost is now mandatory to a: Buy SotO and b: RUIN your Griffon by training this.

If not, spamfest for the rest of your gw2 life.

Disable when?

The biggest dissapointment?

The post we made Pre launch about this issue, asking to NOT make it automatically, and the sheer silence then and now on this issue.

You broke griffon, please fix.

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On 8/25/2023 at 1:29 PM, TheNurgle.4825 said:

Leyline mastery can apply only to Skyscale and noone will miss it. Updraft mastery is one of best features in the game now. Updrafts should be places on all maps so you can just travel quickly. Like add updraft next to each map entrance/exit. Also I would like to create updrafts by being in proximity and not by pressing interaction key.

Skyscale has the same problem just have to be on your toes, I dismount and remount once I'm under the ley line.

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Griffon and updrafts are fine for me. Depending on how you approach them you only get a little boost without losing momentum or a full lift. Ley lines are wonky. I was in situation where I just couldnt get off it and others where just a little dive unlocked me. I would be fine if Griffon wouldn't interact with leylines at all. Now we can dismount in air anytime so you can always glide or switch to skyscale if you want to ride a leyline.

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On 8/30/2023 at 2:27 PM, Zok.4956 said:

Not so much, even on Skyscale. Ley line mastery is my least favorite. 

In order to free yourself from the leyline with the skyscale dash you have to try to fly out of the leyline at a 90 degree angle if possible. If the angle is too flat, because the leylines aren't always straight and the edges aren't always clearly visible, you often won't get free and will be pulled further. And in the time it took to turn the Skyscale out of the ley-line direction, you've already been pulled too far. It's particularly stupid when the ley-line direction is opposite to your own flight direction. That's why I often fly detours just to stay away from ley-lines.

If you use gliding from HoT, the leylines are great, they speed up map travel and you can get out of it with the space button without delay, but I don't like them with the skyscale. Updrafts, on the other hand, are quite handy on skyscale.

This has been my experience as well.   I got the trick of the angle in hand well enough now, so mostly they have not been a problem -- but they do annoy me to no end.  On my Griffon it is really is a mess though and I just don't like their use at all.   

I do wish that they had simply introduced a toggle which, as others have mentioned, when mounted would pop up for you to accept vs the current functionality based on glider mechanic only. 

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I have a theory: this is the work of the kryptis! It's a profoundly evil and insidious form of CC designed to keep us from reaching our objective in a timely and efficient manner. It also made me proclaim my displeasure via an assortment of colorful metaphors, every time I encountered it.

Constructive feedback: take it back! Uh, I mean, maybe give those of us unable to fully appreciate this mastery a toggle so that we are not continually blinded by the overwhelming brilliance of its execution. Thank in advance!

This is what it feels like:


Edited by Tachenon.5270
Zojja! Help! Stop this crazy thing!
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I've spent a lot of time flying around the new maps. I enjoy mounted flight with the new masteries. It's nice to get a boost at just the right time from the smallest updraft, going from drifting to fast wing flaps, or rocket up or across an area. It helps to know where they are and (in old maps) which leylines have an effect and which are just decorative.

I get that it feels bad to have flight interrupted., like getting cc'ed, pushed or pulled. It's frustrating to hit a skyscale's ceiling and everything's on cooldown. It does help to have mounts on hotkeys. I double tap to switch griffon/skyscale. Also, if I snag on a leyline it's very fast to toggle off and drop out or get flung away. Glide, 6, remount.

If there could be one change, I'd like flight motes and updraft generators to be visible from farther away. Admittedly I haven't experimented with settings to make that happen. I'm on kind of a potato computer.

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It is a learn to play issue. When you first learn how to navigate with Ley-Lines and Updraft while mounted you will also get around faster and it still new for most player that you now can stay on mount and make use of these will have an effect on your mount where you didn't have to take notice where you had Updraft or Ley-Lines before while mounted.

If you are on Griffon and flap your wings you get higher up (same for Skyscale), and if you circle around inside an Updraft like a real bird would do you get even higher up. With Ley-Line you get a free ride if you want to go in the same direction as Ley-Line and if you want to break out, use Dive or Climb. On Skyscale use dismount/remount when you far enough out of Ley-Line path, Dash or Flap you wings to get out of that path.

This isn't an issue if players only just take time to learn how do things when they get new toys to play around with.

Don't forget that we also have all those Orbs in air that we can now use in both Core maps, in HoT, PoF and SoTO. EoD have those zip lines and Updraft so there is not Ley-Lines as far as I can recall.

We don't need a toggle, only need to learn how to navigate while in air and make use of those things that helps us to stay in air.

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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Only need how to navigate? 

The Griffon is the fastest mount at top speed. This makes it that ley lines are often seen too late. 

It also makes no sense, if you are top speed going one direction and suddenly you are yanked the other way by a ley line that became visible WAY too late, not to mention that some grab you before you are even visually in the ley line.

I spend hours and hours in the new maps flying my Griffon to see if I could memorize all these unwanted obscacles, but they still surpise me. 
Other maps where we were able to do great stunts through narrow corridors are now blocked off due to ley lines.

And "with ley lines I can stay finaly airborn forever" does not hold ground either: The griffon was already capable of sustaining flight for as long as you wanted. 

Even if they would recognize a full speed Griffon and made it so they would be "too fast" to grab a ley line, I already would consider that a MASSIVE improvement.

The isue holds though. The problem is: Train it and be cautious and frustrated. Dont train it and be ready for Pop Up spam every few seconds for the rest of your gw2 life.

This needs to stop. STOP breaking Griffon in favor of the Skyscale. Griffon does not NEED ley lines.

- it grabs you regardless of angle, pull up, dive, 90 degree. hit a ley line and you are screwed
- it REMOVES your momentum. Griffon is a momentum based mount, when you go TOP speed, you can use Pull Up and Wing Flap to regain your altitude back to start altitude AND BEYOND A LITTLE EVEN. Ley line DELETES your momentum, so pulling up in, or after a ley line stops is NO LONGER POSSIBLE.

Therefor: ley Line breaks griffon flight mechanics

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If they had just added a simple "Press [F] to interact" to the lines, the whole thing could have been avoided.

They've featured at least one griffon trick flying video in zones of the new expac; surely that means they didn't just forget that the griffon exists, right? 🙄

It comes across as either half-baked design or sloppy QC. Or both.

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2 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

If they had just added a simple "Press [F] to interact" to the lines, the whole thing could have been avoided.

That would just cause complaints about lag making interaction impossible while in range. Ideas up thread about a mastery toggle are good.

I still enjoy both leylines and updrafts on skyscale, griff, and glider. And the motes.

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1 hour ago, Rumpus.1234 said:

I still enjoy both leylines and updrafts on skyscale, griff, and glider

You enjoy riding your griffon, then suddenly being whisked a different direction, taking away ALL CONTROL except to dismount to get out of it?


I have zero issue with the effects on Skyscale & Glider. The Griffon shouldn't have been affected by them.

Edited by Krexen.9057
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