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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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Please remove or change the timegate on more items and achievements.  As the poster above me said,  charged quartz crystals!


Also, I've been working on achievements in the Return to Sandswept Isles this past week, and while it's been mostly fun, the timegate on putting recovered modules in that little bot on the island is maddening.  We already had to fly or jump around all over to get the modules; don't lock the achievement behind a week-long boring timegate.  Thanks.

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18 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

The 'Search' feature actually works in the Archive, as well.  :classic_smile:

Not on this forum?  Meaning, I do a search on this forum, and it does not appear to bring up anything earlier than 2017.  If the search in this forum directly connects to the archive, there must be some sort of setting or something.


Edit: On the archive, the search is EXTREMELY buggy and slow for me, even when I limit a search as much as possible, and search only within one category.  To the point of freezing up my computer.  🤷‍♀️

Edited by Lyssia.4637
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Not sure if this has been suggested before or whether it even qualifies as OoL but here goes: guest passes for home instance!


Basic functionality would be like a guild hall but far more restrictive. A database (Gem store item possibly) that will record the accounts that can visit any home instance they have been granted access to without home owner actually being there. Additional licenses can be sold separately for increasing the total number of visitors permitted. Members could be added or removed much like guild log. Bonus points if these authorized visitors can bring in others via party when they open instance.

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Why is this the only game I play where instance boundaries aren't simply invisiwalls ..clearly ANet could do this, they do it in every zone! .. FFXIV, WOW, ESO, etc. ALL Lhave hard boundaries and don't resort to giving players the middle finger if they stray too far.

In this game you get a warning and then you're kicked out and the whole bloody instance has to be started from the start.

With tedious ones like "Forearmed is Forewarned" I'd been suffering it for 45 mins when due to a distraction I managed to run my character off the instance and got kicked out.

There's no need for this player-hostile design when a simple inviswall is all that's needed .. if the game puts you back in a zone if you run off the edge (well some times, as usual with this game there are at least 3 or 4 variations of a single mechanic for some reason) it could do that with instances, punishing players in this way seems to be an ANet speciality.

Edited by Kraggy.4169
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Probably someone already mentioned it but it would be awesome if players could choose theme of the character select screen with it's original music. I've been playing GW2 for 7 years now and every bit of nostalgic impulse (watching old trailers, redoing some old stuff with new players etc.) is making burnout fade away. And sometimes I'm so burned out that I only log in for daily completion.

Yeah I know you can do this trick with changing system date but it's not the same.

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19 hours ago, MikeyGrey.2496 said:

Not sure if this has been suggested before or whether it even qualifies as OoL but here goes: guest passes for home instance!


Basic functionality would be like a guild hall but far more restrictive. A database (Gem store item possibly) that will record the accounts that can visit any home instance they have been granted access to without home owner actually being there. Additional licenses can be sold separately for increasing the total number of visitors permitted. Members could be added or removed much like guild log. Bonus points if these authorized visitors can bring in others via party when they open instance.

Love love LOVE this idea. I have a full home but I don't always want to spend lots of time doing nothing except maybe inventory/bank management stuff while people loot my home, and lately I haven't been doing all that well, and when I am struggling I tend to be very antisocial (ie preferring not to talk to anyone, though I of course won't be rude if one of my friends or fellow guildies wants to talk, and they are always nice when I say I am not up to talking at the moment), which means I don't offer to host home loot for my guildies or random people in map chat who ask for a full home. Having the ability to let them go in on their own at any time would be wonderful, as would the ability to take squads in, not just parties. 


Also, not entirely related, but I would very much like to be able to glide and use my mount in my home instance.

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So my ranger was my very first toon on Guild Wars 2, but I haven't played her in quite awhile, but lately I have been coming up with fun names for ranger pets. As I hadn't done much with her in quite awhile, including pet management, I was quite dismayed to find out that pets only keep their names when active. Which means that only two land pets and two aquatic pets will have a name, and if I want to change to a different pet, they lose their name. I really don't understand why they can't just keep their names. It's not a must have feature for sure, but I really would like their names to stay, whether I am using them or not. 


Also, I've mentioned it before, but it'd be nice if you could customize your pet's skills, so you could use any one you want, and not sacrifice the advantages of using a different pet that you like less, which has better skills.

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GW2 Devs, 


Please give us more options and control over our graphical settings with the DX11 update. 




Critical feature:


Colorblind mode. The most common types are...

  1. Deuteranomaly
  2. Protanomaly
  3. Protanopia

I understand that there are external shader tools which players can use to achieve this. However, having to resort to an external tool for such a BASIC thing is, to me, quite silly. My colorblindness falls under Deuteranomaly, and I would really appreciate this. 


Quality of life features:


Particle density. Adjust how intense particle effects are. This should effect not only abilities, but also armor/"fashion" effects. 

PvE boss fights are practically firework shows and I can hardly see the boss itself. I understand that particle density can be reduced already, but this feature is bundled with other effects which should be treated separately. 


Reduce trivial ally effects. Adjust all ability particle and ground effects by allied players/NPCs if the effect is not a buff or heal of some kind. This acts as a negative multiplier in conjunction with "Particle density"


Reduce trivial enemy effects. Adjust all ability particle and ground effects by enemy players/NPCs if the effect is not a debuff or harmful to you in some way. This acts as a negative multiplier in conjunction with "Particle density"


Bloom intensity. The current bloom options are way too intense, please let us adjust it separately. 


Dynamic animation quality (combat). Reduce unit animation quality if there are more than X units on screen (combat only). 

Dynamic animation quality (non-combat). Reduce unit animation quality if there are more than X units on screen (out of combat only). 





Quality of life features:


Encounter camera zoom max. When the player enters a boss encounter, let us designate our own preferred maximum camera zoom. For me, the default zooms out way too much, so I zoom in a bit and when the encounter is over then I'm zoomed in TOO much. 


Emphasize target nameplate. Enlarges the size of our primary target's nameplate. 



"Nit-picky"/Trivial feature change:


Re-name "AoE Loot" to simply "Loot" in the interaction pop-up. AoE means Area of Effect, the player is not creating any sort of Area of Effect and naming it as such looks weird every time it pops up on the screen. The name within the options menu is fine the way it is - I'm only asking that the interaction pop-up be changed. 

Edited by Kiro Kobra.6478
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Hello everyone!  This is my first post, so I hope this was placed in the correct area and hasn't already been addressed.  I did a quick search of the forum and didn't see anything, so here we go...


I was going through my very full inventory and noticed I had tons of weapon/armor skins taking up several bank tabs worth of space.  I've noticed that when I collect the skin (either through a gem purchase or from a random drop) the game unlocks the skin in my wardrobe and also places a consumable in my inventory allowing me to add the skin "for free" later on.  While I really appreciate the ability to apply the skin on my own terms, I find my hoarding gene is causing my inventory to bust at the seams with consumable skins.  How hard would it be to make a vendor where we can turn in a consumable skin for a transmutation charge?  This way we'd still get the advantage of being able to use the skin later "for free" while saving the inventory slot in our bank/character/guild bank as the transmutation charge would be stored in our wallet.


For example, if I buy the "Ice Reaver Chestguard Skin" from the gemstore, the skin would become unlocked on my account (indicated by the 3 pop-ups on my screen) and I would receive a transmutation charge in my inventory.  I could double click the transmutation charge to add it to my wallet.  I'd have the skin available in my wardrobe, a "freebee" transmutation charge in my wallet, and no impact to my inventory space.


Let me know what y'all think.  Hopefully there's not something already in game that does this as I've been unaware of it for all these years.  If there is, would you mind pointing me the way?  🙂

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