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Daily quest are fun, but weakly are to fast. Make weakly slower please


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Hey there, i like the new Vault system, however, the weekly are a bit to fast. Doesn't feel like a weekly if you can finish the whole thing in 1 day casually playing.


I suggest to buff the weeklys, (you know this current fractal rush event, thats fun, and getting the 100 points actually take a while).


Change the Weekly Fractals/Strike missions to 5 instead of 1 (so you can basically do 1 every day, and can even miss 2 days)
Change the Weekly killcount instead of beeing 100 monsters make it 1000.
Change the Weekly 1 Jumping Puzzle to be 1 Specific Jumping Puzzle + 2 Any Others (but not the same twice) 😉 Jumping Puzzle is fun!
Change the Weekly "complete meta event" to "complete meta event and obtain golden chest" (many afklers on map who doesnt try to do the event)
Change the Weekly "Salvage 100 items to 1000"

Make the Weekly Individual Task give 100 Astral Claim (instead of 40), (so its nice doing weekly, even if you already finished the 6/6)

Edited by WaifuJanna.9108
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This was true for the monthlies from like 10 years ago. You could power through them in a day or two. Jumping puzzle counts, all the other things, then have nothing else to do with the month.

These are also targeted to allow people who can maybe only play on the weekend or a night or two during the week to complete things, and help them achieve progress if they can't be players that login and complete dailys.

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I'm another one with limited (and often unpredictable) time to play so I like that the weeklies don't actually require significant time over multiple days. IMO they're already comparable to the daily achievements, which can often be completed in just a few minutes instead of requiring all the time you have to play in a day.

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6 minutes ago, Doggie.3184 said:

This dude must work for EA or Unity.

It'll be pay to login and do the weeklies in which case...

OP: No, weeklies being done in a day is good thing. Not everyone will have that kind of time to commit a few hours to doing it in one go. They've made something easy to work towards for a change! Plus we have dailies, weekly rifts, daily EoD, daily IBS, weekly bonus events and son festival stuff. There is a lot of thing to choose to do. Getting one task done early is fine and means players can focus on all the other things


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17 hours ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

Doesn't feel like a weekly if you can finish the whole thing in 1 day casually playing.

What is casually playing for you? For many its a few hours per week. I'm not interested in spending all or a good amount of my game time doing weeklies.

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I play this game very often to the point that I too finish my weekly in a day or two days. Still I think it's a terrible idea, since weeklys are not all there is to this game. I have to do daily, daily fractals, daily strikes and weekly raids. So even tho weekly can be fast, you still have plenty things to do in this game. Plus, you don't really need a weekly to go and do JP's or kill mobs ect. if you enjoy it.

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4 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

What is casually playing for you? For many its a few hours per week. I'm not interested in spending all or a good amount of my game time doing weeklies.

when the weekly resets on monday morning, and i play 3 hours in the evening, i am almost done with all weeklys (except the meta maybe) . And no i am not a speedrun/guide/meta playerr. i play super casually a Staff Katalyst 😹. (Many Weeklys are autocompleted by just playing soto (do some kryptics, defeat veterans, e.g.) doing the Amnitas meta alone finished almost 3 weeklies.

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The suggestions in the Op would have to be denied though. Since this would force more stuff on other players. The correct thing is: If you enjoy the content just play it slowly and more at your own pace. No one stops you from doing more than 1 fractals. For certain types of content and certain playstyles it would get annoying to demand a lot more here. (People already complain because of a meager jumping puzzle though you don't need it to get the big chest.)

Also keep in mind that there might be a lot of people amongst the main target audience - that have full time jobs and only can play a bit. Would give them less room to also do other hobbies or enjoying the game they the way they want. Quick weeklies are nice here. As long as they get to you explore different stuff.

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22 hours ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

Hey there, i like the new Vault system, however, the weekly are a bit to fast. Doesn't feel like a weekly if you can finish the whole thing in 1 day casually playing.


I suggest to buff the weeklys, (you know this current fractal rush event, thats fun, and getting the 100 points actually take a while).


Change the Weekly Fractals/Strike missions to 5 instead of 1 (so you can basically do 1 every day, and can even miss 2 days)
Change the Weekly killcount instead of beeing 100 monsters make it 1000.
Change the Weekly 1 Jumping Puzzle to be 1 Specific Jumping Puzzle + 2 Any Others (but not the same twice) 😉 Jumping Puzzle is fun!
Change the Weekly "complete meta event" to "complete meta event and obtain golden chest" (many afklers on map who doesnt try to do the event)
Change the Weekly "Salvage 100 items to 1000"

Make the Weekly Individual Task give 100 Astral Claim (instead of 40), (so its nice doing weekly, even if you already finished the 6/6)

The only fair answer to that topic is to extend a little more possible weeklie tasks maybe 9 or 10 and those extra weeklies are long or more time investing weeklies BUT instead of the regular 40 astral which are equal between all weeklies, those long weeklies are proportionnate to the time invested let's say 80 or even 100 astral.

Then those who only want to do weeklies as fast as possible can do it, and for the players that want more long term objectives they can focus on those extra long weeklies which rewards more astral.

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1 hour ago, Kashimi.7806 said:

The only fair answer to that topic is to extend a little more possible weeklie tasks maybe 9 or 10 and those extra weeklies are long or more time investing weeklies BUT instead of the regular 40 astral which are equal between all weeklies, those long weeklies are proportionnate to the time invested let's say 80 or even 100 astral.

Then those who only want to do weeklies as fast as possible can do it, and for the players that want more long term objectives they can focus on those extra long weeklies which rewards more astral.

But essentially that's what the special objectives are for.  They take a bit longer (usually) and that would be the place for "kill 100 enemies".  Add a couple more in that category.  As for me, I like the weeklies as they are.

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2 hours ago, Kashimi.7806 said:

The only fair answer to that topic is to extend a little more possible weeklie tasks maybe 9 or 10 and those extra weeklies are long or more time investing weeklies BUT instead of the regular 40 astral which are equal between all weeklies, those long weeklies are proportionnate to the time invested let's say 80 or even 100 astral.

Then those who only want to do weeklies as fast as possible can do it, and for the players that want more long term objectives they can focus on those extra long weeklies which rewards more astral.

9 or 10?  Some players find it difficult enough to do the ones that we have now with limited time.  You would then punish them by adding more requirements?

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I treat them as an extra daily to do on top of the real dailies and do one or two a day from the list.

Not everyone can play every day, nor even for longer than an hour when they do. Things like dailies and weeklies need to be accessible.

If my whole gameplay turns into go spend 1.5 hours doing dailies/weeklies then I'll take my time and money elsewhere. Anet knows that. MMOs do not have a large audience that is on the younger side, it's mostly working professionals now and their playtime is limited.

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1 hour ago, WaifuJanna.9108 said:

then make one  special weekly, that is unlimited, but give like 5 astral claim. so the people that like to "grind" can do that 😄

The thing is what will you do with so much AA anyway? We're not even 1 month into a season and I got pretty much all the expensive stuff (I dont need ascended and dont care for all the skins though), cheap gold, clovers, coins even quite some laurels. And I don't do dailies every day, I have at least 3 or 4 specials left and while I did all the weekly chests, I didnt complete all the weeklies. Very soon Ill be down to expensive gold or the silly stuff. I already don't bother to care about completing all these quests.

You're better off doing the other daily and weekly if you are driven by this kind of activities. You have weekly WvW, weekly strikes. You have dailies for each LS (actually not 100% those are still in, havent done them in ages), daily fractals, daily strike...

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