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Please stop with the jumping puzzles

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JPs are the best. In the last days I have been doing some random JPs during my world completion with warrior.It is a content that feels line an accomplishment when you figure it out and finish it. It is also content that I feel brings the best out of people. In 2 out of 4 JPs that I did yesterday there were players forming a party and helping each other getting to the end.

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@Cuks.8241 said:JPs are the best. In the last days I have been doing some random JPs during my world completion with warrior.It is a content that feels line an accomplishment when you figure it out and finish it. It is also content that I feel brings the best out of people. In 2 out of 4 JPs that I did yesterday there were players forming a party and helping each other getting to the end.

They also bring out the worst. I highly doubt well see any more JPs on the levels of the one in Ember Bay after the god awful feedback that ANET got about it.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Cuks.8241 said:JPs are the best. In the last days I have been doing some random JPs during my world completion with warrior.It is a content that feels line an accomplishment when you figure it out and finish it. It is also content that I feel brings the best out of people. In 2 out of 4 JPs that I did yesterday there were players forming a party and helping each other getting to the end.

They also bring out the worst. I highly doubt well see any more JPs on the levels of the one in Ember Bay after the god awful feedback that ANET got about it.

This is the only one that has gotten me so much work... One of the few I have left (along with the ones in wvw)

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@coso.9173 said:

@"Cuks.8241" said:JPs are the best. In the last days I have been doing some random JPs during my world completion with warrior.It is a content that feels line an accomplishment when you figure it out and finish it. It is also content that I feel brings the best out of people. In 2 out of 4 JPs that I did yesterday there were players forming a party and helping each other getting to the end.

They also bring out the worst. I highly doubt well see any more JPs on the levels of the one in Ember Bay after the god awful feedback that ANET got about it.

This is the only one that has gotten me so much work... One of the few I have left (along with the ones in wvw)

Do yourself a favour if you havent, get the Position rewinder https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Prototype_Position_Rewinder

I dont hate doing JPS anymore.

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@Blude.6812 said:

@Shadowmoon.7986 said:Are we playing the same game? There has only been one jp released since pof was released and it was ur khan gauntlet.

What about Thunderhead Peaks (the dwarven crypt area). That had a few (fun) mini JP's you could complete at your leisure.

Personally, I'm kind of hoping for another chalice of tears. Hard JP's bring out the best in the community, IMO.

Kinda of thinking that Anet had way too many complaints about this type of extremely bad jumping puzzle design and will never do it again. As for JP's they got it right in the latest maps. Swim right by and get the reward with out having to jump.

Well, sure, most players are bad at the game, and treat any form of difficulty with hostility. That doesn't stop me from enjoying that sort of content.

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@"Dredlore.1672" said:I'm playing living world, and come to "Escape the mists on your Raptor".Ive been playing for over 5 years, and have avoided jumping puzzles at every opportunity because I dont dislike them. I HATE them.Many people hate them.

"Many"? I highly doubt that. JPs are one of the most fun things this game engine has to offer.

Yet, at the end of this chapter a jumping puzzle is forced on me

That's not a jumping puzzle, it's a simple race against time which requires a bit of coordination. No big deal, really. Just don't fall asleep in the middle of it. ;)

P.S. If the game becomes any easier, it will soon be suitable for kindergarten kids.

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@Trise.2865 said:

@"Xavier Eledhwen.6901" said:I really hate Jumping puzzles, fthe arthritis in my hands makes it difficult since I am not a nibble as need be.. Yes I am old, not everyone who games is young and healthy, I normally just pass on them, but when the become required for something important, say like the Skyscale Egg - Acrophobia, It keeps me from getting a skyscale, which I would really love to have. So while I spend hours doing something I hate, instead of something I enjoy like running around doing metas, maybe even some raiding. That is not what I am paying for. I left GW2 4 years ago because of these darn puzzles, a friend convinced me to come back, and except for the jumping puzzles I have really liked it.

Please ANEt remember some people in this game have physical limitations....

Make these:

You're welcome.this part is before them, this is when you have to get the eggs, it took me a about another week but I got the egg, and it was painful - literally, my arthritis did not like it at all.

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Jumping puzzles are part of what makes this game unique.And if you're a disaster at those you can always ask someone to port you or use Prototype Position rewinder.Or use a mesmer or any other class that can make portals to make it easier.

The event jumping puzzles like the Halloween or Wintersday one can be a headache for people tho...I rage for about 5-10 tries until I get good at them :#Some players just can't seem to do them at all tho - that's a bummer indeed

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@Nightshade.5924 said:

@Nightshade.5924 said:An additional comment... in regards to the footrace achievement for WD... the race SHOULD NOT BE BASED ON 33% SPEED BOOST. And it should be structured so that NO class has an advantage or DISADVANTAGE. I've tried it twice w/ 25%.. did a perfect run the second time... was maybe 10 seconds? short. I could EASILY SEE the finish line... in fact I think I was only one dome away from it.. and I ran out of time. I watched an Elementalist pull away from me, lost sight of him by the end of the first climb. NOT ACCEPTABLE. An achievement should be EQUALLY DIFFICULT FOR ALL CLASSES. And you shouldn't have to spend mastery points (that you may not have anyway) to get the in town 33% perma boost. Put another way... why should I HAVE to run a thief or elementalist in order to get a specific achievement? Why should I have to fill a character slot (i.e. SPEND MONEY ON!) a class that I either don't like or don't want to play? It's insulting. And again, IT'S POOR GAME DESIGN.

Some classes have more mobility, yes, but it's not a contest, it's just an achievment, that can be done by every class without the mastery.Every class has access to at least +25% movement speed (skills, traits, runes), swiftness- and mobility-skills (doesn't matter if core or elite), so I don't know which class shouldn't be capable of doing it?

MAYBE you missed the part about "perfect run" and "ran out of time". I have a 25% perma boost thru mastery points and my class. Came up short. So, NO, by experimentation, you CAN NOT get the achievement WITHOUT the speed boost. Dodge rolling forward does not, so far as I know, INCREASE your speed or move you any faster. Maybe a dev can say differently?Addendum: JUST ran the race again. Tried the dodge roll thing. Ended up exactly where I was last time... two domes, one being the finish, SHORT of finishing the foot race. Please cite SPECIFIC BUILDS for guardian, necro, and engineer... because even with the eng fully tricked out with every speed cheat I can find, still can't beat the footrace WITHOUT the 33%. WITH the 33%, it's easy. 10 or so seconds to spare which if you break down the math, pretty conclusively PROVES that 25% is insufficient.

I only ran the footrace for Wintersday with the +25% speed boost on my ranger with no dodging or other buffs and never even came close to failing to complete the footrace achievement. I have no idea what you were doing incorrectly but your assumption that +25% is not enough is TOTALLY FALSE.

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Have to disagree; I love me some jumping puzzles. Though I will agree that the weird floaty aspect of that particular story instance was a little hard to get the hang of. That aside, I'd have to say that you've already pretty much already gotten what you want; there hasn't been a big new jumping puzzle to speak of for pretty much all of Season 4. So yes, Anet: give me more!

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@"Dredlore.1672" said:I'm playing living world, and come to "Escape the mists on your Raptor".NOT. A. JUMPING PUZZLE!This not even a puzzle by definition. There is a very clearly defined and linear path with the only obstacle being the gaps your Raptor must leap over.Furthermore, you only -have- to use the raptor for the achievement (I believe)

  1. You eliminate PM's and killed my guild (5 years-1200 members- GONE because I just wont recruit by spamming map chat)Please expound on how PM's (I assume to mean private messages) have been eliminated and how your guild disbanding is Anets fault.

All in all, I see no legitimacy to your complaints, just melodrama for the sake of melodrama.

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@Tumult.2578 said:The problem is not a JP. It's the locking of rewards behind it. Why not simply give the option of JP completion credit, with a mount, or JP completion credit and reward without a mount? Let players do what they want to do.

Because there are those who believe that players who use mounts to complete jumping puzzles in somehow diminishes the very same reward for them that is achieved and they believe that to somehow be unfair.

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@Tumult.2578 said:The problem is not a JP. It's the locking of rewards behind it. Why not simply give the option of JP completion credit, with a mount, or JP completion credit and reward without a mount? Let players do what they want to do.

There’s nothing wrong with locking rewards behind jumping puzzles. Not every piece of content will appeal to every player and that doesn’t mean those pieces of content cannot have rewards or even unique rewards.

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@Dante.1763 said:

@Cuks.8241 said:JPs are the best. In the last days I have been doing some random JPs during my world completion with warrior.It is a content that feels line an accomplishment when you figure it out and finish it. It is also content that I feel brings the best out of people. In 2 out of 4 JPs that I did yesterday there were players forming a party and helping each other getting to the end.

They also bring out the worst. I highly doubt well see any more JPs on the levels of the one in Ember Bay after the god awful feedback that ANET got about it.

I have never done that one, it does not look like a JP to me. I is just guessing where you need to where the older JP you could see somewhat how to go. Well for me that is.

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There was a point in another thread about Arenanet deviating from their original intent and how bad that was. Now in this thread people are asking for that same thing. Like it or not the game launched with many jumping puzzles, it was a part of the game, available since the beta weekend events. Many fell in love with them and Arenanet created a festival centered around the idea of jumping puzzles (Super Adventure Box). In a sense there is a crusade by certain types of players, calling themselves the majority, that don't like anything in the game and want everything removed until we are left only with simplified Open World encounters that they can enjoy. And yes I say simplified because even more mechanically complex Open World events are apparently an evil thing.

So yeah let's remove everything from the game, or not add any unique rewards in it, because self-proclaimed "majority mister special" doesn't like the content and doesn't like being locked out of a reward.

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@kharmin.7683 said:I'm not a big fan of locking unique rewards behind content that doesn't appeal to all player types, but that's me.Problem is, I can't think of any kind of content that appeals to all player types. Even if I just look at my family (husband, both kids and myself all play this game) there's not a single kind of content in game that all four of us enjoy or can even just all tolerate for an extended period of time. Still, taking away unique rewards just because the activity in question might not appeal to each of us can't be the way to go, as that would effectively remove any kind of unique rewards from the game.

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I have no problem putting a skin as a reward in a jumping puzzle. You want the skin, you figure out a way to do the JP. The one thing I dislike is the putting of basic game things behind jumping puzzles, such as mastery points, map completion, etc. Not everyone can do JP's and no one should be forced to not be able to complete a map due to a Poi being in a JP. Achievement points, unique rewards, etc all can be in Jumping puzzles and if I want that reward, I have to do the JP.

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@Bunter.3795 said:I have no problem putting a skin as a reward in a jumping puzzle. You want the skin, you figure out a way to do the JP. The one thing I dislike is the putting of basic game things behind jumping puzzles, such as mastery points, map completion, etc. Not everyone can do JP's and no one should be forced to not be able to complete a map due to a Poi being in a JP. Achievement points, unique rewards, etc all can be in Jumping puzzles and if I want that reward, I have to do the JP.

There’s usually an excess number of mastery points so jumping puzzles can be skipped. In what way is map completion locked behind completing a jumping puzzle or at least in a way that hasn’t been in the game since launch.

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