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Swimsuits and UW skins - [Merged]

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What people tend to forget is that there are different sorts of swimware. Sure, trunks and bikini's are popular, but I'm sure a wetsuit or drysuit would work just as well for more conservitive players (or players who can't deal with the cold).

I personally think this would be a cool addition. We already do this with helmets, and swimming in most armours looks uncomfortable.

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@Tumult.2578 said:Why? You can wear a swimsuit anytime you want right now for free. Just go to Southsun Cove and jump off the east side of Pearl Islet and you are automatically in a swimsuit. No Cost, No work, no disagreement required. Nice water and beach, avoid the wildlife!

Presumably people want to wear it everywhere and while doing any activity. Honestly, there is bunch of armors that look close to bikini. Might as well add it.

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@"TheMan.2564" said:facts soo many people would buy just think of the money

the many kinds of swimwear are already worn by some npcs so all that's left is just to make them useable for players (acquire by collection or gemstore), we even have a school uniform town clothing that never made it into the game, it even had complete gemstore description (which was datamined way way back) -- all of these wouldn't cost the devs resources since they're already made.. just a matter of enabling them.

though honestly with this and the other swimsuit thread, i'd rather have more modern/present looking armour/weapon sets and outfits instead of all the shiny/neon junk we've been getting.. something that wouldn't trigger people who're more conservative with the fashion wars... the immersion ship already sunk anyway so no use arguing for "but muh immersion!"

modern looking weapons like this datamined commando rifle [&Cr0gAAA=] from way back https://gyazo.com/fd672d3e4e1ea75341f6934b84a4dded would be nice as well.

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@"TheMan.2564" said:Yes I have friend. But out of curiosity do you have a position on this? Could you let us know if you're for or against the idea of swim suit skins?

If it's going to get added, it's going to get added. That said, I hope it's not. I've always seen guild wars 2 as a better game for many reasons and this is one of them. I'm sick of finding a cool game and being assaulted by cleavage and curves and bulges. Guild wars 2 has the right balance, with attractive characters that are not overwhelmingly sexualized. I say if you want to drool over fake people go somewhere else. (Before you all start bullying me note that I don't think EVERYONE will "drool over" these outfits/armor whatever. But there will be some, and I'd rather not have sexy outfits for the sake of sexy outfits)Edit: I'm okay with one piece swimsuits and the like but the tiny bikinis that may as well be cotton balls and bulging speedos are a no-no for me.

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Bikini / swimsuit outfits would be fine if it were restricted to certain areas or game modes. Not restricting it would just mean a good portion of your player base just running around in the skimpiest possible swimsuit anywhere and everywhere. That would get old to look at very quickly.

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@Viger.1347 said:Bikini / swimsuit outfits would be fine if it were restricted to certain areas or game modes. Not restricting it would just mean a good portion of your player base just running around in the skimpiest possible swimsuit anywhere and everywhere. That would get old to look at very quickly.

How about restricting the Mist Stalker outfit (or whatever it was called) to Maps that are in the Mists, then?Or restricting the raid legendary armour skins to raids?And restricting all festival outfits to their respective festival times and locations?

If you are in favour of restricting usage on one kind of fashion, clearly you, must be in favour of restricting it for every other kind as well.Imagine how many people would cry out at that.

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Personally, I really want to see it get added. Some of the outfits are almost there already, so we might as well have them. Just:

  1. Make them outfits. Normally I'd like armor more, but in this case I think outfit is really the only way to do it and do it right.
  2. Make two versions, minimal. One stylish but more covering, one more minimal. Let us choose which we want, anyone with enough characters will likely find that they'll want both because some characters will look better with one over the other.
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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Viger.1347 said:Bikini / swimsuit outfits would be fine if it were restricted to certain areas or game modes. Not restricting it would just mean a good portion of your player base just running around in the skimpiest possible swimsuit anywhere and everywhere. That would get old to look at very quickly.

How about restricting the Mist Stalker outfit (or whatever it was called) to Maps that are in the Mists, then?Or restricting the raid legendary armour skins to raids?And restricting all festival outfits to their respective festival times

If you are in favour of restricting usage on
one kind
of fashion, clearly you, must be in favour of restricting it for
every other kind
as well.Imagine how many people would cry out at that.

People generally don't have issues with those other kinds of skins/outfits you mentioned.

People generally do have issues with bikinis and swimsuit outfits, otherwise it wouldn't be a topic up for debate now would it.

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@Viger.1347 said:

@Viger.1347 said:Bikini / swimsuit outfits would be fine if it were restricted to certain areas or game modes. Not restricting it would just mean a good portion of your player base just running around in the skimpiest possible swimsuit anywhere and everywhere. That would get old to look at very quickly.

How about restricting the Mist Stalker outfit (or whatever it was called) to Maps that are in the Mists, then?Or restricting the raid legendary armour skins to raids?And restricting all festival outfits to their respective festival times

If you are in favour of restricting usage on
one kind
of fashion, clearly you, must be in favour of restricting it for
every other kind
as well.Imagine how many people would cry out at that.

People generally don't have issues with those other kinds of skins/outfits you mentioned.

People generally do have issues with bikinis and swimsuit outfits, otherwise it wouldn't be a topic up for debate now would it.

At least what I suggested (and I'm sure others have in the past) is a good middle ground to satisfy both parties should Arena Net ever decide to implement it.

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@Viger.1347 said:People generally don't have issues with those other kinds of skins/outfits you mentionedPeople generally do have issues with bikinis and swimsuit outfits, otherwise it wouldn't be a topic up for debate now would it.

People generally do not have issues with bikinis or other swimsuits.If people generally had problems with them, they wouldn't sell well in any game.Yet they sell very well, because people like them a lot.Most of them just don't go out in public and shout how much they love them.

The people that have problems with them are merely a vocal minority.

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@Fueki.4753 said:

@Viger.1347 said:People generally don't have issues with those other kinds of skins/outfits you mentionedPeople generally do have issues with bikinis and swimsuit outfits, otherwise it wouldn't be a topic up for debate now would it.

People generally
do not
have issues with bikinis or other swimsuits.If people generally had problems with them, they wouldn't sell well in
game.Yet they sell very well, because
people like them a lot.
Most of them just don't go out in public and shout how much they love them.

The people that have problems with them are merely a vocal minority.

Ah-huh. There's no issue with it what-so-ever, none at all, there is no debate. I wonder why Arena Net don't just add it in, it's not like people haven't been requesting it for almost a decade at this point. Maybe Arena Net doesn't want it in their game, and if that's the case - tough luck, I guess. You mention that it does really well in other games, maybe go play those games, not much is stopping you there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok this is a little off topic but it's what inspired the idea in the first place. Speaking for myself, sadly things are getting repetitive. Sure there are new expansions and regions opening at times, but they only capture my interest now for a short time before I grow weary of them & they involve the same thing... Grinding. I'm actually now a solo player since everyone I started playing with is now gone. I like to be solo being an introvert unless I know someone well... There are new things that are great, but much of the old things that I've encountered daily are getting stale (Like do I really visit the far end of Divinities Reach, lol) Even if they added new NPC dialog, movements and interactions would be a start. Or maybe move the banks to what was once quiet areas, open up shops Barber shops instead of the makeover npc's. What about that hole in Divinities reach? No cave mission in there, like some classic DND cave dwelling claustrophobic torch dwelling stuff down there or something with moss colored walls or another jump puzzle etc, but you fall in and get teleported, seems like something could be done with stuff right in front of us.

Perhaps more cities? ALL the humans live in divinities reach? & same for the other NPC's? Why are Charr walking around Divinity and no humans in their city, or no Norn in the human city or in the Charr city etc? BEAUTIFUL art and graphics, great seeing new LANDSCAPES during new expansions, but why not make a TOWN to fight or have missions in? Imagine hiding in a building for cover etc? Maybe new areas and stuff don't need to be created right now, so maybe they don't even have to open up all of these still unlocked regions, just make more regions in the already opened areas more creative, fresh, useful and perhaps even accessible as mentioned above.

With that in mind I was thinking with new WATER stuff they could create a whole plethora of new things to do on top of some of what's already there starting with water armor, and using underwater mounts and more. To get to some NEW areas in the path of fire expansion, you needed to take an airship, maybe we take a real ship and a ship wreck throws you into the water. Or simply expand those boundaries removing the underwater currents etc.. Maybe remove some of the "Instance doorways and simply join some regions, imagine the Divinities reach doors opening instead of walking through the instance? In other Big games you can travel from one end to the other without instances... What about the closed doors in Ebonhawk leading to the branded area? Maybe it's time to open that door.

I Played for the exploration when it first started as well as to level up to a high level character. I loved the journey along the way in doing so but for some they love the PVP and dungeons. For myself and players that liked that original style of play, then once you level up, seems that stuff has diminished or stayed the same, which is understandable because I leveled up and but again to a point, we don't have to see it all go stale if they make things fresh... Maybe planned out and created well in advance and then cycled from time to time. Funny how we're like robots, with out a programmed objective, we simply hang around the bank and tradepost, lol. Give the robots an objective... Too bad I don't work for them, for better or worse, you guys would never be bored that's for sure with the ideas I have...

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:I want mankini for my norns

it wou> @Viger.1347 said:

@Viger.1347 said:People generally don't have issues with those other kinds of skins/outfits you mentionedPeople generally do have issues with bikinis and swimsuit outfits, otherwise it wouldn't be a topic up for debate now would it.

People generally
do not
have issues with bikinis or other swimsuits.If people generally had problems with them, they wouldn't sell well in
game.Yet they sell very well, because
people like them a lot.
Most of them just don't go out in public and shout how much they love them.

The people that have problems with them are merely a vocal minority.

Ah-huh. There's no issue with it what-so-ever, none at all, there is no debate. I wonder why Arena Net don't just add it in, it's not like people haven't been requesting it for almost a decade at this point. Maybe Arena Net doesn't want it in their game, and if that's the case - tough luck, I guess. You mention that it does really well in other games, maybe go play those games, not much is stopping you there.

I guess you may be right. A-net probably just doesn't want it in their game. total shame though because many people have been begging for years.. just think of the money lol

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