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When a skin item is unlocked in wardrobe, please get rid of the skin item and just give us a transmute charge.

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In some cases, I find it easier just to apply the object, even than I could care less, and then revert back, because that is faster than typing in the full name.

The typing in full name to destroy items is really inconsistent - I can understand for some important items, but for skins, or 'items only part of a collection', that is really overkill.  One would think they could get an intern to just track down and fix all of those - it shouldn't be a hard problem to solve.


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They must feel they make more money this way.  If so, I question it -- I have certainly chosen not to buy some skins simply because I didn't want to give them bank space until using them on some future character.  But it's very hard for me to get rid of something that counts as a free transmute charge.  Though really I have a lot of transmute charges piled up now ... still, -if- I were to buy charges in the store (I don't, but hypothetically), I have enough unlocked account bound skins in my bank that it would be a waste to toss out that many charges.

I've asked for years to have unlocked account bound skins convertible to charges.  It's the same effect, if I want to use the skin I spend the charge it gave me if I haven't used that charge on something else, but meanwhile it's not clogging up my bank.  At which point I'd buy more skins (with actual cash for gems, mind you, my gold goes to in-game stuff) because I wouldn't need to have an immediate use for something that caught my eye.  I also would still buy more bank tabs if the max is ever raised because I can -always- find more stuff I want to hang onto.  ANet's making -less- money off me with their refusal to implement this QoL.

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13 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

They must feel they make more money this way.  If so, I question it -- I have certainly chosen not to buy some skins simply because I didn't want to give them bank space until using them on some future character.

If that was the case, I doubt that transmute charges would be one of the cheaper reward options in the WV. Yes, they sell charges in the gem shop, but if they're giving them away for practically nothing anyway just as an option for doing your dailies etc., it can't be about the money.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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11 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

If that was the case, I doubt that transmute charges would be one of the cheaper reward options in the WV. Yes, they sell charges in the gem shop, but if they're giving them away for practically nothing anyway just as an option for doing your dailies etc., it can't be about the money.

I've never bought a transumation charge? Have you ever bought a transmutation charge? Has ANYONE ever bought a transmutation charge??

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19 hours ago, LoreChief.8391 said:

Will I ever use these items from here?  Not likely.  Do I keep them anyways just in case?  Certainly.

You're right, it should go as a charge.

But as you keep those skins and clog your inventory and need more space, then sadly it works as intended. There is plenty of rubbish which sole purpose is to make you buy more bank tabs, bag slots or mule characters.

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39 minutes ago, ShadowKatt.6740 said:

I've never bought a transumation charge? Have you ever bought a transmutation charge? Has ANYONE ever bought a transmutation charge??

I know they'll never tell us, but I'd love to know how many transmutation charges Anet actually sell. I doubt most players buy them often, or at all, but I wonder if there's some obscure minority who never get 100% completion on maps and never do WvW or PvP so they hardly ever get free transmutation charges but frequently change their skins, so they're buying dozens of charges for real money and so justifying having them in the gem store.

I've given up on keeping the skins because I've repeatedly forgotten I have them in the bank and used the wardrobe to apply the same skin. I know it wastes a transmutation charge to delete the item and then use the wardrobe to apply it later, but since I end up doing that anyway I don't see the point in also wasting bank space.

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I'm always amazed how easily I can throw away any exotic stats-select armor piece, I get from the end of a reward track, but a rare skin, that's already unlocked in my account, wants me to type its name in a field.

I thought this is an ancient system no-one bothers to fix, but I bought a bunch of sanctified weapon skins from the Wizard's Vault, and guess what... 🤦

I don't need transmute charges. That system is just another redundant system.

I'd be happy if the skin disappears after I unlock it and using unlocked skins doesn't need anything special to apply them, just my will.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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On 10/11/2023 at 10:15 PM, LoreChief.8391 said:

I would like to have this character back, but for now they are relegated to skin-item-mule.

Why? Maybe I missed something, but you add skin to wardrobe and delete item. No reason to keep skins in inventory. Also deleting items is easy just use link to chat option, copy/paste it and you are done.

PS no more transmutation charges or let me trade them for something useful.

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If you have items that you need to type the name to delete, a simpler method of getting rid of all those items is to transfer them to a character, and you then delete that character.  In that case, you only need to do confirmation of deleting that character once, instead of typing in 40 item names.

A bit of an extreme way of doing things, but if you have a lot of items that require confirmation, I could see why one might do this.


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11 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:

If you have items that you need to type the name to delete, a simpler method of getting rid of all those items is to transfer them to a character, and you then delete that character.  In that case, you only need to do confirmation of deleting that character once, instead of typing in 40 item names.

A bit of an extreme way of doing things, but if you have a lot of items that require confirmation, I could see why one might do this.

I've heard some people will do that when they're deleting a key runner or other temporary character, after moving anything they want to save into the bank they'll also take out anything they want to delete (especially items which require you to type the name). Since they're deleting the character anyway it's not really any extra work.

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On 10/12/2023 at 10:49 PM, TheNurgle.4825 said:

Also deleting items is easy just use link to chat option, copy/paste it and you are done.

  • Use Shift+click on the skin (to post the item in the chat box).
  • Ctrl+A (selects the whole text)
  • Ctrl+C (copy to the clipboard)
  • Drag the skin from the inventory (to start the deletion process)
  • Ctrl+V (inserts the name of the item into the delete popup field)
  • Backspace key (to make the rear square bracket disappear)
  • Pos1 key (to put the cursor in front of the word)
  • Del key (to make the first square bracket disappear)
  • Click Ok

That's my way, and I don't think it can be more streamlined, unless you record it as macro if you need to get rid of several skins at once. But when creating a macro you need to click on the compact button in the inventory to have the next skin on the recorded position again.

Sorry, this is not my definition of easy.

Easy would be:
Right-click item: add to wardrobe. Item disappears afterwards, just like unlocked minis do.

Edited by Lucy.3728
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On 10/12/2023 at 5:39 PM, divineDerivative.5194 said:

Once upon a time, adding a skin to the wardrobe used up the item and gave you a free application of that skin. No idea why that changed, since one time use finishers still use that system.

I think you're confusing a few different things here. Some skins don't bind on acquire, so they're not unlocked in your wardrobe automatically and if you double click them or right-click them and pick 'store in wardrobe' it will remove the item from your inventory and add it to the wardrobe but does not give you a free use. The item itself is what gives you a free use, if you have it in your inventory you can usee the wardrobe tab in the hero menu to apply it, it will be in a seperate section above the skins in the wardrobe and applying it that way will be free and will use up the item, but you have to keep it in your inventory or bank until you're ready to use it to be able to do that.

Skins which are account bound on acquire (like gem store ones) are unlocked in the wardrobe as soon as you get them, and you also get the item in your inventory which (as above) can be used to apply it without a transmutation charge, but there's no way to store that item in the wardrobe as a free use or convert it to a transmutation charge.

There are also some skins (like Hall of Monuments and achievement rewards) which are always free to apply. You can use those skins from the wardrobe as many times as you like and it will always cost 0 charges. (Because you can get an infinite number of the skins for free from their original source, which for the achievement rewards just means pulling them out a different tab in the hero panel, so charging to use them direct from the wardrobe would just be peanalising players for using the quick route.)

But there's never been items that worked the way you're describing. Once it's in the wardrobe it's one or the other - either it always costs transmutation charges or, for a very small number of specific skins, it's always free.

(The other exception which can confuse things is that it's free to apply skins to legendary weapons, but again that's a property that's specific to that item and always works the same, it's not a one-time freebie.)

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Imagine having full legendary gear. Using a skin doesn't cost transmutation charges and it doesn't consume the skin item either. There's nothing to do with them except save them (which is pointless) or delete them (which requires confirmation and entering an skin item's full name). This is nothing more than a system to prevent the really inattentive people from deleting things they don't want to delete. To which I say: tough luck, you should have paid attention when you clicked the confirmation box to delete the item. I don't even care if they give transmutation charges, though I do see the benefit for people who don't have legendary gear. For those of us who do have full legendary gear, though, the charges would only pile up (2,660 charges and counting on my account and the only thing I can use them for is the aquabreather).

They should just change it all to the way you delete the skin items you get from achievement rewards: no need to enter the name, just a confirmation box for deleting it permanently. And if people click that box without checking what they are deleting, that's on them. I don't see the need to save people from their inattentiveness.

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