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Are we loosing him ? Mighty teapot

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On 9/6/2023 at 3:14 PM, Dondarrion.2748 said:

MightyTeapot does a lot for the game as a streamer; but he's but one of many, but the game's popularity and player base doesn't hinge on him staying with the game. Except for periods where you have drops; how many viewers does he average? Max 2K per stream, I bet. But there's far more concurrent players than 2K, and I would bet the majority of players don't even use platforms such as Twitch or Youtube streaming to follow this game.

Just as much as it doesn't hinge on Wooden Potatoes, Deroir, Bog Otter, Aurora Peachy, Laranity, Vallun, AyinMaiden, Kroof, Rookuri, Preach, etc. etc.

the biggest lie he is one of the gatekeepers in this game but he tries to hide it. 
He doesn't help the community in any way shape or form.

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On 8/31/2023 at 12:32 AM, Nightcore.5621 said:

What u hear most why people wont start play gw2 is that it has almost zero challenges thats what i hear eveytime i play another mmo

Guild Wars is an old name and most people don't say zero challenges they've tried Guild Wars be it 1 or 2 in the past. However Anet develops and balances with a rusty axe and constantly abandons systems and mechanics leaving a bad taste in people mouths. They don't care because they are always pushing for a younger audience so its more about people refusing to return to Guild Wars. The TC talks about someone leaving GW for classic WoW however back in WoWs hayday when they were at the top of their game and other MMO's were dropping like flies GW1 persisted and thrived which speaks volumes which was enough for them to make a second game. That tossed the old GW1 vets under the bus by being absolutely nothing like Gw1 while retreading all the old maps and expansions then when they they get the chance for a new zone its just an homage to the same Cantha, Elona, and Core from Gw1.

People don't like how the game evolved and the white knights were too volatile so they left and won't return I'd say most people have dipped into GW at one time or another.

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The main guild wars streamers really don't do anything compared to other MMO's their videos are massive in length like an hour plus in many instances. In which they talk in circles to pad out the time kids these days and those interested in the game aren't going to invest in such lengthy videos. It's why every proper streamer keep their vids to a manageable length and are clear on concise when they give information while trying to be relatable in between.

WoW is in a terrible spot as well for those that experienced OG WoW classic simply doesn't compare as back then information was sparce and people made builds just for fun. No DPS meter toxicity either these days we have sites dedicated to meta builds and thus a toxic try hard community prevails. As for the main game it addresses irl issues so much that all escapism is lost which was a major complaint with gw2 in EoD with how people talked. SoTo feels like a breath of fresh air by comparison.

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39 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

I confirm your first paragraph yet sometimes, he would speak the truth than at times, he would backtrack. He does stream with other streamers, to share each other opinions and experiences with the game. 

Few months ago, I watched a video streamer stating that, a lot of Anet popular streamers partners are being paid by Anet, to spread positivity about the state of the game and sugarcoat and hide the true problems about the state of the game....no matter what.

I will not confirm those streamers but can confirm those who are not being paid to do so.

Have a good day

The fact that even one paid streamer exists discredits all streamers, and thus should not be valued at all.

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On 8/31/2023 at 10:36 AM, Gravitron.7982 said:

Yeah it's just not as exciting to watch as other MMO like WoW, New World, ESO, I guess FF14, and Sea of Thieves (does that even count as an MMO?). 

anet creates some great looking models. Shame we only get to stare at their toes. And this will never be a game to watch streaming. If you play the game you know what's going on on screen. If you don't it just looks like the fx team vomited all over the screen

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On 8/30/2023 at 11:04 PM, Nightcore.5621 said:

In the newest stream he says he been playing alot og wow myth raid lately .. we cant loose him to world of Warcraft. Just release more hard content so old veterans wont feel like 95% of what we get is a joke

rofl - Well OP, apparently you can ease down from your panic and relax. It's more than a month later and he's still making GW2 videos. So I guess we, and all of Tyria, are still safe - for now at least!   🤣

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12 hours ago, Doam.8305 said:

Guild Wars is an old name and most people don't say zero challenges they've tried Guild Wars be it 1 or 2 in the past. However Anet develops and balances with a rusty axe and constantly abandons systems and mechanics leaving a bad taste in people mouths. They don't care because they are always pushing for a younger audience so its more about people refusing to return to Guild Wars. The TC talks about someone leaving GW for classic WoW however back in WoWs hayday when they were at the top of their game and other MMO's were dropping like flies GW1 persisted and thrived which speaks volumes which was enough for them to make a second game. That tossed the old GW1 vets under the bus by being absolutely nothing like Gw1 while retreading all the old maps and expansions then when they they get the chance for a new zone its just an homage to the same Cantha, Elona, and Core from Gw1.

People don't like how the game evolved and the white knights were too volatile so they left and won't return I'd say most people have dipped into GW at one time or another.

Guild Wars 1 was not a MMO. GW2 is nothing like GW1 because GW2 is a MMO not a online 3D action RPG like Guild Wars 1 was

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11 minutes ago, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Guild Wars 1 was not a MMO. GW2 is nothing like GW1 because GW2 is a MMO not a online 3D action RPG like Guild Wars 1 was


Doam probably meant, Guild Wars (1) is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) 

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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10 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


Doam probably meant, Guild Wars (1) is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) 

And thats were they are wrong since Guild Wars is a  CORPG  (Competitive/Cooperative Online Role Playing Game)

Edited by Linken.6345
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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

And thats were they are wrong since guildwars is a  CORPG  (Competitive/Cooperative Online Role Playing Game)


"After the release of Guild Wars Nightfall, development goals seemed to shift towards a more traditional MMO-styled experience, introducing concepts such as grind and PvE-only skills, as well as adding heroes, computer-controlled allies that could be extensively customized by players, unlike traditional henchmen. "

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2 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


"After the release of Guild Wars Nightfall, development goals seemed to shift towards a more traditional MMO-styled experience, introducing concepts such as grind and PvE-only skills, as well as adding heroes, computer-controlled allies that could be extensively customized by players, unlike traditional henchmen. "

Still dont make it a mmo if you introduce elements of it since player count per map shard was still 1-8 real life people right?

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On 10/11/2023 at 11:28 PM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

Guild Wars 1 was not a MMO. GW2 is nothing like GW1 because GW2 is a MMO not a online 3D action RPG like Guild Wars 1 was

Not the point Gw2 dropped mechanics, modes, and never got around to trinity elements till HoT.

GvG, Vanquish, and so forth plus Gw1 had maps with nothing to do with the story merely filled to the brim with death. People literally paid others with niche running builds to run the guantlet on the paths less traveled to reach cities. Long delves and dips into the underworld.

Gw2 being easier aside its also tailored slightly for a younger audience. Enemies like the Afflicted were darker in tone and apearance to the dragon minions or even Krytpis we see today. Even the old necro minions had thier gore toned down for gw2 and their size per level was removed for gw2 as well. Ruric, Lich, Joko, Varesh, and Shiro were not vague abstract super beings. The community even had animators making funny skits like the one with khomir.


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11 hours ago, fatihso.7258 said:

Yes we are losing him and my guildies they together have been spending increasing time in wow compared to gw2. I heard they are going to go for some endgame tournament next year in WoW well I think there’s your answer. 

Whos goiing to brighe the gap between the 2 communities , then , snif ?



(or just like previous years that he took a yearly break and played again wow , can we use this time and improve other modes ? People are telling me that instanced content doesnt need auto-lfg and its just "too perfect"and is because of the ow' s whining we scare away pontential raiders  , so its a waste of time not to improve other "good bones"

But lets wait for what WoW will releases . They used money to release multiply things around the GW2 expanion , so they musthave some interseting new technology/ideas to show their new investors . And the  we use roman tactics too :P)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Not just Teapot, we're kind of losing everyone.

I was afraid this would happen. Living story works only as filler content between expansions, rebranding it as a mini expansion while cutting expansions doesn't work.

This should come as a surprise to absolutely noone since this model has failed twice already (S1 and IBS).

I think Anet knows this. They are sunsetting the game while charging us a bit more to fund their other projects, they don't mind if GW2 dies.

There's nothing in sight that would revitalize the game. We're officially in managed decline and content creators have noticed.

That Horizon MMO better be good, Anet..

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1 hour ago, Morvran.8265 said:

Not just Teapot, we're kind of losing everyone.

I was afraid this would happen. Living story works only as filler content between expansions, rebranding it as a mini expansion while cutting expansions doesn't work.

This should come as a surprise to absolutely noone since this model has failed twice already (S1 and IBS).

I think Anet knows this. They are sunsetting the game while charging us a bit more to fund their other projects, they don't mind if GW2 dies.

There's nothing in sight that would revitalize the game. We're officially in managed decline and content creators have noticed.

That Horizon MMO better be good, Anet..

and you've made all of these opinions without a shred of verifiable proof just anecdotal interpretations...

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On 8/31/2023 at 5:04 AM, Nightcore.5621 said:

In the newest stream he says he been playing alot og wow myth raid lately .. we cant loose him to world of Warcraft. Just release more hard content so old veterans wont feel like 95% of what we get is a joke

Teapot isn't being lost? He still streams gw2, he just also does other things lol. 

It's become quite normal for streamers to start doing "lets try all the mmorpgs". Look at preach who started doing gw2 aswell as many others. 

He is mythic raiding in WoW, however WoW also is a grind treadmill. Which is as far as im aware not his favorite thing. He likely just wants to clear mythic raiding season to season lol, and tbh no one can stop him if he did go. 

Wouldn't be the first time he quit gw2 and went to WoW. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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15 hours ago, Morvran.8265 said:

Not just Teapot, we're kind of losing everyone.

I was afraid this would happen. Living story works only as filler content between expansions, rebranding it as a mini expansion while cutting expansions doesn't work.

This should come as a surprise to absolutely noone since this model has failed twice already (S1 and IBS).

I think Anet knows this. They are sunsetting the game while charging us a bit more to fund their other projects, they don't mind if GW2 dies.

There's nothing in sight that would revitalize the game. We're officially in managed decline and content creators have noticed.

That Horizon MMO better be good, Anet..

What? Lol. 

They've just expanded the gw2 team for the 2nd time and u think their sunsetting thr game 😂 makes alot of sense.... 

As far as im aware the "new projects" burned in PoF and refocus was put onto gw2 for the future, gw2 isnt being sunsetted and I dont think this "new mmo" will ever actually be anything. 

And what are u on mini expansions. Orginally, we got 1 expansion every 2 or so years. 

Now we get 1 expansion every 1 year. 

We are getting the same content over a 2 year period. Theyve just decided to launch 2x the expansions to cover it. Likely to generate money, as 20 pound sales once every 2 years without any form of optional sub likely hits their profit margins hard.

On 8/31/2023 at 5:32 AM, Nightcore.5621 said:

What u hear most why people wont start play gw2 is that it has almost zero challenges thats what i hear eveytime i play another mmo


id honestly disagree here. 

GW2 doesn't lack challange anymore then WoW in a sense (yes mythic raids are harder then gw2s raids) 


WoWs open world is easier then GW2s lol, its LFR / normal raid modes are extremely easy, I'd even say the vast majority of its current heroic raids are easy. 

WoW also only puts difficulty in 5% of the content and leaves the vast majority of content at brain dead ease. 

Its litterally no different. 

The thing is, Teapot has put significant hours into gw2 over a decade now, and due to that has done m absolutely everything in tbe game. Lol

WoW isnt completable. With its verticle progression and continously growing ilevel means yoyr never "done". Gw2 has no verticle grind and no expanding ilevel. 

Which means he's already done. And always will be done, he physically has 0 grind to do, outside of doing new content when it drops his situation is far different to the average gw2 player im afraid. 

I'm a WoW player, and honestly if u think WoWs open world / lower difficulty content presents challange I'm afraid ur wrong. 

WoW just supports that 5% of "hardcore content" more with verticle grinds snd continojs push of gear grinding 


What u hear most why people wont start play gw2 is that it has almost zero challenges thats what i hear eveytime i play another mmo

On 10/15/2023 at 3:40 AM, fatihso.7258 said:



Except its kinda proven there are more open world players then raiders. Lol


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8 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

I think I have never seen 78 "down votes" on a post before that wasn't from Anet. 

There was a thread a while back , where someone was saying that it would be better that YouTubers should be best to balance the game .

And there was a backlash , where people saying that only professional players should be heard .

That thread also had high downvotews


Maybe teapot read that and between that and that people don't like to use LI builds , might he burned up.

(We might broke him:ppp)


So until he comes backs , we should wonder which he will fill his shoe😛 Hopefully he wwon't take a big break

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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