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After the introduction of Relics, any new equipment slots you would like to see in the future?


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I had a small discussion ingame, and I thought it would be interesting to share :D.

Secrets of the Obscure introduced a new equipment slot, the Relic, the first major change to the equipment panel since the game's release 11 years before. Is this an once and done kind of deal, or might there be more to come?

Here's a list of suggestions, feel free to discuss them or post your own below:

  • Introduce a second Relic slot, being limited to only one relic is kind of a letdown, specially for variety purposes. They could also split existing relics in two, offensive and defensive, and give each relic a different slot, so that people don't just binge DPS and experiment with other mechanics as well.
  • Split Capes away from Backpacks, giving them their own equipment slot. Capes already work on a different way compared to the rest of the back item skins, not being hidden when stowing shields and such, so they should be compatible to some point, visually speaking.
  • Remove the Aquabreather equipment slot, and transform it into cosmetic-only system, just like gliders, but for underwater and hazardous environments. Gliders usually come packed with a matching back item, aquabreathers could pull the same trick, except with helms. Refund the 7th legendary rune costs, and give existing aquabreather skins a ground helm counterpart (for those which don't have it already).
  • Double or even triple module slots for the Jade Bot. Alternatively, split existing modules into new equipment slots, instead of restricting people to just Sensory Arrays and Service Chips. Provide stat alternatives to the Power Core, as well as legendary versions for each individual equipment piece, for accountwide progression. Great opportunity to expand Jeweler up to 500.
  • Give hairstyles wardrobe treatment, letting people pay to collect individual hairstyles. This move would allow ArenaNet to monetize hairstyles one by one, encouraging them to release new hairstyles far more often, and also let people dye their hairstyles with any dye from their collection. Some helm skins (like sunglasses) could be turned into facial accessories as well, allowing people to combine hats and glasses. This equipment slot would be cosmetic-only, or not even be an equipment slot at all, just an update to character customization itself.
  • Move classic gathering tools (harvesting sickle, logging axe, and mining pick) outside of the equipment panel, integrating them into the same system used by the fishing rod, where the skin of the gathering tool isn't tied to any piece of equipment.

I would also like to see agony infusions removed and agony as a whole transformed into an accountwide progression system similar to WvW ranks, but that's a whole different discussion on its own lmao.

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Your post is mostly invisible in darkmode.



Introduce a second Relic slot, being limited to only one relic is kind of a letdown, specially for variety purposes. They could also split existing relics in two, offensive and defensive, and give each relic a different slot, so that people don't just binge DPS and experiment with other mechanics as well.

That's just more power creep, I don't like it. The current choice of offense vs defense or utility makes more sense -none of the modes needs more power creep as far as I'm aware.


Split Capes away from Backpacks, giving them their own equipment slot. Capes already work on a different way compared to the rest of the back item skins, not being hidden when stowing shields and such, so they should be compatible to some point, visually speaking.

I don't think that's a good idea, in most cases it occupies the exact -or almost exact- same space.  


Remove the Aquabreather equipment slot, and transform it into cosmetic-only system

This one's ok.


Double or even triple module slots for the Jade Bot. Alternatively, split existing modules into new equipment slots, instead of restricting people to just Sensory Arrays and Service Chips. Provide stat alternatives to the Power Core, as well as legendary versions for each individual equipment piece, for accountwide progression. Great opportunity to expand Jeweler up to 500.

Similarly to adding more relic slots, this is just stacking more of everything at the same time. I don't like it.


Give hairstyles wardrobe treatment, letting people pay to collect individual hairstyles. This move would allow ArenaNet to monetize hairstyles one by one. This move would allow ArenaNet to monetize hairstyles one by one, encouraging them to release new hairstyles far more often, and also let people dye their hairstyles with any dye from their collection.

Mostly indifferent about it, but at first glance this looks like a bad idea. Directly collides with some of the current gemstore items, not sure how much $ they're making on those. In theory current system already should pay for itself considering people would need to use makeover/hair kits to access new hairstyles.


Some helm skins (like sunglasses) could be turned into facial accessories as well, allowing people to combine hats and glasses. This equipment slot would be cosmetic-only, or not even be an equipment slot at all, just an update to character customization itself.

I don't really mind that, but there probably still could be some colliding items for both slots.


Move classic gathering tools (harvesting sickle, logging axe, and mining pick) outside of the equipment panel, integrating them into the same system used by the fishing rod, where the skin of the gathering tool isn't tied to any piece of equipment.



I would also like to see agony infusions removed and agony as a whole transformed into an accountwide progression system similar to WvW ranks, but that's a whole different discussion on its own lmao.

Maybe, but that sure is a polarizing topic.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

That's just more power creep, I don't like it. The current choice of offense vs defense or utility makes more sense -none of the modes needs more power creep as far as I'm aware.

I'll never understand why people want to do less damage overall. I love the so called power creep. I don't see it at all, because 23k decapitate crits are way too low.

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1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

I'll never understand why people want to do less damage overall. I love the so called power creep. I don't see it at all, because 23k decapitate crits are way too low.

Its just takes away from any skill based accomplishments if you can let's say tank the entire raid and provides boons/barrier on Mech. This was the reality after EoD launched. 

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1 hour ago, Zera.9435 said:

I'll never understand why people want to do less damage overall. I love the so called power creep. I don't see it at all, because 23k decapitate crits are way too low.

Some people like the encounters to make sense instead of just blindly rolling over everything while falling asleep. Of course there are also games better suited to what you might want to see, but they're more fitting in the HnS genre.

But yeah, I'll never understand why some people want the mobs to fall over by themselves whenever they're nearby.

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Turning the aquabreather slot into a cosmetic swimsuit would be nice.  If it is the only way I can get a swimsuit I will take it.  

At the very least, if they do change the aquabreather into a swimsuit, they should make a lounge chair that equips the swimsuit when you sit in it.  So we can see it on the beach, not just in the water.

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12 hours ago, Lonami.2987 said:

I had a small discussion ingame, and I thought it would be interesting to share :D.

Secrets of the Obscure introduced a new equipment slot, the Relic, the first major change to the equipment panel since the game's release 11 years before. Is this an once and done kind of deal, or might there be more to come?

- Mount armor.

- Mount trophies (like the boneskinner backpack). 

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12 hours ago, Zera.9435 said:

kitten, that would be kittening awesome. I wish I were that strong. Give me that power creep.

Sounds like WoW would be a better fit for you, where they raise the level cap every 2 years and you can solo old content.

Most of us play GW2 to escape that. Anet promised us evergreen content but powercreep is ruining that.

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If it is only about equipment slots, then less is more for majority of GW2 playerbase. If we talk about Hero panel in general, then there is a lot.

  1. Agony resist slot either account based or char based; leggy infusion for this slot would be great
  2. Rune slot – a lot of runes give same stats/bonus and it could be streamlined, so merge all 6 runes together with same stats/bonus as they have now and put it below relic
  3. New infusion skins tab or add it to wardrobe in Hero panel – you could unlock infusion effects here and manage them
  4. Fishing tab "rework" – let me store all lures and baits there and not in inventory
  5. Jade bot – good idea with modules sadly some modules are better than others by alot similar to mounts (skyscale can do everything so why bother with other mounts which can do only one thing)
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/25/2023 at 7:42 PM, Zera.9435 said:

I'll never understand why people want to do less damage overall. I love the so called power creep. I don't see it at all, because 23k decapitate crits are way too low.

It doesn't have to be "more power", it can be just "more options".

On 11/25/2023 at 11:43 PM, Zebulous.2934 said:

Turning the aquabreather slot into a cosmetic swimsuit would be nice.  If it is the only way I can get a swimsuit I will take it.  

At the very least, if they do change the aquabreather into a swimsuit, they should make a lounge chair that equips the swimsuit when you sit in it.  So we can see it on the beach, not just in the water.

Some kind of hotkey to turn outfits on/off would be the best solution here.

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Each equipment template should have its own glider-skin slot, instead of only one character-wide option.

It would fit right under the back item and move the amulet and rings slightly to the right, and the glider tab would just go away.

My templates all have different looks and I'd like to select different gliders based on that.

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On 11/25/2023 at 7:42 PM, Zera.9435 said:

I'll never understand why people want to do less damage overall. I love the so called power creep. I don't see it at all, because 23k decapitate crits are way too low.

Well, difficult designed content is supposed to be difficult, no?
Being no longer difficult because of balance patches is against that design.

Some people simply want challenging content.

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On 11/25/2023 at 5:53 PM, Lonami.2987 said:

I had a small discussion ingame, and I thought it would be interesting to share :D.

Secrets of the Obscure introduced a new equipment slot, the Relic, the first major change to the equipment panel since the game's release 11 years before. Is this an once and done kind of deal, or might there be more to come?

Here's a list of suggestions, feel free to discuss them or post your own below:

  • Introduce a second Relic slot, being limited to only one relic is kind of a letdown, specially for variety purposes. They could also split existing relics in two, offensive and defensive, and give each relic a different slot, so that people don't just binge DPS and experiment with other mechanics as well.
  • Split Capes away from Backpacks, giving them their own equipment slot. Capes already work on a different way compared to the rest of the back item skins, not being hidden when stowing shields and such, so they should be compatible to some point, visually speaking.
  • Remove the Aquabreather equipment slot, and transform it into cosmetic-only system, just like gliders, but for underwater and hazardous environments. Gliders usually come packed with a matching back item, aquabreathers could pull the same trick, except with helms. Refund the 7th legendary rune costs, and give existing aquabreather skins a ground helm counterpart (for those which don't have it already).
  • Double or even triple module slots for the Jade Bot. Alternatively, split existing modules into new equipment slots, instead of restricting people to just Sensory Arrays and Service Chips. Provide stat alternatives to the Power Core, as well as legendary versions for each individual equipment piece, for accountwide progression. Great opportunity to expand Jeweler up to 500.
  • Give hairstyles wardrobe treatment, letting people pay to collect individual hairstyles. This move would allow ArenaNet to monetize hairstyles one by one, encouraging them to release new hairstyles far more often, and also let people dye their hairstyles with any dye from their collection. Some helm skins (like sunglasses) could be turned into facial accessories as well, allowing people to combine hats and glasses. This equipment slot would be cosmetic-only, or not even be an equipment slot at all, just an update to character customization itself.
  • Move classic gathering tools (harvesting sickle, logging axe, and mining pick) outside of the equipment panel, integrating them into the same system used by the fishing rod, where the skin of the gathering tool isn't tied to any piece of equipment.

I would also like to see agony infusions removed and agony as a whole transformed into an accountwide progression system similar to WvW ranks, but that's a whole different discussion on its own lmao.

Only your links show on my screen. The rest of the text is black on black. Also, the font is quite small.

Please don't preformat text from outside of the forum editor. People who are using the Dark Theme forum design can't read that kitten...

This is what it looks like: https://i.imgur.com/iy6cIAb.jpg

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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Aquabreather => new universal class  > ninja > no utilities or healing spec > dodge . Based on rarity , some skills does more damage (1st-2nd) and via versa

Pickaxe > Nautilus from LoL

Jde Bot > Ranged attack Kaisa , minus/plus (always plus is a better option)  the tentacles from the Belveth video 


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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Question for the removal of the Aqua Breather? While I agree that it should use the stats and rune from the head armor the main reason I care about this slot is the swim speed infusion. Where would you put this infusion? Would you change swim speed from an infusion and add a 2nd type of slot to the head armor? Would the aqua breather only remain for the purpose of holding the swim speed? When purposing changes you do have to look at all aspects of the game and try to think outside your own play to things you would never do but someone else might. While underwater content is practically removed on future expansions it is still a part of the game. On to relics, this isn't the first change to gear in 11 years. When the game launched we only had Exotic gear (minus legendary weapons which is why legendary weapons are upgraded from exotics). We got ascended gear a year after release and 2015 brought Legendary armor and later trinkets. I do like the addition of relics due to the changes brought to Runes as you sometimes had to sacrifice using a better rune for a crappy one due to the bonus affect. If anything they should increase the stats of legendries slightly above ascended or give them a special stat as this might be the power creep that you want.

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