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The Game Needs New Excitement

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First of all, I am quite happy with the current game and I love playing it and I never get bored because there are thousands more things to discover.First of all, I have some ideas that I would like to write down, and this starts with a new game mode for PVP.

The game is complicated for many players and some things take a long time to obtain.I have encountered many players who have played PVP for years but still do not fully understand the game, so I think a simpler, easier to understand and more fun PVP map and mode should be added to the game.While there may be both bots and afk players in a five-on-five or three-on-three game, the absence of a player spoils the enjoyment we get from the game.In short, the absence of a few players in the new game mode should not spoil the fun our team will have from the game. For this reason, it will be quite good to play with a team of 20 people. In other words, having a novice player or a few novice players and a few players who AFK will not spoil our fun.As for how simple it will be, it should have a precise timing, that is, as soon as we enter the PVP match, the match should end in a certain time and the goal should be very simple.I think there should be a castle, 20 people should defend that castle, while 20 people should try to enter the castle and kill the lord of the castle. The castle should have 3 gates that can be broken or defended by players.The castle should have a two-stage design, with an outer wall with wider and longer walls and two gates that can defend 20 people, and an inner castle with narrower and smaller walls with a single door inside for the lord.Of course, breaking the doors will not be the only way to overcome the castle walls. There should be 2 strategically placed stairs on the outer walls that players can climb and descend, and the same should be on the inner walls.Players climbing the walls or other players should not be able to use any of their abilities and should be open to attack, meaning that when we try to climb the walls and get on top of the castle walls, we should be an open target for the defenders.When we start the game, there must be a suitable number of tanks outside and on top of the walls. These tanks should easily kill the players in a few hits and cause high damage to the castle gates, meaning those defending the castle should be forced to go outside the castle to destroy these tanks.There should also be fixed gun batteries on the castle walls, and these should not be built and repaired like in WvW. If they are damaged while using them, they should remain that way until the game is over.In this game mode, defenders and attackers must switch places and the winner of the game must be determined according to the success of both teams.Any player who enters the game for the first time will immediately understand what to do. He will either attack or defend. There will be no building or complicated things.Although it is very simple, it will be a game mode in which we can use very complex tactics. A commander will be automatically determined in each team, and this commander will give orders that will appear in the middle of the screen, visible only to his team.So the commander will do the following: She will write that team A should jump down and destroy 2 tanks at all costs, and the other players will comply with this or give orders such as go to help immediately to defend the stairs on the right.I think this will be a game of 30 minutes in total, with two rounds of 15 minutes each.This will also bring a new conflict. Any clan in the game can declare war on another clan, which will be clearly visible on the game site and in the game, and the winner will be determined here.Let's say I want to take revenge on a player from clan A. Because her clothes are cuter than mine. I tell this to my clan, and my clan declares war on Clan A with an NPC and system added to the game. A clan where war is declared does not have to accept it, but if it rejects it. The clan that declares war will gain various buffs and advantages, while they themselves will receive debufs and disadvantages.When they accept, we will have to face the enemy clan within a week to determine the outcome in this new PVP area, and at the same time, enemy clan players will be able to attack and kill us on any map in the game. Anywhere, at any time.So, there will be PVP on the open map, but it is optional. If you do not want to fight, you will be able to refuse.

Another thing I want to mention is that the house system should now be opened for players.The current system is not very useful. New cities where the players will only have their homes can be easily added and players can navigate the streets in front of their own homes. This can be done in different ways. For example, flying zeppelins, caves, underground cities, underwater cities are only limited by our imagination.What is important here is that we have customizable houses with thousands of options. For example, there may be a pool in the garden where we can swim, or a stable where we can feed our horses. There should even be a disco where we can have parties with our friends.A house system must be purchased as a certain gold or expansion in the game.

I also think that two new mount should be added to the game.First ride will be a ride that will surprise everyone and I'm sure you will love it.A spider mount should be added to the game. A mount that can throw a web and climb to high places with its web. Or it can build walls horizontally or vertically with its web, on which players or NPCs can stand or cannot pass, and can jump quite far and high.When we ride on it, we should also be able to catch and carry a player or NPC with our net. For example, a friend of ours is injured, we should be able to catch him with the net and carry him away from the battle.We must be able to immobilize NPC enemies with our net for a short time. At the same time, we must have the ability to stick to walls or walk on vertical walls.The second mount is a surprise that will make you start begging the game makers already.This mount, unlike all other mounts, will be able to actively stay with us like minis and help us in battles.A mount that will not differ from the minis in terms of size.Here comes the surprise: our new baby will consist of 5 little monkeys and the litter they carry us in.This mount, unlike other mounts, will be In other words, it is a mount, but it will actually consist of 5 creatures..Monkeys will have different characteristics from each other, and according to the abilities of each monkey, that monkey will perform the task we want.Let's say we want to go fast, the monkey who is skilled in this regard will take the leadership of the monkeys.We want to fly to a certain height. The one among the monkeys who is skilled at blowing up balloons will take over the leadership and add balloons to the left and right of the litter.We will remain AFK for a certain period of time, but we do not want to die. The monkey who is skilled in this matter will keep watch over us and 5 monkeys will be able to fight when necessary.



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Fun fact. A spider mount was a possible mount they did a design for, but scrapped it.

I'm going to go get the popcorn for your housing suggestion. I mean, I like it, but the search forum thread police will be here soon. I hear the sirens...

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No housing for the many reasons stated in the many previous threads.

No new mounts are needed.  The existing ones pretty much cover all modes of movement/transportation.

PvP suggestion is ok, I guess, as long as it remains within the existing PvP format.  GW2 seems to be predominately a more casual open world game, so I'm not sure Anet really wants to spend a lot of resources in PvP if it isn't bringing them enough return.

A lot of these have already been suggested and addressed.  Might I suggest you use the forums search function to see all of the previous threads and comments on them.

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Spider mount: some people have a beyond crippling phobia of spiders, to where they refuse to do the one fractal with the giant spider and avoid any locations in game with spiders. That, and there are other mounts that cover most transportation features now.

Monkeys: So...fancy necro minions for "unattended gameplay."

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1) Add more fun pvp maps.
2) 20v20 "enter the castle" pvp to avoid interacting with Inactives/Nubs. Basically describing WvW with meaningful objectives, or castle wars from Runescape?
3) Clan based open world PvP.

4) Add customisable housing.
5) Horses and stables.

6) 2 new mounts.
7) Spider that can shoot webs and climb walls. Players can climb said web.
😎 Spider mount can catch (kidnap) players in its web and transport 1 player to safety (certain death?)
9) Monkey mount that stays in combat when you dismount.
10) Will consist of 5 seperate minions, each with different skills to aid in keeping us safe while we AFK.




I will admit, at the very least, the mounts do sound kinda cool.

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As with many suggestions, this whole wall of text is basically a totally different game. You wrote what you would like to see in the game without taking into account what is already there. Instead of just playing WvW you invent a new PvP mode that has nothing to do with GW2 and then suggest it be implemented into this game. Stuff like this has zero chance of ever seeing the light of day. GW2 has no climbing, no tanks and it's not easy to implement or balance these things. Also randomly assigning a commander, people following that randomly assigned commander is just not how people work. Try getting into WvW. Maybe find a GvG guild if those still exist, and you will get your 20v20 battles. No need to spend resources on any of this.

Housing is just a no from me, won't elaborate, if you care, you'll find the arguments in the many many threads on the subject. Bonus-also, there are no horses inTyria.

The spider-mount was planned at some point but got scrapped. The other one sounds like redundant and useless screenclutter. We have mounts that fly, mounts that jump high, mounts that jump wide, mounts that go fast, mounts that port around. Find a niche that isn't already taken, then you'll have a good design. Everything else is just a skin. Also adding a minion to every class will be a balancing nightmare.

Edited by Omega.6801
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4 hours ago, Westenev.5289 said:

1) Add more fun pvp maps.
2) 20v20 "enter the castle" pvp to avoid interacting with Inactives/Nubs. Basically describing WvW with meaningful objectives, or castle wars from Runescape?
3) Clan based open world PvP.

4) Add customisable housing.
5) Horses and stables.

6) 2 new mounts.
7) Spider that can shoot webs and climb walls. Players can climb said web.
😎 Spider mount can catch (kidnap) players in its web and transport 1 player to safety (certain death?)
9) Monkey mount that stays in combat when you dismount.
10) Will consist of 5 seperate minions, each with different skills to aid in keeping us safe while we AFK.




I will admit, at the very least, the mounts do sound kinda cool.

These ideas are interesting.
Also,  GW1 was known for #esports.
Early GW2 was known for #esports.
I feel like #esports has been quiet lately, and I think there is demand for it so some mode that is #esports I think would be beneficial, say that 20v20 castle battle. I can see that being fun to watch as a spectator.
Maybe the rewards are one giant zone for customizable housing and you get more from your accomplishments in guild, #esports being one of the big factors too.
I believe in GW1 they had certain areas if you was a top guild you'd get access to those areas and do whatever you want, basically look. Basically like those areas in GW2 where if you got the pass you can enter those areas but if you don't your not in the cool crowd or what not.
Anyways I think this is good for the game to bring in new excitement. Go back to the roots of GW core vision.

Edited by uberkingkong.8041
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The problem with housing is that only a certain group of people would engage in it. 

Take Minecraft for example, if you build a house in single player, do you decorate it? 

Nobody in the world will ever see it. Same as housing in GW2 for the vast majority of people. 

So why bother? And unlike Minecraft where you spend significant time in your self build home, players in GW2 will almost never be in there. 

Thats why its a waste of dev time. 

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6 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

The problem with housing is that only a certain group of people would engage in it. 

Take Minecraft for example, if you build a house in single player, do you decorate it? 

Nobody in the world will ever see it. Same as housing in GW2 for the vast majority of people. 

So why bother? And unlike Minecraft where you spend significant time in your self build home, players in GW2 will almost never be in there. 

Thats why its a waste of dev time. 

This is why I'm torn on the idea of housing in GW2.

I suspect it would be similar to Elder Scrolls Online where it's basically just a space to decorate. You can add a few basic services (bank, merchant, crafting stations) but once you've finished decorating there's not many reasons to spend much time there unless you're a role-player and want to ensure you're not disturbed by trolls. That makes it seem a bit pointless to spend much time on decorating it, although the process can be fun and some people do some very creative things with it. I fully decorated one house and I've done some decorating in others, but lost the motivation to do all of them properly because most of them don't get used except as free teleports.

But I definitely prefer it in games like Valheim and Minecraft where your house is also (likely to be) your home base and the location of a lot of important services. Not that I stick to essential stuff - my Valheim house has a balcony with a table and chairs to sit and enjoy the view which doesn't serve any functional purpose, but it seems more worthwhile to do stuff like that when I'm going to be spending a lot of time in the house.

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23 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

No housing for the many reasons stated in the many previous threads.

That's exactly the answer everyone who wanted mounts got over the years ... and then Anet suddenly brought mounts into the game with PoF.

Anet may be running out of ideas to bring new things into the game. Even fishing was brought into the game with EoD. Therefore, I am almost certain that Anet is already thinking internally about how to bring housing into the game in one of the next expansions and how to monetize it.

Not that I like housing much as it is in other games, but I think it will come sooner or later in GW2.

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41 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

That's exactly the answer everyone who wanted mounts got over the years ... and then Anet suddenly brought mounts into the game with PoF.

At least mounts are an active part of game play -- unless you solely do PvP, then, sorry. Unless my house is like Baba Yaga's Hut, then it will actually take me out of active game play.

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21 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

That's exactly the answer everyone who wanted mounts got over the years ... and then Anet suddenly brought mounts into the game with PoF.

Anet may be running out of ideas to bring new things into the game. Even fishing was brought into the game with EoD. Therefore, I am almost certain that Anet is already thinking internally about how to bring housing into the game in one of the next expansions and how to monetize it.

Not that I like housing much as it is in other games, but I think it will come sooner or later in GW2.

Once every, i don't know five years or so, I answer to "but they did they did mounts...and everyone was ´no mounts´...but then they did mounts...and now everyones is happy...checkmate...every suggestion is the same as mounts back in the days"- train of thought. So why not today.

1) One thing people tend to forget is, the mounts we got in the end were not the mounts people were suggesting. The mounts people were suggesting were skins with perma swiftness attached to them. So the same boring stuff all the other games have and as that not needed in a game that had waypoints, perma running as a default and movement skills.
2) The game would have been fine even without mounts (hear me out before you start typing). GW2 had a solid system in place  when it comes to exploration and it had introduced gliding and all the other HoT stuff. SO a world is imaginable, where PoF did not introduce mounts and would have been maybe just as good.
3) However, the mounts we got are great, can't argue with that and I am very happy with them. Wouldn't want to miss them. Definitely the best in the industry, why else would others steal them? So, does "they did mounts, every suggestion is awesome" hold any merit as an argument? No. It doesn't. Mounts prove one thing. That ANet did very awesome mounts. That's great but that's also where it ends.
Should ANet reinvent housing in a way that is also super awesome and engaging, I will play it and enjoy it and I will eat my words. But I highly doubt that this is possible with a private and static feature like housing. Same was true for fishing and for me at least "but they did mounts, so fishing will be awesome" did not work out. Whenever it was suggested, it was the same "vision" of a laid back chill minigame for downtime in between events. Just. Like. In. Every. Other. Game. Out. There. It's boring. It's trivial. It adds nothing to the game because it is filler by design. "But they did mounts. Fishing will be awesome." Is it awesome? No it's not. It's boring. It's trivial. It adds nothing to the game. Because it's just like every other fishing minigame out there. Because different to what ANet achieved with mounts, they did not reinvent fishing in a new and fascinating way. They copied Stardew Valley and added a handful of tedious achis. I mean some people like it and that's fine. But they for sure don't like it because it's so innovative or novel. So sure, housing may happen, because it's easy to monetize and some people like it. I just hope it does't. I hope those resources go somewhere, where everyone can enjoy them. Somewhere in the open world or into some story instances. But thaose are the samediscussions we always have in these housing threads, and those can be found with a simple forum search.

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6 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

Same was true for fishing and for me at least "but they did mounts, so fishing will be awesome" did not work out.

After what Anet did with gliding and many other types of map traversal in HoT/S3, and what Anet did with mounts in PoF/s4, I was hoping that fishing would be just as pleasant a surprise. But fishing wasn't a reinvention of a well-known theme, just a copy without any creative ideas of its own.

6 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

They copied Stardew Valley and added a handful of tedious achis.

Exactely my words some time ago.

6 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

Mounts prove one thing. That ANet did very awesome mounts. That's great but that's also where it ends.

Yes. Mounts prove that Anet was once capable of creative excellence and, even after many years, still had a lot of talent and creativity to create "the best mounts in the industry".

EoD and SotO may be financially successful, but there are reasons why some players consider HoT/S3/PoF/S4 to be part of the "golden age" (even if everything wasn't great back then) and EoD/SoTo are not.

However, mounts also prove that any reasons that players give as reasons why something fundamentally cannot be introduced are refuted at the latest when Anet introduces it.

6 hours ago, Omega.6801 said:

So, does "they did mounts, every suggestion is awesome" hold any merit as an argument? No. It doesn't.

I agree. Of Course not. I didn't even say that.

But what I wrote: No matter what reasons players give as to why housing (or nearly any other bigger feature) basically can't come into the game, these are no proof that it won't come into the game after all. Regardless of whether it is implemented well or poorly.

Edited by Zok.4956
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4 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

I didn't even say that.

No, you didn't. I just took the opportunity to rant half a page about how "they did mounts" is not as good an argument as many people think it is. Yes I quoted you, but the post was not directed at you or directed at what you posted and I probably should have said that.

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I gave up reading after the 5th line.

Please, please, edit your post with punctuation, line breaks, create proper paragraphs.

I am really struggling to read all the crammed text in there, like you're trying to squeeze way too many snacks in your lunch box.

Then I can give a proper opinion on your requests.

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Housing exist in GW2. You have home instance which is upgraded based on your story missions. You can add many things to it like nodes and other items to harvest, collect cats and probably something else, but who know most ppl just farm it for resources. 

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On 3/11/2024 at 11:52 PM, Westenev.5289 said:

Clan based open world PvP.

Heroes' Ascend *cough* GW1 *cough*

(belongs to the good things in GW1 that were not implemented in GW2 while GW2 still kept the name but has no gw anymore xD)

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It is hard to say what they will do but I wouldn't be surprised after they streamline the Strike creating process they focus on another game mode and create stuff for it. 

The age old problem with Guild Wars 2 is the people who made and designed old content no longer work at Arena Net so anyone making changes would first need to learn how to do it. 

The one silver lining I see is the UI, for longest time I assume and others too that the ability to create/change it was lost to ages but the wizard vualt proved that wrong. 

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