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What about a Guild Wars 1 remake.... ?

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Hello everyone, 

   i didn't know where to put this post so i just threw it in the General area here. im not sure if there is a GW1 forums anymore that is monitored by the devs so i thought this be the best place to be seen.


As the title says " What about a Guild Wars 1 remake.... ? "   what does everone think about that?   i seen so many other companys remaking their classics and they look good.   GW1 can sure use this treatment for sure. Enhanced updated graphics and   launch with a new Exspan. , charactors, skills , classes and a new land.  make it able to load your old accounts as well.   i think alot of people would love this. would be big profit for sure. 


what does everyone else think about this and or ideas. 

   ,Thanks cant wait to see the replys

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The issue is they have reduced content for their main Guild Wars game (this one), so unless a GW1 remaster is in the works behind the scnees secretly (unlikely). I can't see them committing resources to an old game which is still live and completely playable

Would I play a remastered GW1? Probably yeah, but I'm not sure if I'd get much mileage out of it

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GW1 already had a couple of graphics rendering updates a few years back. Probably we have to do with these. Ofc, there can be some more of them. I would not be surprised if ANet ports the DX11 renderer back to GW1 one day but it will just be that. Remaking the content is an enormous task. With MMO's like Guild Wars, players often play for rewards as well. Many players are more or less done in GW1 rewards-wise. They filled their Hall of Monuments, got their Obsidian Armor. Got that rare weapon skin that they love or that special Kind of a Big Deal title track title like GWAMM.

For just better graphics, would these players return to GW1 or would they rather play GW2. Have the great graphics that GW2 offers and have meaningful account progression in the process? I would surely go back to GW1 and buy the remake but I doubt I would stay for very long because I already have GWAMM. For me it just would be nostalgia.

Edited by TheQuickFox.3826
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I don't care for remakes, remasters or reimaginings. I think they are mostly cheap cashgrabs of a creatively bankrupt industry to monetize nostalgia. I have played these games already, just because they look prettier now doesn't make me want to play them again.
In most cases I would rather see those resources spent on something new, be that a new entry to an existing IP or a new IP entirely.

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16 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I don't see the point.  There wouldn't be enough money to be made to justify the expense of doing this.  Besides, the GW1 servers are still running, so if you need to placate your nostalgia, you can already do so.

agree with kharmin on this. only thing i could see is gw1 for free for gw2 player to spark some interests.

but i personally would not play gw1

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I'm always baffled that a game that received so many positive reviews, both from the critic and players, is still basically the only title of its genre/CORPG. I started to play it after GW2, so I find it a bit slow/clunky, sometimes boring as combat, but I'm sure that's only because it's quite old (the rubber banding is a bit annoying, if you play it only with WASD). All problems that would be solved with a modern version.

I think that in our "modern age" of videogames, where people want to play MMORPG in solo, a game like GW1 that lets you play at your own pace (even FF14 added companions in the base game), but has other players in hub/villages to watch your skins/achievements or whatever other vanity stuff, would probably sell well.

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I feel like a remaster of the whole game would largely be a waste of time and resources, as it would appeal to a niche subset of players. However, the environments themselves were beautiful, and I’ve seen a lot of people lamenting how bright Cantha is compared to the dingy ghettos of Kaineng City, the gloom of Echovald Forest when the Kurzicks were still around before it was infested with jade tech, and the much more muted hues of the original Jade Sea.

Honestly, it might be better to do a time-travel story arc, as long as they could find a way to do it without it feeling like a shark jump. Take our GW2 systems into GW1 maps that have been adapted to take into account how much more movement we have now, but otherwise leave the aesthetics and setting alone. I think that would satisfy the nostalgia and desire for a remaster, while telling a new story. It would also be a great way to bring back old weapons if they were ever going to do it, because we could train with weaponmasters in the distant past to bring back forgotten fighting styles.

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It depends. We could demand for gw1 or gw2 updates all we like, but unless it's headed and staffed by passionate workers, we're going to see substandard, disappointing and buggy work that will be justified with something like "players can't understand the hardships we go through because they're not in the industry", per industry standard.

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Tbh while not remaster material per say, I guess I would play a sort of hybrid between where GW1 ended up landing and where GW2 is like. GW2 movement and core combat principles, with more GW1ish attributes/skills, GW1 itemization, GW2 fashion, and all placed in GW1 instancing and party systems (over current open world).

Not holding my breath for anything like that coming like ever, for all the information we have to date, AN is simply not large studio enough to mantain two titles like that.

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6 hours ago, Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

Tbh while not remaster material per say, I guess I would play a sort of hybrid between where GW1 ended up landing and where GW2 is like. GW2 movement and core combat principles, with more GW1ish attributes/skills, GW1 itemization, GW2 fashion, and all placed in GW1 instancing and party systems (over current open world).

You're describing the dream game. Even better if you can find a way to not need a team of henchmen / heroes.

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3 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Aren't the original folks that developed gw1 all gone? Do you really want this group touching that classic? I mean I dunno about you but after what they did to cantha and what ever Soto is....hard pass please. Just let it die.

Not sure if they're all gone. Last I knew there were 2 ANet employees working on it as a passion project and that's where the post-GW2-launch patches came from. I don't keep up with GW1 anymore, so idk when their last update was.

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I only buy a re-release (or re-make or re-imagining or whatever they want to call it) of a game I've already got if I can't play the original for some reason, or if it's not worth the hassle to use it. For example I bought the Baldurs Gate 1&2 Enhanced Editions even though I still had the originals because although they could run on a modern PC it took so many extra steps and was so unreliable I got fed up with it. (Also it's nice to not need to swap between 6 discs for the first game.) GW1 is still online and still runs on modern PCs so there's no need for a new version.

I suppose they could completely redesign it so it's got the same story but everything else is changed but if they did that there's a very high chance that alongside "fixing" stuff that's 'too old' they'd also change things people in this thread like about the game, because it's also old and 'needs' to be brought in line with modern games and then it'd get a similar reaction to when GW2 came out after they said it'd keep everything everyone loved about the first game and only change things which needed updating.

Also doing that would split the already small playerbase between people who kept and still play the original and people who bought the new version.

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14 hours ago, XSevSpreeX.2143 said:

Not sure if they're all gone. Last I knew there were 2 ANet employees working on it as a passion project and that's where the post-GW2-launch patches came from. I don't keep up with GW1 anymore, so idk when their last update was.

No no. I mean the people who came up with gw1. The vision and dream that was gw1. They I think have moved on to bigger and better things. I don't want this current dev group touching gw1. Cantha is an insult to the memory of factions, Soto...HA...what even is this new content patch drip. I simply think gw1 should just fade away. I don't wanna see it monetized and warped and tarnished. It's perfect just the way it was.

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On 2/24/2024 at 8:27 PM, Teknomancer.4895 said:

While I like the idea a remaster of the first game with updated graphics and UI, etc., it's probably more realistic to hope for a few more fractals based on characters and events from it. The Charr invasion of Orr seems like a natural candidate, among plenty of others.

I laffed when you mention gw1 UI lol the UI in gw1 is 100000x better then gw2 lol you can configure/move/resize  it all, unlike in gw2 where you can only move it a bitty....   theres alot of other things gw1 still does better then gw2, despite its old age😛 but i dont want to turn this into a gw1 vs gw2 debate, both games have its good and bad, i just wantd to point out that the ui in gw1 i proly one of the best ui's and most configurable i ever seen in an mmo, it puts gw2 ui in a corner crying 😛

Edited by Rvoltpt.8453
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