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High Elves

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@"notebene.3190" said:Not sure why this was a thing, and why it was a thing again, but let's think about this. Sylvari were GW2's answer to Elves. So how about:

High Biscus


they actually looked better before they redesigned them.........

Ahh, so you just (to nobodys suprise) want them to be "pwettier". Doesn't really look that different to me.Personally, i would like some machine race, like sentient golems or something. Elf races are popular because most people are obsessed with appearances.

so you assume i just want it to be pwetty?oh boy, you have absolutely no idea who i am nor what i like and you just go and talk big just like that, good going.....

Then tell me, what do you actually want? That picture doesn't look at all different exept maybe the face. You said that they are not unique but they are a race of plants that were just born some 20 years ago, what should they be then? What would make them interesting?

the sylvari mimics what already exists so why not something other than human form?

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@Ashen.2907 said:

@Drizzt.1796 said:I am one for the elf race. Then I can finally recreate Legolas and not have to use a non pointy eared human!

Lore point.
  1. The race had been hidden in Cantha as the humans would kill them if found.
  2. Cantha eventually died out because of no contact with the outside world so no supplies after they had lost their resources from the island.
  3. The elves came out and found Cantha desolate while foraging for supplies.
  4. They(the elves) then opened up trade and contacts with tyria.

Why recreate Legolas?

He's cool.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@"notebene.3190" said:Not sure why this was a thing, and why it was a thing again, but let's think about this. Sylvari were GW2's answer to Elves. So how about:

High Biscus


they actually looked better before they redesigned them.........

Ahh, so you just (to nobodys suprise) want them to be "pwettier". Doesn't really look that different to me.Personally, i would like some machine race, like sentient golems or something. Elf races are popular because most people are obsessed with appearances.

so you assume i just want it to be pwetty?oh boy, you have absolutely no idea who i am nor what i like and you just go and talk big just like that, good going.....

Then tell me, what do you actually want? That picture doesn't look at all different exept maybe the face. You said that they are not unique but they are a race of plants that were just born some 20 years ago, what should they be then? What would make them interesting?

the sylvari mimics what already exists so why not something other than human form?

I see... So how was that picture you said was better different from human form? I don't get it. Also as i'm sure you know, elfs just have some pointy ears, otherwise they look exactly like human. You don't make any sense.

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@FrostSpectre.4198 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:we already got elves. In GW2 they are called humans.

And no, sylvari are not elves. For two reasons:they are not beloved by the godsthey are not an old, dying race on its last gasps.

Why do High Elves need to be a dying race loved by gods?

because that is the standard fantasy elf since Tolkien.

I think the Forgotten would be High Elves if going with that, they're closest to the Gods and they're a dying race, with current situation unknown, since they left into the mists if I remember correct.

yes, but they are not humanoid. Humans = elves in GW2.

Sylvari are plants. So they can't be elves. Sylvari are closer to dryads and nature spirits.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:because that is the standard fantasy elf since Tolkien.yes, but they are not humanoid. Humans = elves in GW2.

So, if we go with Tolkien, they'd be speaking finnish and swearing alot. Perkele!But Standard is overrated for GW2's attempt to be unique.

Being humanoid is overused and overrated.

Lets have Sentient Squid/Windrider race! :tongue:

Seriously: Tengu as playable race.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:we already got elves. In GW2 they are called humans.

And no, sylvari are not elves. For two reasons:they are not beloved by the godsthey are not an old, dying race on its last gasps.

Why do High Elves need to be a dying race loved by gods?

because that is the standard fantasy elf since Tolkien.

the elf comes from nordic mythology, much older than sir tolkien.

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@sorudo.9054 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:we already got elves. In GW2 they are called humans.

And no, sylvari are not elves. For two reasons:they are not beloved by the godsthey are not an old, dying race on its last gasps.

Why do High Elves need to be a dying race loved by gods?

because that is the standard fantasy elf since Tolkien.

the elf comes from nordic mythology, much older than sir tolkien.

and as much as every fantasy setting ignores those and goes with Tolkien.

But hey, go with nordic elves than. Or Germanic elves. Vengeful undead forrest spirits trying to lead people to their doom.

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@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:we already got elves. In GW2 they are called humans.

And no, sylvari are not elves. For two reasons:they are not beloved by the godsthey are not an old, dying race on its last gasps.

Why do High Elves need to be a dying race loved by gods?

because that is the standard fantasy elf since Tolkien.

the elf comes from nordic mythology, much older than sir tolkien.

and as much as every fantasy setting ignores those and goes with Tolkien.

But hey, go with nordic elves than. Or Germanic elves. Vengeful undead forrest spirits trying to lead people to their doom.

Yeah, Cantha had something like those, the Wardens, so maybe people will get their "elves" there. They won't be playable, of course.

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@Pifil.5193 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:we already got elves. In GW2 they are called humans.

And no, sylvari are not elves. For two reasons:they are not beloved by the godsthey are not an old, dying race on its last gasps.

Why do High Elves need to be a dying race loved by gods?

because that is the standard fantasy elf since Tolkien.

the elf comes from nordic mythology, much older than sir tolkien.

and as much as every fantasy setting ignores those and goes with Tolkien.

But hey, go with nordic elves than. Or Germanic elves. Vengeful undead forrest spirits trying to lead people to their doom.

Yeah, Cantha had something like those, the Wardens, so maybe people will get their "elves" there. They won't be playable, of course.

How many people would rage quit if they were playable in lieu of Tengu?

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

@"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:we already got elves. In GW2 they are called humans.

And no, sylvari are not elves. For two reasons:they are not beloved by the godsthey are not an old, dying race on its last gasps.

Why do High Elves need to be a dying race loved by gods?

because that is the standard fantasy elf since Tolkien.

the elf comes from nordic mythology, much older than sir tolkien.

and as much as every fantasy setting ignores those and goes with Tolkien.

But hey, go with nordic elves than. Or Germanic elves. Vengeful undead forrest spirits trying to lead people to their doom.

Yeah, Cantha had something like those, the Wardens, so maybe people will get their "elves" there. They won't be playable, of course.

How many people would rage quit if they were playable in lieu of Tengu?

I would rage quit so hard (no I wouldn't) if they add any race before tengu. However, I think their decision to voice the PC effectively removed any chance of them adding new races.

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@Fengzhou.9853 said:I'd be all for Tengu over the curse/blight of other games.. (elves). Tengu please :)

Tengu and Koda for sure, they dont need even to have the 8 class, so it would be easier to get just one, a specific class for its racial rig and animation.and in future if Anet would want to improve it all they need was adding a few new skills, they could be even tied to a limited number of weapons.

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@Pifil.5193 said:I would rage quit so hard (no I wouldn't) if they add any race before tengu. However, I think their decision to voice the PC effectively removed any chance of them adding new races.

Tbh I would not only be ok with grunt noises and bird screeching as in the unvoiced saga chapter but I would rather so I can make my tengu character's voice in my imagination.

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@Kulvar.1239 said:Elves are just pretentious human nobility with pointy ears and longevity.Nothing interesting would come out of such addition.

It could be interesting, if developers and writers tried something original for once, but it's so easy to just recycle old BS. It's instantly successful too. It's pretty sad really.

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@sorudo.9054 said:i sense the problem here, there are 3 types of ppl.

  • ppl who want to stick with what we know
  • ppl who want to explore beyond what we know
  • ppl who don't want anything beyond tyria (continent) but also don't want to much to change

the sad part here is that allot of ppl are the first and third, not many are in the second.now i agree that the most generic things should not be in tyria to begin with but we should also not push away anything generic that is already in tyria from the start.having a lost or other-family dwarven races would fit regardless, , even while the current lore tells us all dwarfs are stone there is plenty of room for other interpretations of that statement. (before their final statement it was always deldrimor dwarfs and no other)

another part is that some races could exist while we never saw them, no lore has ever mentioned them and nothing is known about them.this is the kind of race they could introduce without having to worry about lore, a brand new race that no one ever saw in the time span of guild wars.you have to keep in mind, although the game is getting bigger, we have yet to explore most of the planet.looking at the planet map, only a fraction of tyria is known by us and so many other races and places can exist without us even knowing.

There's a difference between your 2nd and our 2nd.Our 2nd means new races that fit the world.For example, many new species for introduced recently such as the wyvern's cousin, the jackals, the sand sharks.So, too, there can be new intelligent races as well.However, they have to fit the world.'High elves' so not, because there's no precinct for such a race to exist.In fact, there's a big camp of people who don't like the Norn for that very reason.

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@Yggranya.5201 said:

@Kulvar.1239 said:Elves are just pretentious human nobility with pointy ears and longevity.Nothing interesting would come out of such addition.

It could be interesting, if developers and writers tried something original for once, but it's so easy to just recycle old BS. It's instantly successful too. It's pretty sad really.

So asura, sylvari, charr and to some extent Norn aren't original? What other MMO has them? I'm not understanding your point.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@Kulvar.1239 said:Elves are just pretentious human nobility with pointy ears and longevity.Nothing interesting would come out of such addition.

It could be interesting, if developers and writers tried something original for once, but it's so easy to just recycle old BS. It's instantly successful too. It's pretty sad really.

So asura, sylvari, charr and to some extent Norn aren't original? What other MMO has them? I'm not understanding your point.

What do those have to do with elves?

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No, we have't even gotten some of the races in game already as playable, would prefer if they started there before introducing a race from a different pantheon all together. I am looking for more new classes than races but am not opposed to new races either. But if they added one would prefer it something new or something from in game versus something known better from others places.

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