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Should I continue playing this game?


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I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but...

I need some advice to why and if I should continue play this game after 4089 hours across all characters. My issue is that I'm not at good at this game. I don't participate in raids, and high level fractals because I'm not good at the game. It is not my goal to be top a tier GW2 player but I really enjoy the story and the world of Tyria. Playing Path of fire, make me feel so weak and vulnerable as a weaver (berserker + soldier trinkets) that I wonder why anyone still calls me the commander. Do anyone else feel the same or is it just me that is not capable of enjoying the northern parts of Elona?

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@AstronomyD.8235 said:I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but...

I need some advice to why and if I should continue play this game after 4089 hours across all characters. My issue is that I'm not at good at this game. I don't participate in raids, and high level fractals because I'm not good at the game. It is not my goal to be top a tier GW2 player but I really enjoy the story and the world of Tyria. Playing Path of fire, make me feel so weak and vulnerable as a weaver (berserker + soldier trinkets) that I wonder why anyone still calls me the commander. Do anyone else feel the same or is it just me that is not capable of enjoying the northern parts of Elona?

I'm in the same boat, Astronomy, and can't do a lot of high end content either because the reflexive requirements are too high. But we both enjoy the world of Tyria and the story, so I'd encourage you to stick with it regardless of any upper echelon expectations of how you should play. Also keep in mind Weaver is a new spec - have you tried swapping to Tempest? If you have trouble avoiding damage, I can recommend a good build.

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The best thing about Guild Wars 2 is that you can always take a break and come back. I always recommend people to do this whenever they become bored or aren't sure about what they want to do. It's a nice refresh.

By the same token, one of the general problems with MMO's, in my opinion, is I always feel I get left behind, what with all the items in my inventory/bank that I've now forgotten the purpose of, being behind in builds, etc.

Another problem to consider is one I'm currently facing now: I know very little about raids and fractals, and finding people that have a desire to teach/walk you through/play along with you is very difficult. Sure, the go-to response is "Go look it up!", which is indeed valid, but I want to learn by actually playing the game like day 1. Spending time studying the game outside of playing it kind of defeats the purpose of gaming. Eh, my rant ends here. :sweat_smile:

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I feel that if you're not having fun, the game will start feeling like a chore or a job opposed to a pass time. There are a few options:

1) This has been stated a few times, but I agree that perhaps taking a break from the game and regrouping is a good idea. Not only does it allow you to come back with fresh eyes and new vigor, it also gives you time to prioritize as to what you may want to do.

2) Just randomly make missions for yourself in an area you're comfortable in. Although, if truth be told, that may seem like redundant advice. For instance, when I start getting bored, I go to Queensdale and kill a bunch of stupid bandits. Or sometimes I help out others that need assistance.

3) Perhaps getting assistance with your build may help you survive those tougher enemies. I know the feeling of being like paper to scissors, after awhile, I just took a break, did a little research, but ultimately decided to experiment with builds and weapons. It helped out a lot and actually made me to appreciate the classes I play and get better at them, which I need, because I have poor reflexes, sometimes, so, yep, I'll survive by the skin of my teeth (sometimes, when i'm not dead or being knocked into oblivion, or falling to my death.) but I learned what to do and what not to do.

4)Take your time and experience different things. I'm sure you will do great in Elona soon enough! Practice makes perfect, blah, blah, blah. XD

That being said: You're not weak, it's just a new map you have to adjust to. I'm sure with time and experience you'll be slaying left and right! Take care of yourself, blessed be.

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I get burned out and take frequent breaks from any one game. The most important thing to ask is: are you still having fun?

I would love to raid, but I don't have the time needed to commit to learning them. I hate having to hold back a raid team because an irl emergency interferes. Piano man, I totally get where you are coming from.

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@AstronomyD.8235 said:I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but...

I need some advice to why and if I should continue play this game after 4089 hours across all characters. My issue is that I'm not at good at this game. I don't participate in raids, and high level fractals because I'm not good at the game. It is not my goal to be top a tier GW2 player but I really enjoy the story and the world of Tyria. Playing Path of fire, make me feel so weak and vulnerable as a weaver (berserker + soldier trinkets) that I wonder why anyone still calls me the commander. Do anyone else feel the same or is it just me that is not capable of enjoying the northern parts of Elona?

Don't jump to conclusions. The way you're feeling is exactly how it always feels to jump into new content. When HoT came out, I was getting 2-shotted by trash mobs everywhere I went. When I broke imto T2 fractals, I felt overwhelmed and thought I wasn't good enough. Then, when I made T3, I felt the same way. And all over gain, when I made it into T4. Then PoF came out, and I was getting nuked to death by the hydras.

It's just a small hill to get over. Stop being so glum and existential lol.

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@AstronomyD.8235 said:I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but...

I need some advice to why and if I should continue play this game after 4089 hours across all characters. My issue is that I'm not at good at this game. I don't participate in raids, and high level fractals because I'm not good at the game. It is not my goal to be top a tier GW2 player but I really enjoy the story and the world of Tyria. Playing Path of fire, make me feel so weak and vulnerable as a weaver (berserker + soldier trinkets) that I wonder why anyone still calls me the commander. Do anyone else feel the same or is it just me that is not capable of enjoying the northern parts of Elona?

Elementalist is, IMO, the most challenging profession of the nine. Weaver, with its dual attunements, puts even more of a burden on remembering what does what. That increases the chance that a player might react with the wrong choice, or take too long to make a choice. If you're also running sword/X, then you're in close combat, which further cuts down on reaction time. Enemy attacks take less time to get to you, and chances are you have a harder time picking up the cues when in close.

So, questions. Are you a one-profession player? If so, is your headset, "Melee mage or nothing!"? Are you married to your gear choices? If the answer to any of the questions is, "no." then maybe switching something up would allow you a better experience. Rangers and Necromancers are a lot more forgiving than Elementalists.

More questions. Are you a solo-only player? If not, are you in a guild? You might find playing with someone to be a better experience.

During times when I don't feel like I'm enjoying a game, I find it useful to examine my choices. Sometimes, I find that my choices limit my options. Thinking outside the box I may have put myself in allows me to come at a problem with a different approach. Thinking this way has saved several games for me. If that advice seems good to you, perhaps consider changing something up.

Good luck, and I hope you have fun.

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Perhaps you can look at your profession and trait/stat set. If you don't feel powerful then maybe something else will give you that feeling. Maybe you need to switch your stuff to provide more HP, Toughness and Healing -- that way if you don't have the reflexes to dodge and adjust to attacks you have the stats to weather and overcome the attacks you can't dodge. It'll take longer to kill things but who knows -- maybe that'll make the fights feel more epic?

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Felt like rerolling to a different main class today while playing power weaver with sw/d. Switched to tempest a bit for some ease of play and then I rememberd the staff. So I switched to staff weaver and the elite feels powerful now and decided that I'll use other weapons for weaver after I'll gather some gold for a condi build (blew all my gold buying the new weapons cause they look so cool :( ). As other have said before, this game is all about setting goals.

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Personally, I think as long as you are having fun, that's all that matters. It's a game that's meant to be for enjoyment. Don't put pressure on yourself to be this amazing player. Just play, have fun and don't worry about all that.

This is coming from someone who was a hardcore raider in another game years ago. I had a blast and was a great raid healer but the game started to feel like a second job. Needless to say I quit the game for almost two years and when I returned, I changed my mindset. I no longer worried about being the best healer, best PvP player or playing the best spec. I returned as a casual player and just played the spec or class that was fun for me and did the content that was fun for me. My gaming became so much more enjoyable.

On a side note: Don't be so hard on yourself if you are struggling with the Weaver. It's new for you and the first day of release. It might take some time to adjust or you might decide a different spec, specialization or class is more enjoyable. A guild member who has played for a long time is having a hard time with the Weaver at the moment right now too. Its different and a learning process.

Maybe you may decide a break is good. But really, as long as you are having fun, that's all that matters.

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You know.... I am terrible at the game, I won't burden a party with my badness on a raid.....but still there is tons for me to do, I have met people I actually consider friends and I'm always stumbling on something new and I don't get left out of the story like I did in wow because I don't raid.

Only you can answer your question but personally I'm not going anywhere until the shut down the servers

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This is my Advice; "Never Play a game past the point of being fun"

When the game is no longer fun, it's time to stop playing it, even if just for a little while. Take a break, play something else.

I'd suggest Trove as a great game and very casual friendly, however it's Voxel, so it looks simplistic on the surface. But, it's a great time-fill game with a ton of directionless things to do, to get away from GW2.

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I'm not sure why so many people are recommending a break, OP isn't burned out, OP's issue is the content difficulty is higher than his skill level, that's not gonna change with a break.

If you enjoy elementalist and don't want to start with a new class I suggest switching out of weaver, back to tempest, and play a bit more defensively. Tempest also has problems with making you go to close range for overloads but for the most part you can stay ranged if your weapon is ranged, whereas with a sword you'll always stay melee and won't be able to react quickly without being used to all the new skills, traits and abilities. Glyph of Storms on Earth will give you a lot of breathing room since it continuously blinds the target and it cannot hit you, elementals and lesser elementals can take aggro off you, specially the earth ones. You can swap out berserker armor for marauder if you want to trade some damage for extra vitality

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The thing is, it's not going to get better. The devs keep pushing harder and harder content, even in open world. The new bounties are like mini raid bosses with tons of mechanics, so many that you can't dodge everything, and of course, nobody wants to support/heal, so it's kind of tricky. A break, as other people suggested, won't help with that, you're not going to get better after some time away from the game, quite the opposite

It's now two expansions with significantly more challenging solo and open world content, which means they're not going back to the core game design philosophy, so ultimately, it's up to you to decide if you really enjoy that or not and if you really want to spend time to try to learn how every single monster works, but then again there are thousands and imo way too many do not share animations or timers, so you have to learn then one by one, which makes the game exponentially less accessible with every patch/expac. Even for someome with quite a good memory, it can get overwhelming rather quickly. Too much variety and not enough clear and unique ways to communicate big incoming hits are core design elements this game will likely carry forever. Whether that's your thing or not is the key question here.

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@AstronomyD.8235 said:I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but...

I need some advice to why and if I should continue play this game after 4089 hours across all characters. My issue is that I'm not at good at this game. I don't participate in raids, and high level fractals because I'm not good at the game. It is not my goal to be top a tier GW2 player but I really enjoy the story and the world of Tyria. Playing Path of fire, make me feel so weak and vulnerable as a weaver (berserker + soldier trinkets) that I wonder why anyone still calls me the commander. Do anyone else feel the same or is it just me that is not capable of enjoying the northern parts of Elona?

Also, sometimes finding the right people to play with can be a major help.I am no where near high level content skills, but I still try raids because I have a group of friends who don't care if we fail, don't care if we aren't quite meta and never give up just from a couple losses, because I mean you still get the currency anyway ;) but seriously, it's all about finding people who can make things fun and allow you to look at the high level content in a more amusing way without fear of failure and causing anger to people.

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I couldn't make in two yards into the first hot zone without dying. I had to change builds, change techniques, etc. It's not all that unusual with ANet major updates to feel lost. Try asking for specific help/advice and see how it goes.

Then, if it's still not fun, as others have said, take a break. The game ain't going nowhere; you can come back whenever you like.

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@Rennie.6750 said:The thing is, it's not going to get better. The devs keep pushing harder and harder content, even in open world. The new bounties are like mini raid bosses with tons of mechanics, so many that you can't dodge everything, and of course, nobody wants to support/heal, so it's kind of tricky. A break, as other people suggested, won't help with that, you're not going to get better after some time away from the game, quite the opposite

I am going to disagree, sometimes, playing other games can in fact improve your overall ability to play any game.

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Thanks for all of the great feedback. GW2 community is another reason to continue playing :)

I'll try going back to staff tempest and full soldiers armor set for more survivability (this is what ArenaNet give you after using the level 80 booster). Alternatively I'll give other classes a shot to see if learning the content make things easier as some of you have suggested.

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@AstronomyD.8235 said:I'm not sure why I'm posting this, but...

I need some advice to why and if I should continue play this game after 4089 hours across all characters. My issue is that I'm not at good at this game. I don't participate in raids, and high level fractals because I'm not good at the game. It is not my goal to be top a tier GW2 player but I really enjoy the story and the world of Tyria. Playing Path of fire, make me feel so weak and vulnerable as a weaver (berserker + soldier trinkets) that I wonder why anyone still calls me the commander. Do anyone else feel the same or is it just me that is not capable of enjoying the northern parts of Elona?

Did you try Path of Fire with a build you are more used to, rather than jump to the new shinny elite spec immediately?I remember when I first tried Tempest i didn't like it at all. It grew slowly with me and I got better at it. That's why I didn't jump directly to Weaver to try the new content.Sometimes change makes things much harder, until you are used to it.

Basically two choices:Try Path of Fire with your Tempest so you learn the mechanics of the enemies first, then move to fight them on Weaver ORTry Weaver on old content that you already have experience with and once you are comfortable with Weaver, move to the new content.Having both a new spec to learn, while fighting new enemies over-complicates things.

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