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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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The idea is coming from a friend of mine who is a new player. He left the game a couple of times because of a single reason... he is afraid of all the "wall of text" as he calls it (the information on the skills). The suggestion is to hide all that and make it more sanitized to the new players. Once the players get more familiar to the game and need this information, eventually they'll switch the option to see all the "wall of text" coming from the skills. I must say, the new players are bombarded with lots of information at the beginning and get frustrated from all the minor things and this could remove some of the frustration to lots of them, figuring out the game faster.

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Especially as a new player you should need to information. It doesn't help if it's hidden from them, this will only lead to misconceptions. As an option, maybe, although i don't see what this would bring to the game that tit is lacking at the moment. If "your friend" is overwhelmed by the information and or depth of the game, there's still candy crush.

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2 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

It would be a reasonable thing to add to the Dynamic HUD feature. Then it can be set to only show out of combat. Mid-combat is hardly the best time to be reading up on what your skills does anyway.

Actually, sometimes I will find myself re-discovering what something does mid-combat, so I'd prefer to still see everything.

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Increase the 'Rewind' skill time on the Prototype Position Rewinder from 30 seconds, to 1 minute. 30 seconds comes and goes very quickly and isn't enough time in my opinion. I think 1 minute is much better. Even 45 seconds would be an improvement, but 30 seconds isn't enough.


Silver-fed-salvage-o-matic costs 60 copper per use, and hardly anyone uses it because of this. I remember buying this way back because I thought it was good, but by the time you add in the 60 copper cost every time, it's actually not that great. I bet lots of other players no longer use this gemstore item for this very reason. Either drastically reduce the cost of using it, or give it something extra that will make it beneficial to use. Maybe even a 25% or 50% chance on salvage to earn double luck earned from the salvage, or perhaps a higher chance at receiving a charm of brilliance, charm of potence, charm of skill, symbol of control, symbol of enhancement, or symbol of pain, used in crafting legendary runes and legendary sigils. The charms salvaged from the silver-fed-salvage-o-matic could be account bound versions, so as to not ruin the prices on the trading post, and incentivize players to buy this gemstore item.

I think a good option would be a 25% chance to earn double luck on salvage, a reduced price of 30 copper per use, and an increased chance at salvaging account bound charms and symbols.


Today I got 'stuck' after our squad defeated Drakkar. I was stuck inside 1 of the 3 end chests when they spawned (very bad luck). I had to waste one of my 'teleport to friend's so I could get out, because I didn't want to miss out on looting the chests which I had earned. Why is this still a thing? Getting stuck in chests, and walls, and areas in general? This is not good, considering EOD is just around the corner and we as players still have to deal with basic buggy things like this. Can we not get some sort of "/stuck" emote which could move the player in these situations? I'm not going to get my teleport to friend item back - quite literally because of GW2's buggy mistakes (not my fault!!!!), but the very least GW2 can do is make things right by giving us an unstuck solution to move us a little bit when we're stuck.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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23 hours ago, Terter.4125 said:

(the information on the skills). The suggestion is to hide all that and make it more sanitized to the new players.

I'd rather implement your suggestion in reverse; that is to say, the tooltips would be on by default (allowing new players to read what things do, being new and all), but you could shut them off in your settings if you preferred. Double-tap to evade is probably useful for some new players, but it's one of the first things I shut off because it kept ruining my jumping puzzle experience - this is a similar thing.

Not sure where all the animosity against people who click their skills comes from, but this seems like a reasonable thing to want to toggle on or off regardless of your playstyle.

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I think this would be a very fun and fitting title for such a unique and fairly difficult to acquire weapon collection. Also easy to implement. Pretty please?

Edit: Think it's kinda kitten this got merged in here, because it's not a quality of life feature. Anyway, here is the suggestion i put in the title of the thread: Add the title "Bug Catcher" to the Ambrite Weapon Collection.

Edited by Tsunami.4751
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I've been asking for this option since day 1. 

The option to disable these tool-tips or "wall of text" is available in GW1.  It's not every player that comfortable to use the hot keys.  Some of us play other type of game like shooters who utilize that type of controls, moving with the A,W,S,D keys, and using the mouse to aim.  So it is much easier to jump from one type of game to the other with similar controls.  Thank you! 😃

Edited by Newteck.6403
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● Music Playlist for WvW.


Orr could share same playlist as Drakonis Mons, Ember Bay, Siren Landing, and even Fireheart Rise, and Bloodstone Fen too.


● Deaf condition

Effect: Cannot recieve boons from friendlies.


● Universal currency exchange.

A banker that specialises in exchanging all available currency from other maps.

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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On 1/4/2022 at 8:49 AM, Terter.4125 said:

...he is afraid of all the "wall of text"...

This wording is a bit odd. Do the tooltips cause distress when they show up? Why?

Anyway, the tooltip contains information about whatever your mouse is hovering over. Why would you not need it in the process of figuring the game out, especially when it comes to your skills? Which, by the way, unlock as you level up. As in a skill every 2 or so levels. I don't understand how that's hard to keep track of.

Maybe if your friend used a Level-80 Boost, then I could see how they'd feel overwhelmed. That's not a good idea for new players.

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Potential solution to solve magic find pain after reaching a luck of 300.


TLDR: Having a magic find "vendor" that gives essence of luck of 10 / 50 / 100 / 200 / 500 using the "magic find counter" after a player reaches 300 mf.



End game is supposed to bring QoL to the players (legendary armor / weapons / runes / sigil / salvage kit from gemstore, etc.).

I believe the "magic find / essence of luck" system is currently going against this philosophy.

Once a player reaches max magic find, it can still consume it, and it the account keeps track of how much luck was added since the cap. There is currently no use (as far as I know) for keeping track of it, my guess is that if one day, the limit is moved from 300 to XXX, the new magic fimd value will be applied automatically).



Essences of luck are still needed after reaching max level:

- Lunar new year festival, to exchange luck for nice rewards.

- Guild hall / and some crafting recipe.


When salvaging items, each character end up with essence of luck 10/50/100/200. Consuming it means it will be wasted. A conscious player has to:

- be careful not to consume these essences

- move it to the bank

- use an artificer to convert it to essence of luck 200

- store these stack of essence of luck 200 for a long time, in case it becomes necessary.

which is a tedious process, and goes against the QoL mentioned above (and the wallet).



Add a vendor where player can buy essence of luck 10/50/100/200, consuming the extra luck stored on the account.

By doing this, a player will never worry about consuming these essences, as it will be able to get them back when needed.


I believe this implementation is somewhat easily implementable, and don't break current vendors that requires essence of luck.


Thank you!

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Quick one for you.

Please Devs, pretty please, remove the smoke effect of the Volcanic Stormcaller Great Sword.

I beg of you. I implore you.


This blade looks tremendously awesome, but the smoke is unnecessary.

I've got it on my Reaper, and suits him like a glove, but the smoke gets in the way.

Too much visual clutter.


Please guys, remove the smoke effect.

That would be the cherry on top.


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 I want to explore the whole map once again on the same character because I love exploring but I don't like playing alt characters

please give me the option to reset my map exploration status back to 0% and also include the PoF and HoT maps in the exploration %.

Edited by Echeyak.4823
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Regarding Legendary Gear:
Right now when switching 2 legendary weapons the new weapon has no stats, sigil or infusion which then have to be selected manually.
Could you implement that everything is simply copied from the switched out weapon(s)? Like if I replace my offhand sword with a focus I want the same stats, sigil and infusion on that so why not just copy it. That even works for replacing 2 one-handed weapons with a 2 handed weapon. It takes stats of main-hand weapon and puts sigils and infusion from both weapons into the 2 handed one.


Best regards

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Remove the 10 minute timer for applying the first two tactics to Supply Camps in WvW.


Reasoning: Most camps are overtaken by the enemy right after the 5 minute RI is up anyway, so tactics are usually a complete waste of time for supply camps, but this way at least, as soon as a supply camp is captured, you could be able to apply tactics, wait 2 minutes, and at least get 3 minutes of tactics in before an enemy comes and captures it.


Right now, there's absolutely no incentive to put tactics on supply camps, because they get taken over by the enemy so easily, even by solo players. You have to wait a total of 12 minutes after capturing a camp, for tactics to come into effect, it is absolutely ridiculous. (10 minute wait for tactics to be slotted in, and 2 minutes in addition for tactics to come into effect).


This is just for the first two tactics, I'm not talking about stages/tiers 2 and 3 of camps - that can be adjusted at a later point (like perhaps lowering fortified requirement from 80, down to 50 or 60), but right now, tier 1 is absolutely pointless, because camps get taken over so quickly.


Would be nice to see more defensive strategies in defending camps too - perhaps something like toypocalypse where siege automatically fires at any incoming enemies. Obviously it would have to be thought out and balanced and all that, but it would certainly make defending camps more enjoyable and useful.

Edited by Zaoda.1653
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