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Expansion hero point hunt is a HUGE PAIN


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Elite specializations are a good idea. The ability to play in a completely different way is great. Sadly, many of the professions pretty much require those "elite specs" in order to function properly in most of the game modes.

Finding the skill points for your hero can be amusing the first time, I guess, a chore the second time and absolute nightmare for every next character.

This game seems to be designed around fun - it removes many of the boring aspects from other mmos and tries to give you the experience you actually desire. Why then, I ask, are such absolutely vital parts of a character such as elite specs locked behind a barrier? Why must you put points in core skills you will never, ever use, just so you can actually unlock the ones you not only want, but actually NEED to be competitive? And why must wait until 80? Could it be because of the huge disparity between core profession skills and the elite ones? Could it be old, outdated design inferior to the new ones?

At the very least, it would be nice to be able to choose what you unlock first from the elite skills instead of following a set progression path. This way, you can take what you want and use it, instead of looking for videos how to get those points and truly start playing the game. Honestly, Verdant Brink..., if someone tells me he did not watch a video guide to get them all, I'll call him a liar.

Hero point hunting for elite skills is a chore, am I the the only one with this opinion?

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Most of the time i can get the necessary points in a single afternoon.Then again, i rarely have more than 1 of every class.I only have two warriors and elementalists i think.. i might have a second necromancer.

My point being, Especially now with mounts its to easy to get enough hero points it doesn't feel like a chore.. just a detour to the common path

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I don't have a problem with this. One of my favorite parts of gw2 has always been map completion (ish). And with mounts out now, I don't find this a struggle at all. And there is also unlocking them through wvw nowadays that speeds it up. (I've unlocked everything with the wvw tokens twice on characters)

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While I don't have a problem with hero points themselves, I really wish we could put points into elite specs before 80. You level from 1-80 playing one way before switching to a different way of playing post-80. Just makes 1-80 seem less fun and samey when leveling alts for the other elite specs. Then again, I'm an altoholic. I imagine this would solve OP's problem as well?

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I personally would be happy if there was a way for my third and other toons to gain elite specs without repeating content, but it's hard to imagine how ANet could ensure that veterans have enough stuff to do, that they have incentive to keep going back to areas (sometimes so that newbies can get help or just to keep the game populated), and generally so that it feels like we earned something, rather than just clicked a bunch (as many of us can do now for leveling up to 80).

Maybe it's a chore, but the OP would have to offer an alternative that satisfies the other goals that ANet has with the current setup.

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We actually need more hp sinks, got both e-specs unlocked and still sitting at over 400...

More on topic: we get enough hp's to unlock every trait/skill as well level to 80 (from level rewards alone) basically for free, and most hp's are really easy to both find and grab in the maps, it makes a lot of sense to be able to elite ESPECIALIZE only after unlocking the whole core stuff, i mean, how can you especialize yourself in something you dont know fully?

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@Fallesafe.5932 said:Huh?? I never needed more than half a day to max any elite spec (HoT or PoF). What are you complaining about?

I was wondering the same thing considering the fact that you don't need all of them. 25/40 is enough to max out the HoT spec while most PoF ones are easier.

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:I personally would be happy if there was a way for my third and other toons to gain elite specs without repeating content, but it's hard to imagine how ANet could ensure that veterans have enough stuff to do, that they have incentive to keep going back to areas (sometimes so that newbies can get help or just to keep the game populated), and generally so that it feels like we earned something, rather than just clicked a bunch (as many of us can do now for leveling up to 80).

Maybe it's a chore, but the OP would have to offer an alternative that satisfies the other goals that ANet has with the current setup.

I don't think that strategy worked very well. I already maxed out all my PoF elite spec on all characters a few minutes after PoF was released. :P

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HoT HPs were pretty bad, I agree. Had to wait several days to get that vampire HP in Verdant Brink or that mushroom queen in Tangled Depths... then again, that was before I understood the game better. At some point, I even solo'd that spider HP in Tangled Depths... a 10 minute war of attrition where every hit made me cringe, not my exact idea of fun. More like Dark Souls with way less dodges :sCompared to HoT, most of the PoF HPs were rather doable, I'd say.

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@Plautze.6290 said:HoT HPs were pretty bad, I agree. Had to wait several days to get that vampire HP in Verdant Brink or that mushroom queen in Tangled Depths... then again, that was before I understood the game better. At some point, I even solo'd that spider HP in Tangled Depths... a 10 minute war of attrition where every hit made me cringe, not my exact idea of fun. More like Dark Souls with way less dodges :sCompared to HoT, most of the PoF HPs were rather doable, I'd say.The thing is though you don't need those HPs for elite spec (they're for map complete), you can get by with just the easiest ones.

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@Hannelore.8153 said:

@Plautze.6290 said:HoT HPs were pretty bad, I agree. Had to wait several days to get that vampire HP in Verdant Brink or that mushroom queen in Tangled Depths... then again, that was before I understood the game better. At some point, I even solo'd that spider HP in Tangled Depths... a 10 minute war of attrition where every hit made me cringe, not my exact idea of fun. More like Dark Souls with way less dodges :sCompared to HoT, most of the PoF HPs were rather doable, I'd say.The thing is though you don't need those HPs for elite spec (they're for map complete), you can get by with just the easiest ones.

I know. IIRC, you don't even need to get all of the commune ones to completely unlock the elite spec (taking all those HPs from core Tyria map completion into account). But I did it for the completionist in me ;)

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@Korunos.4758 said:Okay guys you all say that you did some HP runs. With randoms or with your guild?I need a lot of HP too and I always try to do it by my own and I fail so hard.So I would need some help.Where do you find those HP runs?

In the LFG tool. Go to Open World and then Verdant Brink. There are frequently HP runs that start there and do all the HOT maps other than Dragons Stand which is more than enough to unlock an elite.

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Unlocking hero points through WvW has been a good option for me to avoid repetition in PvE. It may not be a faster grind if you are only interested in the points, but just focusing on playing WvW for a while can be entertaining and before you know it you have enough currency to unlock HPs with regular intervals.

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