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Mystic Coins

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I have been in game since a couple weeks after it came out. I love this game. I put money almost every months, 20 - 50 dollars, and I love to buy vanity items. However, mystic coins are no the bane of my existence in Tyria and I hate to have to put $50.00 on account for mystic coins instead of spending them on things like mounts or skins, ect. I use to be able to make a legendary in about 6 months, and would buy the coins to use in the recipes to get clovers. Now I been working on Aurora since it came out. I am still unable to finish it due to those coins. I can't even afford to buy them to get clovers, let alone another 250 for finish up a gift to boot. Everyone is telling me I need to make extra accounts, which I feel is totally ridiculous that I would have to do that. There has to be some other way to get those coins besides just for daily log in. I also have 2 other legendaries almost done except for Tribute gifts. At this rate, they're never be finish, unless I go and make several fake accounts. That is so silly.

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I think mystic coins should be removed from login rewards and instead added to daily achievement rewards, offering 1 as a reward each day for completing any 3 daily achievements.

To replace the mystic coins from log in rewards a new item should be given, a black lion key fragment, each week you receive 1 fragment and combining 4 fragments gives you a black lion key. This will work out to 1 black lion key a month.

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Every 28 days (from login rewards), you get 20 mystic coins, for free. In a year, that's 260 m-coins, enough to make a legendary weapon.

You can get additional mystic coins without spending your hard-earned gold in a variety of ways:

  • Using 35 (or 55) laurels per month (also from login rewards), buy Light Crafting bags, and sell the contents, using the funds to purchase m-coins. That yields 19-20 (or 30-31).
  • From WvW Skirmish rewards (2 from gold tier, 4 from diamond).
  • Daily anomaly (1).
  • Daily Mystic Forge when it comes up.
  • 1-5 from Daily Automated Tournaments (PvP)

And of course, farming gold.

FYI If you were planning on investing your paycheck to supplement your in-game coin, purchasing a secondary account for US$30 (retail) might be a better deal. Currently, that would get you around 400 gold at the in-game gem exchange. You get about 45 gold/28-days from login rewards, so your secondary account would generate a minimum of that 400 gold in about 9 months. (Quicker, if you also spend 5-10 minutes some days doing dailies.)

The reason ANet generates the bulk of coins from login rewards is to help transfer wealth from the richest to the poorest. A limited number of coins means the price remains at a value worth selling, so those with gold end but insufficient m-coins are willing to pay those who have excess m-coins and want more gold. (Plus, it helps sink gold from the economy.)

Additionally, m-coins are one of the few 'stable' markets that feed into legendary gear. The prices of all other typical mats have dropped, while m-coins are roughly stable (up a bit).

In short, there's no economic or game play reason for ANet to change course at this point.

(added: Daily Mystic Forger, as suggested by @Fremtid.3528)

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@irondog.4830 said:I have been in game since a couple weeks after it came out. I love this game. I put money almost every months, 20 - 50 dollars, and I love to buy vanity items. However, mystic coins are no the bane of my existence in Tyria and I hate to have to put $50.00 on account for mystic coins instead of spending them on things like mounts or skins, ect. I use to be able to make a legendary in about 6 months, and would buy the coins to use in the recipes to get clovers. Now I been working on Aurora since it came out. I am still unable to finish it due to those coins. I can't even afford to buy them to get clovers, let alone another 250 for finish up a gift to boot. Everyone is telling me I need to make extra accounts, which I feel is totally ridiculous that I would have to do that. There has to be some other way to get those coins besides just for daily log in. I also have 2 other legendaries almost done except for Tribute gifts. At this rate, they're never be finish, unless I go and make several fake accounts. That is so silly.

I dont know if what i do will help you to make legendaries faster, but what i do is play wvw (or pvp) and get all Clovers from reward tracks, also daily t4 fractals for gold and the occssional mystic coin drop. So, for Gen1 leggies, no mystic coins are needed, and within 4 months you will have approximately 250 coins, enough for a Gen2 leggy.

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@Vavume.8065 said:I think mystic coins should be removed from login rewards and instead added to daily achievement rewards, offering 1 as a reward each day for completing any 3 daily achievements.

That would likely cause the TP prize to rise.It would make the acquisition more dependent on active play, yes, but it would offer at best a 40% increase in rate of gain - assuming Daily completion every single day without fail.

I make a point of logging in even if I don't have time to actually play, so I get 20 per 4-week period. I complete dailies maybe 3-4x/week, so would get 12-16, thus need to buy more, driving up prices.

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They're also a pretty reliable drop from fractal CMs. Doing all t4s and cms I usually walk away on average with 3 coins a day, two of which go towards the 2 clovers you can buy from fractals which guarantees you 77 clovers over 39 days using only 77 coins instead of having to roll for them in the mystic toilet and having to expend on average a full stack of coins.

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@TexZero.7910 said:Play the game, earn gold...buy coins on TP.

@Neural.1824 said:This is the standard method for obtaining the majority of the content,It's a common way of obtaining a subset of
. There's very few
locked behind gold (the Griffon most notable among them). The only
gated by gold are Living World 3 or 4 episodes/maps, and only for those who didn't logon during the first 2-3 months the episodes were available.

@Neural.1824 said:unfortunately.How is that "unfortunate"? It means that people can do anything they want to pay for such
. They aren't forced to grind specific dungeons, raids, fractals, wvw, pvp, maps, or metas. In contrast, there are plenty achievements (and other skins) that do require doing the same thing repeatedly, with no alternatives.

I realize some people prefer things to be unlocked in more traditional ways (RNG drops from instanced content, earning specific currencies). I should think it's fortunate that there's a variety of methods in GW2.

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@Voltekka.2375 said:

  1. Farm for gold, buy coins.
  2. Leyline event gives 1 coin/day
  3. Fractal chests have a chance of mystic coins
  4. Wvw nets 6 coins/week if you clear Diamond chest

    Legendaries are a huge gold sink. Thats all why theyre existing. They should remain that way.

Disagree Mystic coin also use a lot for Exotic weapons by Mystic forge using something that hard to gain is kinda a bad choice for HoT Dev at that time , there are alot of item that can be use such as Essence of luck , Morderm lodestones but instead they just increase the use of coin WHY ????

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:Every 28 days (from login rewards), you get 20 mystic coins, for free. In a year, that's 260 m-coins, enough to make a legendary weapon.

You can get additional mystic coins without spending your own resources in a variety of ways:

  • Using 35 (or 55) laurels per month (also from login rewards), buy Light Crafting bags, and sell the contents, using the funds to purchase m-coins. That yields 19-20 (or 30-31).
  • From WvW Skirmish rewards (2 from gold tier, 4 from diamond).
  • Daily anomaly (1).
  • 1-5 from Daily Automated Tournaments (PvP)

And of course, farming gold.

FYI If you were planning on investing your paycheck to supplement your in-game coin, purchasing a secondary account for US$30 (retail) might be a better deal. Currently, that would get you around 400 gold at the in-game gem exchange. You get about 45 gold/28-days from login rewards, so your secondary account would generate a minimum of that 400 gold in about 9 months. (Quicker, if you also spend 5-10 minutes some days doing dailies.)

The reason ANet generates the bulk of coins from login rewards is to help transfer wealth from the richest to the poorest. A limited number of coins means the price remains at a value worth selling, so those with gold end but insufficient m-coins are willing to pay those who have excess m-coins and want more gold. (Plus, it helps sink gold from the economy.)

Additionally, m-coins are one of the few 'stable' markets that feed into legendary gear. The prices of all other typical mats have dropped, while m-coins are roughly stable (up a bit).

In short, there's no economic or game play reason for ANet to change course at this point.

Yeah I think this is as close to reasoning that can be put.. loking at m-coins over a short space of time is not the way to plan you legendary crafting.. these things were supposed to be long term goals and as such those mats when you look at it are acquired accordingly through the daily/reward system.If a player wants to accelerate that then as Illcon says.. there are options to do so, but it does not detract from the fact the end product out of all this is still meant to be a longer term goal within the game to keep players .. playing. The alternatives are keep playing to farm and buy or keep paying to buy. Either way its a sound business plan imo and unlikely to be changed anytime soon.

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If they're for a legendary then just think of it as a long-term fashion purchase, which is really what it is. For those of us who don't need/use them, the coins rarity helps make them valuable and we can make money selling them. There's not a lot we can sell for clear profit so I'd hate to see them become common and cheap.

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  • 1 month later...

Mystic Coins drop rate is a joke. They adjusted the drop rate after you needed 100's of them for Guild Halls. Oh yeah you need 250 of them to craft a new legendary, oh yeah you need 180 of them to craft certain skins in the game. Oh yeah you need at least 50 of them for most food recipes. You get one choice in the game now. If you want to take part of any of that content, you can either wait and farm "END GAME" content OR you can farm gold (AKA grind farming) to buy Mystic Coins off the TP. Oh by the way before HoT, you could not sell them on the TP. They were worth less copper on the TP than it was to vendor them. What Arena Net did was take a currency that was worthless for those who have been playing the game since launch, when they need gold they can sell them. Whoever thinks that Mystic Coins drop rate is fine is sitting on a stack of them and uses them to make gold by selling them on the TP.

Anyone that says farming for gold to buy Mystic Coins has lost sight that this game is based on "Living Story" so maps change and content goes away. If you are farming other maps for Gold you are not playing the game, you are farming gold to give to those who have been in game since launch and sell their Mystic Coins when they need gold.

I have been in the game for a while so I used to delete stacks of those things to free up space in my bags. My concern is that there is so much content that locked out for any new player unless they grind for gold. For New players the most you can earn in a Month - 20 maybe 21 if you know someone that plays - if you are an End Game player playing end game content - 25 to 26 if you do not work or sleep. Just Wiki the recipes that need them. lol Good Luck and I hope you enjoy farming gold.

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