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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas [Merged]


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No, absolutely not. There's so many issues involved in that up to and including new players leaving the game entirely because they picked GW2 as it's marketed as a PvE game with no PvP in PvE areas only to end up being ganked when they entered a map, either for the first time or because it was PvE-only last time they were there and now it's PvP. Plus trying to do the personal story or map completion while dodging players would be a nightmare and was a large part of why WvW was removed as a requirement to get 100% world completion.

There's also the issue of coding. We don't know the exact details of how the game handles PvP other than a dev saying it's difficult to have selective PvP in PvE areas, and that WvW and PvP have different limitations compared to PvE. Which brings up the issue of novelties and possibly mounts having to be disabled map-wide, same with some items that are usable in PvE but not WvW or PvE due to past exploits.

It would be a nightmare and a half to do, turn people off, and have no benefit. If you want to gank people or duel, there's WvW. If you want to fight a team, there's PvP. PvE does not need PvP added to it, especially when there are other options for PvP but not for people who want to only PvE.

Hunger Royale/Southsun Survival is the closest you're going to get in PvE, with HR being limited to a beta weekend in 2012.

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No thanks, we have WvW for this.  Played on PvP servers for many years in another game, and while I enjoyed it, this is not the audience for that.  GW2 is more cooperative and helpful in open world.  

Trying to do dailies, farm, do events or metas while being paranoid about pvp'ers is not a mode favored by everyone, when they just want to go to maps and have fun.  Some are empty enough, don't pull away from the existing PvP and WvW or discourage players from maps.  

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...i think that my idea of fun is very incompatible with OP's, because i can only feel horrified at the idea of OW PvP. It's actually a thing that would make me drop this game in an instant, if it was implemented.

Thankfully, it won't happen. Anet knows their playerbase too well to make that blunder.

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Amongst the four guild halls, Windswept Haven is the one that lacks a deep water area. This is why we can't place our Skiff anywhere, needless to say no Skiff fishing parties 😭 Sell us upgrades in the Gem Store if ANet needs money to finance resources. And while at it, give us Climate Control in our halls as well. Give us the options to choose to have a tropical wet weather or a snowy cold climate.

90% of my ex-guilds had already dumped WH and moved to IoR for greener pastures (and deeper water). I would too if not for my maxed decorations.

Let's us make Windswept Haven GREAT again! ☆★☆★☆

Edited by Min Min.9368
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A thread to find people who don't go to wvw 🤣


Relax fellas, I agree a separate queue for Pve and PvP instance would solve all your worries.

The folks in WvW and PvP would ENJOY a monthly event where a pve map opens up for some free play. It'll make sure it's not "dead". I guarantee it. WvW and PvP guys are thirsty for change. It's like dropping water in a desert that doesn't know water exists.


Have the option to join the PvE instance or the PvP one. That solves it, we all enjoy the game mode we like.

Wow is this a rainbow of harmony i see? 

The "vast" amount of players can carry on farming mobs, and my friends that enjoy the more competitive side of the game can farm your friends. ❤️

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Btw, was there a special ceremony going around where you can talk for the vast amount of players? 🤣 You're saying it like WvW and PvP don't have populations on them 🤷🏼

If there was a ceremony, I'd love to attend next time ❤️

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My current main QOL request would be to tweak how and for how long the game checks if you "are in combat" - often times I'll murder a mob with no other aggro on me and be stuck unable to mount up for 6 to 15 seconds. It's pace-breaking, and infuriating and unnecessary.

Additionally, why is changing mounts locked when combat begins? If I get CC'd and can't break it, I have a few seconds, often I'll swap to another mount while I can't do much else. I don't see the reason beyond possible spaghetti code, to lock this feature. Let players change their mounts whenever they want (There is already a mount-on and mount-off delay, and combat should still prevent getting ON The mount as it does not).


Might already exist and I'm blind, but also, can we get an option to have the auto-sort in the inventory arrange items by item age? Right now it just sort of haphazardly tosses things around, making for a weird session of Where's Walnut (ha) some times. Simply put, the items I've been clinging to for the longest should be in the top left most slots, while the newest should be near the end.


A larger ask (I have ADHD hush) is possibly adding indicators to items. I picked up a spiky looking ice crystal thing that just says trophy, so I thought "Collection or sell" but nope! Apparently you have to do something with it to turn it into...another item ? That has higher value but does *that* need to be sold or kept? I'm not saying you mouse over it and it goes "Go here do X then take Y item to Z and do such and such!" but like. A mark system perhaps?  If an item has "Other uses", have its icon or description be tagged with a symbol, such as + (Additional use) or X (No further use \ trash \ vendor item) or S (Special - one time teleports, totally unique items, items you want to be careful with) ?


Edit : Don't be fooled by the "recently joined" thing on my icon. I've been playing for a long long long time lol. 2015 I started, on another account (This one was for streaming reasons but that fell through so oh well!) quit for a while in 2018 when my made-of-paper Mesmer was getting murdered every 2 steps in POF :-P.


Edited by ChillNaga.5473
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Maybe already mentioned:


2+ (atm. 8, please go up to 10, maybe even 12) more Equipment-/Build-Templates for each character.

And - if you're really wild - split PvE/WvW/PvP (PvP already split tho) templates with each gamemode has its own names for Equipment-/Build-Templates (not even in PvP existing atm.)

Edited by Oberwaldmeister.8239
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Can y'all do another pass of mats that aren't stored in mat storage? Antique Summoning Stone, a slew of scribing mats (festive transom, wood cores, etc), the four dye flowers from home instance garden plots (names escape me atm), philosopher's stones, mystic crystals, mystic forge stones all come to mind. Would sure free up a lot of bank space.

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On 4/22/2023 at 5:56 AM, Spiral.3724 said:

QoL improvement for guild bank -- make it function like the regular bank so that you can double-click an item in your inventory and it automatically adds that item to a stack in the guild bank. Right now, people have to put ones and twos in the guild bank and it gets cluttered really fast. (If they don't have permissions to withdraw the partial stack, add their items, then redeposit the stack.)

Seconding this! It's such a pain. I want to give my guildies more of the mats they need to craft something.
Not add to their work by cluttering the guild bank.

Edited by Chrysline.2317
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Now that Reaper is seeing more use in endgame content again (finally!):

Can we please change the Squad UI Color for the "Health Bar" of the Reaper Shroud?
The violet color in the Squad UI for the Specter Shroud
shows that this is possible on the coding side of things.

Reaper shroud looks green like normal health bars, so this tend to gives our Raid/Strike Healers
panic attacks.

Please consider this QoL change. 🙏It's been a struggle for years.


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6 hours ago, Chrysline.2317 said:

Now that Reaper is seeing more use in endgame content again (finally!):

Can we please change the Squad UI Color for the "Health Bar" of the Reaper Shroud?
The violet color in the Squad UI for the Specter Shroud
shows that this is possible on the coding side of things.

Reaper shroud looks green like normal health bars, so this tend to gives our Raid/Strike Healers
panic attacks.

Please consider this QoL change. 🙏It's been a struggle for years.


I still don't understand why it isn't a split healthbar, showing shroud AND health...

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A way to rearrange weapon skills.

Sometimes, skills fulfill a certain role, like this is my AOE skill, that is my skill when I'm in a clinch etc. However, they're often in different skill slots for different weapons, e.g. Phantasmal Swordsman is skill 5 on sword but Phantasmal Berserker is skill 4 on the greatsword. This can be confusing.

There's no one "correct" arrangement, it's very personal and also situational, so ANet can't do it "right". Therefore, we should be able to choose the slots for the skills ourselves. In this example, I'd move sword 5 to slot 4 or greatsword 4 to slot 5, so the phantasm skills are on the same button for both weapon sets.

Edited by Abnaxos.4305
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The horizontal setting looks great when zoomed in as it looks like a proper 3rd person game but once you zoom out it looks very weird. It would be great if ArenaNet added a Horizontal Far option so we can center ourselves when zooming out as that makes sense and have it offset when zoomed in for Horizontal Near.

Idk where to really recommend this option other than here. Any other action combat players that would like to see this?

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