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How To FIX The Mounts Of Guild Wars 2

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I love the mounts in this game, but I do find that I tend to lean heavily into Skyscale use because it functions for alot of traversal I need. I had some ideas to update the other mounts so they can be just as useful and then some.

1. Allow ALL mounts to be able to mount up in combat.

2. Bring in a weapon swap-type system so one set of abilities dismount on attack, you 'weapon swap' to the other ones that don't dismount but give more of a benefit, like a boon or shield drop for players etc.

3. On Zero or the Elite skill button, have an ability that allows you to dismount your mount, but it stays and fights with you. Adding in F1 to F3  as abilities it can use. 

I believe this would not only be pretty effing cool to now have full combat mounts in GW2, but it also means it makes each one entirely useful again and creatres a greater bond with each ones own unique gameplay offerings.

Love to know what you guys think.


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1 hour ago, InfiniteRetro.9865 said:

I love the mounts in this game, but I do find that I tend to lean heavily into Skyscale use because it functions for alot of traversal I need. I had some ideas to update the other mounts so they can be just as useful and then some.

1. Allow ALL mounts to be able to mount up in combat.

2. Bring in a weapon swap-type system so one set of abilities dismount on attack, you 'weapon swap' to the other ones that don't dismount but give more of a benefit, like a boon or shield drop for players etc.

3. On Zero or the Elite skill button, have an ability that allows you to dismount your mount, but it stays and fights with you. Adding in F1 to F3  as abilities it can use. 

I believe this would not only be pretty effing cool to now have full combat mounts in GW2, but it also means it makes each one entirely useful again and creatres a greater bond with each ones own unique gameplay offerings.

Love to know what you guys think.


1 and 2 are redundant. If players can mount in combat they'd just keep spamming the more powerful dismount attack and re-mounting instead of settling for a less powerful attack that can be used without dismounting you.

3. would have to use skills other than F1-3 since those are already used by most professions. Also I suspect Anet won't add this because it would instantly double the amount of models to load, animate and track in combat.

I like the idea of additional options for mounted combat (beyond the siege turtle and the skyscale fireball) but they need to be balanced with current options, not overpowering them.

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Conceptually it does sound "pretty effing cool", but can you imagine the added visuals if every mount persisted throughout combat, either as a secondary ranger pet-like option or if players themselves stayed mounted?  More critically, what would that do to every combat encounter, in which many are already suffering from power-creep?  How would you balance the added power and/or new abilities of the mount?  Something else would have to be adjusted (nerfed) to balance... Similar to the threads requesting new races or henchmen, this feels like something that would have needed to be planned from the beginning, and not integrated years later, as simply too complicated to add at this point.  

As others have suggested in those other threads, maybe GW3...

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I think the mounts are fine. The best mount system in any MMO I have ever played, and it's not even close. That being said, I hope they don't start focusing on people using the skyscale frequently for more than this expansion. I think it's the worst mount. It's awkward and unwieldy to fly, it easily sticks to surfaces if you nick the side of something... it just frustrates me. BUT, that's the tradeoff for using the mount. It's easily the most versatile, but it's not the most... efficient.

If they want to feature a mount again in another expansion (which I hope they don't do), I hope they pick a mount that's actually fun to use like the roller beetle or something.

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48 minutes ago, VoodooChurch.6513 said:

it easily sticks to surfaces if you nick the side of something

It drives me nuts when the stupid thing decides that it's going to repeatedly cling to a twig and hold on for dear life just because I flew a little too close to a tree.

49 minutes ago, VoodooChurch.6513 said:

If they want to feature a mount again in another expansion (which I hope they don't do), I hope they pick a mount that's actually fun to use like the roller beetle or something.

I had far more fun with the kangabunny than I've had with the skyscale. Not to mention its dismount attack actually hits where I want it to, which seems to be a trick the skyscale just can't quite figure out.

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They kind of maxxed out with mounts and have totally milked it in the innovation department since then.

It's been one dull mount thing after another since then, culminating with EoD. An expansion entirely headlined by wildly dubious extensions of mount technology. What a mess.

Edited by Hashberry.4510
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Only way to fix mounts in this game is deletation.

After LW4, everything before Skyscale became obsolete and anet knows it, SOTO was pretty much their way to say "Own a Skyscale, already!!".

As to make other mounts, useful options: forget it, the lack of glide features such as updrafts in everything after HoT should tell you how they handle older content. 

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They don't need "fixing" (well, at least not in the ways you describe here, there is some space for purely qol changes) and I don't like any of the ideas you came up with. #3 barely has anything to do with mounts, it's just a weird random more powercreep proposal.


Also as far as I'm aware, none of what you wrote addresses the starting point of this thread:

6 hours ago, InfiniteRetro.9865 said:

I love the mounts in this game, but I do find that I tend to lean heavily into Skyscale use because it functions for alot of traversal I need.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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They could let us use the underwater weapons while on certain mounts (skimmer, raptor, jackal)

By limiting it to these 3 (and recycling), it might not need much work. Just imagine using a trident on a skimmer underwater, or jousting spear on a raptor, or spear with a jackal teleport. Not all 5 skills need to be available. You could also play jousting with the mounted mobs. It could add options for in-game adventures and locale special events too.


There could be an accuracy penalty, basically an excuse to reduce the DPS while mounted, so people will still have to dismount for elites and up, or soloing vets


(To be more specific, they would trawl the underwater skills of the 9 professions for skills that make a bit of sense on land, such as  4shot harpoon, 8stab spear. And probably just give everyone the same skill sets, either in slots 3-5, or in the utility slots. It will not be good DPS, it's more for poking holes in small mobs, or just general clowning around)

Edited by casualkenny.9817
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On 9/26/2023 at 1:30 PM, InfiniteRetro.9865 said:

I love the mounts in this game, but I do find that I tend to lean heavily into Skyscale use because it functions for alot of traversal I need. I had some ideas to update the other mounts so they can be just as useful and then some.

1. Allow ALL mounts to be able to mount up in combat.

2. Bring in a weapon swap-type system so one set of abilities dismount on attack, you 'weapon swap' to the other ones that don't dismount but give more of a benefit, like a boon or shield drop for players etc.

3. On Zero or the Elite skill button, have an ability that allows you to dismount your mount, but it stays and fights with you. Adding in F1 to F3  as abilities it can use. 

I believe this would not only be pretty effing cool to now have full combat mounts in GW2, but it also means it makes each one entirely useful again and creatres a greater bond with each ones own unique gameplay offerings.

Love to know what you guys think.


I thought the same thing about your first point. They should introduce a new skyscale mastery that lets it share its rescue ability with some other mounts in the same way. I think this would be great especially as if you don't have skyscale selected as your current mount, the only way to use that excellent ability is either to use a dedicated hotkey (which I don't have bound) or activate it through the mastery select box (which kind of defeats the purpose of an emergency rescue ability.)


I would like to see the same flavour adapted to other mounts' rescue ability as well. Springer leaps to max height as it rescues you. Raptor bounds off in another direction as it rescues you (this would be hilarious too.) Jackal does an extra-long-range teleport or perhaps grants a 100% barrier for a few seconds. Turtle does nothing since you'd already benefit from its large health pool. Would be dope.

Edited by Elricht Kaltwind.8796
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On 9/26/2023 at 10:30 AM, InfiniteRetro.9865 said:

3. On Zero or the Elite skill button, have an ability that allows you to dismount your mount, but it stays and fights with you. Adding in F1 to F3  as abilities it can use. 

You left off #4: When your mount dies in combat, it has a 60 minute cooldown.

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On 9/26/2023 at 8:41 PM, Danikat.8537 said:

1 and 2 are redundant. If players can mount in combat they'd just keep spamming the more powerful dismount attack and re-mounting instead of settling for a less powerful attack that can be used without dismounting you.

3. would have to use skills other than F1-3 since those are already used by most professions. Also I suspect Anet won't add this because it would instantly double the amount of models to load, animate and track in combat.

I like the idea of additional options for mounted combat (beyond the siege turtle and the skyscale fireball) but they need to be balanced with current options, not overpowering them.

You wouldn't be able to spam mount in combat because there's a 3 minute cooldown to it. So you can only take advantage of this once per battle.

Other than that I agree with everyone here (except OP). There is nothing to "fix" when to comes to mounts. They each have their purpose and they function just fine within that purpose. Sure, the bunny has been pushed to the back because of the skyscale. The turtle is only functional during specific events and useless outside of that. I still use every mount in the game, even the bunny (because bunny has been put in a corner and bunny is sad), though not the unwieldy turtle.

Instead of "How to fix the mounts of GW2" this thread should be called "This is how I want GW2 mounts to work". Because that's all this is.

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