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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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First, sorry my english, I'll do my best to explain my suggestions.


As a GW2 player (7y+) I already did a lot of content and of course, repeat a lot of them. Because of that I always have a lot of ideas to the game (like all of you), but I never share here, so it's my first time (be nice).




  1. CRAFT - If you have all the child materials to make any item, you can just hit a specific button to craft all the items in one click, instead of click in the magnifier (search icon in the right). The actual buttons are "Craft, Craft All, Cancel", so add another button like "Auto-Craft"
  2. CRAFT - If you click on the maginifier button, the game need to show us a tip related to "how many items the parent item/material need to be crafted?", instead of just remember and type the number.
  3. INVENTORY - Some times I want to my inventory window be small for show only the SHARED SLOTS. But them I want to maximize to show all items, but everytime I need to click on ther corner, resize, and back to small inventory again. So, add a feature to maximize your inventory window when click on the title and if you click again, back to the old size
  4. CRAFT - Queue for craft. You can start some craft and leave. Then back to craft station to get the item (or the item go to your bank if have enough space).
  5. CRAFT - Multiple craft in the same time. Same as queue for craft, but you can start a craft process and do other in the same time.
  6. LEVEL REWARDS - Some button/function to get all level rewards instead of click on the ok button (when level a new character you need to click 79 times * 2/3 related to each level. So, a feature to enable get all the rewards but losing the the gear choice.
  7. REWARD TRACK ON OPEN WORLD - Some reward tracks to get in open world that you can level up when do anything: hearts, points, wp, events, etc. As a reward it can be materials, tomes of knowledge, boosters, bags of gear, etc.
  8. WIKI INGAME - When click on any item you can open the wiki page inside the game, a light version, for check the recipes, etc.


Some of the suggestions above maybe can be enabled only if you have ONE level 80 character for example or a level 400 craft station.


It's that. Sorry for my english and I hope we can have a nice discussion about that =)


Thanks ANET for that awesome game. Guild Wars 2 it's way.

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Hi dear Anet.


Since crafting the legendary back item "The Ascension" could take a long time,

it's very realistic that in the process players will craft many ascended precursors in order to gear up their alts.


Sadly, once the legendary has been crafted, there is nothing to do with all the Wings of Ascension crafted, 

since you made it unsalvageable.


I can understand that it is a precursor, so players used to be able to craft as any legendaries as they wanted...

but now with the Armory system it's no longer possible, nor usefull.


So please can you find a solution to this problem?

I dare to give you some suggestions:

1. Make it salvageable.

2. Make it combineable into the Mystic Forge, maybe with spikes.

3. Put an option into their vendor where you can sell it back for pvp mats, or something else.


Thank you in advance

A player


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Are you implying people are making precursor back pieces on every character just to get ascended stats before they can make the legendary, lol?!?!

There are regular ascended backpieces, not to mention exotic. The backpieces have completely negligable stats. You can run with no backpiece.

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17 minutes ago, dre.8461 said:

How to make it happen?

Good question. If I understand you correctly, rather than a glider being attached to your character in some way, you want a "glider" that replaces your armor/outfit with a wingsuit outfit?


Sounds like it's not something they could do out of the box, as they would need new tech to do this. Depending on how their code is set up, this could be either quick and easy, or awfully complicated 😉 .

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Forget that previous post.

More importantly...

Can you increase the bounty rewards please?

Or add a collection or something with an ascended or even chance of legendary, even if slim?


People just don't wanna do bounties anymore, cause they find its just not worth it.

I've been doing collections for the past week, and most times have to practically beg people to join in and help.

Yesterday I've waited nearly two hours, and it took one of my friends to put a commander tag up and beg people to help.


You guys really need to do something about this.

Or for christ sake, just give us mercenaries already ANET.


I hate begging  and being dependable of other players to do ingame what I want to do, and now... not waiting for hours to do it or having to comeback at a later time.



Alternatively, there could be a solo able version of bounties, dungeons, fractals, etc...



Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
Changed post to a more important issue
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Until your suggestion is implemented, keep one invisible bag on each of your characters in the bottom slot. Always leave 1 blue, 1 green, and 1 yellow unid gear in there, so new ones will stack to it automatically as you loot. When you identify the gear will appear in your higher bags, and you can safely use "salvage all" without salvaging any remaining unid gear.

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This has been asked before but it was sufficiently long ago that I believe it bears repeating.  Currently all bags up to 20 slot are either account bound (if purchased/rewarded) or tradeable (if crafted/trading post).  32 slot bags are account bound and can be moved between characters.  24 and 28 slots remain the only bags that are soulbound.  This is inconsistent and also somewhat frustrating.

Characters with maxed out 24 slot bags gradually replacing with 32 slots from acheivement rewards or crafting boreal trunks have no option but to throw their old 24 slot bags in the trash, as it's more expensive to upgrade them to 32 slot bags then to craft boreal trunks.  It would be very nice to shift these bags to other characters on the same account.

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The bags are indeed designed to railroad you into making 32 slot bags. But it's a bad idea, since it would cost like 2000g  to kit out a single character on top of the cost of the bag slots. And it makes little sense to make these things without maxing bag slots first.

So it's just more annoying than anything else.

It would be kinda cool if they came out with a legendary 32 slot bag that could be used by every character and you could change its type, but pipe dreams I guess.

What's extra annoying is the 32 slot bag you can get for free has that somewhat undesired functionality with sorting: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reinforced_Olmakhan_Bandolier

edit: Guess IBS bags kinda addresses it.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Allow the "Ally Targeting Mode" key bind to be bound to the same key as the "Show Ally Names" key bind.

Prevent "Ally Targeting Mode" and "Nearest/Next/Previous Ally" from targeting miniatures.

Create a new checkbox in the User Interface General Option for "Show All Pet/Minion Names".

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13 hours ago, Nol Fran Shee.1285 said:

So much this!!!!






A complete set of Sylvari mount skins.


By the way ANet... for those who purchased the branded mount set, should get the rest free. Meaning, skyscale, Warclaw, and beetle.

I happened to have spent my hard earned real life cash on this, not ingame earned gold.


Just thought I'd mention it.


Oh, also... what about that crescent moon Great sword?

Any chance of doing it?

Edited by SoulGuardian.6203
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I wouldn't hold your breath. Anet has already crushingly nerfed the current WvW mount so that it is only barely better than running with swiftness. Given that they don't seem to want mount(s) to provide any sort of significant improvement to movement speed, they are unlikely to follow up on this suggestion. 

I believe the concern revolves around it being TOO easy for defeated players to WP and return to the battle.

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