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Why ANET doesn't nerf willbenders?

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53 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Well., they're not. They're balanced around pve. They just happen to be unsuitable for zergs because wvw is an afterthought. 

Yes and no. There's no reason for a spec to built like a race car for pve, like you said it doesn't matter in pve, but it matters a kitten lot in pvp, and probably why we haven't seen much mobility creep the past 10 years. Only reason a spec isn't viable for group/zerg is either it doesn't vomit support or do aoe damage or both, which puts them into the solo/roaming category.

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20 hours ago, KrHome.1920 said:

According to your logic willbender (and all the other specs you mentioned) would need buffs. 

In case you don't know what I am talking about: ANet fails to understand that designing WvW around boon blobs will never make this game mode good. But that's not surprising. ANet is too incompetent to even balance simple things like player numbers (completely random matchups like in GW1 would be more fun than what ANet does in PvP and WvW). How should they be able to balance classes.

Nah, it has its niche places. It's absolutely decent in numbers up to 20-25, it's mostly holos gatekeeping them atm. 

I do think a ton of specs across the board would be fringe viable if you nerf mirage, chrono and zerker in squad-play.

That being said, specs that are absolutely disgusting in roaming are generally trash tier in squads. Mainly due to class design. You'll never make deadeye meta in 50s no matter how much you buff it, same goes for willbender, renegade (outside strip shenanigans), untamed, soulbeast and most other top tier roamers.

Roaming is a subgamemode of wvw as a large and like it or not, zerg play is the main balancing point. 

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1 hour ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Wondering if it is possible for anet to disable certain stats combo on wvw too?

So first off, no to the amulet system for WvW as it wrecked sPvP as a training ground for WvW and increased the demise to that game mode. WvW is also end game so leaving players to craft and create combos versus forcing builds adds to game play versus removes that build up and allows for the variety of options that keep players active in creating new build outs.

Right now it sounds like you are either Power or Condi and dislike that Hybrid has more presence on the field. Ele has always held this place and now more classes have this option. 

1 hour ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

I honestly don't have any issues with Willbender, it is relatively squishy

1 hour ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

And it is not just Willbender problem.

So which is it? What is your issue with Willie? Are you not dodging? Not equipping a condi cleanse, a root break? 


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37 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So which is it? What is your issue with Willie? Are you not dodging? Not equipping a condi cleanse, a root break? 

How am i supposed to oneshot people if i have to equip support skills instead of damage skills? Checkmate.

nonono that’s not „balanced“ or „working as intended“, i am supposed to win every 1vX always and forever and hen we have balance.

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Man do I love the selective reading skills of some assumptive people with too much plastic in their food.

1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So first off, no to the amulet system for WvW as it wrecked sPvP as a training ground for WvW and increased the demise to that game mode. WvW is also end game so leaving players to craft and create combos versus forcing builds adds to game play versus removes that build up and allows for the variety of options that keep players active in creating new build outs.

Right now it sounds like you are either Power or Condi and dislike that Hybrid has more presence on the field. Ele has always held this place and now more classes have this option.

Sorry, I didn't ask for your OPINION, what I am interested in whether they have actual capabilities to code in Cele stats as exception. What does it have to do with amulets?

But to answer that, I ran hybrid builds for around 4 years before PoF, cele was and is still kitten that works better on some classes than the others, with VERY low skill ceiling and spatial awareness requirements. But I get, it takes some time and a hefty amount of nerfs to your cheese to realize that 🙂

1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So which is it? What is your issue with Willie? Are you not dodging? Not equipping a condi cleanse, a root break? 


I personally don't have an issue with Willie in my class, whether it's dragon, maradeur, or zerk. Annoying to deal with in small-scale fights, but perfectly killable.

Once it puts cele trinkets on however, it becomes too much fo jack-of-all-trades with permanent boons uptime, damage, and survivability.

1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

So which is it? What is your issue with Willie? Are you not dodging? Not equipping a condi cleanse, a root break? 


I personally don't have an issue with Willie on my class, whether it's dragon, maradeur, or zerk. Annoying to deal with in small scale fights, but perfectly killable. More so than some other popular specs on WvW, that's for sure. Once it puts cele trinkets on, however, it becomes a menace with high boons uptime, damage, and survivability without any reason justifying that.

I'd also like to say that I've not encountered that many WIllbenders for last couple of months in MUs, compared to say thieves, necros, and engis.

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On 2/11/2024 at 8:43 PM, Deniara Devious.3948 said:

Currently Willbender and Deadeye are probably the two most broken specs in roaming. Harbinger, Soul Beast and certain ele and rev builds come next.

There are plenty of specs/builds more broken that kittening soulbeast.

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On 2/12/2024 at 8:37 AM, KrHome.1920 said:

The true broken stuff in WvW smallscale is catalyst and renegade and maybe interrupt mesmer (oh and deadeye ofc, but that's how it is since the spec exists - give the most mobile and evasive class a 1200 range weapon and stealth on dodge, what a great idea!).

I'd say vindi is even stronger than renegade. It's mostly the shortbow in combination with cele stats that make this class so oppressive. And imo cele dagger catalyst is still a whole tier above cele rev. Thief and cele ele reign supreme as the top strongest roamers since many years.

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They're not going to balance it because they don't actually want balanced, engaging gameplay in WvW. Look at the current meta from the largest to the smallest scales in WvW. It's all braindead, spamable cheese. This is what the player base wants and the majority don't even realise they are being hard carried by broken game design.

Just embrace the cheese. Run willbender, see a willbender swap to harbinger, see a harbinger swap to deadeye. Abuse stats like cele wherever you can. When we all run the most degenerate builds possible the game will finally be balanced without any intervention required.

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9 hours ago, Vasdamas Anklast.1607 said:

Man do I love the selective reading skills of some assumptive people with too much plastic in their food.

Sorry, I didn't ask for your OPINION, what I am interested in whether they have actual capabilities to code in Cele stats as exception. What does it have to do with amulets?

But to answer that, I ran hybrid builds for around 4 years before PoF, cele was and is still kitten that works better on some classes than the others, with VERY low skill ceiling and spatial awareness requirements. But I get, it takes some time and a hefty amount of nerfs to your cheese to realize that 🙂

I personally don't have an issue with Willie in my class, whether it's dragon, maradeur, or zerk. Annoying to deal with in small-scale fights, but perfectly killable.

Once it puts cele trinkets on however, it becomes too much fo jack-of-all-trades with permanent boons uptime, damage, and survivability.

I personally don't have an issue with Willie on my class, whether it's dragon, maradeur, or zerk. Annoying to deal with in small scale fights, but perfectly killable. More so than some other popular specs on WvW, that's for sure. Once it puts cele trinkets on, however, it becomes a menace with high boons uptime, damage, and survivability without any reason justifying that.

I'd also like to say that I've not encountered that many WIllbenders for last couple of months in MUs, compared to say thieves, necros, and engis.

Speaking of selective, where did you say Cele in the post I replied to? You said select. Select means Amulets where groups are removed. That's the problem and where Pandora's door gets opened. To you its Cele, to some one else its Soldier, to some one else its Marauders. And you did ask for an opinion, you posted on the forums. Ten years of forums posts and I think the forums have seen every gear set out there except maybe the new EoD sets ask to be removed from WvW. I didn't read into whatever one you wanted, if you have issues with skills the profession subforums are a better place for those posts. Limiting people in their builds in the open world that WvW is a no go. 


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10 hours ago, CafPow.1542 said:

How am i supposed to oneshot people if i have to equip support skills instead of damage skills? Checkmate.

nonono that’s not „balanced“ or „working as intended“, i am supposed to win every 1vX always and forever and hen we have balance.

lol. That's actually kind of funny because I have asked people in game after they shouted that Willie needs to be removed, did you have a stun break, no, did you have a condi clear, no these are things others are supposed to provide, that's not my role. I still rezzed them but had to smack my head. I get more efficient groups are going to have more specialized roles and as a havoc/roamer I count on that but when they are then taken out of group content, they didn't adjust to the fact that they were out and their first idea is its the other classes fault versus knowing why they were setup as they were. Maybe its too many guilds that tell people to run a build a certain way versus having them know the why?  Not sure there. 

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Anet, Please! take a very serious look into this serious matter and take Immediate Action




-Relic of the Ice doing 30k damage. "It's because the projectile can hit 15 times (5 targets x 3 projectiles) but all on the same person."

Thank You!! in advance


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Anet, Please! take a very serious look into this serious matter and take Immediate Action




-Relic of the Ice doing 30k damage. "It's because the projectile can hit 15 times (5 targets x 3 projectiles) but all on the same person."

Thank You!! in advance


Ah, longbow willbender. Haven't seen that in a while. Probably has the funniest response to another willbender fleeing: lb2+judge's intervention. 

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11 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


-Relic of the Ice doing 30k damage. "It's because the projectile can hit 15 times (5 targets x 3 projectiles) but all on the same person."

Thank You!! in advance


Burn, I am not saying no, but after this thread I took an alt, outfitted it, set it up and tested on Bastion targets and solo roamed and could not reproduce this result while roaming. So not sure here.  

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Two issues:

  • Relic of Ice is broken. Genuinely broken. Doesn't need nerfing, it needs fixing.
  • Celestial stats need tuning

Otherwise, Willbender is squishy and will die. Celestial is just broken, but that's not class specific.

Edited by Korendil.5934
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19 hours ago, Korendil.5934 said:

Two issues:

  • Relic of Ice is broken. Genuinely broken. Doesn't need nerfing, it needs fixing.
  • Celestial stats need tuning

Otherwise, Willbender is squishy and will die. Celestial is just broken, but that's not class specific.

Totally agree about the relic and celestial. Willbender being squishy? Not so much. I mean if he decided not to use any skills and stand still, sure. Otherwise he has plenty options to mitigate, evade and prevent damage. He'll be fine until he chooses to leave or his opponent is in downstate.

Edit: be confused all you want. I've changed my mind anyway. Rather than wait for Anet to balance willbender, I think it'd be quicker if everyone just rerolls one for small-scale content. Boring as crackers with a side order of room temperature tap water, but it is what it is.

Edited by Nugatory.8920
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On 2/12/2024 at 7:31 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

"They don't balance around roaming."

They why do they have specs made for roaming? To kitten off players?

Another flimsy excuse used to cover broken specs.  Where was this excuse when they hard nerfed mirage for 3 years for being too good in roaming?

They don't balance around roaming! It's a meme spec no one uses! I get harder if I don't use a dodge! Celestial! This other class is better! no wait this other class is better! deflect deflect deflect! That's why a dozen mobility options is needed on the class with the best defensive package! we need a buff too, we need some boon strips and stealth too! 🙄

Tell them mesmer sisters, mirage abuse have gone to far, pitchfork time!


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