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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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8 minutes ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

It doesn't just your tone comes across as an Elitist. I'll have to say I think map completion would also add more people to the maps and give folks that don't want the grind.


I know I don't need it never have never will but there should be a more viable options other than saying you have to do WvW or PvE.


At the end of the day does it make your pixels less shiny? I look at it as a convivence thing like the Armory. I have "ground" all but 4 Gen 1 Legendries so I know the routine.

What you're not seeing is everyone except yourself.


People sink hundreds if not thousands of gold into the pieces, do this content that actually requires some degree of dedication and skill weekly while also helping keep that particular game mode populated.
The grind is explicitly there for a reason, it's a long term endgame goal for something that is completely optional and only gives you QoL. That's why you have e.g. the timegates in all three modes.
This isn't about "shiny pixels" either, I purely use my legendary armor for stat swap too. The fact that you're comparing this to getting a free piece handed to you after merely doing map completion, without any costs or such associated to it, spits in the face of everyone who put in significant amounts of time and effort across all game modes, greatly devaluing their effort because you don't want to do the same.

Also PvE stands for Player vs. Environment. Raids are literally PvE, whether you think they are or not is irrelevant due to the definition being set in stone.

Edited by NovaanVerdiano.6174
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There's PvE and PvP. If Raid is not PvE, then....

A solution: Just have Tequatl drop 1 token per day per account which are bound. And you need 180 tokens for a full set of armors. By doing daily farming, you can have one legendary armor piece per month ( 6 months for a full set and 1 1/2 year to equip all your alts).


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This has already been discussed a lot of times. Why again? 
PvE means Player versus Environment, Raids are PvE and there already is a PvE legendary armor. 
You want legendary armor? The game gives you three ways to get it. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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4 minutes ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

And why do you get to define what others need to do to obtain said thing? And no Raids are not PvE in my opinion.

I'm not the one defining what others need to do to get Legendary armor, Anet already defined how to get it. It doesn't matter if Raids are PvE or not in your opinion, by their structure they are PvE. Players play together against enemies controller by the game. 

4 minutes ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

Lets get technical when you take a Keep in WvW is the Boss a live player? I think not

WvW has players fighting on top of fighting NPCs as well. I will repeat it, in Raids you only fight NPCs, you can't fight other players. That's why it's PvE.

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6 minutes ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:


Like I said earlier it does not take anything away from your choice of grind. And I did Map completion when it includes all 4 of the WvW maps, when they changed this it did not diminish what I did.


Why do some insist on making one achievement more important than another? How does it affect your quality of life if something changes? Does your armor not work as well?


I was happy when they made it easier on others for map completion.

Yes, I too did my first multiple 100% map completions when WvW was mandatory. There is a massive difference between not having to do WvW maps for world completion which at the time was potentially straight up impossible if your server was bad but would take an hour or two tops if your server was good and giving a means of acquiring legendary armor pieces that'll take the average player probably 15-20 hours while also completely cutting any and all material sinks associated to it. It HEAVILY takes away from the other methods and will result in everyone who wants legendary armor to do map exploration because you already have to do that for many other legendaries and it's *literally free.* It will also kitten everyone off who spent thousands of gold on multiple sets on Legendary Armor only to find they could acquire it much easier and for free now.

What for those who have already have Legendary Armor and Map Completion both? Is it going to be awarded retroactively and some people will simply get dozens of pieces of Armor, more than they can use? Is it not going to be retroactive and screw everyone who's done it on all their chars and is at max slots?


Legendary Armor is one of THE long term goals in the game, Anet handing it out for essentially free would be a shotgun blast to their own foot. You also need to realise the skin is literally the least important thing about the Legendary Armor.

Edited by NovaanVerdiano.6174
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1 minute ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

I have already disproved your Raid theory it is like WvW at the end you fight an NPC Boss.


Again what does it hurt your feelings? ANd if this has already been discussed multiple times I don't remember your participation being required?


Glad to have you but your comment would have meant more without the first line.

You haven't disproven anything; World vs. World is what's known as PvEvP, i.e. a mix of both PvE and PvP.

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Just now, NovaanVerdiano.6174 said:

You haven't disproven anything; World vs. World is what's known as PvEvP, i.e. a mix of both PvE and PvP.

He must have seen a video where someone got killed as sacrifice on Matthias and uses that as a reasoning why it's WvW. 
"Oh, this content is literally just like any other PvE content, it's like WvW!"

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32 minutes ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

Why does this hurt your feelings that someone attain something without your preferred methid of grind?

I don't raid.  Have never raided.  Will never raid.  Also, I have no legendary armor.  Have never had any legendary armor.  Will never get any legendary armor.


Because I don't do these things.  Why should I be rewarded the same as everyone else who does?

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9 minutes ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

I have already disproved your Raid theory it is like WvW at the end you fight an NPC Boss.


Again what does it hurt your feelings? ANd if this has already been discussed multiple times I don't remember your participation being required?


Glad to have you but your comment would have meant more without the first line.

It doesn’t  hurt my feelings, don’t worry. I got my three legendary armor sets. 
But I just don’t see the need to add a fourth way to get legendary armor, the existing three ways are enough. Everyone who wants a legendary armor has multiple options  to choose from. 
It’s just a lazy attempt to get a reward without doing the stuff that is required like the rest of us did. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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3 minutes ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:


Sorry you were doing fine with your response until you got Lazy and decided anyone that didn't want to do it or have time to do it your way was lazy. 🙄


It’s not my way. It’s the way the game sets. The game gives you three different ways to get legendary armor, why a fourth? 
I mean legendary armor just for map completion? Why not legendary armor as login reward? 

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59 minutes ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

Thats where we differ Raids are not PvE I figured this would bring out the Elitist lol


Wouldn't "Elitist" require that I have at least finished one raid?  I not only haven't completed one, but I have never even set foot in one.  I also own 0 pieces of Legendary gear.

PvE literally means Player vs Environment.  This is exactly what a raid is, and so, your premise is flawed.

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47 minutes ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:


I guess we can agree to disagree my friend I don't see the reason behind a long sync. I'm just glad this decision would be made by ArenaNet but it would renew interest in mapping and allow others to enjoy stat swapping on armor. I know too many folks that get disillusioned when they make a build only to have the next update nerf it and they can't afford to change.


And the armor can be ugly I'm going to skin it anyway just like I do all my legendary weapons 

This is exactly what people said about the spvp and wvw armor it dident need a skin just wanted the functionality.

Look at it now there are people who want a different skin for it because it deserves it.

Would be the same with your armor idea mate.

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1 hour ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:


You are just looking at it as a 2 lane highway. Come to the interstate it will blow your mind.

I am looking at the facts. You are stating falsehoods while attempting to deflect criticism of an objectively false statement by claiming that it is just an opinion.

The fact that, in WvW, on a given attack on an objective opposing players might choose to not defend has zero bearing on your falsehood regarding raids.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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1 hour ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

Just wondering what most think about giving the general PVE community the ability to obtain Legendary Armor.

I'm sure one of the past 827356180276 threads might have the answer.

Edited by lokh.2695
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2 hours ago, Lite Ning Strike.5203 said:

Just wondering what most think about giving the general PVE community the ability to obtain Legendary Armor.


I've never liked WvW or PvP because it gets a little heated (some take it too serious) but would like to be able to get Legendary Armor. Not for prestige but for the ability to swap the stats and sigils and such. Heck make it ugly like all Ascended Armor is now just the stat swap.

How about getting one piece of your choice for map completion? Isn't this the same as griding in WvW and PvE but for the PvE players?


This will not take anything away from anyone who has done the grind in WvW and PVE it just allows PvE players to have the same choice for armor as all over styles of play. You would have to do map completion on 6 characters to get a full set. To me that seems to be a fair trade-off.


As far as anyone saying it diminishes their accomplishments I did my first 5 map completions when we had to do all WvW maps as well and when they took away the WvW part it didn't make my accomplishments feel any less.


Thanks All 😁

You already do have the same choice for reward acquisition as other players though. And raids clearly are pve.

...getting one piece for map complition must be a straight up joke btw? 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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