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The Max Swim Speed Infusion Exists in the Game... But is Impossible to Obtain

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Can we talk about how weird it is that there's an item in the game that can't actually be obtained by anyone?

You need 1,048,576 Swim-Speed Infusion +10s in total to get this infusion. At current trading post prices that's 476,158 gold... which I don't think is actually obtainable in a player's lifetime without using some exploit to break the game (which no one should be doing).

Even if, even IF a player were able to obtain that much gold they STILL wouldn't be able to get it because there are only about 29,500 swim speed +10 infusions on trading post. So the entire community of players that have been farming these infusions for gold haven't even managed to obtain a QUARTER of what's needed for a SINGLE max level infusion. Whatever dev thought this was a funny joke... the joke has run its course... and it wasn't funny to begin with.

I feel like I have to mention the poor excuse players say "It's optional and the skimmer is faster so it's not a problem". While this is true, it doesn't change the fact that every item in the game SHOULD AT LEAST be obtainable by the richest players in the game, if not via an insanely small drop chance on a boss monster. Having an item that is mathematically unobtainable isn't good for anyone.

As a final point I'll say, I'm not mad about it being unobtainable (or thinking "it's hard and I want it so make it easier", it's impossible so I can't want it)... this is just something I've been thinking about for years and wanted to get it out there.

Think about how incredibly weird it is to add an item to a game... that can't exist in the game.

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Yeah according to That_Shaman only 8 people on GW2 efficiency can afford it. I put his tweets in the other post about the infusions too. Seems like a madness system to me and not one worth pursuing - then again it never was. 


Edited by Randulf.7614
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27 minutes ago, Kimmi.3087 said:

Can we talk about how weird it is that there's an item in the game that can't actually be obtained by anyone?

You need 1,048,576 Swim-Speed Infusion +10s in total to get this infusion. At current trading post prices that's 476,158 gold... which I don't think is actually obtainable in a player's lifetime without using some exploit to break the game (which no one should be doing).

Even if, even IF a player were able to obtain that much gold they STILL wouldn't be able to get it because there are only about 29,500 swim speed +10 infusions on trading post. So the entire community of players that have been farming these infusions for gold haven't even managed to obtain a QUARTER of what's needed for a SINGLE max level infusion. Whatever dev thought this was a funny joke... the joke has run its course... and it wasn't funny to begin with.

I feel like I have to mention the poor excuse players say "It's optional and the skimmer is faster so it's not a problem". While this is true, it doesn't change the fact that every item in the game SHOULD AT LEAST be obtainable by the richest players in the game, if not via an insanely small drop chance on a boss monster. Having an item that is mathematically unobtainable isn't good for anyone.

As a final point I'll say, I'm not mad about it being unobtainable (or thinking "it's hard and I want it so make it easier", it's impossible so I can't want it)... this is just something I've been thinking about for years and wanted to get it out there.

Think about how incredibly weird it is to add an item to a game... that can't exist in the game.

Do I think that it's neccesarry to add such items, no, but things like this exist for a long time already (looking at you +30 agony infusion). Maybe it's also added with the second version of the game in mind, afaik it's at least much easier to get higher agony / stat infusions on the chinese client?

You can also not just look at the current number of sales to say that there haven't been enough infuison drops for all the people farming them, over 20k are sold and bought per day, if you add this numbers together over all the years, you would be able to make multiple 30% infusions.

I also thinks it's not fair to call everyone who could afford it an exploiter, if you know the market very well and invest a lot of time, I don't see why it shouldn't be possible.

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I'm quite amused about the whole situation. Swim Speed Infusions exist since 2018. Except for a few gold-farmers and even fewer adventurers, almost nobody cared about this feature.

According to the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Movement_Speed
Superspeed = movement speed cap at 400 u/s  (units per second)
Swim Speed Infusion +10 + Swiftness = 303 u/s
Swim Speed Infusion +30 + Swiftness = 342 u/s
Swim Speed Infusion +24 + Swiftness + Relic of Speed = 400 u/s

The Skimmer can do 550 u/s underwater.

What are the cases, where Swim Speed actually matters?
- during the underwater skimmer launch, when the race was bugged, you could finish it unmounted with a combination of the infusion + self/buffs + movement-skills
- guild-mission quaggan race
- Acquatic Fractal
- future underwater-content which does not allow Skimmer

They have already adjusted the chests to be park-character friendly, which means the price is going down sooner or later. 

I'm curious where this rollercoaster-ride goes. But I'm watching it from safe distance with a bag of popcorn and my +15 infusions, which are a couple of years old by now. Ironically, when I made the infusions for my character, I decided +15 would be a good point to stop.

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39 minutes ago, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

I'm quite amused about the whole situation. Swim Speed Infusions exist since 2018. Except for a few gold-farmers and even fewer adventurers, almost nobody cared about this feature.

According to the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Movement_Speed
Superspeed = movement speed cap at 400 u/s  (units per second)
Swim Speed Infusion +10 + Swiftness = 303 u/s
Swim Speed Infusion +30 + Swiftness = 342 u/s
Swim Speed Infusion +24 + Swiftness + Relic of Speed = 400 u/s

The Skimmer can do 550 u/s underwater.

What are the cases, where Swim Speed actually matters?
- during the underwater skimmer launch, when the race was bugged, you could finish it unmounted with a combination of the infusion + self/buffs + movement-skills
- guild-mission quaggan race
- Acquatic Fractal
- future underwater-content which does not allow Skimmer

They have already adjusted the chests to be park-character friendly, which means the price is going down sooner or later. 

I'm curious where this rollercoaster-ride goes. But I'm watching it from safe distance with a bag of popcorn and my +15 infusions, which are a couple of years old by now. Ironically, when I made the infusions for my character, I decided +15 would be a good point to stop.

Yup, it's interesting to see how now it suddenly became a huge deal for some individual players. but literally last week it wasn't an issue worth mentioning at all.

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yup, it's interesting to see how now it suddenly became a huge deal for some individual players. but literally last week it wasn't an issue worth mentioning at all.

i swear 90% of this forum just wants things to complain about

"We're giving Asura an extra toe..". RAGE!

Edited by Parasite.5389
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1 hour ago, Parasite.5389 said:

i swear 90% of this forum just wants things to complain about

"We're giving Asura an extra toe..". RAGE!

Think of all the changes to boots skins we would get oh wait this is anet only new ones going forward if that would be made with the new toe in mind.

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It does seem odd for Anet to go to the hassle of adding an item so few players can get, or could even come close to getting. I know some people will say this about any changes, but it really does seem like the effort would have been better spent on something else, since most players will probably look at the requirements and immediately give up on getting it.

My best guess is they're using the same sort of logic other games use when adding gear/level treadmills - that the point isn't for anyone to actually reach the goal but for everyone to always be able to work towards it, so when you get swim infusions they're never useless - you'll always have another upgrade to use them for and there will always be some demand on the TP so if you don't want that they'll be worth selling. Of course they could have just added a vendor value but maybe they thought it was safe to fall back on bad habits tried and true methods from older MMOs for something so trivial.

Alternatively maybe another round of changes to how swim speed infusions work is going to happen with the bonus event coming up soon that will make this easier to get.

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I assume that the expansion will provide a source of swimspeed infusions.  It is an archipelago after all.  We got swimsuits, the spear is now amphibious.  Water will be present.  

We just have to wait and see how Anet will make the infusions available.  I am sure that the new method, or methods for obtaining swimspeed infusions will be heavily criticized.

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Is it me only , that i want +13 Swimm imfusion to makes the new weapon to have faster animations , but i dont get affected by Quickness + Protecion (WvW) ?

At +15 (doesnt work in WvW) , each time i attack i drop a water bubble that when agthered  that makes my auto attack overpowerd from attack from the back (and 2 attacks goes on cd) , or i can "skate" to a random rolling  bubble that is moving away and then ranged attack the boss ?

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On 6/28/2024 at 12:15 PM, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

...What are the cases, where Swim Speed actually matters?...


3 hours ago, Vavume.8065 said:


Lol - swim speed actually does matter in WvW but only in a very specific situation that doesn't happen all that often. That's at the Bay garri on the Alpine Borderlands maps. Occasionally, the losing side in trying to cap or defend those garris will jump in the water to escape. Swim speed is helpful in capturing or escaping from enemies in that very specific situation that only happens occasionally.  HOWEVER - with the speculation about more underwater content in the new expansion as well as the upcoming Sunken Treasure Week, I was vaguely wondering if swim-speed infusions were actually worth it. 


On 6/28/2024 at 12:15 PM, HnRkLnXqZ.1870 said:

According to the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Movement_Speed
Superspeed = movement speed cap at 400 u/s  (units per second)
Swim Speed Infusion +10 + Swiftness = 303 u/s
Swim Speed Infusion +30 + Swiftness = 342 u/s
Swim Speed Infusion +24 + Swiftness + Relic of Speed = 400 u/s

I also looked at that chart on  the wiki. It turns out my WvW scrapper's superspeed works as well or better than even the most expensive of those infusions. While that scrapper's superspeed isn't permanently up, it is good enough to catch or escape from enemies in that one specific underwater fight scenario. So it turns out that I am not the least bit concerned about a swim-speed infusion that costs a gazillion gold. 🤣

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Tested it the other day as I converted all my +15 to the new account +15, I just need to do 32 runs of the master diver and all 9 of my characters will be at +20. I do think they should have a downgrade option as some of those who already have more than 1 above +15 could benefit from ripping them back down to a +# whatever they need for the account bonus.

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On 6/28/2024 at 5:22 PM, Kimmi.3087 said:

Even if, even IF a player were able to obtain that much gold they STILL wouldn't be able to get it because there are only about 29,500 swim speed +10 infusions on trading post.

You make a big mistake with this comment. The supply is NOT static and if they sell well more people will get them so the supply will continue. It's not like once these 29.5K are gone that then the game is out of them. You can still get them and I'm sure many players will happily sell them to you... for a price.

It's a long term goal. You shouldn't be able to get it in one fell swoop and supply and demand are not static on the TP.

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On 6/28/2024 at 6:34 PM, Drarnor Kunoram.5180 said:

It gets worse.  That's only to go from +25 to +30.  The actual total cost for the entire process is 1,082,368 +10 infusions plus an additional 32 for each equipment template beyond the first.

Counter point.   Eyes of Komir

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2 hours ago, starlinvf.1358 said:

Counter point.   Eyes of Komir

What do those have to do with anything?  They rain like crazy in Path of Fire and have very little in the way of use.

Swim speed infusions drop 2-4 at a time from chests with a collection reset and require absurd numbers.

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There aren't even enough swim infusions that exists to even make one. That_Shaman also said you'd have to farm the million yourself after buying them all.

I've opened 940 chests before this recent update and I only had enough to make four +20s. I gave up years ago when I realized I had to do what I did up to that point 1,020 times over.

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16 hours ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

There aren't even enough swim infusions that exists to even make one. That_Shaman also said you'd have to farm the million yourself after buying them all.

I've opened 940 chests before this recent update and I only had enough to make four +20s. I gave up years ago when I realized I had to do what I did up to that point 1,020 times over.

So your saying your rich now. Convert to the new Account +15 and upgrade with 1 +20 and sell the other 3 on TP or trading company for roughly 900g profit.

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