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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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On 3/10/2023 at 2:20 PM, Rockhound.9605 said:

<sigh> ANet support directed me this way. Despite me stating my reluctance to post in open forums.

This is a request for a fairly minor game improvement. One that most players will probably not understand the need for. Despite the personal nature of this request, ANet support said they couldn't do anything and I needed to submit my request here... so here I am. 😔

Like about 8-12% of genetic males, I have a color vision issue. I can cope with a most in-game content and the in-built Windows 10 color filters can help a bit too. However, there is something I really struggle with... Commander Tags!

I've had the commander capability for years, but I rarely use it... When you want to create a squad, you have to select a tag (plain or catmander... I have both) in a particular color. When I go to select one of these, there are no tooltips stating the color you are selecting. As a result, I don't have any clue what color tag I'm picking. On one memorable occasion, I tagged-up for a daily bounty in the Domain of Vabbi. I posted in map-chat "Bounty on white tag" and the immediate response from map chat was "What white tag???" Yes, you've guessed it. I had picked a
pink tag but I had not realised. Yay! 😖

The same sort of thing happens if I pick green, orange or yellow; because they're basically interchangeable colors as far as I'm concerned. So I avoid them like the plague! If I have no idea what color commander tag I'm picking, I can't tell anyone what color tag to
follow for an event. As a result, I don't tag up much. Even my guild don't understand why I don't tag up. I have >34AP and know a lot about the game, so they really don't understand why I'm so reluctant to tag-up. It's a stupidly simple thing. I don't know what color tag I am!!!!

stating the commander tag color would be incredibly helpful.

I 100% support this request. I personally don’t suffer from color-blindness (quite the opposite, actually), but I’m fully in favor of small interface accommodations that help people enjoy the game better. Simple tooltips or labels should be easy enough to add to color choices, maybe pulling from dye color labels as an existing resource.


For those that might say public assistance is a simple request, I don’t feel you understand the dynamics of how difficult that can be. For every 10 players that would be supportive and helpful, it only takes the one trollish, socially destructive person to ruin it when a player exposes a personal life challenge to a larger community for scrutiny.

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The programmable Meta-"Salvage kit" or Inventory managing bot:


Optimal Scrapping ( -> https://fast.farming-community.eu/salvaging/unid-gear) is a quite complex process, that depends on your available items as well. I would love to buy a bot for that in the gem-store, if it has the following possibilities:

  • I can place my available Salvage Kits (and bank accesss and Trader access and rune extractors) inside.
  • I can define a list of rules, each testing some some features of the items and do an action on it
  • I can double click it, to apply the  it on a stack or item
  • I can choose an apply rule to all my (not invisible/shared) inv
  • I can check-box to apply it automatically to new incomming items.

Actions I would like to execute in the then part of the rules:

  • open it (e.g. if it is a box)
  • identify it (if it is unidentified gear)
  • use it (if it is a (bonus-)consumable)
  • scrap it with tool X, where X is one of the "Salvage kits" deployed
  • move to mats-storage (if it has a slot there)
  • sell it to HP (either immediate for highest request, or offer it at chepeast offer)
  • if Bank-Access is deployed (either a stack of single use or a permanent one) move to bank

Tests to be executed on the items

  • type, i.e. undentified_gear, armor, weapon, jewelery, container, material (has a material bank slot), bonus (e.g. karma bottle, wexp bottle, anything that can be only consumed), luck, other_consumable, ..., other
  • quality, i.e. normal, fine, masterwork, rare, exo (not pre-cursor), pre-cursor, asc, legendary
  • hp_price of item
  • contains_upgrade
  • price_of_contained_rune/sigil in the HP

Ideally this can be easily copy/pasted/published on web-site, that people can take it from others, e.g. the above fast farming web-site.


Here is an example ruleset

  1. if hp_price >30s or quality in {pre-cursor, ascended, legendary} then nothing
  2. elif type=material then move_to_bank
  3. elif type=container then open
  4. elif type=bonus then use it
  5. elif type=unidentified_gear then idenfify (or: sell_hp or offer_hp)
  6. elif contains_upgrade and sell_price(upgrade) > 30s then black-lion-savalage-kit
  7. elif contains_upgrade then rune-salvage-kit
  8. elif quality in {rare, exotic} silver-salvage-kit
  9. else copper-salvage-kit
Edited by Dayra.7405
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The Meta-Teleport tool.


Thanks for the books for the LS-parts, but still the Teleportation devices are cosuming more shared inv slots than are buyable.

Can we get Meta-Teleport tool where all the teleporter (incl. the gem-store buyable ones like World-boss, home instance, ...) can be placed into, and the be used like the LS-Teleport books, just with hierachy levels.

One of the main reseans of not buying items like Home Portal Stone, Recharging Teleport to Friend, World Boss Portal Device, Maguuma Pact Operation Portal Device, .... is that they need shared inventory slots to be really useful and the limited ones existing (I have all 28) are used for items I use more often.


Edited by Dayra.7405
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3 hours ago, cgMatt.5162 said:

Let us rearrange equipment and build template tabs without having to re-create them all the time.


To add to the “re-arrange” suggestion, Guilds. I want to re-arrange my guilds and not bother the officers to re-invite me (and with the timezone difference, it's going to be a hassle).

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4 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

Or less or none. It’s all the same. Change is bad so never change. 

Whether he wants all of them or more of them, it's still aimed at lowering the necessity of making a meaningful choice while overally powercreeping his character. Meanwhile in this case "less" is literally "none", so not sure what you're trying to show with this post, please explain. And no, it's not about "change is bad so never change" on my side, it's about not removing meaningful choices making characters/builds/situations they're used in different from each other. Bad attempt at diluting what I say.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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That issue would be solved by making it easy to flip between bot modules...the current setup discourages the use of all but the optimal modules (and esp. the situational ones like skiff, glider, or turtle).  Even the quickest method (porting to/from Thousand Seas Pavilion) has some issues with open world, as you'll miss some of the action if doing a meta (loading screens) and might not even end up on the same map when you return.

Edited by Nazarick.9653
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4 minutes ago, Krexen.9057 said:

I have 9 Asurans, and a single bank.


Please allow bank tabs to be named. My bank is organized, but I'm still spending way too much time looking for things. It would be nice to go straight to the tab with keys in it, for example.

Whilst you await implementation of your suggestion, can you not use the 'Search' feature to find 'keys', etc.?

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21 hours ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Whilst you await

I can. I'm lazy when it comes to typing, if I'm holding the mouse. :classic_laugh:

Confused about the confused reactions. This is QOL ideas, right? I assumed the ability to name bank tabs would fall under that category. Yes, I can use the search feature. But that already exists, no? Hence why I'm here. Please PM me, or respond, with why that's confusing.

Edited by Krexen.9057
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11 hours ago, Malus.2184 said:

Please make a system where Agony Resistance is an account-wide attunement. It's so annoying to only be able to do Fractals with a few select characters.

just play more or buy +1 infusions on the trading post ( they are dirt cheap) that you merge into +9 with the cat bot inside fractal lobby.

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Hello people.

Please consider the following requests:



● Add Ascended items to the list of salvageable items, using the Trading Post's purchased: Runecrafter's Salvage-O-Matic.



● Add this new mode: 

Battle Arena PvC. (Players Vs Computer)

Recreate all major boss fights from Guild Wars 1.

Including: Shiro, Varesh, The Lich. 

Also you could add the Gunnar's Hold Tournament fights. 

In this mode, players would create a squad to fight Bosses in their home Arena.


● Engineer Turrets:

The Turrets could have four mechanical/Robotic legs and follow player around.

One of them could even hover instead. Such as a shielding one.



● Holosmith:

Is there any chance at all that you could improve or change the visual textures on holo Utility Skills, please?


Trading Post:

● Skins:

Any chance that you could make skins always available at any given time? 

Some mount skins are only available every 2-3 months or maybe longer sometimes. 

Promotions would still take effect as is now, but making all of the skins available to purchase.



● Novelty Skins.

Would you consider making all the species skins be able to be combat-able using our current weapons?

For instance, Kodan, Hell Skeleton, and Skins of that nature?

If possible, also make Duel Transformations be able to use their attack skills on wild monsters, but not on other players?

It would be interesting to attack a rabbit or a Deer whilst being an Awk.


Well thank you, and have a good one.




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11 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

just play more or buy +1 infusions on the trading post ( they are dirt cheap) that you merge into +9 with the cat bot inside fractal lobby.

1 +9 Agony Infusion = 256 +1 Agony Infusion = 12.80 silver at 5 copper pr +1. Then +9 itself costs 3 gold, 81 silver, and 44 copper. total price  3 gold, 94 silver, 14 copper. 17 +9 to get AR 153, for a total investment of 67 gold, 2 silver, and 8 copper. This is without potion and Mistlock.

The build also needs Ascended Gear, which is another 47 gold and 50 silver if possible to buy from Crystallographer Smoxxi.

This brings the total up to 114 gold, 51 silver, and 8 copper.

Legendary armor can reduce this cost significantly and people without that need to invest 114.51.08 gold per build they want to do Fractals with. This is prohibitively expensive for especially new players. It's also costly for long-time players without Legendary armor.

Edited by Malus.2184
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Just a combat mount idea,

A long otter, you go faster than jackal and have 3 little dash.
Those dash go not so far but deal bleed and dmg.
It's a good mount for flat map and tag enemis along the road.
The spell 1 is a dash of the mount like the roller bettle but you get eject of the mount before it dash.
(ps: sorry for my english, not my main language)

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Ascended drops are rare for me & when I do get one RNG rewards me with the same item repeatedly.
The excitement turns to disappointment which isn't what I want to feel when I get top quality lootski.
I have 3 Living Water torches & recycling them seems a waste.
What I would like to see is an Exchange NPC that allows the player the ability to swap for another item
in the same set
Weapon for weapon, armour for armour.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust (added this for the inevitable "confused" emoticon).
Kind of like the NPC where we exchange old versions of Black Lion items for the updated ones. 
If you want to "qualify" the swap you can always charge something.
How about some of the junk items we get that now have the possibility to be something else thanks to jadebots.
25 lumps of crabmeat or some fine tier 3 quality junk
Just a thought

Edited by BnooMaGoo.5690
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There really needs to be a way to disable the auto-interaction with the Reality Rifts once the Ruler of the Skys achievement is finally completed.

Several of the rifts are in rather inconvenient places making it so that when you are roaming around the open world, your mount gets yanked off course by your character auto-engaging with the rift.

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